2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
/* FCE Ultra - NES/Famicom Emulator
* Copyright notice for this file :
* Copyright ( C ) 2002 Xodnizel
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
# include "common.h"
// I like hacks.
# define uint8 __UNO492032
# include <winsock.h>
# include <ddraw.h>
# include <dsound.h>
# include <dinput.h>
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
//#include <dir.h> //mbg merge 7/17/06 removed
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
# include <commctrl.h>
# include <shlobj.h> // For directories configuration dialog.
# undef uint8
2006-07-24 05:34:50 +00:00
# include "../../types.h"
# include "../../fceu.h"
2006-07-28 07:42:14 +00:00
# include "../../state.h"
2006-07-24 05:34:50 +00:00
# include "ppuview.h"
# include "debugger.h"
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
# include "input.h"
# include "netplay.h"
# include "joystick.h"
# include "keyboard.h"
# include "cheat.h"
# include "debug.h"
2006-07-24 05:34:50 +00:00
# include "ppuview.h"
# include "ntview.h"
# include "memview.h"
2006-07-24 04:58:44 +00:00
# include "tracer.h"
2006-07-24 04:18:46 +00:00
# include "cdlogger.h"
2006-07-20 02:21:13 +00:00
2006-07-20 02:02:10 +00:00
//#include "memwatch.h" //mbg merge 7/19/06 removed-memwatch is gone
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
# include "basicbot.h"
# define VNSCLIP ((eoptions&EO_CLIPSIDES)?8:0)
# define VNSWID ((eoptions&EO_CLIPSIDES)?240:256)
uint8 * xbsave = NULL ;
int eoptions = EO_BGRUN | EO_FORCEISCALE ;
void ResetVideo ( void ) ;
void ShowCursorAbs ( int w ) ;
void HideFWindow ( int h ) ;
void FixWXY ( int pref ) ;
int SetMainWindowStuff ( void ) ;
int GetClientAbsRect ( LPRECT lpRect ) ;
void UpdateFCEUWindow ( void ) ;
HWND hAppWnd = 0 ;
HINSTANCE fceu_hInstance ;
HRESULT ddrval ;
FCEUGI * GI = 0 ;
// cheats, misc, nonvol, states, snaps, ..., base
static char * DOvers [ 6 ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
static char * defaultds [ 5 ] = { " cheats " , " sav " , " fcs " , " snaps " , " movie " } ;
static char TempArray [ 2048 ] ;
static char BaseDirectory [ 2048 ] ;
void SetDirs ( void )
int x ;
static int jlist [ 6 ] =
FCEUI_SetSnapName ( eoptions & EO_SNAPNAME ) ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 6 ; x + + )
FCEUI_SetDirOverride ( jlist [ x ] , DOvers [ x ] ) ;
if ( DOvers [ 5 ] )
FCEUI_SetBaseDirectory ( DOvers [ 5 ] ) ;
FCEUI_SetBaseDirectory ( BaseDirectory ) ;
/* Remove empty, unused directories. */
void RemoveDirs ( void )
int x ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x + + )
if ( ! DOvers [ x ] )
sprintf ( TempArray , " %s \\ %s " , DOvers [ 5 ] ? DOvers [ 5 ] : BaseDirectory , defaultds [ x ] ) ;
RemoveDirectory ( TempArray ) ;
void CreateDirs ( void )
int x ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x + + )
if ( ! DOvers [ x ] )
sprintf ( TempArray , " %s \\ %s " , DOvers [ 5 ] ? DOvers [ 5 ] : BaseDirectory , defaultds [ x ] ) ;
CreateDirectory ( TempArray , 0 ) ;
static char * gfsdir = 0 ;
void GetBaseDirectory ( void )
int x ;
BaseDirectory [ 0 ] = 0 ;
GetModuleFileName ( 0 , ( LPTSTR ) BaseDirectory , 2047 ) ;
for ( x = strlen ( BaseDirectory ) ; x > = 0 ; x - - )
if ( BaseDirectory [ x ] = = ' \\ ' | | BaseDirectory [ x ] = = ' / ' )
{ BaseDirectory [ x ] = 0 ; break ; }
static int exiting = 0 ;
static volatile int moocow = 0 ;
int BlockingCheck ( void )
MSG msg ;
moocow = 1 ;
while ( PeekMessage ( & msg , 0 , 0 , 0 , PM_NOREMOVE ) ) {
if ( GetMessage ( & msg , 0 , 0 , 0 ) > 0 )
TranslateMessage ( & msg ) ;
DispatchMessage ( & msg ) ;
moocow = 0 ;
if ( exiting ) return ( 0 ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
/* Some timing-related variables (now ignored). */
static int maxconbskip = 32 ; /* Maximum consecutive blit skips. */
static int ffbskip = 32 ; /* Blit skips per blit when FF-ing */
static int moviereadonly = 1 ;
static int fullscreen = 0 ;
static int soundflush = 0 ;
static int genie = 0 ;
static int palyo = 0 ;
static int status_icon = 1 ;
static int windowedfailed ;
static double saspectw = 1 , saspecth = 1 ;
static double winsizemulx = 1 , winsizemuly = 1 ;
static int winwidth , winheight ;
static int ismaximized = 0 ;
static volatile int nofocus = 0 ;
2006-07-19 05:57:00 +00:00
//static volatile int userpause=0; //mbg merge 7/18/06 removed. this has been replaced with FCEU_EmulationPaused stuff
static volatile int _userpause = 0 ; //mbg merge 7/18/06 changed tasbuild was using this only in a couple of places
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
# define SO_FORCE8BIT 1
# define SO_SECONDARY 2
# define SO_GFOCUS 4
# define SO_D16VOL 8
# define SO_MUTEFA 16
# define SO_OLDUP 32
# define GOO_DISABLESS 1 /* Disable screen saver when game is loaded. */
# define GOO_CONFIRMEXIT 2 /* Confirmation before exiting. */
# define GOO_POWERRESET 4 /* Confirm on power/reset. */
static uint32 goptions = GOO_DISABLESS ;
static int soundrate = 44100 ;
static int soundbuftime = 50 ;
/*static*/ int soundoptions = SO_SECONDARY | SO_GFOCUS ;
static int soundvolume = 100 ;
static int soundquality = 0 ;
extern int autoHoldKey , autoHoldClearKey ;
extern int frame_display , input_display ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
//mbg merge 7/17/06 did these have to be unsigned?
2006-07-18 03:58:09 +00:00
static int srendline , erendline ;
static int srendlinen = 8 ;
static int erendlinen = 231 ;
static int srendlinep = 0 ;
static int erendlinep = 239 ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
static int totallines ;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
static void FixFL ( void )
FCEUI_GetCurrentVidSystem ( & srendline , & erendline ) ;
totallines = erendline - srendline + 1 ;
static void UpdateRendBounds ( void )
FCEUI_SetRenderedLines ( srendlinen , erendlinen , srendlinep , erendlinep ) ;
FixFL ( ) ;
static uint8 cpalette [ 192 ] ;
static int vmod = 0 ;
int soundo = 1 ;
static int ntsccol = 0 , ntsctint , ntschue ;
void FCEUD_PrintError ( char * s )
AddLogText ( s , 1 ) ;
if ( fullscreen ) ShowCursorAbs ( 1 ) ;
MessageBox ( 0 , s , " FCE Ultra Error " , MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_TOPMOST ) ;
if ( fullscreen ) ShowCursorAbs ( 0 ) ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
//mbg merge 6/29/06 - new aboutbox
2006-07-23 05:29:58 +00:00
# ifdef _M_X64
# define _MSVC_ARCH "x64"
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
# else
2006-07-23 05:29:58 +00:00
# define _MSVC_ARCH "x86"
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
# endif
2006-07-23 05:29:58 +00:00
# ifdef _DEBUG
# define _MSVC_BUILD "debug"
# else
# define _MSVC_BUILD "release"
# endif
# define _Py_STRINGIZE(X) _Py_STRINGIZE1((X))
# define _Py_STRINGIZE1(X) _Py_STRINGIZE2 ## X
# define _Py_STRINGIZE2(X) #X
char * FCEUD_GetCompilerString ( ) {
return __COMPILER__STRING__ ;
2006-07-18 06:35:48 +00:00
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
void ShowAboutBox ( void )
2006-07-23 05:29:58 +00:00
MessageBox ( hAppWnd , FCEUI_GetAboutString ( ) , FCEU_NAME , MB_OK ) ;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
//mbg 6/30/06 - indicates that the main loop should close the game as soon as it can
int closeGame = 0 ;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
void DoFCEUExit ( void )
/* Wolfenstein 3D had cute exit messages. */
char * emsg [ 4 ] = { " Are you sure you want to leave? I'll become lonely! " ,
" If you exit, I'll... EAT YOUR MOUSE. " ,
" You can never really exit, you know. " ,
" E-x-i-t? "
} ;
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
KillDebugger ( ) ; //mbg merge 7/19/06 added
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( exiting ) /* Eh, oops. I'll need to try to fix this later. */
return ;
StopSound ( ) ;
if ( goptions & GOO_CONFIRMEXIT )
if ( IDYES ! = MessageBox ( hAppWnd , emsg [ rand ( ) & 3 ] , " Exit FCE Ultra? " , MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO ) )
return ;
FCEUI_StopMovie ( ) ;
FCEUD_AviStop ( ) ;
exiting = 1 ;
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
closeGame = 1 ; //mbg 6/30/06 - for housekeeping purposes we need to exit after the emulation cycle finishes
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
void DoPriority ( void )
if ( eoptions & EO_HIGHPRIO )
if ( ! SetThreadPriority ( GetCurrentThread ( ) , THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST ) )
AddLogText ( " Error setting thread priority to THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST. " , 1 ) ;
if ( ! SetThreadPriority ( GetCurrentThread ( ) , THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL ) )
AddLogText ( " Error setting thread priority to THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL. " , 1 ) ;
static int changerecursive = 0 ;
2006-07-23 23:30:39 +00:00
# include "throttle.cpp"
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
2006-07-23 23:30:39 +00:00
# include "sound.cpp"
# include "video.cpp"
# include "window.cpp"
# include "config.cpp"
# include "args.cpp"
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
int DriverInitialize ( void )
if ( soundo )
soundo = InitSound ( ) ;
SetVideoMode ( fullscreen ) ;
InitInputStuff ( ) ; /* Initialize DInput interfaces. */
return 1 ;
static void DriverKill ( void )
sprintf ( TempArray , " %s/fceu98.cfg " , BaseDirectory ) ;
SaveConfig ( TempArray ) ;
DestroyInput ( ) ;
ResetVideo ( ) ;
if ( soundo ) TrashSound ( ) ;
CloseWave ( ) ;
ByebyeWindow ( ) ;
void FCEUD_Update ( uint8 * XBuf , int32 * Buffer , int Count ) ;
void ApplyDefaultCommandMapping ( void ) ;
2006-07-20 02:52:40 +00:00
2006-07-19 05:57:00 +00:00
//mbg merge 7/18/06 - the function that contains the code that used to just be UpdateMemWatch()
void _updateMemWatch ( ) {
//but soon we will do more!
2006-07-28 07:42:14 +00:00
HANDLE mapGameMemBlock ;
HANDLE mapBotInput ;
uint32 * BotInput ;
void win_AllocBuffers ( uint8 * * GameMemBlock , uint8 * * RAM ) {
mapGameMemBlock = CreateFileMapping ( ( HANDLE ) 0xFFFFFFFF , NULL , PAGE_READWRITE , 0 , 131072 , " fceu.GameMemBlock " ) ;
if ( mapGameMemBlock = = NULL | | GetLastError ( ) = = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
//mbg 7/38/06 - is this the proper error handling?
//do we need to indicate to user somehow that this failed in this emu instance?
CloseHandle ( mapGameMemBlock ) ;
mapGameMemBlock = NULL ;
* GameMemBlock = ( uint8 * ) malloc ( 131072 ) ;
* RAM = ( uint8 * ) malloc ( 2048 ) ;
* GameMemBlock = ( uint8 * ) MapViewOfFile ( mapGameMemBlock , FILE_MAP_WRITE , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
// set up shared memory mappings
mapRAM = CreateFileMapping ( ( HANDLE ) 0xFFFFFFFF , NULL , PAGE_READWRITE , 0 , 0x800 , " fceu.RAM " ) ;
* RAM = ( uint8 * ) MapViewOfFile ( mapRAM , FILE_MAP_WRITE , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
// Give RAM pointer to state structure
//mbg 7/28/06 - wtf?
extern SFORMAT SFCPU [ ] ;
SFCPU [ 6 ] . v = * RAM ;
//Bot input
mapBotInput = CreateFileMapping ( ( HANDLE ) 0xFFFFFFFF , NULL , PAGE_READWRITE , 0 , 4096 , " fceu.BotInput " ) ;
BotInput = ( uint32 * ) MapViewOfFile ( mapBotInput , FILE_MAP_WRITE , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
BotInput [ 0 ] = 0 ;
void win_FreeBuffers ( uint8 * GameMemBlock , uint8 * RAM ) {
//clean up shared memory
if ( mapRAM )
UnmapViewOfFile ( mapRAM ) ;
CloseHandle ( mapRAM ) ;
free ( RAM ) ;
if ( mapGameMemBlock )
UnmapViewOfFile ( mapGameMemBlock ) ;
CloseHandle ( mapGameMemBlock ) ;
GameMemBlock = NULL ;
free ( GameMemBlock ) ;
GameMemBlock = NULL ;
UnmapViewOfFile ( mapBotInput ) ;
CloseHandle ( mapBotInput ) ;
BotInput = NULL ;
# endif
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
int main ( int argc , char * argv [ ] )
char * t ;
if ( timeBeginPeriod ( 1 ) ! = TIMERR_NOERROR )
AddLogText ( " Error setting timer granularity to 1ms. " , 1 ) ;
InitCommonControls ( ) ;
if ( ! FCEUI_Initialize ( ) )
goto doexito ;
2006-07-28 07:42:14 +00:00
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
ApplyDefaultCommandMapping ( ) ;
srand ( GetTickCount ( ) ) ; // rand() is used for some GUI sillyness.
fceu_hInstance = GetModuleHandle ( 0 ) ;
GetBaseDirectory ( ) ;
sprintf ( TempArray , " %s \\ fceu98.cfg " , BaseDirectory ) ;
LoadConfig ( TempArray ) ;
t = ParseArgies ( argc , argv ) ;
/* Bleh, need to find a better place for this. */
palyo & = 1 ;
FCEUI_SetVidSystem ( palyo ) ;
genie & = 1 ;
FCEUI_SetGameGenie ( genie ) ;
fullscreen & = 1 ;
soundo & = 1 ;
FCEUI_SetSoundVolume ( soundvolume ) ;
FCEUI_SetSoundQuality ( soundquality ) ;
ParseGIInput ( NULL ) ; /* Since a game doesn't have to be
loaded before the GUI can be used , make
sure the temporary input type variables
are set .
CreateDirs ( ) ;
SetDirs ( ) ;
DoVideoConfigFix ( ) ;
DoTimingConfigFix ( ) ;
if ( eoptions & EO_CPALETTE )
FCEUI_SetPaletteArray ( cpalette ) ;
if ( ! t ) fullscreen = 0 ;
CreateMainWindow ( ) ;
if ( ! InitDInput ( ) )
goto doexito ;
if ( ! DriverInitialize ( ) )
goto doexito ;
InitSpeedThrottle ( ) ;
UpdateMenu ( ) ;
if ( t )
ALoad ( t ) ;
else if ( eoptions & EO_FOAFTERSTART )
LoadNewGamey ( hAppWnd , 0 ) ;
doloopy :
UpdateFCEUWindow ( ) ;
if ( GI )
while ( GI )
uint8 * gfx = 0 ;
int32 * sound = 0 ;
int32 ssize = 0 ;
2006-07-28 07:42:14 +00:00
UpdateBasicBot ( ) ;
# endif
FCEU_UpdateBot ( ) ;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
FCEUI_Emulate ( & gfx , & sound , & ssize , 0 ) ;
xbsave = gfx ;
FCEUD_Update ( gfx , sound , ssize ) ;
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
//mbg 6/30/06 - close game if we were commanded to by calls nested in FCEUI_Emulate()
if ( closeGame )
FCEUI_CloseGame ( ) ;
GI = 0 ;
2006-07-20 02:52:40 +00:00
//mbg merge 7/19/06
//--------this code was added by tasbuild
//it catches a paused condition and
/*static int stopCount=0;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( FCEUI_EmulationPaused ( ) & 1 )
if ( stopCount = = 0 )
2006-07-19 05:57:00 +00:00
_updateMemWatch ( ) ;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
stopCount + + ;
if ( stopCount > 8 )
StopSound ( ) ;
stopCount = 0 ;
2006-07-20 02:52:40 +00:00
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
//if in bot mode, don't idle. eat the CPU up :)
2006-07-20 02:52:40 +00:00
//mbg - why should we do this? does bot mode set the paused flag? that doesnt seem right...
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
if ( ! FCEU_BotMode ( ) )
int notAlternateThrottle = ! ( soundoptions & SO_OLDUP ) & & soundo & & ( ( NoWaiting & 1 ) ? ( 256 * 16 ) : fps_scale ) > = 64 ;
if ( notAlternateThrottle )
Sleep ( 5 ) ; // HACK to fix 100% CPU usage that happens sporadically when paused in background - also, this affects the repeat rate of frame advance and its sound quality
Sleep ( 1 ) ; // lesser, so frame advance repeat doesn't take too long with the alternate throttling
else if ( stopCount = = 1 )
Sleep ( 0 ) ;
2006-07-19 05:57:00 +00:00
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
stopCount = 0 ;
2006-07-20 02:52:40 +00:00
} */
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
xbsave = NULL ;
RedrawWindow ( hAppWnd , 0 , 0 , RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE ) ;
StopSound ( ) ;
Sleep ( 50 ) ;
if ( ! exiting )
goto doloopy ;
doexito :
DriverKill ( ) ;
timeEndPeriod ( 1 ) ;
FCEUI_Kill ( ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
2006-07-20 02:52:40 +00:00
//mbg merge 7/19/06 - the function that contains the code that used to just be UpdateFCEUWindow() and FCEUD_UpdateInput()
void _updateWindow ( ) {
UpdateFCEUWindow ( ) ;
FCEUD_UpdateInput ( ) ;
PPUViewDoBlit ( ) ;
UpdateMemoryView ( 0 ) ;
UpdateCDLogger ( ) ;
UpdateLogWindow ( ) ;
NTViewDoBlit ( 0 ) ;
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
//void FCEUD_Update(uint8 *XBuf, int32 *Buffer, int Count)
// static int skipcount = 0;
// int temp_fps_scale=(NoWaiting&1)?(256*16):fps_scale;
// int maxskip = (temp_fps_scale<=256) ? 0 : temp_fps_scale>>8;
// int ocount = Count;
// // apply frame scaling to Count
// Count = (Count<<8)/temp_fps_scale;
// //Disable sound and throttling for BotMode--we want max speed!
// if(FCEU_BotMode())
// {
// if(XBuf && (skipcount >= 64))
// {
// skipcount = 0;
// FCEUD_BlitScreen(XBuf);
// }
// else
// {
// skipcount++;
// }
// UpdateFCEUWindow();
// FCEUD_UpdateInput();
// return;
// }
// if(!(soundoptions&SO_OLDUP) && soundo && temp_fps_scale >= 64)
// {
// // sounds better with FPS scaling, and is much less code than the other version...
// int32 writeSize = GetWriteSound();
// int32 writeCount = Count;
// // prevents delay when exiting fast-forward
// if((NoWaiting&1) && writeCount>writeSize)
// writeCount=writeSize;
// if(Buffer && (writeCount))
// FCEUD_WriteSoundData(Buffer,temp_fps_scale,MAX(writeSize,writeCount));
// if(XBuf && (skipcount >= maxskip))
// {
// skipcount = 0;
// FCEUD_BlitScreen(XBuf);
// _updateMemWatch();
// }
// else
// skipcount++;
// _updateWindow();
// }
// else
// {
// // I don't understand this code, so I kept it around as an option ("old sound update")
// // in case it's doing something clever and necessary that I can't fathom
// // (oops, also it seems to be important for speeds <25% so it's always used then)
// const int soundScale = !(soundoptions&SO_OLDUP) ? temp_fps_scale : 256;
// if(Count)
// {
// int32 can=GetWriteSound();
// static int uflow=0;
// int32 tmpcan;
// extern int FCEUDnetplay;
// // don't underflow when scaling fps
// if(can >= GetMaxSound() && fps_scale<=256) uflow=1; // Go into massive underflow mode.
// if(can > Count) can=Count;
// else uflow=0;
// FCEUD_WriteSoundData(Buffer,soundScale,can);
// tmpcan = GetWriteSound();
// // don't underflow when scaling fps
// if(fps_scale>256 || ((tmpcan < Count*0.90) && !uflow) || (skipcount >= maxskip))
// {
// if(XBuf && (skipcount >= maxskip))
// {
// skipcount = 0;
// FCEUD_BlitScreen(XBuf);
// _updateMemWatch();
// }
// else
// {
// skipcount++;
// //FCEU_printf("Skipped0");
// // FCEU_PrintError("Skipped0");
// }
// Buffer+=can;
// Count-=can;
// if(Count)
// {
// if(NoWaiting)
// {
// can=GetWriteSound();
// if(Count>can) Count=can;
// FCEUD_WriteSoundData(Buffer,soundScale,Count);
// }
// else
// {
// int cnum=0;
// extern int silencer;
// while(Count>0)
// {
// FCEUD_WriteSoundData(Buffer,soundScale,(Count<ocount) ? Count : ocount);
// if(!(soundoptions&SO_OLDUP))
// {
// cnum++;
// if(cnum>2)
// silencer=1;
// }
// Count -= ocount;
// // prevent long updates from interfering with gui responsiveness:
// //mbg merge 7/19/06
// //UpdateFCEUWindow();
// //FCEUD_UpdateInput();
// _updateWindow();
// }
// silencer=0;
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// skipcount++;
// //FCEU_printf("Skipped");
//#ifdef NETWORK
// if(!NoWaiting && FCEUDnetplay && (uflow || tmpcan >= (Count * 0.90)))
// {
// if(Count > tmpcan) Count=tmpcan;
// while(tmpcan > 0)
// {
// //printf("Overwrite: %d\n", (Count <= tmpcan)?Count : tmpcan);
// FCEUD_WriteSoundData(Buffer,soundScale,(Count <= tmpcan)?Count : tmpcan);
// tmpcan -= Count;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// /* This complex statement deserves some explanation.
// Make sure this special speed throttling hasn't been disabled by the user
// first. Second, we don't want to throttle the speed if the fast-forward
// button is pressed down(or during certain network play conditions).
// Now, if we're at this point, we'll throttle speed if sound is disabled.
// Otherwise, it gets a bit more complicated. We'll throttle speed if focus
// to FCE Ultra has been lost and we're writing to the primary sound buffer
// because our sound code won't block. Blocking does seem to work when
// writing to a secondary buffer, so we won't throttle when a secondary
// buffer is used.
// */
// //doagain: //mbg merge 6/30/06
// int skipthis = 0;
// if(!(eoptions&EO_NOTHROTTLE) || fps_scale != 256)
// if(!NoWaiting)
// if(!soundo || (soundo && nofocus && !(soundoptions&SO_SECONDARY)) || FCEUI_EmulationPaused() )
// skipthis = SpeedThrottle();
// if(XBuf)
// {
// if((!skipthis && !NoWaiting) || (skipcount >= maxskip))
// {
// FCEUD_BlitScreen(XBuf);
// _updateMemWatch();
// skipcount = 0;
// }
// else
// {
// skipcount++;
// }
// }
// //mbg merge 7/19/06 - since tasbuild we have code in main that attempts to do stuff like this
// //mbg merge 6/30/06
// //if(FCEUI_EmulationPaused())
// //{
// // StopSound();
// // Sleep(50);
// // BlockingCheck();
// // goto doagain;
// //}
// }
// //mbg merge 7/19/06
// //UpdateFCEUWindow();
// //FCEUD_UpdateInput();
// _updateWindow();
// } // end of !(old sound code) block
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
void FCEUD_Update ( uint8 * XBuf , int32 * Buffer , int Count )
static int skipcount = 0 ;
int temp_fps_scale = ( NoWaiting & 1 ) ? ( 256 * 16 ) : fps_scale ;
int maxskip = ( temp_fps_scale < = 256 ) ? 0 : temp_fps_scale > > 8 ;
int ocount = Count ;
// apply frame scaling to Count
Count = ( Count < < 8 ) / temp_fps_scale ;
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
//mbg merge 7/19/06 - leaving this untouched but untested
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
//Disable sound and throttling for BotMode--we want max speed!
if ( FCEU_BotMode ( ) )
if ( XBuf & & ( skipcount > = 64 ) )
skipcount = 0 ;
FCEUD_BlitScreen ( XBuf ) ;
skipcount + + ;
UpdateFCEUWindow ( ) ;
FCEUD_UpdateInput ( ) ;
return ;
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
//mbg naive code
if ( soundo & & Buffer & & Count ) {
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
int32 writeSize = GetWriteSound ( ) ;
int32 writeCount = Count ;
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
FCEUD_WriteSoundData ( Buffer , temp_fps_scale , MAX ( writeSize , writeCount ) ) ;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
if ( XBuf )
FCEUD_BlitScreen ( XBuf ) ;
_updateWindow ( ) ;
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
//delay until we unpause
while ( FCEUI_EmulationPaused ( ) )
Sleep ( 50 ) ;
BlockingCheck ( ) ;
// if(soundo) //&& temp_fps_scale >= 64
// {
// // sounds better with FPS scaling, and is much less code than the other version...
// int32 writeSize = GetWriteSound();
// int32 writeCount = Count;
// // prevents delay when exiting fast-forward
// if((NoWaiting&1) && writeCount>writeSize)
// writeCount=writeSize;
// if(Buffer && (writeCount))
// FCEUD_WriteSoundData(Buffer,temp_fps_scale,MAX(writeSize,writeCount));
// if(XBuf && (skipcount >= maxskip))
// {
// skipcount = 0;
// FCEUD_BlitScreen(XBuf);
// _updateMemWatch();
// }
// else
// skipcount++;
// _updateWindow();
// }
//#ifdef NETWORK
// if(!NoWaiting && FCEUDnetplay && (uflow || tmpcan >= (Count * 0.90)))
// {
// if(Count > tmpcan) Count=tmpcan;
// while(tmpcan > 0)
// {
// //printf("Overwrite: %d\n", (Count <= tmpcan)?Count : tmpcan);
// FCEUD_WriteSoundData(Buffer,soundScale,(Count <= tmpcan)?Count : tmpcan);
// tmpcan -= Count;
// }
// }
// {
// /* This complex statement deserves some explanation.
// Make sure this special speed throttling hasn't been disabled by the user
// first. Second, we don't want to throttle the speed if the fast-forward
// button is pressed down(or during certain network play conditions).
// Now, if we're at this point, we'll throttle speed if sound is disabled.
// Otherwise, it gets a bit more complicated. We'll throttle speed if focus
// to FCE Ultra has been lost and we're writing to the primary sound buffer
// because our sound code won't block. Blocking does seem to work when
// writing to a secondary buffer, so we won't throttle when a secondary
// buffer is used.
// */
// //doagain: //mbg merge 6/30/06
// int skipthis = 0;
// if(!(eoptions&EO_NOTHROTTLE) || fps_scale != 256)
// if(!NoWaiting)
// if(!soundo || (soundo && nofocus && !(soundoptions&SO_SECONDARY)) || FCEUI_EmulationPaused() )
// skipthis = SpeedThrottle();
// if(XBuf)
// {
// if((!skipthis && !NoWaiting) || (skipcount >= maxskip))
// {
// FCEUD_BlitScreen(XBuf);
// _updateMemWatch();
// skipcount = 0;
// }
// else
// {
// skipcount++;
// }
// }
// //mbg merge 7/19/06 - since tasbuild we have code in main that attempts to do stuff like this
// //mbg merge 6/30/06
// //if(FCEUI_EmulationPaused())
// //{
// // StopSound();
// // Sleep(50);
// // BlockingCheck();
// // goto doagain;
// //}
// }
// //mbg merge 7/19/06
// //UpdateFCEUWindow();
// //FCEUD_UpdateInput();
// _updateWindow();
//} // end of !(old sound code) block
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
2006-07-20 06:10:45 +00:00
2006-07-18 02:53:36 +00:00
void FCEUD_Update ( uint8 * XBuf , int32 * Buffer , int Count )
FCEUD_BlitScreen ( XBuf ) ;
if ( Count & & soundo )
FCEUD_WriteSoundData ( Buffer , Count ) ;
FCEUD_UpdateInput ( ) ;
static void FCEUD_MakePathDirs ( const char * fname )
char path [ MAX_PATH ] ;
const char * div = fname ;
do {
const char * fptr = strchr ( div , ' \\ ' ) ;
if ( ! fptr ) fptr = strchr ( div , ' / ' ) ;
if ( ! fptr ) break ;
int off = fptr - fname ;
strncpy ( path , fname , off ) ;
path [ off ] = ' \0 ' ;
mkdir ( path ) ;
div = fptr + 1 ;
while ( div [ 0 ] = = ' \\ ' | | div [ 0 ] = = ' / ' ) div + + ;
} while ( 1 ) ;
FILE * FCEUD_UTF8fopen ( const char * n , const char * m )
if ( strchr ( m , ' w ' ) | | strchr ( m , ' + ' ) )
FCEUD_MakePathDirs ( n ) ;
return ( fopen ( n , m ) ) ;
int FCEUD_ShowStatusIcon ( void )
return status_icon ;
void FCEUD_ToggleStatusIcon ( void )
status_icon = ! status_icon ;
UpdateMenu ( ) ;