FB Alpha

Audio Menu

Select plugin Select the audio plugin to use.
Plugin options Configure the selected plugin (see below).
2-point 1st order sample interpolation Enable sample interpolation on some of the APDCM cores.
4-point 3rd order sample interpolation Enable higher quality (but slower) sample interpolation on some of the APDCM cores.
Disable FM interpolation Disable interpolation on the FM cores.
4-point 3rd order FM interpolation Enable sample interpolation on the FM cores.
Sound Logging Start or stop logging sound to a file.
Buffer Size Set the number of frames to buffer sound for. Most users shouldn't need to change this.

DirectSound Audio Plugin Menu

Use Low-pass filter Enable a low-pass filter.
Sound Disabled Disable sound.
11025Hz, 22050Hz, 44100Hz, 48000Hz Sample Rate Set the sound frequency. Higher is better quality but slightly slower.

XAudio2 Audio Plugin Menu

Use Low-pass filter Enable a low-pass filter.
Use Reverb Enable a reverb filter.
Sound Disabled Disable sound.
11025Hz, 22050Hz, 44100Hz, 48000Hz Sample Rate Set the sound frequency. Higher is better quality but slightly slower.