2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
//#include <unistd.h> //mbgm erge 7/17/06 removed
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
# ifdef WIN32
# include <windows.h>
# endif
# include "types.h"
# include "endian.h"
# include "palette.h"
# include "input.h"
# include "fceu.h"
# include "driver.h"
# include "state.h"
# include "general.h"
# include "video.h"
# include "movie.h"
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
# include "memory.h" //mbg merge 7/17/06 added
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
# define MOVIE_MAGIC 0x1a4d4346 // FCM\x1a
# define MOVIE_VERSION 2 // still at 2 since the format itself is still compatible - to detect which version the movie was made with, check the fceu version stored in the movie header (e.g against FCEU_VERSION_NUMERIC)
# define MOVIE_FLAG_NOSYNCHACK (1<<4) // set in newer version, used for old movie compatibility
// backwards compat
static void FCEUI_LoadMovie_v1 ( char * fname , int _read_only ) ;
static int FCEUI_MovieGetInfo_v1 ( const char * fname , MOVIE_INFO * info ) ;
extern char FileBase [ ] ;
struct MovieHeader
uint32 magic ; // +0
uint32 version = 2 ; // +4
uint8 flags [ 4 ] ; // +8
uint32 length_frames ; // +12
uint32 rerecord_count ; // +16
uint32 movie_data_size ; // +20
uint32 offset_to_savestate ; // +24, should be 4-byte-aligned
uint32 offset_to_movie_data ; // +28, should be 4-byte-aligned
uint8 md5_of_rom_used [ 16 ] ; // +32
uint32 version_of_emu_used // +48
char name_of_rom_used [ ] // +52, utf-8, null-terminated
char metadata [ ] ; // utf-8, null-terminated
uint8 padding [ ] ;
uint8 savestate [ ] ; // always present, even in a "from reset" recording
uint8 padding [ ] ; // used for byte-alignment
uint8 movie_data [ ] ;
static int current = 0 ; // > 0 for recording, < 0 for playback
static FILE * slots [ 10 ] = { 0 } ;
static uint8 joop [ 4 ] ;
static uint32 framets = 0 ;
static uint32 frameptr = 0 ;
static uint8 * moviedata = NULL ;
static uint32 moviedatasize = 0 ;
static uint32 firstframeoffset = 0 ;
static uint32 savestate_offset = 0 ;
static uint32 framecount = 0 ;
static uint32 rerecord_count = 0 ;
/*static*/ int movie_readonly = 1 ;
static uint32 stopframe = 0 ;
int frame_display = 0 ;
static uint32 last_frame_display = ~ 0 ;
int input_display = 0 ;
uint32 cur_input_display = 0 ;
static uint32 last_input_display = ~ 0 ;
int resetDMCacc = 0 ;
/* Cache variables used for playback. */
static uint32 nextts = 0 ;
static int32 nextd = 0 ;
{ joop , 4 , " JOOP " } ,
{ & framets , 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB , " FTS " } ,
{ & nextts , 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB , " NXTS " } ,
{ & nextd , 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB , " NXTD " } ,
{ & frameptr , 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB , " FPTR " } ,
{ & framecount , 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB , " FCNT " } ,
{ 0 }
} ;
static int CurrentMovie = 1 ;
static int MovieShow = 0 ;
static int MovieStatus [ 10 ] ;
static void DoEncode ( int joy , int button , int ) ;
int FCEUMOV_GetFrame ( void )
return framecount ;
int FCEUMOV_IsPlaying ( void )
if ( current < 0 ) return ( 1 ) ;
else return ( 0 ) ;
int FCEUMOV_IsRecording ( void )
if ( current > 0 ) return ( 1 ) ;
else return ( 0 ) ;
int FCEUMOV_ShouldPause ( void )
if ( stopframe & & framecount = = stopframe )
stopframe = 0 ; //only pause once!
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int suppressMovieStop = 0 ;
int movieConvertOffset1 = 0 , movieConvertOffset2 = 0 , movieConvertOK = 0 , movieSyncHackOn = 0 ;
static void StopPlayback ( void )
if ( suppressMovieStop )
return ;
resetDMCacc = movieSyncHackOn = 0 ;
fclose ( slots [ - 1 - current ] ) ;
current = 0 ;
FCEU_DispMessage ( " Movie playback stopped. " ) ;
void MovieFlushHeader ( void )
if ( current < = 0 )
return ; // only write header data if recording
FILE * fp = slots [ current - 1 ] ;
if ( fp = = 0 )
return ;
unsigned long loc = ftell ( fp ) ;
fseek ( fp , 4 , SEEK_SET ) ;
write32le ( MOVIE_VERSION , fp ) ;
fseek ( fp , 12 , SEEK_SET ) ;
write32le ( framecount , fp ) ;
write32le ( rerecord_count , fp ) ;
write32le ( frameptr , fp ) ;
fseek ( fp , 32 , SEEK_SET ) ;
fwrite ( FCEUGameInfo - > MD5 , 1 , 16 , fp ) ; // write ROM checksum
write32le ( FCEU_VERSION_NUMERIC , fp ) ; // write emu version used
// write ROM name used
fseek ( fp , 52 , SEEK_SET ) ;
char str [ 512 ] ;
fgets ( str , 512 , fp ) ;
str [ 511 ] = ' \0 ' ;
int strdiff = strlen ( FileBase ) - strlen ( str ) ;
if ( strdiff )
// resize the whole damn movie because the ROM name in the header is of variable length
int off = 52 ;
fseek ( fp , 52 , SEEK_SET ) ;
do { off + + ;
} while ( fgetc ( fp ) & & ! feof ( fp ) & & ! ferror ( fp ) ) ;
if ( feof ( fp ) | | ferror ( fp ) )
fseek ( fp , loc , SEEK_SET ) ;
return ;
fseek ( fp , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
uint32 fsize = ftell ( fp ) - off ;
char * ctemp = ( char * ) FCEU_malloc ( fsize * sizeof ( char ) + 4 ) ;
if ( ! ctemp )
fseek ( fp , loc , SEEK_SET ) ;
return ;
fseek ( fp , off , SEEK_SET ) ;
fread ( ctemp , 1 , fsize , fp ) ;
fseek ( fp , 52 + strlen ( FileBase ) + 1 , SEEK_SET ) ;
int wrote = fwrite ( ctemp , fsize , 1 , fp ) ;
FCEU_free ( ctemp ) ;
if ( ! wrote )
fseek ( fp , loc , SEEK_SET ) ;
return ;
if ( loc > = firstframeoffset )
loc + = strdiff ;
savestate_offset + = strdiff ;
firstframeoffset + = strdiff ;
fseek ( fp , 24 , SEEK_SET ) ;
write32le ( savestate_offset , fp ) ;
write32le ( firstframeoffset , fp ) ;
fseek ( fp , 52 , SEEK_SET ) ;
fputs ( FileBase , fp ) ;
fputc ( ' \0 ' , fp ) ;
fseek ( fp , loc , SEEK_SET ) ;
static void StopRecording ( void )
if ( suppressMovieStop )
return ;
resetDMCacc = movieSyncHackOn = 0 ;
DoEncode ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ; /* Write a dummy timestamp value so that the movie will keep
" playing " after user input has stopped . */
// finish header
MovieFlushHeader ( ) ;
// FIXME: truncate movie to length
// ftruncate();
fclose ( slots [ current - 1 ] ) ;
MovieStatus [ current - 1 ] = 1 ;
current = 0 ;
FCEU_DispMessage ( " Movie recording stopped. " ) ;
void FCEUI_StopMovie ( void )
if ( current < 0 ) StopPlayback ( ) ;
if ( current > 0 ) StopRecording ( ) ;
# ifdef WIN32
# include "process.h"
void executeCommand ( const char * cmd )
if ( ! cmd | | ! * cmd )
return ;
const char * argv [ 4 ] ;
argv [ 0 ] = getenv ( " COMSPEC " ) ;
argv [ 1 ] = " /c " ;
argv [ 2 ] = cmd ;
argv [ 3 ] = NULL ;
if ( * argv & & * ( * argv ) )
_spawnve ( _P_WAIT , argv [ 0 ] , argv , NULL ) ;
# endif
int justAutoConverted = 0 ;
static const char * convertToFCM ( const char * fname , char * buffer )
# ifdef WIN32
justAutoConverted = 0 ;
// convert to fcm if not already
const char * dot = strrchr ( fname , ' . ' ) ;
if ( dot )
int fmv = ! stricmp ( dot , " .fmv " ) ;
int nmv = ! stricmp ( dot , " .nmv " ) ;
int vmv = ! stricmp ( dot , " .vmv " ) ;
if ( fmv | | nmv | | vmv )
strcpy ( buffer , fname ) ;
buffer [ dot - fname ] = ' \0 ' ;
strcat ( buffer , " -autoconverted.fcm " ) ;
int fceuver = 0 ;
if ( fmv )
fceuver = 1 ;
else if ( nmv )
fceuver = 2 ;
else if ( vmv )
fceuver = 3 ;
extern char lastLoadedGameName [ 2048 ] ;
char cmd [ 1024 ] , offset [ 64 ] , romInfo [ 1024 ] ;
if ( movieConvertOK )
sprintf ( romInfo , " -smd5= \" %s \" -sromname= \" %s (MAYBE) \" -s " , lastLoadedGameName , FileBase ) ;
sprintf ( romInfo , " -sromname= \" (unknown) \" -s " ) ;
if ( movieConvertOffset2 ) sprintf ( offset , " -o %d:%d " , movieConvertOffset2 , movieConvertOffset1 ) ;
else sprintf ( offset , " -o %d " , movieConvertOffset1 ) ;
sprintf ( cmd , " . \\ util \\ nesmock \\ nesmock.exe %s %s -spal=%c -sfceuver=%d \" %s \" \" %s \" " , offset , romInfo , FCEUI_GetCurrentVidSystem ( 0 , 0 ) ? ' 1 ' : ' 0 ' , fceuver , fname , buffer ) ;
// FCEU_PrintError(cmd);
executeCommand ( cmd ) ;
FILE * file = FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( buffer , " rb " ) ;
if ( file )
fseek ( file , 12 , SEEK_SET ) ;
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
uint32 frames = 0 ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to uint32
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
read32le ( & frames , file ) ;
if ( frames )
fname = buffer ;
justAutoConverted = 1 ;
static int errAlready = 0 ;
if ( ! errAlready )
errAlready = 1 ;
FCEU_PrintError ( " For some reason, nesmock was unable to create a valid FCM from the given file. \n The command given was: \n %s \n Perhaps the file specified is not a movie file or contains no input data, \n or perhaps it is a movie file of a version unsupported by nesmock. \n \n (This error message will self-destruct until you restart FCEU.) " , cmd ) ;
fclose ( file ) ;
char str [ 512 ] ;
str [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
GetCurrentDirectory ( 512 , str ) ;
strcat ( str , " \\ util \\ nesmock \\ nesmock.exe " ) ;
file = FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( str , " rb " ) ;
if ( file )
static int errAlready = 0 ;
if ( ! errAlready )
errAlready = 1 ;
FCEU_PrintError ( " For some reason, nesmock was unable to convert the movie to FCM format. \n The command given was: \n %s \n \n (This error message will self-destruct until you restart FCEU.) " , cmd ) ;
fclose ( file ) ;
static int errAlready = 0 ;
if ( ! errAlready )
errAlready = 1 ;
FCEU_PrintError ( " Nesmock not found, so the movie could not be converted to FCM format. \n You must place nesmock.exe at this location so FCEU can find it: \n %s \n \n (This error message will self-destruct until you restart FCEU.) " , str ) ;
# endif
return fname ;
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
void ParseGIInput ( FCEUGI * GI ) ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 - had to add. gross.
void InitOtherInput ( void ) ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 - had to add. gross.
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
static void ResetInputTypes ( )
# ifdef WIN32
extern int UsrInputType [ 3 ] ;
UsrInputType [ 0 ] = SI_GAMEPAD ;
UsrInputType [ 1 ] = SI_GAMEPAD ;
UsrInputType [ 2 ] = SIFC_NONE ;
ParseGIInput ( NULL /*FCEUGameInfo*/ ) ;
extern int cspec , gametype ;
cspec = FCEUGameInfo - > cspecial ;
gametype = FCEUGameInfo - > type ;
InitOtherInput ( ) ;
# endif
char curMovieFilename [ 512 ] ;
// PlayMovie / MoviePlay function
void FCEUI_LoadMovie ( char * fname , int _read_only , int _stopframe )
char buffer [ 512 ] ;
fname = ( char * ) convertToFCM ( fname , buffer ) ;
FILE * fp ;
char * fn = NULL ;
FCEUI_StopMovie ( ) ;
if ( ! fname )
fname = fn = FCEU_MakeFName ( FCEUMKF_MOVIE , CurrentMovie , 0 ) ;
char origname [ 512 ] ;
strcpy ( origname , fname ) ;
stopframe = _stopframe ;
// check movie_readonly
movie_readonly = _read_only ;
if ( access ( fname , W_OK ) )
movie_readonly = 2 ;
fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( fname , ( movie_readonly > = 2 ) ? " rb " : " r+b " ) ;
if ( fn )
free ( fn ) ;
fname = NULL ;
if ( ! fp ) return ;
// read header
uint32 magic ;
uint32 version ;
uint8 flags [ 4 ] ;
read32le ( & magic , fp ) ;
if ( magic ! = MOVIE_MAGIC )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return ;
read32le ( & version , fp ) ;
if ( version = = 1 )
// attempt to load previous version's format
fclose ( fp ) ;
FCEUI_LoadMovie_v1 ( fname , _read_only ) ;
return ;
else if ( version = = MOVIE_VERSION )
{ }
// unsupported version
fclose ( fp ) ;
return ;
fread ( flags , 1 , 4 , fp ) ;
read32le ( & framecount , fp ) ;
read32le ( & rerecord_count , fp ) ;
read32le ( & moviedatasize , fp ) ;
read32le ( & savestate_offset , fp ) ;
read32le ( & firstframeoffset , fp ) ;
if ( fseek ( fp , savestate_offset , SEEK_SET ) )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return ;
// FCEU_PrintError("flags[0] & MOVIE_FLAG_NOSYNCHACK=%d",flags[0] & MOVIE_FLAG_NOSYNCHACK);
if ( flags [ 0 ] & MOVIE_FLAG_NOSYNCHACK )
movieSyncHackOn = 0 ;
movieSyncHackOn = 1 ;
if ( flags [ 0 ] & MOVIE_FLAG_PAL )
FCEUI_SetVidSystem ( 1 ) ;
FCEUI_SetVidSystem ( 0 ) ;
// fully reload the game to reinitialize everything before playing any movie
// to try fixing nondeterministic playback of some games
extern char lastLoadedGameName [ 2048 ] ;
extern int disableBatteryLoading , suppressAddPowerCommand ;
suppressAddPowerCommand = 1 ;
suppressMovieStop = 1 ;
FCEUGI * gi = FCEUI_LoadGame ( lastLoadedGameName , 0 ) ;
if ( ! gi )
PowerNES ( ) ;
suppressMovieStop = 0 ;
suppressAddPowerCommand = 0 ;
if ( ! FCEUSS_LoadFP ( fp , 1 ) ) return ;
if ( flags [ 0 ] & MOVIE_FLAG_PAL )
FCEUI_SetVidSystem ( 1 ) ;
FCEUI_SetVidSystem ( 0 ) ;
ResetInputTypes ( ) ;
fseek ( fp , firstframeoffset , SEEK_SET ) ;
moviedata = ( uint8 * ) realloc ( moviedata , moviedatasize ) ;
fread ( moviedata , 1 , moviedatasize , fp ) ;
framecount = 0 ; // movies start at frame 0!
frameptr = 0 ;
current = CurrentMovie ;
slots [ current ] = fp ;
memset ( joop , 0 , sizeof ( joop ) ) ;
current = - 1 - current ;
framets = 0 ;
nextts = 0 ;
nextd = - 1 ;
MovieStatus [ CurrentMovie ] = 1 ;
if ( ! fname )
FCEUI_SelectMovie ( CurrentMovie , 1 ) ; /* Quick hack to display status. */
FCEU_DispMessage ( " Movie playback started. " ) ;
strcpy ( curMovieFilename , origname ) ;
void FCEUI_SaveMovie ( char * fname , uint8 flags , const char * metadata )
FILE * fp ;
char * fn ;
int poweron = 0 ;
uint8 padding [ 4 ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
int n_padding ;
FCEUI_StopMovie ( ) ;
char origname [ 512 ] ;
if ( fname )
fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( fname , " wb " ) ;
strcpy ( origname , fname ) ;
fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( fn = FCEU_MakeFName ( FCEUMKF_MOVIE , CurrentMovie , 0 ) , " wb " ) ;
strcpy ( origname , fn ) ;
free ( fn ) ;
if ( ! fp ) return ;
// don't need the movieSyncHackOn sync hack for newly recorded movies
resetDMCacc = movieSyncHackOn = 0 ;
// add PAL flag
if ( FCEUI_GetCurrentVidSystem ( 0 , 0 ) )
flags | = MOVIE_FLAG_PAL ;
poweron = 1 ;
// write header
write32le ( MOVIE_MAGIC , fp ) ;
write32le ( MOVIE_VERSION , fp ) ;
fputc ( flags , fp ) ;
fputc ( 0 , fp ) ; // reserved
fputc ( 0 , fp ) ; // reserved
fputc ( 0 , fp ) ; // reserved
write32le ( 0 , fp ) ; // leave room for length frames
write32le ( 0 , fp ) ; // leave room for rerecord count
write32le ( 0 , fp ) ; // leave room for movie data size
write32le ( 0 , fp ) ; // leave room for savestate_offset
write32le ( 0 , fp ) ; // leave room for offset_to_controller_data
fwrite ( FCEUGameInfo - > MD5 , 1 , 16 , fp ) ; // write ROM checksum
write32le ( FCEU_VERSION_NUMERIC , fp ) ; // write emu version used
fputs ( FileBase , fp ) ; // write ROM name used
fputc ( 0 , fp ) ;
if ( metadata )
if ( strlen ( metadata ) < MOVIE_MAX_METADATA )
fputs ( metadata , fp ) ;
fwrite ( metadata , 1 , MOVIE_MAX_METADATA - 1 , fp ) ;
fputc ( 0 , fp ) ;
// add padding
n_padding = ( 4 - ( ftell ( fp ) & 0x3 ) ) & 0x3 ;
fwrite ( padding , 1 , n_padding , fp ) ;
if ( flags & MOVIE_FLAG_FROM_RESET )
if ( poweron )
// make a for-movie-recording power-on clear the game's save data, too
// (note: FCEU makes a save state immediately after this and that loads that on movie playback)
extern char lastLoadedGameName [ 2048 ] ;
extern int disableBatteryLoading , suppressAddPowerCommand ;
suppressAddPowerCommand = 1 ;
disableBatteryLoading = 1 ;
suppressMovieStop = 1 ;
// NOTE: this will NOT write an FCEUNPCMD_POWER into the movie file
FCEUGI * gi = FCEUI_LoadGame ( lastLoadedGameName , 0 ) ;
if ( ! gi )
PowerNES ( ) ; // and neither will this, if it can even happen
suppressMovieStop = 0 ;
disableBatteryLoading = 0 ;
suppressAddPowerCommand = 0 ;
savestate_offset = ftell ( fp ) ;
FCEUSS_SaveFP ( fp ) ;
fseek ( fp , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
ResetInputTypes ( ) ;
// add padding
n_padding = ( 4 - ( ftell ( fp ) & 0x3 ) ) & 0x3 ;
fwrite ( padding , 1 , n_padding , fp ) ;
firstframeoffset = ftell ( fp ) ;
// finish header
fseek ( fp , 24 , SEEK_SET ) ; // offset_to_savestate offset
write32le ( savestate_offset , fp ) ;
write32le ( firstframeoffset , fp ) ;
fseek ( fp , firstframeoffset , SEEK_SET ) ;
// set recording flag
current = CurrentMovie ;
movie_readonly = 0 ;
frameptr = 0 ;
framecount = 0 ;
rerecord_count = 0 ;
slots [ current ] = fp ;
memset ( joop , 0 , sizeof ( joop ) ) ;
current + + ;
framets = 0 ;
nextd = - 1 ;
// trigger a reset
if ( flags & MOVIE_FLAG_FROM_RESET )
if ( poweron )
PowerNES ( ) ; // NOTE: this will write an FCEUNPCMD_POWER into the movie file
ResetNES ( ) ; // NOTE: this will write an FCEUNPCMD_RESET into the movie file
if ( ! fname )
FCEUI_SelectMovie ( CurrentMovie , 1 ) ; /* Quick hack to display status. */
FCEU_DispMessage ( " Movie recording started. " ) ;
strcpy ( curMovieFilename , origname ) ;
static void movie_writechar ( int c )
if ( frameptr = = moviedatasize )
moviedatasize + = 4096 ;
moviedata = ( uint8 * ) realloc ( moviedata , moviedatasize ) ;
moviedata [ frameptr + + ] = ( uint8 ) ( c & 0xff ) ;
fputc ( c , slots [ current - 1 ] ) ;
static int movie_readchar ( )
if ( frameptr > = moviedatasize )
return - 1 ;
return ( int ) ( moviedata [ frameptr + + ] ) ;
static void DoEncode ( int joy , int button , int dummy )
uint8 d ;
d = 0 ;
if ( framets > = 65536 )
d = 3 < < 5 ;
else if ( framets > = 256 )
d = 2 < < 5 ;
else if ( framets > 0 )
d = 1 < < 5 ;
if ( dummy ) d | = 0x80 ;
d | = joy < < 3 ;
d | = button ;
movie_writechar ( d ) ;
//printf("Wr: %02x, %d\n",d,slots[current-1]);
while ( framets )
movie_writechar ( framets & 0xff ) ;
//printf("Wrts: %02x\n",framets & 0xff);
framets > > = 8 ;
// TODO: make this function legible! (what are all these magic numbers and weirdly named variables and crazy unexplained loops?)
void FCEUMOV_AddJoy ( uint8 * js , int SkipFlush )
int x , y ;
// if(!current) return; // Not playback nor recording.
if ( current < 0 ) // Playback
while ( nextts = = framets | | nextd = = - 1 )
int tmp , ti ;
uint8 d ;
if ( nextd ! = - 1 )
if ( nextd & 0x80 )
FCEU_DoSimpleCommand ( nextd & 0x1F ) ;
joop [ ( nextd > > 3 ) & 0x3 ] ^ = 1 < < ( nextd & 0x7 ) ;
tmp = movie_readchar ( ) ;
d = tmp ;
if ( tmp < 0 )
StopPlayback ( ) ;
memcpy ( & cur_input_display , js , 4 ) ;
return ;
nextts = 0 ;
tmp > > = 5 ;
tmp & = 0x3 ;
ti = 0 ;
int tmpfix = tmp ;
while ( tmp - - ) { nextts | = movie_readchar ( ) < < ( ti * 8 ) ; ti + + ; }
// This fixes a bug in movies recorded before version 0.98.11
// It's probably not necessary, but it may keep away CRAZY PEOPLE who recorded
// movies on <= 0.98.10 and don't work on playback.
if ( tmpfix = = 1 & & ! nextts )
{ nextts | = movie_readchar ( ) < < 8 ; }
else if ( tmpfix = = 2 & & ! nextts ) { nextts | = movie_readchar ( ) < < 16 ; }
if ( nextd ! = - 1 )
framets = 0 ;
nextd = d ;
memcpy ( js , joop , 4 ) ;
else if ( current > 0 ) // Recording
// flush header info every 300 frames in case of crash
//Don't if in bot mode--we don't need extra overhead
if ( ! SkipFlush )
static int fcounter = 0 ;
fcounter + + ;
if ( ! ( fcounter % 300 ) )
MovieFlushHeader ( ) ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 4 ; x + + )
if ( js [ x ] ! = joop [ x ] )
for ( y = 0 ; y < 8 ; y + + )
if ( ( js [ x ] ^ joop [ x ] ) & ( 1 < < y ) )
DoEncode ( x , y , 0 ) ;
joop [ x ] = js [ x ] ;
else if ( framets = = ( ( 1 < < 24 ) - 1 ) ) DoEncode ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ; // Overflow will happen, so do dummy update.
if ( current )
framets + + ;
framecount + + ;
memcpy ( & cur_input_display , js , 4 ) ;
//Stop the movie at a specified frame
if ( current < 0 & & FCEUMOV_ShouldPause ( ) & & FCEUI_EmulationPaused ( ) = = 0 )
FCEUI_ToggleEmulationPause ( ) ;
void FCEUMOV_AddCommand ( int cmd )
if ( current < = 0 ) return ; // Return if not recording a movie
DoEncode ( ( cmd > > 3 ) & 0x3 , cmd & 0x7 , 1 ) ;
void FCEUMOV_CheckMovies ( void )
FILE * st = NULL ;
char * fn ;
int ssel ;
for ( ssel = 0 ; ssel < 10 ; ssel + + )
st = FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( fn = FCEU_MakeFName ( FCEUMKF_MOVIE , ssel , 0 ) , " rb " ) ;
free ( fn ) ;
if ( st )
MovieStatus [ ssel ] = 1 ;
fclose ( st ) ;
MovieStatus [ ssel ] = 0 ;
void FCEUI_SelectMovieNext ( int n )
if ( n > 0 )
CurrentMovie = ( CurrentMovie + 1 ) % 10 ;
CurrentMovie = ( CurrentMovie + 9 ) % 10 ;
FCEUI_SelectMovie ( CurrentMovie , 1 ) ;
int FCEUI_SelectMovie ( int w , int show )
int oldslot = CurrentMovie ;
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
if ( w = = - 1 ) { MovieShow = 0 ; return 0 ; } //mbg merge 7/17/06 had to add return value
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
FCEUI_SelectState ( - 1 , 0 ) ;
CurrentMovie = w ;
MovieShow = 180 ;
if ( show )
MovieShow = 180 ;
if ( current > 0 )
FCEU_DispMessage ( " -recording movie %d- " , current - 1 ) ;
else if ( current < 0 )
FCEU_DispMessage ( " -playing movie %d- " , - 1 - current ) ;
FCEU_DispMessage ( " -select movie- " ) ;
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
return 0 ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 had to add return value
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
int movcounter = 0 ;
void FCEU_DrawMovies ( uint8 * XBuf )
int frameDisplayOn = current ! = 0 & & frame_display ;
extern int howlong ;
# if WIN32
extern int32 fps_scale ;
# else
int32 fps_scale = 256 ;
# endif
int howl = ( 180 - ( FCEUI_EmulationPaused ( ) ? ( 60 ) : ( 20 * fps_scale / 256 ) ) ) ;
if ( howl > 176 ) howl = 180 ;
if ( howl < 1 ) howl = 1 ;
if ( ( howlong < howl | | movcounter )
& & ( frameDisplayOn & &
( ! movcounter | | last_frame_display ! = framecount ) ) )
//|| input_display && (!movcounter || last_input_display!=cur_input_display)))
//Old input display code
char inputstr [ 32 ] ;
if ( input_display )
uint32 c = cur_input_display ;
sprintf ( inputstr , " %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c " ,
( c & 0x40 ) ? ' < ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x10 ) ? ' ^ ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x80 ) ? ' > ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x20 ) ? ' v ' : ' ' ,
( c & 0x01 ) ? ' A ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x02 ) ? ' B ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x08 ) ? ' S ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x04 ) ? ' s ' : ' ' ,
( c & 0x4000 ) ? ' < ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x1000 ) ? ' ^ ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x8000 ) ? ' > ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x2000 ) ? ' v ' : ' ' ,
( c & 0x0100 ) ? ' A ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x0200 ) ? ' B ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x0800 ) ? ' S ' : ' ' , ( c & 0x0400 ) ? ' s ' : ' ' ) ;
if ( ! ( c & 0xff00 ) )
inputstr [ 8 ] = ' \0 ' ;
if ( frameDisplayOn & & ! input_display )
FCEU_DispMessage ( " %s frame %u " , current > = 0 ? " Recording " : " Playing " , framecount ) ;
else if ( input_display & & ! frameDisplayOn )
FCEU_DispMessage ( " Input: %s " , inputstr ) ;
else //if(input_display && frame_display)
FCEU_DispMessage ( " %s %u %s " , current > = 0 ? " Recording " : " Playing " , framecount , inputstr ) ;
if ( frameDisplayOn )
FCEU_DispMessage ( " %s frame %u " , current > = 0 ? " Recording " : " Playing " , framecount ) ;
last_frame_display = framecount ;
last_input_display = cur_input_display ;
movcounter = 180 - 1 ;
return ;
if ( movcounter ) movcounter - - ;
if ( ! MovieShow ) return ;
FCEU_DrawNumberRow ( XBuf , MovieStatus , CurrentMovie ) ;
MovieShow - - ;
int FCEUMOV_WriteState ( FILE * st )
uint32 to_write = 0 ;
if ( current < 0 )
to_write = moviedatasize ;
else if ( current > 0 )
to_write = frameptr ;
if ( ! st )
return to_write ;
if ( to_write )
fwrite ( moviedata , 1 , to_write , st ) ;
return to_write ;
static int load_successful ;
int FCEUMOV_ReadState ( FILE * st , uint32 size )
// if this savestate was made while replaying,
// we need to "undo" nextd and nextts
if ( nextd ! = - 1 )
int d = 1 ;
if ( nextts > 65536 )
d = 4 ;
else if ( nextts > 256 )
d = 3 ;
else if ( nextts > 0 )
d = 2 ;
frameptr - = d ;
nextd = - 1 ;
// if(current > 0 || (!movie_readonly && current < 0)) /* Recording or Playback (!read-only) */
if ( current ! = 0 & & ! movie_readonly )
// copy movie data from savestate
moviedata = ( uint8 * ) realloc ( moviedata , size ) ;
moviedatasize = size ;
if ( size & & fread ( moviedata , 1 , size , st ) < size )
return 0 ;
if ( current < 0 ) // switch to recording
current = - current ;
fseek ( slots [ current - 1 ] , firstframeoffset , SEEK_SET ) ;
fwrite ( moviedata , 1 , frameptr , slots [ current - 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! FCEU_BotMode ( ) )
rerecord_count + + ;
// else if(current < 0) /* Playback (read-only) */
else if ( current ! = 0 & & movie_readonly )
if ( current > 0 ) // switch to playback
current = - current ;
// allow frameptr to be updated but keep movie data
fseek ( st , size , SEEK_CUR ) ;
// prevent seeking beyond the end of the movie
if ( frameptr > moviedatasize )
frameptr = moviedatasize ;
else /* Neither recording or replaying */
// skip movie data
fseek ( st , size , SEEK_CUR ) ;
load_successful = 1 ;
return 1 ;
void FCEUMOV_PreLoad ( void )
load_successful = 0 ;
int FCEUMOV_PostLoad ( void )
if ( ! FCEUI_IsMovieActive ( ) )
return 1 ;
return load_successful ;
char * FCEUI_MovieGetCurrentName ( int addSlotNumber )
return FCEU_MakeFName ( FCEUMKF_MOVIE , ( addSlotNumber ? CurrentMovie : - 1 ) , 0 ) ;
int FCEUI_IsMovieActive ( void )
return current ;
void FCEUI_MovieToggleFrameDisplay ( void )
frame_display = ! frame_display ;
if ( ! ( current ! = 0 & & frame_display ) ) // && !input_display)
FCEU_ResetMessages ( ) ;
last_frame_display = ~ framecount ;
last_input_display = ~ cur_input_display ;
void FCEUI_ToggleInputDisplay ( void )
switch ( input_display )
case 0 :
input_display = 1 ;
break ;
case 1 :
input_display = 2 ;
break ;
case 2 :
input_display = 4 ;
break ;
default :
input_display = 0 ;
break ;
//if(!input_display && !(current != 0 && frame_display))
if ( input_display )
last_frame_display = ~ framecount ;
last_input_display = ~ cur_input_display ;
void FCEUI_MovieToggleReadOnly ( void )
if ( movie_readonly < 2 )
movie_readonly = ! movie_readonly ;
if ( movie_readonly )
FCEU_DispMessage ( " Movie is now Read-Only. " ) ;
FCEU_DispMessage ( " Movie is now Read+Write. " ) ;
FCEU_DispMessage ( " Movie file is Read-Only. " ) ;
char lastMovieInfoFilename [ 512 ] = { ' \0 ' , } ;
int FCEUI_MovieGetInfo ( const char * fname , MOVIE_INFO * info )
MovieFlushHeader ( ) ;
char buffer [ 512 ] ;
fname = ( const char * ) convertToFCM ( fname , buffer ) ;
strncpy ( lastMovieInfoFilename , fname , 512 ) ;
// main get info part of function
uint32 magic ;
uint32 version ;
uint8 _flags [ 4 ] ;
FILE * fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( fname , " rb " ) ;
if ( ! fp )
return 0 ;
read32le ( & magic , fp ) ;
if ( magic ! = MOVIE_MAGIC )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 0 ;
read32le ( & version , fp ) ;
if ( version ! = MOVIE_VERSION )
fclose ( fp ) ;
if ( version = = 1 )
return FCEUI_MovieGetInfo_v1 ( fname , info ) ;
return 0 ;
info - > movie_version = MOVIE_VERSION ;
fread ( _flags , 1 , 4 , fp ) ;
info - > flags = _flags [ 0 ] ;
read32le ( & info - > num_frames , fp ) ;
read32le ( & info - > rerecord_count , fp ) ;
if ( access ( fname , W_OK ) )
info - > read_only = 1 ;
info - > read_only = 0 ;
fseek ( fp , 12 , SEEK_CUR ) ; // skip movie_data_size, offset_to_savestate, and offset_to_movie_data
fread ( info - > md5_of_rom_used , 1 , 16 , fp ) ;
info - > md5_of_rom_used_present = 1 ;
read32le ( & info - > emu_version_used , fp ) ;
// I probably could have planned this better...
char str [ 256 ] ;
size_t r ;
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
uint32 p ; //mbg merge 7/17/06 change to uint32
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
int p2 = 0 ;
char last_c = 32 ;
if ( info - > name_of_rom_used & & info - > name_of_rom_used_size )
info - > name_of_rom_used [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
r = fread ( str , 1 , 256 , fp ) ;
while ( r > 0 )
for ( p = 0 ; p < r & & last_c ! = ' \0 ' ; + + p )
if ( info - > name_of_rom_used & & info - > name_of_rom_used_size & & ( p2 < info - > name_of_rom_used_size - 1 ) )
info - > name_of_rom_used [ p2 ] = str [ p ] ;
p2 + + ;
last_c = str [ p ] ;
if ( p < r )
memmove ( str , str + p , r - p ) ;
r - = p ;
break ;
r = fread ( str , 1 , 256 , fp ) ;
p2 = 0 ;
last_c = 32 ;
if ( info - > metadata & & info - > metadata_size )
info - > metadata [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
while ( r > 0 )
for ( p = 0 ; p < r & & last_c ! = ' \0 ' ; + + p )
if ( info - > metadata & & info - > metadata_size & & ( p2 < info - > metadata_size - 1 ) )
info - > metadata [ p2 ] = str [ p ] ;
p2 + + ;
last_c = str [ p ] ;
if ( p ! = r )
break ;
r = fread ( str , 1 , 256 , fp ) ;
if ( r < = 0 )
// somehow failed to read romname and metadata
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 0 ;
// check what hacks are necessary
fseek ( fp , 24 , SEEK_SET ) ; // offset_to_savestate offset
uint32 temp_savestate_offset ;
read32le ( & temp_savestate_offset , fp ) ;
if ( fseek ( fp , temp_savestate_offset , SEEK_SET ) )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ! FCEUSS_LoadFP ( fp , 2 ) ) return 0 ; // 2 -> don't really load, just load to find what's there then load backup
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 1 ;
Backwards compat
struct MovieHeader_v1
uint32 magic ;
uint32 version = 1 ;
uint8 flags [ 4 ] ;
uint32 length_frames ;
uint32 rerecord_count ;
uint32 movie_data_size ;
uint32 offset_to_savestate ;
uint32 offset_to_movie_data ;
uint16 metadata_ucs2 [ ] ; // ucs-2, ick! sizeof(metadata) = offset_to_savestate - MOVIE_HEADER_SIZE
# define MOVIE_V1_HEADER_SIZE 32
static void FCEUI_LoadMovie_v1 ( char * fname , int _read_only )
FILE * fp ;
char * fn = NULL ;
FCEUI_StopMovie ( ) ;
if ( ! fname )
fname = fn = FCEU_MakeFName ( FCEUMKF_MOVIE , CurrentMovie , 0 ) ;
// check movie_readonly
movie_readonly = _read_only ;
if ( access ( fname , W_OK ) )
movie_readonly = 2 ;
fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( fname , ( movie_readonly > = 2 ) ? " rb " : " r+b " ) ;
if ( fn )
free ( fn ) ;
fname = NULL ;
if ( ! fp ) return ;
// read header
uint32 magic ;
uint32 version ;
uint8 flags [ 4 ] ;
uint32 fc ;
read32le ( & magic , fp ) ;
if ( magic ! = MOVIE_MAGIC )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return ;
read32le ( & version , fp ) ;
if ( version ! = 1 )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return ;
fread ( flags , 1 , 4 , fp ) ;
read32le ( & fc , fp ) ;
read32le ( & rerecord_count , fp ) ;
read32le ( & moviedatasize , fp ) ;
read32le ( & savestate_offset , fp ) ;
read32le ( & firstframeoffset , fp ) ;
if ( fseek ( fp , savestate_offset , SEEK_SET ) )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return ;
if ( flags [ 0 ] & MOVIE_FLAG_NOSYNCHACK )
movieSyncHackOn = 0 ;
movieSyncHackOn = 1 ;
// fully reload the game to reinitialize everything before playing any movie
// to try fixing nondeterministic playback of some games
extern char lastLoadedGameName [ 2048 ] ;
extern int disableBatteryLoading , suppressAddPowerCommand ;
suppressAddPowerCommand = 1 ;
suppressMovieStop = 1 ;
FCEUGI * gi = FCEUI_LoadGame ( lastLoadedGameName , 0 ) ;
if ( ! gi )
PowerNES ( ) ;
suppressMovieStop = 0 ;
suppressAddPowerCommand = 0 ;
if ( ! FCEUSS_LoadFP ( fp , 1 ) ) return ;
ResetInputTypes ( ) ;
fseek ( fp , firstframeoffset , SEEK_SET ) ;
moviedata = ( uint8 * ) realloc ( moviedata , moviedatasize ) ;
fread ( moviedata , 1 , moviedatasize , fp ) ;
framecount = 0 ; // movies start at frame 0!
frameptr = 0 ;
current = CurrentMovie ;
slots [ current ] = fp ;
memset ( joop , 0 , sizeof ( joop ) ) ;
current = - 1 - current ;
framets = 0 ;
nextts = 0 ;
nextd = - 1 ;
MovieStatus [ CurrentMovie ] = 1 ;
if ( ! fname )
FCEUI_SelectMovie ( CurrentMovie , 1 ) ; /* Quick hack to display status. */
FCEU_DispMessage ( " Movie playback started. " ) ;
static int FCEUI_MovieGetInfo_v1 ( const char * fname , MOVIE_INFO * info )
uint32 magic ;
uint32 version ;
uint8 _flags [ 4 ] ;
uint32 savestateoffset ;
uint8 tmp [ MOVIE_MAX_METADATA < < 1 ] ;
int metadata_length ;
FILE * fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( fname , " rb " ) ;
if ( ! fp )
return 0 ;
read32le ( & magic , fp ) ;
if ( magic ! = MOVIE_MAGIC )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 0 ;
read32le ( & version , fp ) ;
if ( version ! = 1 )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 0 ;
info - > movie_version = 1 ;
info - > emu_version_used = 0 ; // unknown
fread ( _flags , 1 , 4 , fp ) ;
info - > flags = _flags [ 0 ] ;
read32le ( & info - > num_frames , fp ) ;
read32le ( & info - > rerecord_count , fp ) ;
if ( access ( fname , W_OK ) )
info - > read_only = 1 ;
info - > read_only = 0 ;
fseek ( fp , 4 , SEEK_CUR ) ;
read32le ( & savestateoffset , fp ) ;
metadata_length = ( int ) savestateoffset - MOVIE_V1_HEADER_SIZE ;
if ( metadata_length > 0 )
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
//int i; //mbg merge 7/17/06 removed
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
metadata_length > > = 1 ;
if ( metadata_length > = MOVIE_MAX_METADATA )
metadata_length = MOVIE_MAX_METADATA - 1 ;
fseek ( fp , MOVIE_V1_HEADER_SIZE , SEEK_SET ) ;
fread ( tmp , 1 , metadata_length < < 1 , fp ) ;
// turn old ucs2 metadata into utf8
if ( info - > metadata & & info - > metadata_size )
char * ptr = info - > metadata ;
char * ptr_end = info - > metadata + info - > metadata_size - 1 ;
int c_ptr = 0 ;
while ( ptr < ptr_end & & c_ptr < metadata_length )
uint16 c = ( tmp [ c_ptr < < 1 ] | ( tmp [ ( c_ptr < < 1 ) + 1 ] < < 8 ) ) ;
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
//mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to if..elseif
if ( c < = 0x7f )
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
* ptr + + = ( char ) ( c & 0x7f ) ;
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
else if ( c < = 0x7FF )
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( ptr + 1 > = ptr_end )
ptr_end = ptr ;
* ptr + + = ( 0xc0 | ( c > > 6 ) ) ;
* ptr + + = ( 0x80 | ( c & 0x3f ) ) ;
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( ptr + 2 > = ptr_end )
ptr_end = ptr ;
* ptr + + = ( 0xe0 | ( c > > 12 ) ) ;
* ptr + + = ( 0x80 | ( ( c > > 6 ) & 0x3f ) ) ;
* ptr + + = ( 0x80 | ( c & 0x3f ) ) ;
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
c_ptr + + ;
* ptr = ' \0 ' ;
// md5 info not available from v1
info - > md5_of_rom_used_present = 0 ;
// rom name used for the movie not available from v1
if ( info - > name_of_rom_used & & info - > name_of_rom_used_size )
info - > name_of_rom_used [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
// check what hacks are necessary
fseek ( fp , 24 , SEEK_SET ) ; // offset_to_savestate offset
uint32 temp_savestate_offset ;
read32le ( & temp_savestate_offset , fp ) ;
if ( fseek ( fp , temp_savestate_offset , SEEK_SET ) )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ! FCEUSS_LoadFP ( fp , 2 ) ) return 0 ; // 2 -> don't really load, just load to find what's there then load backup
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 1 ;