FB Alpha

Misc Menu

Auto Pause Will automatically pause the emulator if it loses focus or you switch to another window.
Always process keyboard input Will process the keyboard input.
Display Mode Indicator Will show an indicator telling when the emulator is paused, recording, etc.
Don't change Num Lock status Enabling this will stop FB Alpha from changing the Num Lock status when starting or exiting. Enabling this option means that you will manually have to control the Num Lock status if you want to use Hotrod or X-Arcade sticks.
Set application thread priority Set the applications thread priority. Set it to higher to go faster, or lower to be more co-operative with multi-tasking windows apps.
Use Assembly MC68000 core Uses the Assembly 68000 core which is slightly faster. Some games require the C core - but these games will automatically override any option selected here.
Save high scores when supported Enable this to turn on high score saving. See the Support File Path Dialog section for more information.
Auto Pause Will automatically pause the emulator if it loses focus or you switch to another window.
Generate dat file Generate dat files for use with rom managers. FB Alpha can output dat files in the clrmamepro (xml format). You can choose to ouput a dat file for the arcade games, or a console specific dat file (for Megadrive, PC-Engine, TurboGrafx 16 or SuprGrafx).
Configure ROM paths Open the Rom Path Dialog.
Configure support file paths Open the Support File Path Dialog.
UI Language See the Localising the Application section for more information.
Gamelist Language See the Localising the Gamelist section for more information.
Save Snapshot Saves a snapshot in the screenshot folder.
Shot Factory Opens the Shot Factory Dialog.
Enable Cheats Opens the Cheat Dialog to allow you to apply cheats. This item is only enabled if you have a valid cheat file in the cheat support file folder.
Start New Search Will start a new cheat search.
Target value has not changed Tell the cheat search that the value you are looking for has not changed.
Target value has changed Tell the cheat search that the value you are looking for has changed.
Target value has decreased Tell the cheat search that the value you are looking for has decreased.
Target value has increased Tell the cheat search that the value you are looking for has increased.
Dump search to file Dumps all the remaining addresses and values from a cheat search into a file called cheatsearchdump.txt in the FB Alpha root folder.
Associate with .fs and .fr files Associates .fs and .fr files with windows so that you can open FB Alpha using one of these files from explorer.
Disassociate with .fs and .fr files Removes the association with .fs and .fr files from Windows.
Save input mapping now Will save the input and dip switch settings for the current game to the games config file.
Auto-save input mapping If this is enabled then FB Alpha will automatically save the input and dip switch settings for the current game to the games config file when you close the game.
Save settings to .ini now Will save the application settings to the .ini file. This also happens automatically when you close the application.
Reload settings from .ini Will reload the application settings from the .ini file.