diff --git a/output/luaScripts/FRKfunctions.lua b/output/luaScripts/FRKfunctions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0dfaeb9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/output/luaScripts/FRKfunctions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+_FRK_Fn= {}
+_FRK_Fn.version= 1
+-- Various little functions for use.
+-- Shortly, I will list out functions and keywords that the script provides
+-- access to. But first, I feel a need to explain a few things...
+-- Option keywords are simply global variables that this auxillary script looks
+-- for. If they are anything other than false or nil by the time your script
+-- calls requrie("FRKfunctions"), this script will react accordingly.
+-- Reserved variable names are those the script uses, but allows access for
+-- other scripts. Sorry about taking valuble names away from you, but I figure
+-- you might want direct access to them.
+-- Functions are just that. Functions that do stuff, the whole point of this
+-- auxillary script. I copied down their line numbers for your convenience.
+-- If the quick description isn't enough, then perhaps the more detailed
+-- comments and actual code might be.
+-- Options for individual functions can be changed by altering its number
+-- after the require("FRKfunctions") line.
+--List of option keywords:
+-- _FRK_SkipRename        Convenient names aren't used for these functions
+-- _FRK_NoAutoReg         Will not automatically fill registers
+--List of reserved variable names:
+-- keys                     For checking current keys.
+-- lastkeys                 For checking previous keys.
+--List of functions:
+--  82 UpdateKeys()                           Updates this script's key tables
+--  97 Press(button)                          Checks for a key hit
+-- 109 PressRepeater(button)                  Like Press, but if held for long
+-- 133 Release(button)                        Checks for when a key is released
+-- 144 MouseMoved()                           Returns how far the mouse moved
+-- 166 FBoxOldFast(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)     Faster at drawing, but stupid
+-- 180 FBoxOld(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)          Border-only box; corners fix
+-- 210 FakeBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, Fill, Border)   Fill-and-Border box; corners fix
+-- 230 Draw[digit](Left,Top,color)               Paints tiny digit on screen
+-- 354 _FRK_Fn._DN_AnyBase(right, top, Number, color, bkgnd, div)
+    --     Paints a right-aligned number using any base from 2 to 16.
+-- 405 DrawNum(right, top, Number, color, bkgnd)  Paints a beautiful number
+-- 413 DrawNumx(right, top, Number, color, bkgnd) Hexidecimal version
+-- 504 ProcessReg()             Removes functions in registers and stores 'em
+-- 521 ApplyReg()               Sets registers
+-- 534 AddReg(name, function)
+-- 543 RemoveReg(name, pos)
+-- 564 limits(value,low,high)                 Returns value or specified limits
+-- 575 within(value,low,high)                 Returns T/F; Is it within range?
+--List of options for individual functions:
+_FRK_Fn.RepeaterDelay= 5        --How long should PressRepeater wait?
+-- input.get family
+function _FRK_Fn.UpdateKeys()
+-- Moves keys into lastkeys, then puts fresh keyboard input into keys.
+-- Meant to simplify the process of registering keyhits.
+-- Stick this thing at the beginning of a gui.register function or main loop.
+    lastkeys= keys
+    keys= input.get()
+keys= input.get() -- Sanity. Want xmouse and ymouse to exist.
+lastkeys= keys    -- Otherwise, MouseMoved pings an error at me.
+function _FRK_Fn.Press(button)  -- Expects a key
+-- Returns true or false. It's true at the moment the user hits the button.
+-- Generally, if keys is pressed, the next loop around will set lastkeys,
+-- and thus prevent returning true more than once if held.
+    return (keys[button] and not lastkeys[button])
+local repeater= 0
+function _FRK_Fn.PressRepeater(button)  -- Expects a key
+--DarkKobold & FatRatKnight
+-- Returns true or false.
+-- Acts much like press if you don't hold the key down. Once held long enough,
+-- it will repeatedly return true.
+-- It works fine if there are multiple calls to different buttons. Not so fine
+-- if there's multiple calls to the same button. Only one repeater variable...
+    if keys[button] then
+        if not lastkeys[button] or repeater >= _FRK_Fn.RepeaterDelay then
+            return true
+        else
+            repeater = repeater + 1
+        end
+    elseif lastkeys[button] then   -- To allow more calls for other buttons
+        repeater= 0
+    end
+    return false
+function _FRK_Fn.Release(button)  -- Expects a key
+-- Returns true or false. It's true at the moment the user releases the button.
+-- Might be a good idea to know when the user ain't holding it anymore.
+-- Eh, I don't see any obvious application, but may as well have it.
+    return ((not keys[button]) and lastkeys[button])
+function _FRK_Fn.MouseMoved()
+-- Returns two values: x,y
+-- This function tells you how far the mouse moved since the last update.
+-- It's simply the difference of what position it is now and what it once was.
+    return (keys.xmouse - lastkeys.xmouse)  ,  (keys.ymouse - lastkeys.ymouse)
+-- Display family
+-- For helping you see
+function _FRK_Fn.FBoxOldFast(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
+-- Gets around FCEUX's problem of double-painting the corners.
+-- This particular function doesn't make sure the x and y are good.
+-- Call this instead if you need processing speed and know its fine
+    gui.line(x1  ,y1  ,x2-1,y1  ,color) -- top
+    gui.line(x2  ,y1  ,x2  ,y2-1,color) -- right
+    gui.line(x1+1,y2  ,x2  ,y2  ,color) -- bottom
+    gui.line(x1  ,y1+1,x1  ,y2  ,color) -- left
+function _FRK_Fn.FBoxOld(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
+-- Gets around FCEUX's problem of double-painting the corners.
+-- This has several sanity checks to ensure a properly drawn box.
+-- It acts like the old-style border-only box.
+    if     (x1 == x2) and (y1 == y2) then  -- Sanity: Is it a single dot?
+        gui.pixel(x1,y1,color)
+    elseif (x1 == x2) or  (y1 == y2) then  -- Sanity: A straight line?
+        gui.line(x1,y1,x2,y2,color)
+    else --(x1 ~= x2) and (y1 ~= y2)
+        local temp
+        if x1 > x2 then
+            temp= x1;   x1= x2;  x2= temp  -- Sanity: Without these checks,
+        end                                -- This function may end up putting
+        if y1 > y2 then                    -- two or four out-of-place pixels
+            temp= y1;   y1= y2;  y2= temp  -- near the corners.
+        end
+        gui.line(x1  ,y1  ,x2-1,y1  ,color) -- top
+        gui.line(x2  ,y1  ,x2  ,y2-1,color) -- right
+        gui.line(x1+1,y2  ,x2  ,y2  ,color) -- bottom
+        gui.line(x1  ,y1+1,x1  ,y2  ,color) -- left
+    end
+function _FRK_Fn.FakeBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, Fill, Border)
+-- Gets around FCEUX's problem of double-painting the corners.
+-- It acts like the new-style fill-and-border box. Not quite perfectly...
+-- One "problem" is that, if you specify Fill only, it won't successfully
+-- mimic the actual gui.box fill.
+if not Border then   Border= Fill   end
+    gui.box(x1,y1,x2,y2,Fill,0)
+    FBoxOld(x1,y1,x2,y2,Border)
+--###  #  ### ### # # ### ### ### ### ###   #  ##   #  ##  ### ###
+--# # ##    #   # # # #   #     # # # # #  # # # # # # # # #   #
+--# #  #  ### ### ### ### ###  ## ### ###  # # ##  #   # # ##  ##
+--# #  #  #     #   #   # # #  #  # #   #  ### # # # # # # #   #
+--### ### ### ###   # ### ###  #  ### ###  # # ##   #  ##  ### #
+_FRK_Fn.Draw= {}   --Draw[button]( Left , Top , color )
+--Coordinates is the top-left pixel of the 3x5 digit.
+--Used for drawing compact, colored numbers.
+local d= _FRK_Fn.Draw
+function d.D0(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left  ,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+2,top  ,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top  ,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+4,color)
+function d.D1(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+4,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+1,top  ,left+1,top+3,color)
+    gui.pixel(left  ,top+1,color)
+function d.D2(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left+2,top  ,color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+3,left+2,top+1,color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+4,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.pixel(left  ,top+2,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+2,top+2,color)
+function d.D3(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left+1,top  ,color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+2,left+1,top+2,color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+4,left+1,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+2,top  ,left+2,top+4,color)
+function d.D4(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left  ,top+2,color)
+    gui.line(left+2,top  ,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+2,color)
+function d.D5(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left+2,top  ,color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+1,left+2,top+3,color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+4,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.pixel(left  ,top+2,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+2,top+2,color)
+function d.D6(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left+2,top  ,color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+1,left  ,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+2,top+2,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+2,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+4,color)
+function d.D7(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left+1,top  ,color)
+    gui.line(left+2,top  ,left+1,top+4,color)
+function d.D8(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left  ,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+2,top  ,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top  ,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+2,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+4,color)
+function d.D9(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left  ,top+2,color)
+    gui.line(left+2,top  ,left+2,top+3,color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+4,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top  ,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+2,color)
+function d.DA(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+1,left  ,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+2,top+1,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top  ,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+3,color)
+function d.DB(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left  ,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+1,top  ,left+2,top+1,color)
+    gui.line(left+1,top+4,left+2,top+3,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+2,color)
+function d.DC(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top+1,left  ,top+3,color)
+    gui.line(left+1,top  ,left+2,top+1,color)
+    gui.line(left+1,top+4,left+2,top+3,color)
+function d.DD(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left  ,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+2,top+1,left+2,top+3,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top  ,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+4,color)
+function d.DE(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left  ,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+1,top  ,left+2,top  ,color)
+    gui.line(left+1,top+4,left+2,top+4,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+2,color)
+function d.DF(left, top, color)
+    gui.line(left  ,top  ,left  ,top+4,color)
+    gui.line(left+1,top  ,left+2,top  ,color)
+    gui.pixel(left+1,top+2,color)
+d[0],d[1],d[2],d[3],d[4]= d.D0, d.D1, d.D2, d.D3, d.D4
+d[5],d[6],d[7],d[8],d[9]= d.D5, d.D6, d.D7, d.D8, d.D9
+d[10],d[11],d[12],d[13],d[14],d[15]= d.DA, d.DB, d.DC, d.DD, d.DE, d.DF
+function _FRK_Fn._DN_AnyBase(right, top, Number, color, bkgnd, div)
+-- Works with any base from 2 to 16. Paints the input number.
+-- Returns the x position where it would paint another digit.
+-- It only works with integers. Rounds fractions toward zero.
+    if div < 2 then return end  -- Prevents the function from never returning.
+    local Digit= {}
+    local Negative= false
+    if Number < 0 then
+        Number= -Number
+        Negative= true
+    end
+    Number= math.floor(Number)
+    if not color then color= "white" end
+    if not bkgnd then bkgnd= "clear" end
+    local i= 0
+    if Number < 1 then
+        Digit[1]= 0
+        i= 1
+    end
+    while (Number >= 1) do
+        i= i+1
+        Digit[i]= Number % div
+        Number= math.floor(Number/div)
+    end
+    if Negative then  i= i+1  end
+    local left= right - i*4
+    FakeBox(left+1, top-1, right+1, top+5,bkgnd,bkgnd)
+    i= 1
+    while _FRK_Fn.Draw[Digit[i]] do
+        _FRK_Fn.Draw[Digit[i]](right-2,top,color)
+        right= right-4
+        i=i+1
+    end
+    if Negative then
+        gui.line(right, top+2,right-2,top+2,color)
+        right= right-4
+    end
+    return right
+function _FRK_Fn.DrawNum(right, top, Number, color, bkgnd)
+-- Paints the input number as right-aligned. Decimal version.
+    return _FRK_Fn._DN_AnyBase(right, top, Number, color, bkgnd, 10)
+function _FRK_Fn.DrawNumx(right, top, Number, color, bkgnd)
+-- Paints the input number as right-aligned. Hexadecimal version.
+    return _FRK_Fn._DN_AnyBase(right, top, Number, color, bkgnd, 16)
+-- Registry family
+-- For overloading the usual registers with multiple separate functions.
+local RegNames= {"Before", "After", "Exit", "Gui", "Save", "Load"}
+_FRK_Fn.RegList= {}
+_FRK_Fn.RegList.After= {}
+_FRK_Fn.RegList.Exit=  {}
+_FRK_Fn.RegList.Gui=   {}
+_FRK_Fn.RegList.Save=  {}
+_FRK_Fn.RegList.Load=  {}
+_FRK_Fn.RegFn= {}       --RegFn[name]()   For various registers
+function _FRK_Fn.RegFn.Before()
+    local i= 1
+    while (_FRK_Fn.RegList.Before[i]) do
+        _FRK_Fn.RegList.Before[i]()
+        i= i+1
+    end
+function _FRK_Fn.RegFn.After()
+    local i= 1
+    while (_FRK_Fn.RegList.After[i]) do
+        _FRK_Fn.RegList.After[i]()
+        i= i+1
+    end
+function _FRK_Fn.RegFn.Exit()
+    local i= 1
+    while (_FRK_Fn.RegList.Exit[i]) do
+        _FRK_Fn.RegList.Exit[i]()
+        i= i+1
+    end
+function _FRK_Fn.RegFn.Gui()
+    local i= 1
+    while (_FRK_Fn.RegList.Gui[i]) do
+        _FRK_Fn.RegList.Gui[i]()
+        i= i+1
+    end
+function _FRK_Fn.RegFn.Save()
+    local i= 1
+    while (_FRK_Fn.RegList.Save[i]) do
+        _FRK_Fn.RegList.Save[i]()
+        i= i+1
+    end
+function _FRK_Fn.RegFn.Load()
+    local i= 1
+    while (_FRK_Fn.RegList.Load[i]) do
+        _FRK_Fn.RegList.Load[i]()
+        i= i+1
+    end
+local EmuRegisters={
+    emu.registerbefore,
+    emu.registerafter,
+    emu.registerexit,
+    gui.register,
+    savestate.registersave,
+    savestate.registerload
+function _FRK_Fn.ProcessRegisters()
+-- Any functions in registers, such as those that might be inserted by
+-- auxillary files, are removed from their registers and inserted into my
+-- table of functions to execute.
+-- All registers will be empty after excecution of this function.
+    for i= 1, 6 do
+        local test= EmuRegisters[i]()
+-- Make sure the function exists. Also, make sure it isn't ourselves...
+        if test and (test ~= _FRK_Fn.RegFn[ RegNames[i] ]) then
+            table.insert(_FRK_Fn.RegList[ RegNames[i] ],1,test)
+        end
+    end
+function _FRK_Fn.ApplyRegisters()
+-- Fills the registers with functions that will excecute functions stored in
+-- my tables.
+    for i= 1, 6 do
+        if _FRK_Fn.RegList[ RegNames[i] ][ 1 ] then
+            EmuRegisters[i](_FRK_Fn.RegFn[ RegNames[i] ])
+        end
+    end
+function _FRK_Fn.AddRegister(name, fn)
+-- Name should be "Before", "After", "Exit", "Gui", "Save", or "Load".
+-- Recommended for use if you plan to add functions to the register.
+    table.insert(_FRK_Fn.RegList[name],fn)
+function _FRK_Fn.RemoveRegister(name, pos)
+-- Name should be "Before", "After", "Exit", "Gui", "Save", or "Load".
+-- You may omit pos. Doing so will remove and return the first function that's
+-- been inserted into my table.
+    return table.remove(_FRK_Fn.RegList[name],pos)
+-- Miscellaneous family
+function _FRK_Fn.limits( value , low , high )  -- Expects numbers
+-- Returns value, low, or high. high is returned if value exceeds high,
+-- and low is returned if value is beneath low.
+-- Sometimes, you'd rather crop the number to some specific limits.
+    return math.max(math.min(value,high),low)
+function _FRK_Fn.within( value , low , high )  -- Expects numbers
+-- Returns true if value is between low and high, inclusive. False otherwise.
+-- Sometimes, you just want to know if the number is within a certain range.
+    return ( value >= low ) and ( value <= high )
+if not _FRK_SkipRename then
+    UpdateKeys=    _FRK_Fn.UpdateKeys
+    Press=         _FRK_Fn.Press
+    PressRepeater= _FRK_Fn.PressRepeater
+    Release=       _FRK_Fn.Release
+    MouseMoved=    _FRK_Fn.MouseMoved
+    FBoxOldFast=   _FRK_Fn.FBoxOldFast
+    FBoxOld=       _FRK_Fn.FBoxOld
+    FakeBox=       _FRK_Fn.FakeBox
+    Draw=          _FRK_Fn.Draw
+    DrawNum=       _FRK_Fn.DrawNum
+    DrawNumx=      _FRK_Fn.DrawNumx
+    ProcessReg=    _FRK_Fn.ProcessRegisters
+    ApplyReg=      _FRK_Fn.ApplyRegisters
+    AddReg=        _FRK_Fn.AddRegister
+    RemoveReg=     _FRK_Fn.RemoveRegister
+    limits=        _FRK_Fn.limits
+    within=        _FRK_Fn.within
+if not _FRK_NoAutoReg then
+    emu.registerbefore(    _FRK_Fn.RegFn.Before)
+    emu.registerafter(     _FRK_Fn.RegFn.After )
+    emu.registerexit(      _FRK_Fn.RegFn.Exit  )
+    gui.register(          _FRK_Fn.RegFn.Gui   )
+    savestate.registersave(_FRK_Fn.RegFn.Save  )
+    savestate.registerload(_FRK_Fn.RegFn.Load  )
\ No newline at end of file