384 lines
14 KiB
384 lines
14 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2024 Connor McLaughlin <stenzek@gmail.com>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
#pragma once
#include "gpu_backend.h"
#include "gpu_hw_texture_cache.h"
#include "util/gpu_device.h"
#include "common/dimensional_array.h"
#include "common/gsvector.h"
#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
class Error;
class GPU_SW_Backend;
struct GPUBackendCommand;
struct GPUBackendDrawCommand;
// TODO: Move to cpp
// TODO: Rename to GPUHWBackend, preserved to avoid conflicts.
class GPU_HW final : public GPUBackend
enum class BatchRenderMode : u8
enum class BatchTextureMode : u8
SpriteStart = SpritePalette4Bit,
static_assert(static_cast<u8>(BatchTextureMode::Palette4Bit) == static_cast<u8>(GPUTextureMode::Palette4Bit) &&
static_cast<u8>(BatchTextureMode::Palette8Bit) == static_cast<u8>(GPUTextureMode::Palette8Bit) &&
static_cast<u8>(BatchTextureMode::Direct16Bit) == static_cast<u8>(GPUTextureMode::Direct16Bit));
static constexpr GSVector4i VRAM_SIZE_RECT = GSVector4i::cxpr(0, 0, VRAM_WIDTH, VRAM_HEIGHT);
static constexpr GSVector4i INVALID_RECT =
GSVector4i::cxpr(std::numeric_limits<s32>::max(), std::numeric_limits<s32>::max(), std::numeric_limits<s32>::min(),
~GPU_HW() override;
bool Initialize(bool upload_vram, Error* error) override;
u32 GetResolutionScale() const override;
void RestoreDeviceContext() override;
void UpdateSettings(const GPUSettings& old_settings) override;
void UpdateResolutionScale() override;
void FillVRAM(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height, u32 color, bool interlaced_rendering, u8 active_line_lsb) override;
void ReadVRAM(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height) override;
void UpdateVRAM(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height, const void* data, bool set_mask, bool check_mask) override;
void CopyVRAM(u32 src_x, u32 src_y, u32 dst_x, u32 dst_y, u32 width, u32 height, bool set_mask,
bool check_mask) override;
void ClearCache() override;
void OnBufferSwapped() override;
void DrawPolygon(const GPUBackendDrawPolygonCommand* cmd) override;
void DrawPrecisePolygon(const GPUBackendDrawPrecisePolygonCommand* cmd) override;
void DrawSprite(const GPUBackendDrawRectangleCommand* cmd) override;
void DrawLine(const GPUBackendDrawLineCommand* cmd) override;
void DrawPreciseLine(const GPUBackendDrawPreciseLineCommand* cmd) override;
void FlushRender() override;
void DrawingAreaChanged() override;
void ClearVRAM() override;
void LoadState(const GPUBackendLoadStateCommand* cmd) override;
bool AllocateMemorySaveState(System::MemorySaveState& mss, Error* error) override;
void DoMemoryState(StateWrapper& sw, System::MemorySaveState& mss) override;
void UpdateDisplay(const GPUBackendUpdateDisplayCommand* cmd) override;
enum : u32
NUM_TEXTURE_MODES = static_cast<u32>(BatchTextureMode::MaxCount),
enum : u8
struct alignas(16) BatchVertex
float x;
float y;
float z;
float w;
u32 color;
u32 texpage;
u16 u; // 16-bit texcoords are needed for 256 extent rectangles
u16 v;
u32 uv_limits;
void Set(float x_, float y_, float z_, float w_, u32 color_, u32 texpage_, u16 packed_texcoord, u32 uv_limits_);
void Set(float x_, float y_, float z_, float w_, u32 color_, u32 texpage_, u16 u_, u16 v_, u32 uv_limits_);
static u32 PackUVLimits(u32 min_u, u32 max_u, u32 min_v, u32 max_v);
void SetUVLimits(u32 min_u, u32 max_u, u32 min_v, u32 max_v);
struct alignas(4) BatchConfig
BatchTextureMode texture_mode = BatchTextureMode::Disabled;
GPUTransparencyMode transparency_mode = GPUTransparencyMode::Disabled;
bool dithering = false;
bool interlacing = false;
bool set_mask_while_drawing = false;
bool check_mask_before_draw = false;
bool use_depth_buffer = false;
bool sprite_mode = false;
GPUTextureCache::SourceKey texture_cache_key = {};
// Returns the render mode for this batch.
BatchRenderMode GetRenderMode() const;
struct alignas(VECTOR_ALIGNMENT) BatchUBOData
u32 u_texture_window[4]; // and_x, and_y, or_x, or_y
float u_src_alpha_factor;
float u_dst_alpha_factor;
u32 u_interlaced_displayed_field;
u32 u_set_mask_while_drawing;
float u_resolution_scale;
float u_rcp_resolution_scale;
float u_resolution_scale_minus_one;
GPUTextureWindow u_texture_window_bits; // not actually used on GPU
struct RendererStats
u32 num_batches;
u32 num_vram_read_texture_updates;
u32 num_uniform_buffer_updates;
/// Returns true if a depth buffer should be created.
GPUTexture::Format GetDepthBufferFormat() const;
bool CreateBuffers(Error* error);
void ClearFramebuffer();
void DestroyBuffers();
bool CompileCommonShaders(Error* error);
bool CompilePipelines(Error* error);
bool CompileResolutionDependentPipelines(Error* error);
bool CompileDownsamplePipelines(Error* error);
void PrintSettingsToLog();
void CheckSettings();
void UpdateVRAMReadTexture(bool drawn, bool written);
void UpdateDepthBufferFromMaskBit();
void CopyAndClearDepthBuffer();
void ClearDepthBuffer();
void SetScissor();
void SetVRAMRenderTarget();
void DeactivateROV();
void MapGPUBuffer(u32 required_vertices, u32 required_indices);
void UnmapGPUBuffer(u32 used_vertices, u32 used_indices);
void DrawBatchVertices(BatchRenderMode render_mode, u32 num_indices, u32 base_index, u32 base_vertex,
const GPUTextureCache::Source* texture);
u32 CalculateResolutionScale() const;
GPUDownsampleMode GetDownsampleMode(u32 resolution_scale) const;
bool ShouldDrawWithSoftwareRenderer() const;
bool IsUsingMultisampling() const;
bool IsUsingDownsampling(const GPUBackendUpdateDisplayCommand* cmd) const;
void SetFullVRAMDirtyRectangle();
void ClearVRAMDirtyRectangle();
void AddWrittenRectangle(const GSVector4i rect);
void AddDrawnRectangle(const GSVector4i rect);
void AddUnclampedDrawnRectangle(const GSVector4i rect);
void SetTexPageChangedOnOverlap(const GSVector4i update_rect);
void CheckForTexPageOverlap(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd, GSVector4i uv_rect);
bool ShouldCheckForTexPageOverlap() const;
bool IsFlushed() const;
void EnsureVertexBufferSpace(u32 required_vertices, u32 required_indices);
void EnsureVertexBufferSpaceForCommand(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd);
void PrepareDraw(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd);
bool BeginPolygonDraw(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd, std::array<BatchVertex, 4>& vertices, u32& num_vertices,
GSVector4i& clamped_draw_rect_012, GSVector4i& clamped_draw_rect_123);
void FinishPolygonDraw(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd, std::array<BatchVertex, 4>& vertices, u32 num_vertices,
bool is_precise, bool is_3d, const GSVector4i clamped_draw_rect_012,
const GSVector4i clamped_draw_rect_123);
void ResetBatchVertexDepth();
/// Returns the value to be written to the depth buffer for the current operation for mask bit emulation.
float GetCurrentNormalizedVertexDepth() const;
/// Returns if the draw needs to be broken into opaque/transparent passes.
bool NeedsTwoPassRendering() const;
/// Returns true if the draw is going to use shader blending/framebuffer fetch.
bool NeedsShaderBlending(GPUTransparencyMode transparency, BatchTextureMode texture, bool check_mask) const;
void DownloadVRAMFromGPU(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height);
void UpdateVRAMOnGPU(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height, const void* data, u32 data_pitch, bool set_mask,
bool check_mask, const GSVector4i bounds);
bool BlitVRAMReplacementTexture(GPUTexture* tex, u32 dst_x, u32 dst_y, u32 width, u32 height);
/// Expands a line into two triangles.
void DrawLine(const GSVector4 bounds, u32 col0, u32 col1, float depth);
/// Computes partial derivatives and area for the given triangle. Needed for sprite/line detection.
static void ComputeUVPartialDerivatives(const BatchVertex* vertices, float* dudx, float* dudy, float* dvdx,
float* dvdy, float* xy_area, s32* uv_area);
/// Handles quads with flipped texture coordinate directions.
void HandleFlippedQuadTextureCoordinates(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd, BatchVertex* vertices);
bool IsPossibleSpritePolygon(const BatchVertex* vertices) const;
bool ExpandLineTriangles(BatchVertex* vertices);
/// Computes polygon U/V boundaries, and for overlap with the current texture page.
void ComputePolygonUVLimits(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd, BatchVertex* vertices, u32 num_vertices);
/// Sets the depth test flag for PGXP depth buffering.
void SetBatchDepthBuffer(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd, bool enabled);
void CheckForDepthClear(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd, const BatchVertex* vertices, u32 num_vertices);
void SetBatchSpriteMode(const GPUBackendDrawCommand* cmd, bool enabled);
void UpdateDownsamplingLevels();
void DownsampleFramebuffer();
void DownsampleFramebufferAdaptive(GPUTexture* source, u32 left, u32 top, u32 width, u32 height);
void DownsampleFramebufferBoxFilter(GPUTexture* source, u32 left, u32 top, u32 width, u32 height);
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> m_vram_texture;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> m_vram_depth_texture;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> m_vram_depth_copy_texture;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> m_vram_read_texture;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> m_vram_readback_texture;
std::unique_ptr<GPUDownloadTexture> m_vram_readback_download_texture;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTextureBuffer> m_vram_upload_buffer;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> m_vram_write_texture;
BatchVertex* m_batch_vertex_ptr = nullptr;
u16* m_batch_index_ptr = nullptr;
u32 m_batch_base_vertex = 0;
u32 m_batch_base_index = 0;
u16 m_batch_vertex_count = 0;
u16 m_batch_index_count = 0;
u16 m_batch_vertex_space = 0;
u16 m_batch_index_space = 0;
s32 m_current_depth = 0;
float m_last_depth_z = 1.0f;
u8 m_resolution_scale = 1;
u8 m_multisamples = 1;
GPUTextureFilter m_texture_filtering = GPUTextureFilter::Nearest;
GPUTextureFilter m_sprite_texture_filtering = GPUTextureFilter::Nearest;
GPULineDetectMode m_line_detect_mode = GPULineDetectMode::Disabled;
GPUDownsampleMode m_downsample_mode = GPUDownsampleMode::Disabled;
GPUWireframeMode m_wireframe_mode = GPUWireframeMode::Disabled;
bool m_supports_dual_source_blend : 1 = false;
bool m_supports_framebuffer_fetch : 1 = false;
bool m_true_color : 1 = true;
bool m_pgxp_depth_buffer : 1 = false;
bool m_clamp_uvs : 1 = false;
bool m_compute_uv_range : 1 = false;
bool m_allow_sprite_mode : 1 = false;
bool m_allow_shader_blend : 1 = false;
bool m_prefer_shader_blend : 1 = false;
bool m_use_rov_for_shader_blend : 1 = false;
bool m_write_mask_as_depth : 1 = false;
bool m_depth_was_copied : 1 = false;
bool m_texture_window_active : 1 = false;
bool m_rov_active : 1 = false;
bool m_use_texture_cache : 1 = false;
bool m_texture_dumping : 1 = false;
u8 m_texpage_dirty = 0;
bool m_batch_ubo_dirty = true;
bool m_drawing_area_changed = true;
BatchConfig m_batch;
// Changed state
BatchUBOData m_batch_ubo_data = {};
// Bounding box of VRAM area that the GPU has drawn into.
GSVector4i m_vram_dirty_draw_rect = INVALID_RECT;
GSVector4i m_vram_dirty_write_rect = INVALID_RECT; // TODO: Don't use in TC mode, should be kept at zero.
GSVector4i m_current_uv_rect = INVALID_RECT;
GSVector4i m_current_draw_rect = INVALID_RECT;
alignas(8) s32 m_current_texture_page_offset[2] = {};
// NOTE: Only the texture-related bits should be used here, the others are not validated.
GPUDrawModeReg mode_reg;
GPUTexturePaletteReg palette_reg;
} m_draw_mode = {};
std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline> m_wireframe_pipeline;
// [wrapped][interlaced]
DimensionalArray<std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline>, 2, 2> m_vram_fill_pipelines{};
// [depth_test]
std::array<std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline>, 2> m_vram_write_pipelines{};
std::array<std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline>, 2> m_vram_copy_pipelines{};
std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline> m_vram_readback_pipeline;
std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline> m_vram_update_depth_pipeline;
std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline> m_vram_write_replacement_pipeline;
std::array<std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline>, 3> m_vram_extract_pipeline; // [24bit, 2=depth]
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> m_vram_extract_texture;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> m_vram_extract_depth_texture;
std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline> m_copy_depth_pipeline;
std::unique_ptr<GPUTexture> m_downsample_texture;
std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline> m_downsample_pass_pipeline;
std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline> m_downsample_blur_pipeline;
std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline> m_downsample_composite_pipeline;
std::unique_ptr<GPUSampler> m_downsample_lod_sampler;
std::unique_ptr<GPUSampler> m_downsample_composite_sampler;
u32 m_downsample_scale_or_levels = 0;
// [depth_test][transparency_mode][render_mode][texture_mode][dithering][interlacing][check_mask]
DimensionalArray<std::unique_ptr<GPUPipeline>, 2, 2, 2, NUM_TEXTURE_MODES, 5, 5, 2> m_batch_pipelines{};
// common shaders
std::unique_ptr<GPUShader> m_fullscreen_quad_vertex_shader;