12-may-2010 - adelikat - Movies now have a "finished" option. If a playback stops the movie isn't cleared from memory, and can be replayed or a state loaded. Similar functionality as DeSmuME and GENS rerecording
10-may-2010 - ugetab - Added gui.getpixel() which gets any gui.pixel() set pixel colors, and possibly other functions. Added emu.getscreenpixel() which gets the RGB and Palette of any pixel on the screen.
07-may-2010 - ugetab - Win32 - Added context menu to Cheat Dialog Cheat Listbox, populated list with Toggle Cheat, Poke Cheat Value, and Goto In Hex Editor
07-may-2010 - ugetab - Win32 - Made enabling/disabling cheats no longer deselect the selected cheat.
06-may-2010 - ugetab - win32 - Add Cheat buttons for Ram Search and Ram Watch
06-may-2010 - ugetab - win32 - Hex editor - Made the Hex Editor display the Frozen, Bookmarked, etc. status of the selected address, and made the Frozen color override the Bookmarked color.
25-april-2010 - FatRatKnight - Fixed a potential desync that plays out an extra frame without an update to the frame count involving heavy lua use, joypad.get, and a loadstate.
23-april-2010 - ugetab - Win32 - Added Tools>GUI option to partially disable visual themes, so the emulator can be made to look like it did in 2.1.1 and earlier releases.
20-april-2010 - adelikat - Win32 - Drag & Drop - if dropping a .fcm with no ROM loaded, prompt for one (same functionality that was added to .fm2 files)
28-march-2010 - adelikat - lua - fixed zapper.read() to read movie data if a movie is playing. Also changed the struct values to x,y,fire. This breaks lua scripts that used it previous, sorry.
??-???-2009 - CaH4e3 - fixed mappers 82, 25, 21, and 18. Games such as SD Kiji Blader, Ganbare Goemon Gaiden, and Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2, Jajamaru Gekimadden are now playable
08-nov-2009 - CaH4e3 - Fix crashing on game loading for any battery backed roms with mappers from MapInitTab (fixes Esper Dream 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (J)
02-nov-2009 - qeed - fixed mapper 226, 76-in-1 seems to work now, also super 42 also seems to work with this fix, but people with save states with this game should make a new one. Since the the save state format for this game was changed a little.
31-oct-2009 - adelikat - win32 - Memwatch - Save Changes prompt - Selecting yes will do quicksave first, save as 2nd (instead of always defaulting to save as)
19-oct-2009 - qeed - Mapper 253 mostly implemented, known game [ES-1064] Qi Long Zhu (C) is mostly playable (some minor graphic glitches). Thanks to VirtualNESEX for reverse engineering this, gil for giving me the mapper src for implementation reference, and Dead_Body for figuring out this game had to use chr-ram
10-oct-2009 - qeed - fixed dragon's lair the mapper 4 europe version in new PPU
10-oct-2009 - zeromus - fixed Tecmo Super Bowl in new PPU
08-oct-2009 - ugetab - win32 - fixed a debugger crash error, Unif/FDS filename issue, and enabled debugger bank display
01-oct-2009 - gocha - win32 - movie play dialog displays movie time based on ~60.1 (~50.1 PAL) instead of 60 & 50
26-sept-2009 - qeed - fixed action 52 game that was broken in fceux >2.0.3
16-sept-2009 - ugetab - win32 - Restored DPCM Logging when Code/Data Logger is active
sept-2009 - FatRatKnight - Finally got in that "invert" value for joypad.set. This value simply inverts the player input. Actually, any string will invert it, since we have not used strings for anything else in joypad.set.
15-sept-2009 - FatRatKnight - Reworked how input is taken from lua, and generally everything related to joypad.set and what it affects. Now setting stuff to false will: Prevent user control for exactly one frame, and allow more than one false button as a time. Yeah, bug fixes. Hopefully runs a little faster now.
22-aug-2009 - adelikat - Win32 - Map Hotkeys Dialog - Fixed but where "X" and Alt+F4 would not close dialog
22-aug-2009 - adelikat - Win32 - Added a Save Config File menu item
12-aug-2009 - adelikat - Win32 - Added a menu item to toggle to New PPU
10-aug-2009 - adelikat - fixed bug that caused new movies be created in /movie instead of /movies
07-aug-2009 - ugetab - win32 - imported NSF features from FCEU-XDSP-NSF
05-aug-2009 - adelikat - win32 - fixed an erroneous assumption made in 2.1.1 that caused the recent roms menu to be grayed out even when there were recent roms (however, it uncovered an underlying bug in the recent menu saving that needs to be fixed at some point).
25-jun-2009 - qeed - sound/ppu - fixed the noise value, it seems that the noise logic was shifting the values to the left by 1 when reloading, but this doesnt work for PAL since one of the PAL reload value is odd, so fix the logic and used the old tables. Revert a stupid CPU ignore logic in PPU. Sorry about that.
25-jun-2009 - adelikat - Win32 - CD Logger - Drag and Drop for .cdl files
24-jun-2009 - qeed - sound/ppu - reverted to old noise table value since this seems to get correct sound for double
dragon 2. Also added experimental $2004 reading support to play micro machines with (little) shakes, and fixed some
timing in the new PPU.
24-jun-2009 - adelikat - win32 - memory watch - option to bind to main window, if checked it gives GENS dialog style control, where there is no extra task bar item, and it minimizes when FCEUX is minimized
23-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - hex editor - freeze/unfreeze ram addresses now causes the colors to update immediately, but only with groups of addresses highlighted at once (single ones still don't yet update)
23-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - context menu - Save Movie As... menu item (for when a movie is loaded in read+write mode)
23-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - added opton to remove a recent item to the roms, lua, and movie recent menus
23-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - Added a remove recent item function and hooked it up to memwatch recent menu, now if a bad recent item is clicked, the user has a choice to remove it from the list
23-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - Load Last Movie context menu item added
23-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - Recent Movie Menu added
22-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - "Disable screen saver" gui option now also diables the monitor powersave
22-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - Debugger - Step type functions now update other dialogs such as ppu, nametable, code/data, trace logger, etc.
22-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - Hex Editor - Save Rom As... menu option enabled and implemented
22-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - Window caption shows the name of the ROM loaded
22-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - Hex Editor - allowed the user to customize the color scheme by use of RGB values stored in the .cfg file
21-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - reverted fixedFontHeight to 13 instead of 14. Gave the option of adjusting the height by modifying RowHeightBorder in the .cfg file
10-may-2009 - shinydoofy - sdl - fixed Four Score movie playback
02-may-2009 - adelikat - win32 - stop movie at frame x feature - fixed off by 1 error
23-apr-2009 - shinydoofy - sdl - added --ripsubs for converting fm2 movie subtitles to an srt file
15-apr-2009 - shinydoofy - sdl - Lua is optional again, fixed the real issue
14-apr-2009 - punkrockguy - sdl - LUA is NO longer optional, so the SConscripts have been updated to reflect that change. This fixes the mysterious non-working input issue.
12-apr-2009 - shinydoofy - sdl - implemented saving/loading a savestate from a specific file on Alt+S/L
11-apr-2009 - shinydoofy - sdl - implemented starting an FM2 movie on Alt+R
11-apr-2009 - adelikat - made default save slot 0 instead of 1, Win32 - remember last slot used
11-apr-2009 - shinydoofy - sdl - added --pauseframe to pause movie playback on frame x
11-apr-2009 - shinydoofy - sdl - dropped UTFConverter.c from SDL build and added hotkey Q for toggling read-only/read+write movie playback
--version 2.1.0a released----
04-apr-2009 - shinydoofy - fixed fcm->fm2 code once again (this time for good, hopefully). Thanks to Bisqwit!
04-apr-2009 - shinydoofy - Reverted UTF8<->UTF32 code changes to fix up the win32 build for now
14-mar-2009 - adelikat - Lua - added movie.active() - returns a bool value based on whether a movie is currently loaded
14-mar-2009 - adelikat - Fixed Joypad.set, it uses 3 values instead of 2 now. True will take control of a button and make it on, False will take control and make it off, and Nil will not take control (allowing the user to press the button)
14-mar-2009 - adelikat - Fix major crash issue where NROM game savestates were writing erroneous information if a non NROM game was loaded prior
13-mar-2009 - adelikat - Closing game / Opening new game resets the frame counter
13-mar-2009 - adelikat - Win32 - Debugger - Scanlines and PPU Pixels are displayed even in vblank (lines 240-261)
12-mar-2009 - shinydoofy - sdl - fixed compilation error and reactivated the mouse pointer in the SDL window
12-mar-2009 - adelikat - Win32 - Trace Logger - fixed bug where user can't scroll the log window while it is auto-updating
11-mar-2009 - adelikat - Win32 - Trace Logger - changed message about F2 pause (left over from FCEUXDSP) to display the current hotkey mapping
11-mar-2009 - adelikat - Added frame counter to savestates
08-mar-2009 - adelikat - Lua - added input.get() function
30-nov-2008 - punkrockguy - moved around some hotkeys to be consistent with docs
30-nov-2008 - punkrockguy - major update to sdl documentation
24-nov-2008 - qfox - win32 - fixed two position checks for memwatch and debugger that could cause these windows to "disappear" (moved far out of reach).
24-nov-2008 - adelikat - win32 - added lots of mappable hotkey items as Menu items
23-nov-2008 - adelikat - Win32 - fixed some errors in my AVI directory override code
23-nov-2008 - shinydoofy - movie subs now have a toggle button in the SDL build (F10 by default)
23-nov-2008 - adelikat - movie subtitle system installed
22-nov-2008 - adelikat - Win32 - added help menu item to TASEdit and Hex Editor, Minor TASEdit clean up
22-nov-2008 - adelikat - Win32 - fixed so that turbo works with VBlank sync settings
21-nov-2008 - qfox - Lua - added joypad.write and joypad.get for naming consistency. Added plane display toggle for lua: FCEU.fceu_setrenderplanes(sprites, background) which accepts two boolean args and toggles the drawing of those planes from Lua. Changed movie.framecount() to always return a number, even when no movie is playing. Should return the same number as in view; the number of frames since last reset, if no movie is playing.
17-nov-2008 - adelikat - added Open Cheats hotkey (currently a windows only function)
16-nov-2008 - adelikat - Win32 - menu items that are hotkey mappable show the current hotkey mapping
15-nov-2008 - adelikat - Win32 - memwatch - implemented RamChange() - monitors the behavior of ram addresses
15-nov-2008 - adelikat - Win32 - re-enabled sound buffer time
15-nov-2008 - adelikat - Clip Left and Right sides taken into account when drawing on screen (record/play/pause, lag & frame counters, messages, etc)
15-nov-2008 - adelikat - win32 - Implemented Drap & Drop for movie files
14-nov-2008 - adelikat - win32 Hex Editor - Dump Rom & Dump PPU to file Dialog - uses ROM to build default filename
14-nov-2008 - adelikat - Win32 Memwatch - Save as dialog - uses ROM name to build default memwatch filename if there is no last used memwatch filename
14-nov-2008 - adelikat - Win32 Text Hooker fixes - Init error checking reinstated, save .tht file no longer crashes, Dialog updates as ROM plays, Remembers window position, fix bug where canceling save as produces an error message, Save As produces default filename based on loaded ROM
14-nov-2008 - adelikat - fixed but when aspect correction and special scaling 3x are set, video was getting resized incorrectly
14-nov-2008 - adelikat - fixed a bug introduced in previous commit, frame display toggle now works when no movie is present
12-nov-2008 - adelikat - allowed frame counter to display even with no movie present
24-sep-2008 - punkrockguy318 - [ 2062823 ] fixed ppc build errors and added LSB_FIRST option to build scripts
24-sep-2008 - punkrockguy318 - [ 2057006 ] --newppu option added to sdl, disabled by default
24-sep-2008 - punkrockguy318 - [ 2057008 ] lua is now optional, thanks shinydoofy for a patch. also fixed some build issues.
22-sep-2008 - punkrockguy318 - [ 2008437 ] fixed an issue where flawed movie would crash fceux on every startup
21-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - sdl - fixed issue where windowed mode would always be set to 32 bpp
18-aug-2008 - zeromus - windows - SF [ 2058942 ] Load state as... does not use the savestate override dir (fixed; now, it does)
18-aug-2008 - zeromus - windows - permit user optionally to proceed through the movie savestate mismatch error condition, in case he knows what he is doing.
18-aug-2008 - zeromus - fix a bug in the savestate recovery code which prevent aborted savestate loads from recovering emulator state correctly.
18-aug-2008 - zeromus - windows - bind a menu option for display framecounter
17-aug-2008 - zeromus - windows - fix problem where replay dialog couldnt work when the process current directory had changed to something other than emulator base directory
17-aug-2008 - zeromus - windows - autoload the only useful rom or movie from an archive, in cases where there is only one
17-aug-2008 - zeromus - gracefully handle non-convertible broken utf-8 text without crashing
17-aug-2008 - zeromus - windows - don't read every archive file when scanning for replay dialog. scan them, and only look for *.fm2
17-aug-2008 - zeromus - debugger - fix issue where keyboard keys get stuck when switching between debugger window and main window
15-aug-2008 - adelikat - fixed an oversight on my part. Sound config dialog will now look to see if Mute Turbo should be checked
14-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - SDL build scripts now look for lua5.1 and lua (distributions package lua differently)
14-aug-2008 - zeromus - restore savestate error recovery functionality. This should have the side effect of guaranteeing that ( SF [ 2040761 ] Wrong savestate bug - crashes FCEUX) is resolved.
12-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - SDL: Saner sound defaults for less choppy sound
12-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - SF [ 2047050 ] SDL: "--special" option fixed for special video scaling filters
12-aug-2008 - zeromus - SF [ 2046984 ] Player 3 inputs when not used
12-aug-2008 - zeromus - print a special message when trying to open an FCM reminding user to convert. (finishes SF [ 2011832 ] Opening non movie file crashes FCEUX)
12-aug-2008 - zeromus - SF [ 2046985 ] SRAM not wiped on power cycle (during movies)
11-aug-2008 - zeromus - restore IPS patching capability which was lost when archive support was added
11-aug-2008 - zeromus - SF [ 2011550 ] Buffer overflow (change vsprintf to vsnprintf)
11-aug-2008 - zeromus - SF [ 2047004 ] Moviefilenames without extension don't automatically get fm2
10-aug-2008 - zeromus - upgrade to cah4e3's latest mapper 163&164 code to fix a crash in a game
10-aug-2008 - zeromus - remove cnrom chr rom size limit for homebrew roms
10-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - SDL: cleaned up the SConsruct
10-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - SDL: fixed issue where fceu would lock up when file dialogs were opened during fullscreen
10-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - SDL: fixed bug where fceux would close when file dialogs were closed
10-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - SDL: File open dialog is now used to movie playback
10-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - SDL: File open wrapper now takes a titlebar argument
10-aug-2008 - punkrockguy318 - SDL: Cleanup of usage
09-aug-2008 - zeromus - support loading movies from archives
08-aug-2008 - adelikat - added input display to the FCEUX main menu
08-aug-2008 - adelikat - fixed the (null) in the default lua directory listing
08-aug-2008 - adelikat - added shift+L as default hotkey for reload lua script
08-aug-2008 - adelikat - removed accel ctrl+x (prevented cut from working in accel dialogs)
08-aug-2008 - zeromus - fiddle with nametable viewer to display correct NT,CHR,ATTR data in more cases (specifically, including some exotic mmc5 cases).
08-aug-2008 - zeromus - fix a new bug in windows build which caused fourscore emulation to fail in some cases
07-aug-2008 - zeromus - add an option to pick a constant color to draw in place of BG when BG rendering is disabled (look for gNoBGFillColor in config; 255 means to use palette[0])
07-aug-2008 - adelikat - added a mute turbo option in sound config
07-aug-2008 - adelikat - new toggle - frame adv. - lag skip (menu item + hotkey mapping + saved in config)
07-aug-2008 - adelikat - put in -32000 protection on all dialogs that remember x,y
06-aug-2008 - adelikat - change config filename from fceu98.cfg to fceux.cfg
06-aug-2008 - zeromus - add lagcounter and lagflag to savestate
06-aug-2008 - zeromus - SF [ 2040448 ] View Slots bug - does not include new savestate naming
06-aug-2008 - zeromus - restore the debugger snap functionality
06-aug-2008 - zeromus - add memory.readbyterange to emulua
06-aug-2008 - zeromus - auto-fill .fcs extension in save state as dialog
06-aug-2008 - zeromus - mmc5 - 64KB WRAM games now work correctly
06-aug-2008 - zeromus - mmc5 - use of chr A regs for BG in sprite 8x8 mode is fixed
06-aug-2008 - zeromus - debugger - debugger window is now resizeable
---version 2.0.1 released---
04-aug-2008 - reorganize display toggle options in the menu
04-aug-2008 - adelikat - autofire fix
04-aug-2008 - zeromus - homebrew mmc5 games now have 64KB of exwram instead of only 8KB
04-aug-2008 - zeromus - fix crash related to player2 in lua scripts