Merge pull request #251 from mjbudd77/master
Added a frame timing statistics window to the Qt tools. Allows user t…
This commit is contained in:
@ -435,6 +435,7 @@ set(SRC_DRIVERS_SDL
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "Qt/MoviePlay.h"
#include "Qt/MovieOptions.h"
#include "Qt/TimingConf.h"
#include "Qt/FrameTimingStats.h"
#include "Qt/LuaControl.h"
#include "Qt/CheatsConf.h"
#include "Qt/GameGenie.h"
@ -654,6 +655,14 @@ void consoleWin_t::createMainMenu(void)
// Tools -> Frame Timing
act = new QAction(tr("Frame Timing ..."), this);
//act->setShortcut( QKeySequence(tr("Shift+F7")));
act->setStatusTip(tr("Open Frame Timing Window"));
connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openTimingStatWin(void)) );
// Debug
debugMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Debug"));
@ -1303,6 +1312,17 @@ void consoleWin_t::openTimingConfWin(void)
void consoleWin_t::openTimingStatWin(void)
FrameTimingDialog_t *tmStatWin;
//printf("Open Timing Statistics Window\n");
tmStatWin = new FrameTimingDialog_t(this);
void consoleWin_t::openMovieOptWin(void)
MovieOptionsDialog_t *win;
@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ class consoleWin_t : public QMainWindow
void openPaletteConfWin(void);
void openGuiConfWin(void);
void openTimingConfWin(void);
void openTimingStatWin(void);
void openMovieOptWin(void);
void openCodeDataLogger(void);
void openTraceLogger(void);
@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
// FrameTimingStats.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QCloseEvent>
#include "Qt/main.h"
#include "Qt/dface.h"
#include "Qt/input.h"
#include "Qt/config.h"
#include "Qt/keyscan.h"
#include "Qt/throttle.h"
#include "Qt/fceuWrapper.h"
#include "Qt/FrameTimingStats.h"
FrameTimingDialog_t::FrameTimingDialog_t(QWidget *parent)
: QDialog( parent )
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout, *vbox;
QHBoxLayout *hbox;
QGroupBox *frame;
QTreeWidgetItem *item;
QPushButton *resetBtn;
struct frameTimingStat_t stats;
getFrameTimingStats( &stats );
setWindowTitle("Frame Timing Statistics");
resize( 512, 512 );
mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
vbox = new QVBoxLayout();
frame = new QGroupBox( tr("Timing Statistics") );
frame->setLayout( vbox );
tree = new QTreeWidget();
vbox->addWidget( tree );
item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
item->setText( 0, tr( "Parameter" ) );
item->setText( 1, tr( "Target" ) );
item->setText( 2, tr( "Current" ) );
item->setText( 3, tr( "Minimum" ) );
item->setText( 4, tr( "Maximum" ) );
item->setTextAlignment( 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
item->setTextAlignment( 1, Qt::AlignCenter);
item->setTextAlignment( 2, Qt::AlignCenter);
item->setTextAlignment( 3, Qt::AlignCenter);
item->setTextAlignment( 4, Qt::AlignCenter);
tree->setHeaderItem( item );
tree->header()->setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView::Stretch );
tree->header()->setSectionResizeMode( 0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
frameTimeAbs = new QTreeWidgetItem();
frameTimeDel = new QTreeWidgetItem();
frameTimeWork = new QTreeWidgetItem();
frameTimeIdle = new QTreeWidgetItem();
frameTimeWorkPct = new QTreeWidgetItem();
frameTimeIdlePct = new QTreeWidgetItem();
frameLateCount = new QTreeWidgetItem();
tree->addTopLevelItem( frameTimeAbs );
tree->addTopLevelItem( frameTimeDel );
tree->addTopLevelItem( frameTimeWork );
tree->addTopLevelItem( frameTimeIdle );
tree->addTopLevelItem( frameTimeWorkPct );
tree->addTopLevelItem( frameTimeIdlePct );
tree->addTopLevelItem( frameLateCount );
frameTimeAbs->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren );
frameTimeDel->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren );
frameTimeAbs->setText( 0, tr("Frame Period ms") );
frameTimeDel->setText( 0, tr("Frame Delta ms") );
frameTimeWork->setText( 0, tr("Frame Work ms") );
frameTimeIdle->setText( 0, tr("Frame Idle ms") );
frameTimeWorkPct->setText( 0, tr("Frame Work %") );
frameTimeIdlePct->setText( 0, tr("Frame Idle %") );
frameLateCount->setText( 0, tr("Frame Late Count") );
frameTimeAbs->setTextAlignment( 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
frameTimeDel->setTextAlignment( 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
frameTimeWork->setTextAlignment( 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
frameTimeIdle->setTextAlignment( 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
frameTimeWorkPct->setTextAlignment( 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
frameTimeIdlePct->setTextAlignment( 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
frameLateCount->setTextAlignment( 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
frameTimeAbs->setTextAlignment( i+1, Qt::AlignCenter);
frameTimeDel->setTextAlignment( i+1, Qt::AlignCenter);
frameTimeWork->setTextAlignment( i+1, Qt::AlignCenter);
frameTimeIdle->setTextAlignment( i+1, Qt::AlignCenter);
frameTimeWorkPct->setTextAlignment( i+1, Qt::AlignCenter);
frameTimeIdlePct->setTextAlignment( i+1, Qt::AlignCenter);
frameLateCount->setTextAlignment( i+1, Qt::AlignCenter);
hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
timingEnable = new QCheckBox( tr("Enable Timing Statistics Calculations") );
resetBtn = new QPushButton( tr("Reset") );
timingEnable->setChecked( stats.enabled );
hbox->addWidget( timingEnable );
hbox->addWidget( resetBtn );
connect( timingEnable, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(timingEnableChanged(int)) );
connect( resetBtn , SIGNAL(clicked(void)) , this, SLOT(resetTimingClicked(void)) );
mainLayout->addLayout( hbox );
mainLayout->addWidget( frame );
setLayout( mainLayout );
updateTimer = new QTimer( this );
connect( updateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &FrameTimingDialog_t::updatePeriodic );
updateTimer->start( 200 ); // 5hz
printf("Destroy Frame Timing Window\n");
void FrameTimingDialog_t::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
printf("Frame Timing Close Window Event\n");
void FrameTimingDialog_t::closeWindow(void)
//printf("Close Window\n");
void FrameTimingDialog_t::updateTimingStats(void)
char stmp[128];
struct frameTimingStat_t stats;
getFrameTimingStats( &stats );
// Absolute
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeAbs.tgt * 1e3 );
frameTimeAbs->setText( 1, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeAbs.cur * 1e3 );
frameTimeAbs->setText( 2, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeAbs.min * 1e3 );
frameTimeAbs->setText( 3, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeAbs.max * 1e3 );
frameTimeAbs->setText( 4, tr(stmp) );
// Delta
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeDel.tgt * 1e3 );
frameTimeDel->setText( 1, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeDel.cur * 1e3 );
frameTimeDel->setText( 2, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeDel.min * 1e3 );
frameTimeDel->setText( 3, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeDel.max * 1e3 );
frameTimeDel->setText( 4, tr(stmp) );
// Work
sprintf( stmp, "lt %.3f", stats.frameTimeWork.tgt * 1e3 );
frameTimeWork->setText( 1, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeWork.cur * 1e3 );
frameTimeWork->setText( 2, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeWork.min * 1e3 );
frameTimeWork->setText( 3, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeWork.max * 1e3 );
frameTimeWork->setText( 4, tr(stmp) );
// Idle
sprintf( stmp, "gt %.3f", stats.frameTimeIdle.tgt * 1e3 );
frameTimeIdle->setText( 1, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeIdle.cur * 1e3 );
frameTimeIdle->setText( 2, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeIdle.min * 1e3 );
frameTimeIdle->setText( 3, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.3f", stats.frameTimeIdle.max * 1e3 );
frameTimeIdle->setText( 4, tr(stmp) );
// Work %
sprintf( stmp, "lt %.1f", 100.0 * stats.frameTimeWork.tgt / stats.frameTimeAbs.tgt );
frameTimeWorkPct->setText( 1, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.1f", 100.0 * stats.frameTimeWork.cur / stats.frameTimeAbs.tgt );
frameTimeWorkPct->setText( 2, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.1f", 100.0 * stats.frameTimeWork.min / stats.frameTimeAbs.tgt );
frameTimeWorkPct->setText( 3, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.1f", 100.0 * stats.frameTimeWork.max / stats.frameTimeAbs.tgt );
frameTimeWorkPct->setText( 4, tr(stmp) );
// Idle %
sprintf( stmp, "gt %.1f", 100.0 * stats.frameTimeIdle.tgt / stats.frameTimeAbs.tgt );
frameTimeIdlePct->setText( 1, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.1f", 100.0 * stats.frameTimeIdle.cur / stats.frameTimeAbs.tgt );
frameTimeIdlePct->setText( 2, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.1f", 100.0 * stats.frameTimeIdle.min / stats.frameTimeAbs.tgt );
frameTimeIdlePct->setText( 3, tr(stmp) );
sprintf( stmp, "%.1f", 100.0 * stats.frameTimeIdle.max / stats.frameTimeAbs.tgt );
frameTimeIdlePct->setText( 4, tr(stmp) );
// Late Count
sprintf( stmp, "%u", stats.lateCount );
frameLateCount->setText( 1, tr("0") );
frameLateCount->setText( 2, tr(stmp) );
void FrameTimingDialog_t::updatePeriodic(void)
void FrameTimingDialog_t::timingEnableChanged(int state)
setFrameTimingEnable( state != Qt::Unchecked );
void FrameTimingDialog_t::resetTimingClicked(void)
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// FrameTimingStats.h
#pragma once
#include <QWidget>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QTreeWidget>
#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
#include "Qt/main.h"
class FrameTimingDialog_t : public QDialog
FrameTimingDialog_t(QWidget *parent = 0);
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event);
QTimer *updateTimer;
QCheckBox *timingEnable;
QTreeWidgetItem *frameTimeAbs;
QTreeWidgetItem *frameTimeDel;
QTreeWidgetItem *frameTimeWork;
QTreeWidgetItem *frameTimeWorkPct;
QTreeWidgetItem *frameTimeIdle;
QTreeWidgetItem *frameTimeIdlePct;
QTreeWidgetItem *frameLateCount;
QTreeWidget *tree;
void updateTimingStats(void);
public slots:
void closeWindow(void);
private slots:
void updatePeriodic(void);
void resetTimingClicked(void);
void timingEnableChanged(int state);
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ InputConfDialog_t::~InputConfDialog_t(void)
void InputConfDialog_t::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
printf("Hot Key Close Window Event\n");
printf("Input Config Close Window Event\n");
@ -19,8 +19,12 @@ static const double Normal = 1.0; // 1x speed (around 60 fps on NTSC)
static uint32 frameLateCounter = 0;
static double Lasttime=0, Nexttime=0, Latetime=0;
static double desired_frametime = (1.0 / 60.099823);
static double frameDeltaMin = 99999.0;
static double frameDeltaMax = 0.0;
static double frameDeltaCur = 0.0;
static double frameDeltaMin = 1.0;
static double frameDeltaMax = 0.0;
static double frameIdleCur = 0.0;
static double frameIdleMin = 1.0;
static double frameIdleMax = 0.0;
static bool keepFrameTimeStats = false;
static int InFrame = 0;
double g_fpsScale = Normal; // used by sdl.cpp
@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ static void setTimer( double hz )
Lasttime = getHighPrecTimeStamp();
Nexttime = Lasttime + desired_frametime;
Latetime = Nexttime + desired_frametime;
Latetime = Nexttime + (desired_frametime*0.50);
@ -110,6 +114,61 @@ int setTimingMode( int mode )
return 0;
void setFrameTimingEnable( bool enable )
keepFrameTimeStats = enable;
int getFrameTimingStats( struct frameTimingStat_t *stats )
stats->enabled = keepFrameTimeStats;
stats->lateCount = frameLateCounter;
stats->frameTimeAbs.tgt = desired_frametime;
stats->frameTimeAbs.cur = frameDeltaCur;
stats->frameTimeAbs.min = frameDeltaMin;
stats->frameTimeAbs.max = frameDeltaMax;
stats->frameTimeDel.tgt = 0.0;
stats->frameTimeDel.cur = frameDeltaCur - desired_frametime;
stats->frameTimeDel.min = frameDeltaMin - desired_frametime;
stats->frameTimeDel.max = frameDeltaMax - desired_frametime;
stats->frameTimeIdle.tgt = desired_frametime * 0.50;
stats->frameTimeIdle.cur = frameIdleCur;
stats->frameTimeIdle.min = frameIdleMin;
stats->frameTimeIdle.max = frameIdleMax;
stats->frameTimeWork.tgt = desired_frametime - stats->frameTimeIdle.tgt;
stats->frameTimeWork.cur = desired_frametime - frameIdleCur;
stats->frameTimeWork.min = desired_frametime - frameIdleMax;
stats->frameTimeWork.max = desired_frametime - frameIdleMin;
if ( stats->frameTimeWork.cur < 0 )
stats->frameTimeWork.cur = 0;
if ( stats->frameTimeWork.min < 0 )
stats->frameTimeWork.min = 0;
if ( stats->frameTimeWork.max < 0 )
stats->frameTimeWork.max = 0;
return 0;
void resetFrameTiming(void)
frameLateCounter = 0;
frameDeltaMax = 0.0;
frameDeltaMin = 1.0;
frameIdleMax = 0.0;
frameIdleMin = 1.0;
/* LOGMUL = exp(log(2) / 3)
* This gives us a value such that if we do x*=LOGMUL three times,
@ -177,23 +236,24 @@ SpeedThrottle(void)
return 0; /* Done waiting */
double time_left;
double cur_time;
double cur_time, idleStart;
double frame_time = desired_frametime;
double halfFrame = 0.500 * frame_time;
double quarterFrame = 0.250 * frame_time;
cur_time = getHighPrecTimeStamp();
idleStart = cur_time = getHighPrecTimeStamp();
if (Lasttime < 1.0)
Lasttime = cur_time;
Latetime = Lasttime + frame_time;
Latetime = Lasttime + 2.0*frame_time;
if (!InFrame)
InFrame = 1;
Nexttime = Lasttime + frame_time;
Latetime = Nexttime + frame_time;
Latetime = Nexttime + halfFrame;
if (cur_time >= Nexttime)
@ -266,30 +326,40 @@ SpeedThrottle(void)
if ( keepFrameTimeStats )
double frameDelta;
frameDelta = (cur_time - Lasttime);
frameDeltaCur = (cur_time - Lasttime);
if ( frameDelta < frameDeltaMin )
if ( frameDeltaCur < frameDeltaMin )
frameDeltaMin = frameDelta;
frameDeltaMin = frameDeltaCur;
if ( frameDelta > frameDeltaMax )
if ( frameDeltaCur > frameDeltaMax )
frameDeltaMax = frameDelta;
frameDeltaMax = frameDeltaCur;
frameIdleCur = (cur_time - idleStart);
if ( frameIdleCur < frameIdleMin )
frameIdleMin = frameIdleCur;
if ( frameIdleCur > frameIdleMax )
frameIdleMax = frameIdleCur;
//printf("Frame Delta: %f us min:%f max:%f \n", frameDelta * 1e6, frameDeltaMin * 1e6, frameDeltaMax * 1e6 );
//printf("Frame Sleep Time: %f Target Error: %f us\n", time_left * 1e6, (cur_time - Nexttime) * 1e6 );
Lasttime = Nexttime;
Nexttime = Lasttime + frame_time;
Latetime = Nexttime + frame_time;
Latetime = Nexttime + halfFrame;
if ( cur_time >= Nexttime )
Lasttime = cur_time;
Nexttime = Lasttime + frame_time;
Latetime = Nexttime + frame_time;
Latetime = Nexttime + halfFrame;
return 0; /* Done waiting */
@ -3,3 +3,44 @@ int SpeedThrottle(void);
void RefreshThrottleFPS(void);
int getTimingMode(void);
int setTimingMode(int mode);
struct frameTimingStat_t
struct {
double tgt;
double cur;
double min;
double max;
} frameTimeAbs;
struct {
double tgt;
double cur;
double min;
double max;
} frameTimeDel;
struct {
double tgt;
double cur;
double min;
double max;
} frameTimeWork;
struct {
double tgt;
double cur;
double min;
double max;
} frameTimeIdle;
unsigned int lateCount;
bool enabled;
void resetFrameTiming(void);
void setFrameTimingEnable( bool enable );
int getFrameTimingStats( struct frameTimingStat_t *stats );
Reference in New Issue