2020-12-16 11:41:37 +00:00
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2012-11-27 17:03:56 +00:00
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2020-12-16 11:41:37 +00:00
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts50" > Name Table Viewer< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts17" > Introduction< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > This displays the name tables as they exist in PPU memory. Furthermore, it shows you the game's current mirroring, and the current state of the PPU's scroll registers (if the option for this is set). It also lets you change the mirroring on the fly (which will break most games).< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts21" > Using the Name Table Viewer< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > Note that the Name Table Viewer will display the name tables using whatever CHR is present at the time the "Display on Scanline" scanline is reached. So for example if it does not correctly display a game's status bar, try setting it to update on a scanline in which the status bar is displayed.< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > The same applies to the Scroll Lines: they display the state of the PPU scroll registers when the "Display on Scanline" scanline is reached. So for example if said scanline is within the game's status bar, it will not display level scrolling because the horizontal scroll is always zero at the time that scanline is drawn. To display the level scrolling, set it to update on a scanline in which the level is displayed.< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts15" > Display on scanline< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > This will show what it looks like when the NES has finished drawing that many scanlines to screen including any PPU data scroll line movement< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts15" > Getting Tile Addresses< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > Placing the mouse cursor over the name table image will display the tile address of a given tile.< / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
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< p class = "rvps2" > < span class = "rvts6" > < br / > < / span > < / p >
2012-11-27 17:03:56 +00:00
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2020-12-16 11:41:37 +00:00
< p class = "rvps4" style = "clear: both;" > < span class = "rvts18" > Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: < / span > < a class = "rvts19" href = "https://www.helpndoc.com" > Easy EBook and documentation generator< / a > < / p >
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