if(ENABLE_OPENGL) message(STATUS "Building with OpenGL support.") endif() if(ENABLE_VULKAN) message(STATUS "Building with Vulkan support.") endif() if(ENABLE_X11) message(STATUS "Building with X11 support.") endif() if(ENABLE_WAYLAND) message(STATUS "Building with Wayland support.") endif() if(BUILD_QT_FRONTEND) message(STATUS "Building Qt frontend.") endif() if(BUILD_NOGUI_FRONTEND) message(STATUS "Building NoGUI frontend.") endif() if(BUILD_REGTEST) message(STATUS "Building RegTest frontend.") endif() if(BUILD_TESTS) message(STATUS "Building unit tests.") endif() if(ALLOW_INSTALL) message(WARNING "Install target is enabled. This will install all DuckStation files into: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} It does **not** use the LSB subdirectories of bin, share, etc, so you should disable this option if it is set to /usr or /usr/local.") if(INSTALL_SELF_CONTAINED) message(STATUS "Creating self-contained install at ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") else() message(STATUS "Creating relative install at ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") message(STATUS " CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") endif() endif() if(NOT IS_SUPPORTED_COMPILER) message(WARNING "*************** UNSUPPORTED CONFIGURATION *************** You are not compiling DuckStation with a supported compiler. It may not even build successfully. DuckStation only supports the Clang and MSVC compilers. No support will be provided, continue at your own risk. *********************************************************") endif() if(WIN32) message(WARNING "*************** UNSUPPORTED CONFIGURATION *************** You are compiling DuckStation with CMake on Windows. It may not even build successfully. DuckStation only supports MSBuild on Windows. No support will be provided, continue at your own risk. *********************************************************") endif() if(CPU_ARCH_X64 AND DISABLE_SSE4) message(WARNING "*********************** WARNING *********************** SSE4 instructions are disabled. This will result in reduced performance. You should not enable this option unless you have a pre-2008 CPU. *******************************************************") endif()