Some lua scripts :)

This commit is contained in:
qfox 2008-07-31 23:31:49 +00:00
parent 61586d6602
commit 6481248cfd
7 changed files with 1444 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
-- LuaBot, concept bot for FCEU and ZSnes and any other emu that has compatible Lua engine
-- qFox, 30 July 2008
-- version 1.04
-- Botscript data following
-- Comment: COMMENT
-- Version: VERSION
local function realcount(t) -- accurately count the number of elements of a table, even if they contain nil values. not fast, but accurate.
local n = 0;
for i,_ in pairs(t) do
n = n + 1;
return n;
local maxvalue = 100; -- always "true", yes, pressed
local minvalue = 0; -- always "false", no, released
-- the bot kind of works like this function. for every option, a value is requested from the programmer.
-- if that value is higher then a random value 0-99, this function returns true, else false.
-- the idea is that keys are pressed based on a heuristic value. if you want absolute values, simply
-- return values like minvalue or maxvalue, or their syntactic equals yes/no and press/release (to make
-- the sourcecode easier to read). you can use the variable maybe for 50% chance.
-- this function also reduces a lot of calls to random() if the user uses absolute values.
local function rand_if(n)
if (n <= minvalue) then return false; end;
if (n >= maxvalue) then return true; end;
if (n > math.random(minvalue, maxvalue-1)) then return true; end;
return false;
local loopcounter = 0; -- counts the main loop
local key1 = {}; -- holds the to be pressed keys this frame for player 1
local key2 = {}; -- holds the to be pressed keys this frame for player 2
local lastkey1 = {}; -- keys pressed in previous frame for player 1
local lastkey2 = {}; -- keys pressed in previous frame for player 2
local frame = 0; -- number of frames (current value is current frame count, incremented at the start of a new frame)
local attempt = 1; -- number of attempts (current value is current attempt, incremented after the end of an attempt)
local segment = 1; -- number of segments (current value is current segment, incremented after the end of a segment)
local okattempts = 0; -- number of successfull attempts (including rollback)
local failattempts = 0; -- number of failed attempts (including rollback)
local segments = {}; -- table that holds every segment, each segment is another table that consists of the score, ties, savestate (begin of segment), lastkeys, keys pressed, etc.
segments[1] = {}; -- initialize the first segment, we initialize the savestate right after the before code has ran
-- these dont have to be used, but it makes it easier to control here
local maxframes = 400;
local maxattempts = 200;
local maxsegments = 100;
local playingbest = false; -- when going to the next segment, we need to play the best segment to record, this indicates when we're doing so
local keyrecording1 = {}; -- every key pressed for player 1 is put in here
local keyrecording2 = {}; -- every key pressed for player 2 is put in here
-- some constants/macro's/whatever to make source easier to read
local press = maxvalue;
local release = minvalue;
local yes = maxvalue;
local maybe = maxvalue/2; -- 50%
local no = minvalue;
-- static constants, will be used by the frontend later
local X = 95;
local Y = 30;
local Z = 0;
local P = 0;
local Q = 0;
local vars = {}; -- variable table. each cell holds a variable. variables are remembered accross segments
local outputcounter = 0;
local updateevery = 1000;
-- user defined functions
local function getScore() -- score of current attempt
local result = no;
return result;
local function getTie1() -- tie breaker of current attempt in case score is equal
local result = no;
-- TIE1
return result;
local function getTie2() -- second tie breaker
local result = no;
-- TIE2
return result;
local function getTie3() -- third tie breaker
local result = no;
-- TIE3
return result;
local function getTie4() -- fourth tie breaker
local result = no;
-- TIE4
return result;
local function isRunEnd() -- gets called 3x! twice in the main loop (every frame). determines whether the bot should quit.
local result = no;
return result;
local function mustRollBack() -- drop back to previous segment? called at the end of a segment
local result = no;
return result;
local function isSegmentEnd() -- end of current segment? (usually just x frames or being really stuck (to rollback))
local result = no;
return result;
local function isAttemptOk() -- is current run ok? like, did you die? (then the run is NOT ok... :). return no for no and yes for yes or be left by chance.
local result = yes;
return result;
local function isAttemptEnd() -- end of current attempt? (like when you die or reach a goal)
local result = no;
return result;
-- the next 2x8 functions determine whether a button should be pressed for player 1 and 2
-- return yes or no for absolute values, return anything between minvalue and maxvalue
-- to set a chance of pressing that button.
local function pressKeyA1()
local result = no;
-- bA1
return result;
local function pressKeyB1()
local result = no;
-- bB1
return result;
local function pressKeyStart1()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeySelect1()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeyUp1()
local result = no;
-- UP1
return result;
local function pressKeyDown1()
local result = no;
-- DOWN1
return result;
local function pressKeyLeft1()
local result = no;
-- LEFT1
return result;
local function pressKeyRight1()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeyA2()
local result = no;
-- bA2
return result;
local function pressKeyB2()
local result = no;
-- bB2
return result;
local function pressKeyStart2()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeySelect2()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeyUp2()
local result = no;
-- UP2
return result;
local function pressKeyDown2()
local result = no;
-- DOWN2
return result;
local function pressKeyLeft2()
local result = no;
-- LEFT2
return result;
local function pressKeyRight2()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeyA3()
local result = no;
-- bA3
return result;
local function pressKeyB3()
local result = no;
-- bB3
return result;
local function pressKeyStart3()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeySelect3()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeyUp3()
local result = no;
-- UP3
return result;
local function pressKeyDown3()
local result = no;
-- DOWN3
return result;
local function pressKeyLeft3()
local result = no;
-- LEFT3
return result;
local function pressKeyRight3()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeyA4()
local result = no;
-- bA4
return result;
local function pressKeyB4()
local result = no;
-- bB4
return result;
local function pressKeyStart4()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeySelect4()
local result = no;
return result;
local function pressKeyUp4()
local result = no;
-- UP4
return result;
local function pressKeyDown4()
local result = no;
-- DOWN4
return result;
local function pressKeyLeft4()
local result = no;
-- LEFT4
return result;
local function pressKeyRight4()
local result = no;
return result;
-- now follow the "events", one for the start and end of a frame, attempt, segment and whole bot. none of them need to return anything
local function onStart() -- this code should run before the bot starts, for instance to start the game from power on and get setup the game
local function onFinish() -- code ran after the bot finishes
local function onSegmentStart() -- code ran after initializing a new segment, before onAttemptStart(). framecount is always one fewer then actual frame!
local function onSegmentEnd() -- code ran after a segment finishes, before cleanup of segment vars
local function onAttemptStart() -- code ran after initalizing a new attempt, before onInputStart(). not ran when playing back. framecount is always one fewer then actual frame!
local function onAttemptEnd(wasOk) -- code ran after an attempt ends before cleanup code, argument is boolean true when attempt was ok, boolean false otherwise. not ran when playing back
local function onInputStart() -- code ran prior to getting input (keys are empty). not ran when playing back
local function onInputEnd() -- code ran after getting input (lastkey are still valid) (last function before frame ends, you can still manipulate the input here!). not ran when playing back
-- the bot starts here..
onStart(); -- run this code first
segments[segment].savestate = savestate.create(); -- create anonymous savestate obj for start of first segment[segment].savestate); -- save current state to it, it will be reloaded at the start of each frame
local startkey1 = key1; -- save the last key pressed in the onStart. serves as an anchor for the first segment
local startkey2 = key2;
local startvars = vars; -- save the vars array (it might have been used by the onStart)
lastkey1 = key1; -- to enter the loop...
lastkey2 = key2;
--FCEU.speedmode("maximum"); -- uncomment this line to make the bot run faster ("normal","turbo","maximum")
collectgarbage(); -- just in case...
-- This will loops for each frame, at the end of the while
-- the frameadvance is called, causing it to advance
while (rand_if(isRunEnd())) do
loopcounter = loopcounter + 1; -- count the number of botloops
--gui.text(200,10,loopcounter); -- print it on the right side if you want to see the number of total frames
if (not playingbest and rand_if(isAttemptEnd())) then -- load save state, continue with next attempt (disabled when playing back best)
-- record this attempt as the last attempt
if (not segments[segment].prev) then segments[segment].prev = {}; end;
segments[segment].prev.frames = frame;
segments[segment].prev.attempt = attempt;
segments[segment].prev.score = getScore();
segments[segment].prev.tie1 = getTie1();
segments[segment].prev.tie2 = getTie2();
segments[segment].prev.tie3 = getTie3();
segments[segment].prev.tie4 = getTie4();
segments[segment].prev.ok = rand_if(isAttemptOk()); -- this is the check whether this attempt was valid or not. if not, it cannot become the best attempt.
-- update ok/failed attempt counters
if (segments[segment].prev.ok) then
okattempts = okattempts + 1;
failattempts = failattempts + 1;
-- if this attempt was better then the previous one, replace it
-- its a long IF, but all it checks (lazy eval) is whether the current
-- score is better then the previous one, or if its equal and the tie1
-- is better then the previous tie1 or if the tie1 is equal to the prev
-- etc... for all four ties. Only tie4 actually needs to be better, tie1
-- through tie3 can be equal as well, as long as the next tie breaks the
-- same tie of the previous attempt :)
if (segments[segment].prev.ok and (not segments[segment].best or (getScore() > segments[segment].best.score or (getScore() == segments[segment].best.score and (getTie1() > segments[segment].best.tie1 or (getTie1() == segments[segment].best.tie1 and (getTie1() > segments[segment].best.tie1 or (getTie1() == segments[segment].best.tie1 and (getTie1() > segments[segment].best.tie1 or (getTie1() == segments[segment].best.tie1 and getTie1() > segments[segment].best.tie1)))))))))) then
-- previous attempt was better then current best (or no current best
-- exists), so we (re)place it.
if (not segments[segment].best) then segments[segment].best = {}; end;
segments[segment].best.frames = segments[segment].prev.frames;
segments[segment].best.attempt = segments[segment].prev.attempt;
segments[segment].best.score = segments[segment].prev.score;
segments[segment].best.tie1 = segments[segment].prev.tie1;
segments[segment].best.tie2 = segments[segment].prev.tie2;
segments[segment].best.tie3 = segments[segment].prev.tie3;
segments[segment].best.tie4 = segments[segment].prev.tie4;
segments[segment].best.keys1 = keyrecording1; -- backup the recorded keys
segments[segment].best.keys2 = keyrecording2; -- backup the recorded keys player 2
segments[segment].best.lastkey1 = lastkey1; -- backup the lastkey
segments[segment].best.lastkey2 = lastkey2; -- backup the lastkey
segments[segment].best.vars = vars; -- backup the vars table
if (rand_if(isSegmentEnd())) then -- the current segment ends, replay the best attempt and continue from there onwards...
if (rand_if(mustRollBack())) then -- rollback to previous segment
gui.text(50,50,"Rolling back to segment "..(segment-1));
segments[segment] = nil; -- remove current segment data
attempt = 0; -- will be incremented in a few lines to be 1
segment = segment - 1;
segments[segment].best = nil;
segments[segment].prev = nil;
collectgarbage(); -- collect the removed segment please
playingbest = true; -- this will start playing back the best attempt in this frame
-- reset vars
attempt = attempt + 1;
frame = 0;
keyrecording1 = {}; -- reset the recordings :)
keyrecording2 = {};
-- set lastkey to lastkey of previous segment (or start, if first segment)
-- also set the vars table to the table of the previous segment
if (segment == 1) then
lastkey1 = startkey1;
lastkey1 = startkey1;
vars = startvars;
lastkey1 = segments[segment-1].best.lastkey1;
lastkey2 = segments[segment-1].best.lastkey2;
vars = segments[segment-1].best.vars;
-- load the segment savestate to go back to the start of this segment
if (segments[segment].savestate) then -- load segment savestate and try again :)
fceu.crash(); -- this crashes because fceu is a nil table :) as long as gui.popup() doesnt work... we're crashing because no save state exists..? it should never happen.
if (rand_if(isRunEnd())) then break; end; -- if end of run, break out of main loop and run in end loop.
if (not playingbest) then onAttemptStart(); end; -- only call this when not playing back best attempt. has decreased frame counter!
end; -- continues with (new) attempt
-- increase framecounter _after_ processing attempt-end
frame = frame + 1; -- inrease the frame count (++frame?)
if (playingbest and segments[segment].best) then -- press keys from memory (if there are any)
gui.text(10,150,"frame "..frame.." of "..segments[segment].best.frames);
if (frame >= segments[segment].best.frames) then -- end of playback, start new segment
playingbest = false;
lastkey1 = segments[segment].best.lastkey1;
lastkey2 = segments[segment].best.lastkey2;
vars = segments[segment].best.vars;
segment = segment + 1;
segments[segment] = {};
-- create a new savestate for the start of this segment
segments[segment].savestate = savestate.create();[segment].savestate);
-- reset vars
frame = 0; -- onSegmentStart and onAttemptStart expect this to be one fewer...
attempt = 1;
--key1 = {}; -- i dont think this has to be done just for the two events below. they get reset anyways before input.
--key2 = {};
keyrecording1 = {}; -- reset recordings :)
keyrecording2 = {};
-- after this, the next segment starts because playingbest is no longer true
frame = 1; -- now set it to 1
key1 = segments[segment].best.keys1[frame]; -- fill keys with that of the best attempt
key2 = segments[segment].best.keys2[frame];
gui.text(10,10,"Playback best of segment "..segment.."\nFrame: "..frame);
if (rand_if(isRunEnd())) then break; end; -- if end of run, break out of main loop
-- note this is the middle, this is where an attempt or segment has ended if it would and started if it would!
-- now comes the input part for this frame
if (not playingbest) then -- when playing best, the keys have been filled above.
-- press keys from bot
gui.text(10,10,"Attempt: "..attempt.." / "..maxattempts.."\nFrame: "..frame.." / "..maxframes);
if (segments[segment] and segments[segment].best and segments[segment].prev) then
gui.text(10,30,"Last score: "..segments[segment].prev.score.." ok="..okattempts..", fail="..failattempts.."\nBest score: "..segments[segment].best.score);
elseif (segments[segment] and segments[segment].prev) then
gui.text(10,30,"Last score: "..segments[segment].prev.score.."\nBest score: none, fails="..failattempts);
gui.text(10,50,"Segment: "..segment);
key1 = {};
key2 = {};
-- player 1
if (rand_if(pressKeyUp1()) ) then key1.up = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyDown1())) then key1.down = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyLeft1())) then key1.left = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyRight1())) then key1.right = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyA1())) then key1.A = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyB1())) then key1.B = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeySelect1())) then = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyStart1())) then key1.start = 1; end;
-- player 2
if (rand_if(pressKeyUp2()) ) then key2.up = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyDown2())) then key2.down = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyLeft2())) then key2.left = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyRight2())) then key2.right = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyA2())) then key2.A = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyB2())) then key2.B = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeySelect2())) then = 1; end;
if (rand_if(pressKeyStart2())) then key2.start = 1; end;
lastkey1 = key1;
lastkey2 = key2;
keyrecording1[frame] = key1; -- record these keys
keyrecording2[frame] = key2; -- record these keys
-- actually set the keys here.
joypad.set(1, key1);
joypad.set(2, key2);
-- next frame
onFinish(); -- allow user cleanup before starting the final botloop
-- now enter an endless loop displaying the results of this run.
while (true) do
if (segments[segment].best) then gui.text(30,100,"end: max attempt ["..segment.."] had score = "..segments[segment].best.score);
elseif (segment > 1 and segments[segment-1].best) then gui.text(30,100,"end: no best attempt ["..segment.."]\nPrevious best score: "..segments[segment-1].best.score);
else gui.text(30,100,"end: no best attempt ["..segment.."] ..."); end;
-- i dont think it ever reaches this place... perhaps it should, or some event or whatever...
segments = nil;
collectgarbage(); -- collect the segment data... anything else is probably not worth it...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
-- BasicBot, a LuaBot frontend
-- qFox, 30 July 2008
-- version 1.04 (unstable load button!)
-- we need iup, so include it here
local iuplua_open = package.loadlib("iuplua51.dll", "iuplua_open");
local iupcontrolslua_open = package.loadlib("iupluacontrols51.dll", "iupcontrolslua_open");
local botVersion = 1; -- check this version when saving/loading. this will change whenever the botsave-file changes.
-- callback function to clean up our mess
function emu.OnClose.iuplua()
--iup.Message ("IupMessage", "OnClose!");
if(emu and emu.OnCloseIup ~= nil) then
local handles = {}; -- this table should hold the handle to all dialogs created in lua
local dialogs = 0; -- should be incremented PRIOR to creating a new dialog
-- called by the onclose event
function emu.OnCloseIup()
if (handles) then -- just in case the user was "smart" enough to clear this
local i = 1;
while (handles[i] ~= nil) do -- cycle through all handles, false handles are skipped, nil denotes the end
if (handles[i] and handles[i].destroy) then -- check for the existence of what we need
-- close this dialog
handles[i] = nil;
i = i + 1;
function createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, token, tab, fun, val) -- specific one, at that :)
reftable[token] = iup.multiline{title="Contents",expand="YES", border="YES",value=val};
tmptable[token] = iup.vbox{iup.label{title="function ""()\n local result = no;"},reftable[token],iup.label{title=" return result;\nend;"}};
tmptable[token].tabtitle = tab;
function createTextareaTab2(reftable, tmptable, token, fun, arg) -- specific one, at that :) this one generates no return values
reftable[token] = iup.multiline{title="Contents",expand="YES", border="YES",value=fun};
if (arg) then
tmptable[token] = iup.vbox{iup.label{title="function ""(wasOk) -- wasOk (boolean) is true when the attempt was ok\n"},reftable[token],iup.label{title="end;"}};
tmptable[token] = iup.vbox{iup.label{title="function ""()\n"},reftable[token],iup.label{title="end;"}};
tmptable[token].tabtitle = fun;
function createGUI(n)
-- this table will keep the references for easy and fast lookup. <STRID, itemobj>
local reftable = {};
-- this table we wont keep, it holds references to (mostly) cosmetic elements of the dialog
local tmptable = {};
-- ok, dont be intimidated by the next eight blocks of code. they basically all say the same!
-- every line creates an element for the gui and sets it up. every block is a tabbed pane and
-- they are all put into another tabbed pane themselves. all references are put into a table
-- paired with the tokens in the basicbot framework. this allows us to easily walk through
-- all the pairs of <tokens,references> and replace them in the file, uppon writing.
reftable.ROMNAME = iup.text{title="rom name", size="300x", value="something_or_the_other.rom"};
tmptable.ROMNAME = iup.hbox{iup.label{title="Rom name: ", size="50x"}, reftable.ROMNAME, iup.fill{}};
reftable.COMMENT = iup.text{title="comment", size="300x",value="a botscript for some game"};
tmptable.COMMENT = iup.hbox{iup.label{title="Comment: ", size="50x"}, reftable.COMMENT, iup.fill{}};
reftable.VERSION = iup.text{title="version", size="70x",value="1.00"};
tmptable.VERSION = iup.hbox{iup.label{title="Version: ", size="50x"}, reftable.VERSION, iup.fill{}};
tmptable.SAVE = iup.button{title="Save contents"};
-- the callback is set after the dialog is created. we need the references to all controls for saving to work :)
tmptable.LOAD = iup.button{title="Load contents"};
tmptable.WRITE = iup.button{title="Write bot script"};
general = iup.vbox{tmptable.ROMNAME,tmptable.COMMENT,tmptable.VERSION,iup.fill{size="5x",},tmptable.SAVE,iup.fill{size="5x",},tmptable.LOAD,iup.fill{size="5x",},tmptable.WRITE,iup.fill{}};
general.tabtitle = "General";
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "bA1", "A", "isPressedA1", "a1");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "bB1", "B", "isPressedB1", "b1");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "START1", "Start", "isPressedStart1", "start1");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "SELECT1","Select", "isPressedSelect1", "select1");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "UP1", "Up", "isPressedUp1", "up1");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "DOWN1", "Down", "isPressedDown1", "down1");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "LEFT1", "Left", "isPressedLeft1", "left1");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "RIGHT1", "Right", "isPressedRight1", "right1");
tabs1 = iup.vbox{iup.tabs{tmptable.bA1,tmptable.bB1,tmptable.START1,tmptable.SELECT1,tmptable.UP1,tmptable.DOWN1,tmptable.LEFT1,tmptable.RIGHT1}};
tabs1.tabtitle = "Player 1";
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "bA2", "A", "isPressedA2", "a2");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "bB2", "B", "isPressedB2", "b2");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "START2", "Start", "isPressedStart2", "start2");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "SELECT2","Select", "isPressedSelect2", "select2");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "UP2", "Up", "isPressedUp2", "up2");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "DOWN2", "Down", "isPressedDown2", "down2");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "LEFT2", "Left", "isPressedLeft2", "left2");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "RIGHT2", "Right", "isPressedRight2", "right2");
tabs2 = iup.vbox{iup.tabs{tmptable.bA2,tmptable.bB2,tmptable.START2,tmptable.SELECT2,tmptable.UP2,tmptable.DOWN2,tmptable.LEFT2,tmptable.RIGHT2}};
tabs2.tabtitle = "Player 2";
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "bA3", "A", "isPressedA3", "a3");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "bB3", "B", "isPressedB3", "b3");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "START3", "Start", "isPressedStart3", "start3");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "SELECT3","Select", "isPressedSelect3", "select3");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "UP3", "Up", "isPressedUp3", "up3");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "DOWN3", "Down", "isPressedDown3", "down3");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "LEFT3", "Left", "isPressedLeft3", "left3");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "RIGHT3", "Right", "isPressedRight3", "right3");
tabs3 = iup.vbox{iup.tabs{tmptable.bA3,tmptable.bB3,tmptable.START3,tmptable.SELECT3,tmptable.UP3,tmptable.DOWN3,tmptable.LEFT3,tmptable.RIGHT3}};
tabs3.tabtitle = "Player 3";
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "bA4", "A", "isPressedA4", "a4");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "bB4", "B", "isPressedB4", "b4");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "START4", "Start", "isPressedStart4", "start4");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "SELECT4","Select", "isPressedSelect4", "select4");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "UP4", "Up", "isPressedUp4", "up4");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "DOWN4", "Down", "isPressedDown4", "down4");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "LEFT4", "Left", "isPressedLeft4", "left4");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "RIGHT4", "Right", "isPressedRight4", "right4");
tabs4 = iup.vbox{iup.tabs{tmptable.bA4,tmptable.bB4,tmptable.START4,tmptable.SELECT4,tmptable.UP4,tmptable.DOWN4,tmptable.LEFT4,tmptable.RIGHT4}};
tabs4.tabtitle = "Player 4";
createTextareaTab2(reftable, tmptable, "ONSTART", "onStart", false);
createTextareaTab2(reftable, tmptable, "ONFINISH", "onFinish", false);
createTextareaTab2(reftable, tmptable, "ONSEGMENTSTART","onSegmentStart", false);
createTextareaTab2(reftable, tmptable, "ONSEGMENTEND", "onSegmentEnd", false);
createTextareaTab2(reftable, tmptable, "ONATTEMPTSTART","onAttemptStart", false);
createTextareaTab2(reftable, tmptable, "ONATTEMPTEND", "onAttemptEnd", true);
createTextareaTab2(reftable, tmptable, "ONINPUTSTART", "onInputStart", false);
createTextareaTab2(reftable, tmptable, "ONINPUTEND", "onInputEnd", false);
tabs5 = iup.vbox{iup.tabs{tmptable.ONSTART, tmptable.ONFINISH, tmptable.ONSEGMENTSTART, tmptable.ONSEGMENTEND, tmptable.ONATTEMPTSTART, tmptable.ONATTEMPTEND, tmptable.ONINPUTSTART, tmptable.ONINPUTEND}};
tabs5.tabtitle = "Events";
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "SCORE", "score", "getScore", "score");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "TIE1", "tie1", "getTie1", "tie1");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "TIE2", "tie2", "getTie2", "tie2");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "TIE3", "tie3", "getTie3", "tie3");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "TIE4", "tie4", "getTie4", "tie4");
tabs6 = iup.vbox{iup.tabs{tmptable.SCORE,tmptable.TIE1,tmptable.TIE2,tmptable.TIE3,tmptable.TIE4}};
tabs6.tabtitle = "Score";
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "ISRUNEND", "isRunEnd", "isRunEnd", "isRunEnd");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "MUSTROLLBACK", "mustRollBack", "mustRollBack", "mustRollBack");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "ISSEGMENTEND", "isSegmentEnd", "isSegmentEnd", "isSegmentEnd");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "ISATTEMPTEND", "isAttemptEnd", "isAttemptEnd", "isAttemptEnd");
createTextareaTab(reftable, tmptable, "ISATTEMPTOK", "isAttemptOk", "isAttemptOk", "isAttemptOk");
tabs7 = iup.vbox{iup.tabs{tmptable.ISRUNEND,tmptable.MUSTROLLBACK,tmptable.ISSEGMENTEND,tmptable.ISATTEMPTEND,tmptable.ISATTEMPTOK}};
tabs7.tabtitle = "Selection";
playertabs = iup.tabs{general,tabs1,tabs2,tabs3,tabs4,tabs5,tabs6,tabs7,title};
handles[n] = iup.dialog{playertabs, title="Basic Bot Frontend", size="450x200"}
handles[n]:showxy(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER)
-- now set the callback function for the save button. this will use all the references above.
-- these remain ok in the anonymous function by something called "closures". this means that
-- these variables, although local to the scope of the function, will remain their value in
-- the anonymous function. hence we can refer to them and fetch their contents, even though
-- you cant refer to them outside the context of the createGUI function.
tmptable.WRITE.action =
function(self, n)
local file = iup.filedlg{allownew="YES",dialogtype="SAVE",directory="./lua",showhidden="YES",title="Save botfile"};
if (file.value == "NULL") then
iup.Message("An error occurred trying to save your settings");
elseif (file.status == "-1") then
iup.Message("IupFileDlg","Operation canceled");
-- ok, file selected, if an error occurred or user canceled, the function already returned, so lets write the bot!
-- get the framework first. we need it to find the relevant tokens
local fh = assert("basicbot_framework.lua","r"));
local framework = fh:read("*a");
-- now replace all tokens by gui values
-- this is where the reftable comes in very handy :p
for token,obj in pairs(reftable) do
local st00pid = (reftable[token].value or "");
framework = string.gsub(framework, "-- "..token, st00pid, 1); -- if nothing was entered, obj.value returns nil (not ""), so we have to make that translation
-- open the file, if old file, clear it
if (file.status == "1") then
fh = assert(,"wb"));
else -- (file.status == "0")
fh = assert(,"w+b")); -- clear file contents
-- write it
-- close it (automatically flushed)
fh = nil;
iup.Message ("Success", "Bot written to "..file.value.."!");
tmptable.SAVE.action =
function(self, n)
local file = iup.filedlg{allownew="YES",dialogtype="SAVE",directory="./lua",showhidden="YES",title="Save botfile",extfilter="BasicBot (*.bot)|*.bot|All files (*.*)|*.*|"};
if (file.status == 1) then -- cancel
-- open the file, if old file, clear it
if (file.status == "1") then
fh = assert(,"wb"));
else -- (file.status == "0")
fh = assert(,"w+b")); -- clear file contents
-- allow us to detect the botfile version (warn the user if it's different?)
-- now replace all tokens by gui values
-- this is where the reftable comes in very handy :p
for token,obj in pairs(reftable) do
print(token.." control -> "..tostring(obj));
print(".value: "..tostring(obj.value));
local st00pid = obj.value;
if (not st00pid) then st00pid = ""; end;
if (string.len(st00pid) > 0) then fh:write(st00pid); end;
iup.Message ("Success", "Settings saved!");
tmptable.LOAD.action =
function (self, n)
-- this function currently crashes fceux without notification
-- possibly because offsets are badly calculated, but serves as an example now
local file = iup.filedlg{allownew="NO",dialogtype="OPEN",directory="./lua",showhidden="YES",title="Save botfile",extfilter="BasicBot (*.bot)|*.bot|All files (*.*)|*.*|"};
if (file.status == 1) then -- cancel
local nellen = string.len("\n"); -- platform independent
fh = assert(,"r"));
print("seek: "..fh:seek());
print("version: "..fh:read("*l"));
print("seek: "..fh:seek());
if (true) then return; end;
for token,crap in pairs(reftable) do
local len = fh:read("*n"); -- read line (length)
if (not len) then break; end;
fh:seek("set",fh:seek("cur", nellen)); -- remove the aesthetic return
reftable[token].value = fh:read(len);
fh:seek("set",fh:seek("cur", nellen)); -- remove the aesthetic return
dialogs = dialogs + 1;
while (true) do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
-- super mario bros 1 hitbox script
-- Super Mario Bros. (JU) (PRG0) [!].rom
-- by qFox
-- 28 july 2008
local function box(x1,y1,x2,y2,color)
-- gui.text(50,50,x1..","..y1.." "..x2..","..y2);
if (x1 > 0 and x1 < 255 and x2 > 0 and x2 < 255 and y1 > 0 and y1 < 224 and y2 > 0 and y2 < 224) then
-- hitbox coordinate offsets (x1,y1,x2,y2)
local mario_hb = 0x04AC; -- 1x4
local enemy_hb = 0x04B0; -- 5x4
local coin_hb = 0x04E0; -- 3x4
local fiery_hb = 0x04C8; -- 2x4
local hammer_hb= 0x04D0; -- 9x4
local power_hb = 0x04C4; -- 1x4
-- addresses to check, to see whether the hitboxes should be drawn at all
local mario_ch = 0x000E;
local enemy_ch = 0x000F;
local coin_ch = 0x0030;
local fiery_ch = 0x0024;
local hammer_ch= 0x002A;
local power_ch = 0x0014;
while true do
-- from 0x04AC are about 0x48 addresse that indicate a hitbox
-- different items use different addresses, some share
-- there can for instance only be one powerup on screen at any time (the star in 1.1 gets replaced by the flower, if you get it)
-- we cycle through the animation addresses for each type of hitbox, draw the corresponding hitbox if they are drawn
-- we draw: mario (1), enemies (5), coins (3), hammers (9), powerups (1). (bowser and (his) fireball are considered enemies)
-- mario
if (memory.readbyte(mario_hb) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(mario_hb),memory.readbyte(mario_hb+1),memory.readbyte(mario_hb+2),memory.readbyte(mario_hb+3), "green"); end;
-- enemies
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch ) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(enemy_hb), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+1), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+2), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+3), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch+1) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+4), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+5), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+6), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+7), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch+2) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+8), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+9), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+10),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+11), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch+3) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+12),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+13),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+14),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+15), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch+4) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+16),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+17),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+18),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+19), "green"); end;
-- coins
if (memory.readbyte(coin_ch ) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(coin_hb), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+1), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+2), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+3), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(coin_ch+1) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(coin_hb+4), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+5), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+6), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+7), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(coin_ch+2) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(coin_hb+8), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+9), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+10), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+11), "green"); end;
-- (mario's) fireballs
if (memory.readbyte(fiery_ch ) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(fiery_hb), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+1), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+2), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+3), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(fiery_ch+1) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+4), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+5), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+6),memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+7), "green"); end;
-- hammers
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch ) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+1), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+2), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+3), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+1) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+4), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+5), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+6), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+7), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+2) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+8), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+9), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+10),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+11), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+3) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+12),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+13),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+14),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+15), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+4) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+16),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+17),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+18),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+19), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+5) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+20),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+21),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+22),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+23), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+6) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+24),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+25),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+26),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+27), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+7) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+28),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+29),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+30),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+31), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+8) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+32),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+33),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+34),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+35), "green"); end;
-- powerup
if (memory.readbyte(power_ch) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(power_hb),memory.readbyte(power_hb+1),memory.readbyte(power_hb+2),memory.readbyte(power_hb+3), "green"); end;
gui.text(5,32,"Green rectangles are hitboxes!");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
-- super mario bros 1 hitbox script
-- Super Mario Bros. (JU) (PRG0) [!].rom
-- by qFox
-- 28 july 2008
-- This script shows hitboxes of anything that has them
-- It also displays the found hitboxes in a output window with iup
-- Includes a toggle to automatically kill all enemies within 50px range of mario :p
-- we need iup, so include it here
local iuplua_open = package.loadlib("iuplua51.dll", "iuplua_open");
local iupcontrolslua_open = package.loadlib("iupluacontrols51.dll", "iupcontrolslua_open");
-- callback function to clean up our mess
function emu.OnClose.iuplua()
if(emu and emu.OnCloseIup ~= nil) then
local handles = {}; -- this table should hold the handle to all dialogs created in lua
local dialogs = 0; -- should be incremented PRIOR to creating a new dialog
-- called by the onclose event
function emu.OnCloseIup()
if (handles) then -- just in case the user was "smart" enough to clear this
local i = 1;
while (handles[i] ~= nil) do -- cycle through all handles, false handles are skipped, nil denotes the end
if (handles[i] and handles[i].destroy) then -- check for the existence of what we need
-- close this dialog
handles[i] = nil;
i = i + 1;
local running = true;
local restrainingorder = false;
local myoutput;
function createGUI(n)
local mybutton = iup.button{title="Close (exits the main loop)"};
mybutton.action = function(self, x)
running = false;
--handles[n] = false;
myoutput = iup.multiline{size="200x200",expand="YES",value="Debug crap should be here"}
nottooclose = iup.toggle{title="Kill enemies that come too close", value="OFF"};
nottooclose.action = function(self, v) restrainingorder = (v == 1); end; -- v is 0 or 1
handles[n] =
title="Lua tools are izi!"
handles[n]:showxy(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER)
dialogs = dialogs + 1;
local outstr;
local function knifeEnemyIfTooClose(enemynumber) -- enemynumber starts at 1
-- we add the suffix for x coords because the screen is 255 positions wide but smb has two pages
-- loaded at any given time. some enemy can be in page 2 while you are on page one. since a byte
-- can only hold 255 values, this would wrap around and make it seem like the enemy is on the same
-- page. hence we add the number of pages they are one, if they are equal, it all works out :)
local mx = memory.readbyte(0x0086)+(255*memory.readbyte(0x006D));
local my = memory.readbyte(0x00CE);
local ex = memory.readbyte(0x0086+enemynumber)+(255*memory.readbyte(0x006D+enemynumber));
local ey = memory.readbyte(0x00CE+enemynumber);
local d = math.sqrt(((mx-ex)^2)+((my-ey)^2)); -- pythagoras ;)
outstr = outstr .. d.." < 30.0 ?\n";
if (d < 50.0 and restrainingorder and memory.readbyte(0x0015+enemynumber) ~= 40) then -- dont kill of horizontal moving platforms. we kinda need them.
outstr = outstr .. "Knifing next enemy!\n";
memory.writebyte(0x001D+enemynumber, 0xFF); -- this address denotes an enemy state. writing FF to it kills them as if hit by a star (so not flatten).
return d;
-- draw a box and take care of coordinate checking
local function box(x1,y1,x2,y2,color)
-- gui.text(50,50,x1..","..y1.." "..x2..","..y2);
if (x1 > 0 and x1 < 255 and x2 > 0 and x2 < 255 and y1 > 0 and y1 < 224 and y2 > 0 and y2 < 224) then
-- hitbox coordinate offsets (x1,y1,x2,y2)
local mario_hb = 0x04AC; -- 1x4
local enemy_hb = 0x04B0; -- 5x4
local coin_hb = 0x04E0; -- 3x4
local fiery_hb = 0x04C8; -- 2x4
local hammer_hb= 0x04D0; -- 9x4
local power_hb = 0x04C4; -- 1x4
-- addresses to check, to see whether the hitboxes should be drawn at all
local mario_ch = 0x000E;
local enemy_ch = 0x000F;
local coin_ch = 0x0030;
local fiery_ch = 0x0024;
local hammer_ch= 0x002A;
local power_ch = 0x0014;
local a,b,c,d;
while (running) do
outstr = '';
-- from 0x04AC are about 0x48 addresse that indicate a hitbox
-- different items use different addresses, some share
-- there can for instance only be one powerup on screen at any time (the star in 1.1 gets replaced by the flower, if you get it)
-- we cycle through the animation addresses for each type of hitbox, draw the corresponding hitbox if they are drawn
-- we draw: mario (1), enemies (5), coins (3), hammers (9), powerups (1). (bowser and (his) fireball are considered enemies)
-- mario
if (memory.readbyte(mario_hb) > 0) then
a,b,c,d = memory.readbyte(mario_hb),memory.readbyte(mario_hb+1),memory.readbyte(mario_hb+2),memory.readbyte(mario_hb+3);
box(a,b,c,d, "green");
outstr = outstr .. "Mario: <"..a..","..b..","..c..","..d..">\n";
-- enemies
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch ) > 0) then
a,b,c,d = memory.readbyte(enemy_hb), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+1), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+2), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+3);
box(a,b,c,d, "green");
outstr = outstr .. "Enemy 1: <"..memory.readbyte(0x0016).."> <"..a..","..b..","..c..","..d.."> "..knifeEnemyIfTooClose(1).."\n";
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch+1) > 0) then
a,b,c,d = memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+4), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+5), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+6), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+7);
box(a,b,c,d, "green");
outstr = outstr .. "Enemy 2: <"..memory.readbyte(0x0017).."> <"..a..","..b..","..c..","..d.."> "..knifeEnemyIfTooClose(2).."\n";
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch+2) > 0) then
a,b,c,d = memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+8), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+9), memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+10),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+11);
box(a,b,c,d, "green");
outstr = outstr .. "Enemy 3: <"..memory.readbyte(0x0018).."> <"..a..","..b..","..c..","..d.."> "..knifeEnemyIfTooClose(3).."\n";
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch+3) > 0) then
a,b,c,d = memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+12),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+13),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+14),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+15);
box(a,b,c,d, "green");
outstr = outstr .. "Enemy 4: <"..memory.readbyte(0x0019).."> <"..a..","..b..","..c..","..d.."> "..knifeEnemyIfTooClose(4).."\n";
if (memory.readbyte(enemy_ch+4) > 0) then
a,b,c,d = memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+16),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+17),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+18),memory.readbyte(enemy_hb+19)
box(a,b,c,d, "green");
outstr = outstr .. "Enemy 5: <"..memory.readbyte(0x001A).."> <"..a..","..b..","..c..","..d.."> "..knifeEnemyIfTooClose(5).."\n";
-- coins
if (memory.readbyte(coin_ch ) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(coin_hb), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+1), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+2), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+3), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(coin_ch+1) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(coin_hb+4), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+5), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+6), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+7), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(coin_ch+2) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(coin_hb+8), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+9), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+10), memory.readbyte(coin_hb+11), "green"); end;
-- (mario's) fireballs
if (memory.readbyte(fiery_ch ) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(fiery_hb), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+1), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+2), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+3), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(fiery_ch+1) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+4), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+5), memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+6),memory.readbyte(fiery_hb+7), "green"); end;
-- hammers
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch ) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+1), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+2), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+3), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+1) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+4), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+5), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+6), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+7), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+2) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+8), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+9), memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+10),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+11), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+3) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+12),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+13),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+14),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+15), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+4) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+16),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+17),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+18),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+19), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+5) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+20),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+21),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+22),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+23), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+6) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+24),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+25),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+26),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+27), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+7) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+28),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+29),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+30),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+31), "green"); end;
if (memory.readbyte(hammer_ch+8) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+32),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+33),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+34),memory.readbyte(hammer_hb+35), "green"); end;
-- powerup
if (memory.readbyte(power_ch) > 0) then box(memory.readbyte(power_hb),memory.readbyte(power_hb+1),memory.readbyte(power_hb+2),memory.readbyte(power_hb+3), "green"); end;
gui.text(5,32,"Green rectangles are hitboxes!");
if (myoutput) then
myoutput.value = outstr;
gui.popup("script exited main loop");

documentation/lua/smb2.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
-- unfinished mario bros 2 script
-- shows (proper!) grid for horizontal levels (b0rks in vertical levels for now)
-- shows any non-air grid's tile-id
-- is sloooow :p
-- Super Mario Bros. 2 (U) (PRG0) [!].rom
-- qFox
-- 31 july 2008
local function box(x1,y1,x2,y2,color)
-- gui.text(50,50,x1..","..y1.." "..x2..","..y2);
if (x1 > 0 and x1 < 0xFF and x2 > 0 and x2 < 0xFF and y1 > 0 and y1 < 239 and y2 > 0 and y2 < 239) then
local function text(x,y,str)
if (x > 0 and x < 0xFF and y > 0 and y < 240) then
local function toHexStr(n)
local meh = "%X";
return meh:format(n);
while (true) do
if (memory.readbyte(0x0010) > 0x81) then memory.writebyte(0x0010, 0x6D); end; -- birdo fires eggs constantly :p
-- px = horzizontal page of current level
-- x = page x (relative to current page)
-- rx = real x (relative to whole level)
-- sx = screen x (relative to viewport)
local playerpx = memory.readbyte(0x0014);
local playerpy = memory.readbyte(0x001E);
local playerx = memory.readbyte(0x0028);
local playery = memory.readbyte(0x0032);
local playerrx = (playerpx*0xFF)+playerx;
local playerry = (playerpy*0xFF)+playery;
local playerstate = memory.readbyte(0x0050);
local screenoffsetx = memory.readbyte(0x04C0);
local screenoffsety = memory.readbyte(0x00CB);
local playersx = (playerx - screenoffsetx);
if (playersx < 0) then playersx = playersx + 0xFF; end;
local playersy = (playery - screenoffsety);
if (playersy < 0) then playersy = playersy + 0xFF; end;
if (playerstate ~= 0x07) then
box(playersx, playersy, playersx+16, playersy+16, "green");
text(2,25,"y: "..screenoffsety);
text(100,10,"Page: "..playerpx..","..playerpy);
local startpx = 0x0015;
local startpy = 0x001F;
local startx = 0x0029;
local starty = 0x0033;
local drawn = 0x0051;
local type = 0x0090;
for i=0,9 do
local estate = memory.readbyte(drawn+i);
if (estate ~= 0) then
local ex = memory.readbyte(startx+i);
local epx = memory.readbyte(startpx+i);
local ey = memory.readbyte(starty+i);
local epy = memory.readbyte(startpy+i);
local erx = (epx*0xFF)+ex;
local ery = (epy*0xFF)+ey;
local esx = (ex - screenoffsetx);
if (esx < 0) then esx = esx + 0xFF; end;
local esy = (ey - screenoffsety);
if (esy < 0) then esy = esy + 0xFF; end;
--text(10, 20+(16*i), i..": "..esx.." "..erx); -- show enemy position list
-- show enemy information
if ((erx > playerrx-127) and erx < (playerrx+120)) then
--text(esx,esy,erx); -- show level x pos above enemy
local wtf = "%X";
text(esx,esy,wtf:format(memory.readbyte(type+i))); -- show enemy code
if (estate == 1 and i < 5) then
box(esx, esy, esx+16, esy+16, "red");
box(esx, esy, esx+16, esy+16, "blue");
end; -- enemy info
-- show environment
-- i have playerrx, which is my real position in this level
-- i have the level, which is located at 0x6000 (the SRAM)
-- each tile (denoted by one byte) is 16x16 pixels
-- each screen is 15 tiles high and about 16 tiles wide
-- to get the right column, we add our playerrx/16 to 0x6000
-- to be exact:
-- 0x6000 + (math.floor(playerrx/16) * 0xF0) + math.mod(playerx,0x0F)
local levelstart = 0x6000; -- start of level layout in RAM
local addleftcrap = math.mod(screenoffsetx,16)*-1;
local leftsplitrx = (memory.readbyte(0x04BE)*0xFF) + (screenoffsetx + addleftcrap); -- column start left. add addleftcrap to iterative stuff to build up
local columns = leftsplitrx/16; -- column x of the level is on the left side of the screen
for i=0,15 do
text(addleftcrap+(i*16)-1, 37, toHexStr(columns+i));
for j=0,17 do
box(addleftcrap+(i*16), 1+(j*16), addleftcrap+(i*16)+16, 1+(j*16)+16, "green");
local columntop = levelstart + ((math.floor(columns/16))*0xF0) + math.mod(columns,16);
text(10,80,toHexStr(columns).." "..toHexStr(columntop));
for i=0,14 do
for j=0,15 do
local tile = memory.readbyte(columntop+(i*0x10)+j);
if (tile ~= 0x40) then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
-- Tetris (U) [!].rom
-- qFox
local function realcount(t) -- accurately count the number of elements of a table, even if they contain nil values. not fast, but accurate.
local n = 0;
for i,_ in pairs(t) do
n = n + 1;
return n;
local function getPiece(n) -- returns table with information about this piece
-- every piece consists of 4 blocks
-- so piece will contain the information about these blocks
-- for every block is the offset compared to the x,y position of the piece
-- the x,y is written in a 4x4 plane of blocks, 1x1 being the topleft block
-- x,y is the position as given by tetris
local piece = {};
if (n == 0) then -- T right
piece.pos = {{2,1},{1,2},{2,2},{3,2}};
piece.rel = {{0,-1},{-1,0},{0,0},{1,0}};
piece.anchor = {2,2};
elseif (n == 1) then -- T up
piece.pos = {{1,1},{1,2},{2,2},{1,3}};
piece.rel = {{0,-1},{0,0},{1,0},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {1,2};
elseif (n == 2) then -- T down
piece.pos = {{1,1},{2,1},{3,1},{2,2}};
piece.rel = {{-1,0},{0,0},{1,0},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {2,1};
elseif (n == 3) then -- T left
piece.pos = {{2,1},{1,2},{2,2},{2,3}};
piece.rel = {{0,-1},{-1,0},{0,0},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {2,2};
elseif (n == 4) then -- J left
piece.pos = {{2,1},{2,2},{1,3},{2,3}};
piece.rel = {{0,-1},{0,0},{-1,1},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {2,2};
elseif (n == 5) then -- J up
piece.pos = {{1,1},{1,2},{2,2},{3,2}};
piece.rel = {{-1,-1},{-1,0},{0,0},{1,0}};
piece.anchor = {2,2};
elseif (n == 6) then -- J right
piece.pos = {{1,1},{2,1},{1,2},{1,3}};
piece.rel = {{0,-1},{1,-1},{0,0},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {1,2};
elseif (n == 7) then -- J down
piece.pos = {{1,1},{2,1},{3,1},{3,2}};
piece.rel = {{-1,0},{0,0},{1,0},{1,1}};
piece.anchor = {2,1};
elseif (n == 8) then -- Z horz
piece.pos = {{1,1},{2,1},{2,2},{3,2}};
piece.rel = {{-1,0},{0,0},{0,1},{1,1}};
piece.anchor = {2,1};
elseif (n == 9) then -- Z vert
piece.pos = {{2,1},{1,2},{2,2},{1,3}};
piece.rel = {{1,-1},{0,0},{1,0},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {1,2};
elseif (n == 10) then -- O
piece.pos = {{1,1},{2,1},{1,2},{2,2}};
piece.rel = {{-1,0},{0,0},{-1,1},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {2,1};
elseif (n == 11) then -- S horz
piece.pos = {{2,1},{3,1},{1,2},{2,2}};
piece.rel = {{0,0},{1,0},{-1,1},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {2,1};
elseif (n == 12) then -- S vert
piece.pos = {{1,1},{1,2},{2,2},{2,3}};
piece.rel = {{0,-1},{0,0},{1,0},{1,1}};
piece.anchor = {1,2};
elseif (n == 13) then -- L right
piece.pos = {{1,1},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}};
piece.rel = {{0,-1},{0,0},{0,1},{1,1}};
piece.anchor = {1,2};
elseif (n == 14) then -- L down
piece.pos = {{1,1},{2,1},{3,1},{1,2}};
piece.rel = {{-1,0},{0,0},{1,0},{-1,1}};
piece.anchor = {2,1};
elseif (n == 15) then -- L left
piece.pos = {{1,1},{2,1},{2,2},{2,3}};
piece.rel = {{-1,-1},{0,-1},{0,0},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {2,2};
elseif (n == 16) then -- L up
piece.pos = {{3,1},{1,2},{2,2},{3,2}};
piece.rel = {{1,-1},{-1,0},{0,0},{1,0}};
piece.anchor = {2,2};
elseif (n == 17) then -- I vert
piece.pos = {{1,1},{1,2},{1,3},{1,4}};
piece.rel = {{0,-2},{0,-1},{0,0},{0,1}};
piece.anchor = {1,3};
elseif (n == 18) then -- I horz
piece.pos = {{1,1},{2,1},{3,1},{4,1}};
piece.rel = {{-2,0},{-1,0},{0,0},{1,0}};
piece.anchor = {3,1};
return nil;
end; = n;
return piece;
-- 0,0 - 10,20
-- translated it's: <95,40> to <175,200>
-- x starts at 1, y starts at 0...
-- each block is 8x8
local areax = 95;
local areay = 40;
local blocksize = 8;
while (true) do
-- get position of current piece (now)
local x = (memory.readbyte(0x0060)*blocksize)+areax;
local y = (memory.readbyte(0x0061)*blocksize)+areay;
local now = getPiece(memory.readbyte(0x0062)); -- get piece info
-- draw a nice box around it
gui.text(5,5,"xy: <"..x..", "..y..">");
if (now and x > 0 and y > 0 and x < 250 and y < 200) then
gui.text(5,15,"Now: "..memory.readbyte(0x0062).."\nNext: "..memory.readbyte(0x00BF));
-- draw the filled field and do some counting
local start = 0x0400; -- toprow
local height = -1;
local filled = 0;
for j=0,19 do
for i=0,9 do
if (memory.readbyte(start+(j*10)+i) ~= 0xEF) then
filled = filled + 1;
if (height == -1) then height = j; end;
if (height == -1) then height = 0;
else height = 20 - height; end;
gui.text(5,30,"Height: "..height.."\nFilled: "..filled.." ("..math.floor(filled/(height)*10).."%)");
--local inp1 =;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
-- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (U)[!].rom
-- qFox
-- 31 july 2008
local function box(x1,y1,x2,y2,color)
-- gui.text(50,50,x1..","..y1.." "..x2..","..y2);
if (x1 > 0 and x1 < 255 and x2 > 0 and x2 < 255 and y1 > 0 and y1 < 241 and y2 > 0 and y2 < 241) then
local function text(x,y,str)
if (x > 0 and x < 255 and y > 0 and y < 240) then
local function pixel(x,y,color)
if (x > 0 and x < 255 and y > 0 and y < 240) then
while (true) do
local stuff = 0x023C; -- start of tile data, 4 bytes each, y, ?, ?, x. every tile appears to be 10x10px
-- print boxes for all the tiles
-- invalid tiles are automatically hidden because their x/y coords are out of range, i guess
for i=0,0x30 do
x = memory.readbyte(stuff+3+(i*4));
y = memory.readbyte(stuff+(i*4));
-- print player's health
local x = memory.readbyte(0x0480);
local y = memory.readbyte(0x0460);
local hp = memory.readbyte(0x0077+memory.readbyte(0x0067)); -- get health of current char, there are 4 chars and 4 healths
-- print enemy hp
local startx = 0x0484;
local starty = 0x0464;
local starthp = 0x0564;
for i=0,11 do
x = memory.readbyte(startx+i);
y = memory.readbyte(starty+i);
hp = memory.readbyte(starthp+i);
--box(x-5,y-5,x+5,y+5,"green"); -- their 'center', or whatever it is.