<p>If you enable hardware acceleration and Vsync (Wait for VBlank), and your monitor has a framerate different from 60FPS, you may experience minor sound cracle. This is a known issue and will probably be resolved in a future release.</p>
<p><spanclass="rvts40">Slow savestates when recording movies</span></p>
<p>On slower computers, savestates can be slow with long movies. A small speedup can be done by disabling Config -> Enable -> Backup savestates.</p>
<p>There's no such thing as a universally right palette for NES games.</p>
<p>FCEUX uses the color palette of the old FCEU / FCEUXD branches. Also FCEUX comes pre-packaged with several additional color palettes. For more information see <aclass="rvts18"href="Palette.html">Palette config</a> and <aclass="rvts18"href="PaletteOptions.html">Palette options</a>.</p>
<p>Depending on what version of FCEU / Game your .fcm was made, there maybe a number of sync issues. These are listed in detail at <aclass="rvts18"href="http://tasvideos.org/ConvertFCMtoFM2.html"target="_blank">http://tasvideos.org/ConvertFCMtoFM2.html</a>.</p>
<p>FCEUX requires the FDS Bios to be named <spanclass="rvts32">disksys.rom</span>. It must be located in the root directory (where fceux.exe is stored) or in the folder of the FDS Directory override (see <aclass="rvts18"href="Directories.html">Directory overrides</a>).</p>
<p>Currently, the WIndows version of FCEUX is not compatible with the FCEU-server code. This is a known issue and will probably be resolved in a future release.</p>
<p>While FCEUX has a <aclass="rvts18"href="GameGenieEncoderDecoder.html">Game Genie code converter</a>, you can also use game genie codes with the game genie ROM. It must be named gg.rom and be placed in the root directory (where fceux.exe is stored). You must also check <spanclass="rvts22">Config->Enable->Game Genie ROM</span> in the main menu.</p>
<pclass="rvps2"><spanclass="rvts13">Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: </span><aclass="rvts14"href="http://www.helpndoc.com/create-epub-ebooks">Produce electronic books easily</a></p>