d_lastduel, little cleanup

This commit is contained in:
dinkc64 2025-03-12 00:57:00 -04:00
parent 08111a8348
commit 995c40d0c7
1 changed files with 70 additions and 178 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ static UINT8 DrvDip[3] = {0, 0, 0};
static UINT8 DrvInput[3] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
static UINT8 DrvReset = 0;
static UINT8 *Mem = NULL;
static UINT8 *AllMem = NULL;
static UINT8 *MemEnd = NULL;
static UINT8 *RamStart = NULL;
static UINT8 *RamEnd = NULL;
@ -46,28 +46,29 @@ static UINT8 DrvSoundLatch;
static UINT8 DrvSpritePriMask;
static UINT8 DrvSpriteFlipYMask;
static INT32 nExtraCycles;
static struct BurnInputInfo DrvInputList[] =
{"Coin 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 4, "p1 coin" },
{"Start 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 2, "p1 start" },
{"Coin 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 3, "p2 coin" },
{"Start 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 1, "p2 start" },
{"P1 Coin" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 4, "p1 coin" },
{"P1 Start" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 2, "p1 start" },
{"P1 Up" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 7, "p1 up" },
{"P1 Down" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 6, "p1 down" },
{"P1 Left" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 5, "p1 left" },
{"P1 Right" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 4, "p1 right" },
{"P1 Fire 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 3, "p1 fire 1" },
{"P1 Fire 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 2, "p1 fire 2" },
{"P1 Fire 3" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 1, "p1 fire 3" },
{"Up" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 7, "p1 up" },
{"Down" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 6, "p1 down" },
{"Left" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 5, "p1 left" },
{"Right" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 4, "p1 right" },
{"Fire 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 3, "p1 fire 1" },
{"Fire 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 2, "p1 fire 2" },
{"Fire 3" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 1, "p1 fire 3" },
{"Up (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 7, "p2 up" },
{"Down (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 6, "p2 down" },
{"Left (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 5, "p2 left" },
{"Right (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 4, "p2 right" },
{"Fire 1 (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 3, "p2 fire 1" },
{"Fire 2 (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 2, "p2 fire 2" },
{"Fire 3 (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 1, "p2 fire 3" },
{"P2 Coin" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 3, "p2 coin" },
{"P2 Start" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 1, "p2 start" },
{"P2 Up" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 7, "p2 up" },
{"P2 Down" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 6, "p2 down" },
{"P2 Left" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 5, "p2 left" },
{"P2 Right" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 4, "p2 right" },
{"P2 Fire 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 3, "p2 fire 1" },
{"P2 Fire 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 2, "p2 fire 2" },
{"P2 Fire 3" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 1, "p2 fire 3" },
{"Reset" , BIT_DIGITAL , &DrvReset , "reset" },
{"Service" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 7, "service" },
@ -80,24 +81,23 @@ STDINPUTINFO(Drv)
static struct BurnInputInfo LastduelInputList[] =
{"Coin 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 7, "p1 coin" },
{"Start 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 0, "p1 start" },
{"Coin 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 6, "p2 coin" },
{"Start 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 1, "p2 start" },
{"P1 Coin" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 7, "p1 coin" },
{"P1 Start" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 0, "p1 start" },
{"P1 Up" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 3, "p1 up" },
{"P1 Down" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 2, "p1 down" },
{"P1 Left" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 1, "p1 left" },
{"P1 Right" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 0, "p1 right" },
{"P1 Fire 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 4, "p1 fire 1" },
{"P1 Fire 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 5, "p1 fire 2" },
{"Up" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 3, "p1 up" },
{"Down" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 2, "p1 down" },
{"Left" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 1, "p1 left" },
{"Right" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 0, "p1 right" },
{"Fire 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 4, "p1 fire 1" },
{"Fire 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort0 + 5, "p1 fire 2" },
{"Up (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 3, "p2 up" },
{"Down (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 2, "p2 down" },
{"Left (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 1, "p2 left" },
{"Right (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 0, "p2 right" },
{"Fire 1 (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 4, "p2 fire 1" },
{"Fire 2 (Cocktail)" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 5, "p2 fire 2" },
{"P2 Coin" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 6, "p2 coin" },
{"P2 Start" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 1, "p2 start" },
{"P2 Up" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 3, "p2 up" },
{"P2 Down" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 2, "p2 down" },
{"P2 Left" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 1, "p2 left" },
{"P2 Right" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 0, "p2 right" },
{"P2 Fire 1" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 4, "p2 fire 1" },
{"P2 Fire 2" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort1 + 5, "p2 fire 2" },
{"Reset" , BIT_DIGITAL , &DrvReset , "reset" },
{"Service" , BIT_DIGITAL , DrvInputPort2 + 5, "service" },
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ STD_ROM_FN(Lastduelb)
static INT32 MemIndex()
UINT8 *Next; Next = Mem;
UINT8 *Next; Next = AllMem;
Drv68KRom = Next; Next += 0x80000;
DrvZ80Rom = Next; Next += 0x10000;
@ -607,6 +607,8 @@ static INT32 DrvDoReset()
DrvZ80RomBank = 0;
DrvSoundLatch = 0;
nExtraCycles = 0;
return 0;
@ -934,15 +936,9 @@ static INT32 SpriteYOffsets[16] = { STEP16(0,32) };
static INT32 DrvInit() // Madgear, Ledstorm
INT32 nRet = 0, nLen;
INT32 nRet = 0;
// Allocate and Blank all required memory
Mem = NULL;
nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0;
if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) return 1;
memset(Mem, 0, nLen);
DrvTempRom = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(0x80000);
@ -1031,15 +1027,9 @@ static INT32 DrvInit() // Madgear, Ledstorm
static INT32 Leds2011Init()
INT32 nRet = 0, nLen;
INT32 nRet = 0;
// Allocate and Blank all required memory
Mem = NULL;
nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0;
if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) return 1;
memset(Mem, 0, nLen);
DrvTempRom = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(0x80000);
@ -1122,15 +1112,9 @@ static INT32 Leds2011Init()
static INT32 LastduelInit()
INT32 nRet = 0, nLen;
INT32 nRet = 0;
// Allocate and Blank all required memory
Mem = NULL;
nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0;
if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) return 1;
memset(Mem, 0, nLen);
DrvTempRom = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(0x80000);
@ -1211,15 +1195,9 @@ static INT32 LastduelInit()
static INT32 LastduelbInit()
INT32 nRet = 0, nLen;
INT32 nRet = 0;
// Allocate and Blank all required memory
Mem = NULL;
nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0;
if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) return 1;
memset(Mem, 0, nLen);
DrvTempRom = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(0x80000);
@ -1331,7 +1309,7 @@ static INT32 DrvExit()
DrvZ80RomBank = 0;
DrvSoundLatch = 0;
return 0;
@ -1369,65 +1347,11 @@ static void DrvTileDraw(UINT8 *gfx, INT32 Code, INT32 Colour, INT32 x, INT32 y,
if (transparent)
if (x > 16 && x < 368 && y > 16 && y < 224) {
if (xFlip) {
if (yFlip) {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipXY(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, tcolor, 0, gfx);
} else {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipX(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, tcolor, 0, gfx);
} else {
if (yFlip) {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipY(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, tcolor, 0, gfx);
} else {
Render16x16Tile_Mask(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, tcolor, 0, gfx);
} else {
if (xFlip) {
if (yFlip) {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipXY_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, tcolor, 0, gfx);
} else {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipX_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, tcolor, 0, gfx);
} else {
if (yFlip) {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_FlipY_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, tcolor, 0, gfx);
} else {
Render16x16Tile_Mask_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, tcolor, 0, gfx);
} else {
if (x > 16 && x < 368 && y > 16 && y < 224) {
if (xFlip) {
if (yFlip) {
Render16x16Tile_FlipXY(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, 0, gfx);
} else {
Render16x16Tile_FlipX(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, 0, gfx);
} else {
if (yFlip) {
Render16x16Tile_FlipY(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, 0, gfx);
} else {
Render16x16Tile(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, 0, gfx);
} else {
if (xFlip) {
if (yFlip) {
Render16x16Tile_FlipXY_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, 0, gfx);
} else {
Render16x16Tile_FlipX_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, 0, gfx);
} else {
if (yFlip) {
Render16x16Tile_FlipY_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, 0, gfx);
} else {
Render16x16Tile_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 4, 0, gfx);
Draw16x16MaskTile(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, xFlip, yFlip, Colour, 4, tcolor, 0, gfx);
Draw16x16Tile(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, xFlip, yFlip, Colour, 4, 0, gfx);
@ -1519,13 +1443,14 @@ static void DrvRenderSprites(INT32 Priority)
static void DrvRenderCharLayer()
INT32 mx, my, Code, Colour, x, y, yFlip, TileIndex = 0;
INT32 mx, my, Code, Colour, x, y, yFlip, xFlip, TileIndex = 0;
UINT16 *VideoRam = (UINT16*)DrvVideoRam;
for (my = 0; my < 32; my++) {
for (mx = 0; mx < 64; mx++) {
yFlip = 0;
xFlip = 0;
Code = BURN_ENDIAN_SWAP_INT16(VideoRam[TileIndex]);
Colour = Code >> 12;
if (Code & 0x800) yFlip = 1;
@ -1537,19 +1462,7 @@ static void DrvRenderCharLayer()
x -= 64;
y -= 8;
if (x > 0 && x < 376 && y > 8 && y < 232) {
if (yFlip) {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_FlipY(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 2, 3, 0x300, DrvChars);
} else {
Render8x8Tile_Mask(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 2, 3, 0x300, DrvChars);
} else {
if (yFlip) {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_FlipY_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 2, 3, 0x300, DrvChars);
} else {
Render8x8Tile_Mask_Clip(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, Colour, 2, 3, 0x300, DrvChars);
Draw8x8MaskTile(pTransDraw, Code, x, y, xFlip, yFlip, Colour, 2, 3, 0x300, DrvChars);
@ -1684,7 +1597,7 @@ static INT32 DrvDraw() // madgear / ledstorm
if (nSpriteEnable & 2) DrvRenderSprites(1);
if (nBurnLayer & 8) DrvRenderCharLayer();
return 0;
@ -1716,43 +1629,31 @@ static INT32 DrvFrame()
INT32 nCyclesTotal[2] = { 10000000 / 60, 3579545 / 60 };
INT32 nCyclesDone[2] = { 0, 0 };
INT32 nCyclesSegment;
for (INT32 i = 0; i < nInterleave; i++) {
INT32 nCurrentCPU, nNext;
// Run 68000
nCurrentCPU = 0;
nNext = (i + 1) * nCyclesTotal[nCurrentCPU] / nInterleave;
nCyclesSegment = nNext - nCyclesDone[nCurrentCPU];
nCyclesDone[nCurrentCPU] += SekRun(nCyclesSegment);
CPU_RUN(0, Sek);
if (i == 33 || i == 66) SekSetIRQLine(6, CPU_IRQSTATUS_AUTO);
if (i == nInterleave - 1) SekSetIRQLine(5, CPU_IRQSTATUS_AUTO);
BurnTimerUpdate((i + 1) * (nCyclesTotal[1] / nInterleave));
nExtraCycles = nCyclesDone[0] - nCyclesTotal[0];
if (pBurnSoundOut) {
BurnYM2203Update(pBurnSoundOut, nBurnSoundLen);
MSM6295Render(0, pBurnSoundOut, nBurnSoundLen);
if (pBurnDraw) DrvDraw();
memcpy(DrvSpriteRamBuffer, DrvSpriteRam, 0x800);
return 0;
@ -1768,39 +1669,28 @@ static INT32 LastduelFrame()
INT32 nCyclesTotal[2] = { 10000000 / 60, 3579545 / 60 };
INT32 nCyclesDone[2] = { 0, 0 };
INT32 nCyclesSegment;
for (INT32 i = 0; i < nInterleave; i++) {
INT32 nCurrentCPU, nNext;
// Run 68000
nCurrentCPU = 0;
nNext = (i + 1) * nCyclesTotal[nCurrentCPU] / nInterleave;
nCyclesSegment = nNext - nCyclesDone[nCurrentCPU];
nCyclesDone[nCurrentCPU] += SekRun(nCyclesSegment);
CPU_RUN(0, Sek);
if (i == 33 || i == 66) SekSetIRQLine(4, CPU_IRQSTATUS_AUTO);
if (i == nInterleave - 1) SekSetIRQLine(2, CPU_IRQSTATUS_AUTO);
BurnTimerUpdate((i + 1) * (nCyclesTotal[1] / nInterleave));
nExtraCycles = nCyclesDone[0] - nCyclesTotal[0];
if (pBurnSoundOut) BurnYM2203Update(pBurnSoundOut, nBurnSoundLen);
if (pBurnDraw) LastduelDraw();
memcpy(DrvSpriteRamBuffer, DrvSpriteRam, 0x800);
return 0;
@ -1835,6 +1725,8 @@ static INT32 DrvScan(INT32 nAction, INT32 *pnMin)
return 0;