import csv import sys from xml.sax.saxutils import escape SKIP_COLS = 1 SKIP_ROWS = 3 def compatibility_string_to_int(value): value_lower = value.lower() if (value_lower == "doesn't boot"): return 1 elif (value_lower == "crashes in intro"): return 2 elif (value_lower == "crashes in-game"): return 3 elif (value_lower == "graphical/audio issues"): return 4 elif (value_lower == "no issues"): return 5 print("*** Unknown compatibility level string: '%s'" % value) return 0 def compatibility_csv_to_xml(input_file, output_file): fin = open(input_file, "r") if (not input_file): print("Failed to open %s" % input_file) return False fout = open(output_file, "w") if (not output_file): print("Failed to open %s" % output_file) return False fout.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n") fout.write("<compatibility-list>\n") row_number = 0 for row in csv.reader(fin): row_number += 1 if (row_number <= SKIP_ROWS): continue # Skip header rows # TODO: Proper map for these if the column order changes #if (row[SKIP_COLS + 0] == "Game Code" or row[SKIP_COLS + 1] == "Game Title" or row[SKIP_COLS + 2] == "Region" or # row[SKIP_COLS + 3] == "Compatibility" or row[SKIP_COLS + 4] == "Upscaling Issues" or # row[SKIP_COLS + 5] == "Version tested" or row[SKIP_COLS + 6] == "Comments"): # continue code = str(row[SKIP_COLS + 0]).strip() title = str(row[SKIP_COLS + 1]).strip() region = str(row[SKIP_COLS + 2]).strip() compatibility = str(row[SKIP_COLS + 3]).strip() upscaling_issues = str(row[SKIP_COLS + 4]).strip() version_tested = str(row[SKIP_COLS + 5]).strip() comments = str(row[SKIP_COLS + 6]).strip() if (len(code) == 0): print("** Code is missing for '%s' (%s), skipping" % (title, region)) continue # TODO: Quoting here fout.write(" <entry code=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" region=\"%s\" compatibility=\"%d\">\n" % (escape(code), escape(title), escape(region), compatibility_string_to_int(compatibility))) fout.write(" <compatibility>%s</compatibility>\n" % escape(compatibility)) if (len(upscaling_issues) > 0): fout.write(" <upscaling-issues>%s</upscaling-issues>\n" % escape(upscaling_issues)) if (len(version_tested) > 0): fout.write(" <version-tested>%s</version-tested>\n" % escape(version_tested)) if (len(comments) > 0): fout.write(" <comments>%s</comments>\n" % escape(comments)) fout.write(" </entry>\n") fout.write("</compatibility-list>\n") fout.close() fin.close() return True if (__name__ == "__main__"): if (len(sys.argv) < 3): print("Usage: %s <path to csv> <path to xml>" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) result = compatibility_csv_to_xml(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) sys.exit(0 if result else 1)