Added an game pad graphic on the Qt game pad config page with buttons that change color when pressed.

This commit is contained in:
mjbudd77 2021-02-13 16:36:59 -05:00
parent 1ced2f59b9
commit 5abdc4a50e
2 changed files with 409 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QScrollArea>
#include <QPainter>
#include "Qt/GamePadConf.h"
#include "Qt/main.h"
@ -86,7 +87,8 @@ GamePadConfDialog_t::GamePadConfDialog_t(QWidget *parent)
, changeSeqStatus(0)
QWidget *mainWidget;
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout;
QVBoxLayout *mainLayoutV;
QHBoxLayout *mainLayoutH;
QHBoxLayout *hbox, *hbox1, *hbox2, *hbox3, *hbox4, *hbox5;
QVBoxLayout *vbox, *vbox1, *vbox2;
QGridLayout *grid;
@ -315,9 +317,10 @@ GamePadConfDialog_t::GamePadConfDialog_t(QWidget *parent)
connect(efs_chkbox , SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(ena4score(int)) );
connect(udlr_chkbox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(oppDirEna(int)) );
mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
vbox1 = new QVBoxLayout();
vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout();
mainLayoutH = new QHBoxLayout();
mainLayoutV = new QVBoxLayout();
vbox1 = new QVBoxLayout();
vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout();
hbox5->addWidget( efs_chkbox );
hbox5->addWidget( udlr_chkbox );
@ -331,10 +334,15 @@ GamePadConfDialog_t::GamePadConfDialog_t(QWidget *parent)
vbox2->addWidget( frame2 );
vbox2->addLayout( hbox4 );
mainLayout->addLayout( vbox1 );
mainLayout->addLayout( vbox2 );
gpView = new GamePadView_t(this);
mainWidget->setLayout( mainLayout );
mainLayoutV->addLayout( vbox1 );
mainLayoutV->addWidget( gpView );
mainLayoutH->addLayout( mainLayoutV );
mainLayoutH->addLayout( vbox2 );
mainWidget->setLayout( mainLayoutH );
mainWidget->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
scroll->setWidget( mainWidget );
@ -946,31 +954,31 @@ void GamePadConfDialog_t::promptToSave(void)
void GamePadConfDialog_t::updatePeriodic(void)
for (int i=0; i<GAMEPAD_NUM_BUTTONS; i++)
const char *txt, *style;
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[i].state )
txt = " T ";
style = "background-color: green; color: white;";
txt = " F ";
style = "background-color: red; color: white;";
keyState[i]->setText( tr(txt) );
keyState[i]->setStyleSheet( style );
if ( lcl[portNum].btn[i].needsSave )
for (int i=0; i<GAMEPAD_NUM_BUTTONS; i++)
const char *txt, *style;
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[i].state )
keyName[i]->setStyleSheet("color: red;");
txt = " T ";
style = "background-color: green; color: white;";
keyName[i]->setStyleSheet("color: black;");
txt = " F ";
style = "background-color: red; color: white;";
keyState[i]->setText( tr(txt) );
keyState[i]->setStyleSheet( style );
if ( lcl[portNum].btn[i].needsSave )
keyName[i]->setStyleSheet("color: red;");
keyName[i]->setStyleSheet("color: black;");
int fourScore;
g_config->getOption("SDL.FourScore", &fourScore);
@ -978,6 +986,9 @@ void GamePadConfDialog_t::updatePeriodic(void)
efs_chkbox->setChecked( fourScore );
gpView->setPort( portNum );
@ -1026,3 +1037,300 @@ void GamePadConfigButton_t::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
pushKeyEvent( event, 0 );
// Game Pad Viewer
GamePadView_t::GamePadView_t( QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
this->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
viewWidth = 128*3;
viewHeight = 128;
setMinimumWidth( viewWidth );
setMinimumHeight( viewHeight );
font.setFamily("Courier New");
font.setStyle( QFont::StyleNormal );
font.setStyleHint( QFont::Monospace );
QFontMetrics fm(font);
pxCharWidth = fm.horizontalAdvance(QLatin1Char('2'));
pxCharWidth = fm.width(QLatin1Char('2'));
pxCharHeight = fm.lineSpacing();
portNum = 0;
void GamePadView_t::setPort(int port)
portNum = port;
void GamePadView_t::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
viewWidth = event->size().width();
viewHeight = event->size().height();
//printf("%ix%i\n", event->size().width(), event->size().height() );
void GamePadView_t::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
pushKeyEvent( event, 1 );
void GamePadView_t::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
pushKeyEvent( event, 0 );
void GamePadView_t::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
void GamePadView_t::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * event)
void GamePadView_t::drawLetterOnButton( QPainter &painter, QRect &rect, QColor &color, int ch )
int x,y;
char c[2];
c[0] = ch;
c[1] = 0;
x = rect.x() + (rect.width() - pxCharWidth) / 2;
y = rect.y() + (rect.height() - pxCharHeight) / 2;
painter.setPen( color );
painter.drawText( x, y+pxCharHeight, tr(c) );
void GamePadView_t::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
int w, h, x, y, b = 5;
int w3, bw, bh, ws, hs, ht, ws2;
QPainter painter(this);
QColor white(255,255,255);
QColor black( 0, 0, 0);
QColor clear( 0, 0, 0, 0);
QColor gray (128,128,128);
QColor green( 0,255, 0);
QRect gp1, gp2;
QRect upBtn, dnBtn, lBtn, rBtn, cBtn;
QRect selBtn, stBtn;
QRect bBtn, aBtn, tbBtn, taBtn, tBox;
w = viewWidth;
h = viewHeight;
if ( w > (3*h) )
w = 3*h;
h = w/3;
x = (viewWidth - w) / 2;
y = (viewHeight - h) / 2;
gp1.setRect( x, y, w, h );
painter.fillRect( gp1, gray );
x = x+b;
y = y+b;
w = w-(2*b);
h = h-(2*b);
gp2.setRect( x, y, w, h );
painter.fillRect( gp2, black );
w3 = w / 3;
bw = w3 / 5;
bh = bw;
x = gp2.x() + bw;
y = gp2.y() + (h/5);
upBtn.setRect( x+bw , y , bw, bh );
dnBtn.setRect( x+bw , y+(bh*2), bw, bh );
lBtn.setRect( x , y+bh, bw, bh );
rBtn.setRect( x+(bw*2) , y+bh, bw, bh );
cBtn.setRect( x+bw , y+bh, bw, bh );
painter.fillRect( upBtn.x()-b, upBtn.y()-b, upBtn.width()+(2*b), 3*upBtn.height()+(2*b), gray );
painter.fillRect( lBtn.x()-b , lBtn.y()-b, 3*lBtn.width()+(2*b), lBtn.height()+(2*b), gray );
painter.fillRect( cBtn, black );
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[4].state )
painter.fillRect( upBtn, green );
painter.fillRect( upBtn, black );
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[5].state )
painter.fillRect( dnBtn, green );
painter.fillRect( dnBtn, black );
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[6].state )
painter.fillRect( lBtn, green );
painter.fillRect( lBtn, black );
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[7].state )
painter.fillRect( rBtn, green );
painter.fillRect( rBtn, black );
bw = w3 / 3;
bh = bw / 2;
x = gp2.x() + w3;
y = gp2.y() + (3*h/5);
selBtn.setRect( x+(bw/3) , y , bw, bh );
stBtn.setRect( x+(5*bw)/3, y , bw, bh );
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[2].state )
painter.fillRect( selBtn, green );
painter.fillRect( selBtn, gray );
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[3].state )
painter.fillRect( stBtn, green );
painter.fillRect( stBtn, gray );
//bw = w3 / 3;
bh = h / 3;
bw = bh;
ht = pxCharHeight;
bh = (h-ht)/ 3;
bw = bh;
hs = (ht-pxCharHeight)/2;
ws = (w3 - (5*pxCharWidth))/2;
painter.setPen( white );
x = gp2.x() + (2*w3) + ws;
y = gp2.y() + (ht-hs);
painter.drawText( x, y, tr("Turbo") );
ws = (w3 - (2*bw)) / 3;
hs = (h - (2*bh) - ht) / 3;
ws2 = (ws / 2);
x = gp2.x() + (2*w3);
y = gp2.y() + (ht+hs);
tbBtn.setRect( x+ws , y , bw, bh );
taBtn.setRect( x+bw+(2*ws), y , bw, bh );
y = gp2.y() + (ht+bh+(2*hs));
bBtn.setRect( x+ws , y , bw, bh );
aBtn.setRect( x+bw+(2*ws), y , bw, bh );
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[9].state )
painter.setPen( white );
painter.drawEllipse( tbBtn );
drawLetterOnButton( painter, tbBtn, black, 'B');
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[8].state )
painter.setPen( white );
painter.drawEllipse( taBtn );
drawLetterOnButton( painter, taBtn, black, 'A');
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[1].state )
painter.setPen( white );
painter.drawEllipse( bBtn );
drawLetterOnButton( painter, bBtn, black, 'B');
if ( GamePad[portNum].bmap[0].state )
painter.setPen( white );
painter.drawEllipse( aBtn );
drawLetterOnButton( painter, aBtn, black, 'A');
tBox.setTop( gp2.y()+2 );
tBox.setLeft( gp2.x()+(2*w3)+ws2 );
tBox.setWidth( w3-ws );
tBox.setBottom( taBtn.y() + (aBtn.y() - taBtn.y() + bh)/2 );
painter.setPen( white );
painter.drawRect( tBox );

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include <QFrame>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QPainter>
#include "Qt/main.h"
@ -29,6 +30,35 @@ class GamePadConfigButton_t : public QPushButton
int idx;
class GamePadView_t : public QWidget
GamePadView_t( QWidget *parent = 0);
void setPort( int port );
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * event);
//void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event);
void drawLetterOnButton( QPainter &painter, QRect &rect, QColor &color, int ch );
int portNum;
int viewWidth;
int viewHeight;
int pxCharWidth;
int pxCharHeight;
QFont font;
class GamePadConfDialog_t : public QDialog
@ -38,7 +68,7 @@ class GamePadConfDialog_t : public QDialog
QTimer *inputTimer;
QTimer *inputTimer;
QComboBox *portSel;
QComboBox *devSel;
QComboBox *mapSel;
@ -46,22 +76,23 @@ class GamePadConfDialog_t : public QDialog
QCheckBox *efs_chkbox;
QLabel *guidLbl;
QLabel *mapMsg;
GamePadConfigButton_t *button[GAMEPAD_NUM_BUTTONS];
GamePadConfigButton_t *button[GAMEPAD_NUM_BUTTONS];
GamePadView_t *gpView;
int portNum;
int buttonConfigStatus;
int changeSeqStatus; // status of sequentally changing buttons mechanism
// 0 - we can start new change process
// 1-10 - changing in progress
// -1 - changing is aborted
int portNum;
int buttonConfigStatus;
int changeSeqStatus; // status of sequentally changing buttons mechanism
// 0 - we can start new change process
// 1-10 - changing in progress
// -1 - changing is aborted
void changeButton( int port, int button );
void clearButton( int port, int button );
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *bar);
void changeButton( int port, int button );
void clearButton( int port, int button );
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *bar);
void updateCntrlrDpy(void);
void createNewProfile( const char *name );
@ -69,40 +100,40 @@ class GamePadConfDialog_t : public QDialog
void saveConfig(void);
void promptToSave(void);
public slots:
void closeWindow(void);
public slots:
void closeWindow(void);
private slots:
void changeButton0(void);
void changeButton1(void);
void changeButton2(void);
void changeButton3(void);
void changeButton4(void);
void changeButton5(void);
void changeButton6(void);
void changeButton7(void);
void changeButton8(void);
void changeButton9(void);
void changeButton0(void);
void changeButton1(void);
void changeButton2(void);
void changeButton3(void);
void changeButton4(void);
void changeButton5(void);
void changeButton6(void);
void changeButton7(void);
void changeButton8(void);
void changeButton9(void);
void clearButton0(void);
void clearButton1(void);
void clearButton2(void);
void clearButton3(void);
void clearButton4(void);
void clearButton5(void);
void clearButton6(void);
void clearButton7(void);
void clearButton8(void);
void clearButton9(void);
void clearAllCallback(void);
void clearButton1(void);
void clearButton2(void);
void clearButton3(void);
void clearButton4(void);
void clearButton5(void);
void clearButton6(void);
void clearButton7(void);
void clearButton8(void);
void clearButton9(void);
void clearAllCallback(void);
void ena4score(int state);
void oppDirEna(int state);
void portSelect(int index);
void deviceSelect(int index);
void newProfileCallback(void);
void loadProfileCallback(void);
void saveProfileCallback(void);
void deleteProfileCallback(void);
void newProfileCallback(void);
void loadProfileCallback(void);
void saveProfileCallback(void);
void deleteProfileCallback(void);
void updatePeriodic(void);
void changeSequentallyCallback(void);
void changeSequentallyCallback(void);