2024-08-04 04:29:27 +00:00
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2024 Connor McLaughlin <stenzek@gmail.com> and contributors.
2024-09-01 12:08:31 +00:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
2024-04-16 04:17:00 +00:00
#pragma once
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#include "controller.h"
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#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
class NeGconRumble final : public Controller
enum class Axis : u8
Steering = 0,
I = 1,
II = 2,
L = 3,
enum class Button : u8
Start = 0,
Up = 1,
Right = 2,
Down = 3,
Left = 4,
R = 5,
B = 6,
A = 7,
Analog = 8,
enum class HalfAxis : u8
static constexpr u8 NUM_MOTORS = 2;
static const Controller::ControllerInfo INFO;
NeGconRumble(u32 index);
~NeGconRumble() override;
static std::unique_ptr<NeGconRumble> Create(u32 index);
ControllerType GetType() const override;
bool InAnalogMode() const override;
void Reset() override;
bool DoState(StateWrapper& sw, bool apply_input_state) override;
float GetBindState(u32 index) const override;
void SetBindState(u32 index, float value) override;
void ResetTransferState() override;
bool Transfer(const u8 data_in, u8* data_out) override;
u32 GetButtonStateBits() const override;
std::optional<u32> GetAnalogInputBytes() const override;
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void LoadSettings(SettingsInterface& si, const char* section, bool initial) override;
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using MotorState = std::array<u8, NUM_MOTORS>;
enum class Command : u8
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ReadPad, // 0x42
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ConfigModeSetMode, // 0x43
SetAnalogMode, // 0x44
GetAnalogMode, // 0x45
Command46, // 0x46
Command47, // 0x47
Command4C, // 0x4C
GetSetRumble // 0x4D
2024-10-05 06:07:33 +00:00
static constexpr s16 DEFAULT_SMALL_MOTOR_VIBRATION_BIAS = 8;
static constexpr s16 DEFAULT_LARGE_MOTOR_VIBRATION_BIAS = 8;
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float m_analog_deadzone = 0.0f;
float m_analog_sensitivity = 1.33f;
float m_button_deadzone = 0.0f;
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u8 m_invert_left_stick = 0;
u8 m_invert_right_stick = 0;
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bool m_force_analog_on_reset = true;
bool m_analog_dpad_in_digital_mode = false;
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bool m_analog_mode = false;
bool m_analog_locked = false;
bool m_dualshock_enabled = false;
bool m_configuration_mode = false;
std::array<u8, static_cast<u8>(Axis::Count)> m_axis_state{};
enum : u8
LargeMotor = 0,
SmallMotor = 1
// steering, merged to m_axis_state
std::array<u8, 2> m_half_axis_state{};
// buttons are active low; bits 0-2, 8-10, 14-15 are not used and are always high
u16 m_button_state = UINT16_C(0xFFFF);
MotorState m_motor_state{};
Command m_command = Command::Idle;
int m_command_step = 0;
// Transmit and receive buffers, not including the first Hi-Z/ack response byte
static constexpr u32 MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH = 8;
std::array<u8, MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH> m_rx_buffer;
std::array<u8, MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH> m_tx_buffer;
u32 m_response_length = 0;
std::array<u8, 6> m_rumble_config{};
int m_rumble_config_large_motor_index = -1;
int m_rumble_config_small_motor_index = -1;
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bool m_analog_toggle_queued = false;
u8 m_status_byte = 0;
// Get number of response halfwords (excluding the initial controller info halfword)
u8 GetResponseNumHalfwords() const;
u8 GetModeID() const;
u8 GetIDByte() const;
void SetAnalogMode(bool enabled, bool show_message);
void ProcessAnalogModeToggle();
void SetMotorState(u32 motor, u8 value);
void UpdateHostVibration();
u8 GetExtraButtonMaskLSB() const;
void ResetRumbleConfig();
void SetMotorStateForConfigIndex(int index, u8 value);
float m_steering_deadzone = 0.00f;
float m_steering_sensitivity = 1.00f;