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// Name: wx/app.h
// Purpose: wxAppBase class and macros used for declaration of wxApp
// derived class in the user code
// Author: Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created: 01/02/97
// RCS-ID: $Id: app.h 49804 2007-11-10 01:09:42Z VZ $
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_APP_H_BASE_
#define _WX_APP_H_BASE_
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers we have to include here
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "wx/event.h" // for the base class
#include "wx/build.h"
#include "wx/init.h" // we must declare wxEntry()
#include "wx/intl.h" // for wxLayoutDirection
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxAppConsole;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxCmdLineParser;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxMessageOutput;
#if wxUSE_GUI
struct WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxVideoMode;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// typedefs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the type of the function used to create a wxApp object on program start up
typedef wxAppConsole* (*wxAppInitializerFunction)();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxAppConsole: wxApp for non-GUI applications
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxAppConsole : public wxEvtHandler
// ctor and dtor
virtual ~wxAppConsole();
// the virtual functions which may/must be overridden in the derived class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the very first function called for a newly created wxApp object,
// it is used by the library to do the global initialization. If, for some
// reason, you must override it (instead of just overriding OnInit(), as
// usual, for app-specific initializations), do not forget to call the base
// class version!
virtual bool Initialize(int& argc, wxChar **argv);
// This gives wxCocoa a chance to call OnInit() with a memory pool in place
virtual bool CallOnInit() { return OnInit(); }
// Called before OnRun(), this is a good place to do initialization -- if
// anything fails, return false from here to prevent the program from
// continuing. The command line is normally parsed here, call the base
// class OnInit() to do it.
virtual bool OnInit();
// this is here only temporary hopefully (FIXME)
virtual bool OnInitGui() { return true; }
// This is the replacement for the normal main(): all program work should
// be done here. When OnRun() returns, the programs starts shutting down.
virtual int OnRun() = 0;
// This is only called if OnInit() returned true so it's a good place to do
// any cleanup matching the initializations done there.
virtual int OnExit();
// This is the very last function called on wxApp object before it is
// destroyed. If you override it (instead of overriding OnExit() as usual)
// do not forget to call the base class version!
virtual void CleanUp();
// Called when a fatal exception occurs, this function should take care not
// to do anything which might provoke a nested exception! It may be
// overridden if you wish to react somehow in non-default way (core dump
// under Unix, application crash under Windows) to fatal program errors,
// however extreme care should be taken if you don't want this function to
// crash.
virtual void OnFatalException() { }
// Called from wxExit() function, should terminate the application a.s.a.p.
virtual void Exit();
// application info: name, description, vendor
// -------------------------------------------
// NB: all these should be set by the application itself, there are no
// reasonable default except for the application name which is taken to
// be argv[0]
// set/get the application name
wxString GetAppName() const
return m_appName.empty() ? m_className : m_appName;
void SetAppName(const wxString& name) { m_appName = name; }
// set/get the app class name
wxString GetClassName() const { return m_className; }
void SetClassName(const wxString& name) { m_className = name; }
// set/get the vendor name
const wxString& GetVendorName() const { return m_vendorName; }
void SetVendorName(const wxString& name) { m_vendorName = name; }
// cmd line parsing stuff
// ----------------------
// all of these methods may be overridden in the derived class to
// customize the command line parsing (by default only a few standard
// options are handled)
// you also need to call wxApp::OnInit() from YourApp::OnInit() for all
// this to work
// this one is called from OnInit() to add all supported options
// to the given parser (don't forget to call the base class version if you
// override it!)
virtual void OnInitCmdLine(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
// called after successfully parsing the command line, return true
// to continue and false to exit (don't forget to call the base class
// version if you override it!)
virtual bool OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
// called if "--help" option was specified, return true to continue
// and false to exit
virtual bool OnCmdLineHelp(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
// called if incorrect command line options were given, return
// false to abort and true to continue
virtual bool OnCmdLineError(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
// miscellaneous customization functions
// -------------------------------------
// create the app traits object to which we delegate for everything which
// either should be configurable by the user (then he can change the
// default behaviour simply by overriding CreateTraits() and returning his
// own traits object) or which is GUI/console dependent as then wxAppTraits
// allows us to abstract the differences behind the common fa<66>ade
wxAppTraits *GetTraits();
// the functions below shouldn't be used now that we have wxAppTraits
#if wxUSE_LOG
// override this function to create default log target of arbitrary
// user-defined class (default implementation creates a wxLogGui
// object) -- this log object is used by default by all wxLogXXX()
// functions.
wxDEPRECATED( virtual wxLog *CreateLogTarget() );
#endif // wxUSE_LOG
// similar to CreateLogTarget() but for the global wxMessageOutput
// object
wxDEPRECATED( virtual wxMessageOutput *CreateMessageOutput() );
// event processing functions
// --------------------------
// this method allows to filter all the events processed by the program, so
// you should try to return quickly from it to avoid slowing down the
// program to the crawl
// return value should be -1 to continue with the normal event processing,
// or TRUE or FALSE to stop further processing and pretend that the event
// had been already processed or won't be processed at all, respectively
virtual int FilterEvent(wxEvent& event);
// call the specified handler on the given object with the given event
// this method only exists to allow catching the exceptions thrown by any
// event handler, it would lead to an extra (useless) virtual function call
// if the exceptions were not used, so it doesn't even exist in that case
virtual void HandleEvent(wxEvtHandler *handler,
wxEventFunction func,
wxEvent& event) const;
// Called when an unhandled C++ exception occurs inside OnRun(): note that
// the exception type is lost by now, so if you really want to handle the
// exception you should override OnRun() and put a try/catch around
// MainLoop() call there or use OnExceptionInMainLoop()
virtual void OnUnhandledException() { }
#endif // wxUSE_EXCEPTIONS
// process all events in the wxPendingEvents list -- it is necessary to
// call this function to process posted events. This happens during each
// event loop iteration in GUI mode but if there is no main loop, it may be
// also called directly.
virtual void ProcessPendingEvents();
// doesn't do anything in this class, just a hook for GUI wxApp
virtual bool Yield(bool WXUNUSED(onlyIfNeeded) = false) { return true; }
// make sure that idle events are sent again
virtual void WakeUpIdle() { }
// this is just a convenience: by providing its implementation here we
// avoid #ifdefs in the code using it
static bool IsMainLoopRunning() { return false; }
// debugging support
// -----------------
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
// this function is called when an assert failure occurs, the base class
// version does the normal processing (i.e. shows the usual assert failure
// dialog box)
// the arguments are the location of the failed assert (func may be empty
// if the compiler doesn't support C99 __FUNCTION__), the text of the
// assert itself and the user-specified message
virtual void OnAssertFailure(const wxChar *file,
int line,
const wxChar *func,
const wxChar *cond,
const wxChar *msg);
// old version of the function without func parameter, for compatibility
// only, override OnAssertFailure() in the new code
virtual void OnAssert(const wxChar *file,
int line,
const wxChar *cond,
const wxChar *msg);
#endif // __WXDEBUG__
// check that the wxBuildOptions object (constructed in the application
// itself, usually the one from IMPLEMENT_APP() macro) matches the build
// options of the library and abort if it doesn't
static bool CheckBuildOptions(const char *optionsSignature,
const char *componentName);
wxDEPRECATED( static bool CheckBuildOptions(const wxBuildOptions& buildOptions) );
// implementation only from now on
// -------------------------------
// helpers for dynamic wxApp construction
static void SetInitializerFunction(wxAppInitializerFunction fn)
{ ms_appInitFn = fn; }
static wxAppInitializerFunction GetInitializerFunction()
{ return ms_appInitFn; }
// accessors for ms_appInstance field (external code might wish to modify
// it, this is why we provide a setter here as well, but you should really
// know what you're doing if you call it), wxTheApp is usually used instead
// of GetInstance()
static wxAppConsole *GetInstance() { return ms_appInstance; }
static void SetInstance(wxAppConsole *app) { ms_appInstance = app; }
// command line arguments (public for backwards compatibility)
int argc;
wxChar **argv;
// the function which creates the traits object when GetTraits() needs it
// for the first time
virtual wxAppTraits *CreateTraits();
// function used for dynamic wxApp creation
static wxAppInitializerFunction ms_appInitFn;
// the one and only global application object
static wxAppConsole *ms_appInstance;
// application info (must be set from the user code)
wxString m_vendorName, // vendor name (ACME Inc)
m_appName, // app name
m_className; // class name
// the class defining the application behaviour, NULL initially and created
// by GetTraits() when first needed
wxAppTraits *m_traits;
// the application object is a singleton anyhow, there is no sense in
// copying it
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxAppBase: the common part of wxApp implementations for all platforms
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_GUI
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxAppBase : public wxAppConsole
virtual ~wxAppBase();
// the virtual functions which may/must be overridden in the derived class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// very first initialization function
// Override: very rarely
virtual bool Initialize(int& argc, wxChar **argv);
// a platform-dependent version of OnInit(): the code here is likely to
// depend on the toolkit. default version does nothing.
// Override: rarely.
virtual bool OnInitGui();
// called to start program execution - the default version just enters
// the main GUI loop in which events are received and processed until
// the last window is not deleted (if GetExitOnFrameDelete) or
// ExitMainLoop() is called. In console mode programs, the execution
// of the program really starts here
// Override: rarely in GUI applications, always in console ones.
virtual int OnRun();
// a matching function for OnInit()
virtual int OnExit();
// very last clean up function
// Override: very rarely
virtual void CleanUp();
// the worker functions - usually not used directly by the user code
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// return true if we're running main loop, i.e. if the events can
// (already) be dispatched
static bool IsMainLoopRunning()
wxAppBase *app = wx_static_cast(wxAppBase *, GetInstance());
return app && app->m_mainLoop != NULL;
// execute the main GUI loop, the function returns when the loop ends
virtual int MainLoop();
// exit the main loop thus terminating the application
virtual void Exit();
// exit the main GUI loop during the next iteration (i.e. it does not
// stop the program immediately!)
virtual void ExitMainLoop();
// returns true if there are unprocessed events in the event queue
virtual bool Pending();
// process the first event in the event queue (blocks until an event
// appears if there are none currently, use Pending() if this is not
// wanted), returns false if the event loop should stop and true
// otherwise
virtual bool Dispatch();
// process all currently pending events right now
// it is an error to call Yield() recursively unless the value of
// onlyIfNeeded is true
// WARNING: this function is dangerous as it can lead to unexpected
// reentrancies (i.e. when called from an event handler it
// may result in calling the same event handler again), use
// with _extreme_ care or, better, don't use at all!
virtual bool Yield(bool onlyIfNeeded = false) = 0;
// this virtual function is called in the GUI mode when the application
// becomes idle and normally just sends wxIdleEvent to all interested
// parties
// it should return true if more idle events are needed, false if not
virtual bool ProcessIdle();
// Send idle event to window and all subwindows
// Returns true if more idle time is requested.
virtual bool SendIdleEvents(wxWindow* win, wxIdleEvent& event);
// Function called if an uncaught exception is caught inside the main
// event loop: it may return true to continue running the event loop or
// false to stop it (in the latter case it may rethrow the exception as
// well)
virtual bool OnExceptionInMainLoop();
#endif // wxUSE_EXCEPTIONS
// top level window functions
// --------------------------
// return true if our app has focus
virtual bool IsActive() const { return m_isActive; }
// set the "main" top level window
void SetTopWindow(wxWindow *win) { m_topWindow = win; }
// return the "main" top level window (if it hadn't been set previously
// with SetTopWindow(), will return just some top level window and, if
// there are none, will return NULL)
virtual wxWindow *GetTopWindow() const;
// control the exit behaviour: by default, the program will exit the
// main loop (and so, usually, terminate) when the last top-level
// program window is deleted. Beware that if you disable this behaviour
// (with SetExitOnFrameDelete(false)), you'll have to call
// ExitMainLoop() explicitly from somewhere.
void SetExitOnFrameDelete(bool flag)
{ m_exitOnFrameDelete = flag ? Yes : No; }
bool GetExitOnFrameDelete() const
{ return m_exitOnFrameDelete == Yes; }
// display mode, visual, printing mode, ...
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get display mode that is used use. This is only used in framebuffer
// wxWin ports (such as wxMGL or wxDFB).
virtual wxVideoMode GetDisplayMode() const;
// Set display mode to use. This is only used in framebuffer wxWin
// ports (such as wxMGL or wxDFB). This method should be called from
// wxApp::OnInitGui
virtual bool SetDisplayMode(const wxVideoMode& WXUNUSED(info)) { return true; }
// set use of best visual flag (see below)
void SetUseBestVisual( bool flag, bool forceTrueColour = false )
{ m_useBestVisual = flag; m_forceTrueColour = forceTrueColour; }
bool GetUseBestVisual() const { return m_useBestVisual; }
// set/get printing mode: see wxPRINT_XXX constants.
// default behaviour is the normal one for Unix: always use PostScript
// printing.
virtual void SetPrintMode(int WXUNUSED(mode)) { }
int GetPrintMode() const { return wxPRINT_POSTSCRIPT; }
// Return the layout direction for the current locale or wxLayout_Default
// if it's unknown
virtual wxLayoutDirection GetLayoutDirection() const;
// command line parsing (GUI-specific)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual bool OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
virtual void OnInitCmdLine(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
// miscellaneous other stuff
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// called by toolkit-specific code to set the app status: active (we have
// focus) or not and also the last window which had focus before we were
// deactivated
virtual void SetActive(bool isActive, wxWindow *lastFocus);
// OBSOLETE: don't use, always returns true
// returns true if the program is successfully initialized
wxDEPRECATED( bool Initialized() );
// perform standard OnIdle behaviour, ensure that this is always called
void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event);
// delete all objects in wxPendingDelete list
void DeletePendingObjects();
// override base class method to use GUI traits
virtual wxAppTraits *CreateTraits();
// the main event loop of the application (may be NULL if the loop hasn't
// been started yet or has already terminated)
wxEventLoop *m_mainLoop;
// the main top level window (may be NULL)
wxWindow *m_topWindow;
// if Yes, exit the main loop when the last top level window is deleted, if
// No don't do it and if Later -- only do it once we reach our OnRun()
// the explanation for using this strange scheme is given in appcmn.cpp
Later = -1,
} m_exitOnFrameDelete;
// true if the app wants to use the best visual on systems where
// more than one are available (Sun, SGI, XFree86 4.0 ?)
bool m_useBestVisual;
// force TrueColour just in case "best" isn't TrueColour
bool m_forceTrueColour;
// does any of our windows have focus?
bool m_isActive;
inline bool wxAppBase::Initialized() { return true; }
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// now include the declaration of the real class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_GUI
#if defined(__WXPALMOS__)
#include "wx/palmos/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
#include "wx/msw/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXMOTIF__)
#include "wx/motif/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXMGL__)
#include "wx/mgl/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXDFB__)
#include "wx/dfb/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXGTK20__)
#include "wx/gtk/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
#include "wx/gtk1/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXX11__)
#include "wx/x11/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
#include "wx/mac/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXCOCOA__)
#include "wx/cocoa/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXPM__)
#include "wx/os2/app.h"
#else // !GUI
// allow using just wxApp (instead of wxAppConsole) in console programs
typedef wxAppConsole wxApp;
#endif // GUI/!GUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the global data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// for compatibility, we define this macro to access the global application
// object of type wxApp
// note that instead of using of wxTheApp in application code you should
// consider using DECLARE_APP() after which you may call wxGetApp() which will
// return the object of the correct type (i.e. MyApp and not wxApp)
// the cast is safe as in GUI build we only use wxApp, not wxAppConsole, and in
// console mode it does nothing at all
#define wxTheApp wx_static_cast(wxApp*, wxApp::GetInstance())
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// event loop related functions only work in GUI programs
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Force an exit from main loop
extern void WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxExit();
// Yield to other apps/messages
extern bool WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxYield();
// Yield to other apps/messages
extern void WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxWakeUpIdle();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// macros for dynamic creation of the application object
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Having a global instance of this class allows wxApp to be aware of the app
// creator function. wxApp can then call this function to create a new app
// object. Convoluted, but necessary.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxAppInitializer
wxAppInitializer(wxAppInitializerFunction fn)
{ wxApp::SetInitializerFunction(fn); }
// the code below defines a IMPLEMENT_WXWIN_MAIN macro which you can use if
// your compiler really, really wants main() to be in your main program (e.g.
// hello.cpp). Now IMPLEMENT_APP should add this code if required.
int main(int argc, char **argv) { return wxEntry(argc, argv); }
// port-specific header could have defined it already in some special way
#endif // defined(IMPLEMENT_WXWIN_MAIN)
#ifdef __WXUNIVERSAL__
#include "wx/univ/theme.h"
// Use this macro if you want to define your own main() or WinMain() function
// and call wxEntry() from there.
#define IMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN(appname) \
wxAppConsole *wxCreateApp() \
{ \
wxAppConsole::CheckBuildOptions(WX_BUILD_OPTIONS_SIGNATURE, \
"your program"); \
return new appname; \
} \
wxAppInitializer \
wxTheAppInitializer((wxAppInitializerFunction) wxCreateApp); \
DECLARE_APP(appname) \
appname& wxGetApp() { return *wx_static_cast(appname*, wxApp::GetInstance()); }
// Same as IMPLEMENT_APP() normally but doesn't include themes support in
// wxUniversal builds
#define IMPLEMENT_APP_NO_THEMES(appname) \
// Use this macro exactly once, the argument is the name of the wxApp-derived
// class which is the class of your application.
#define IMPLEMENT_APP(appname) \
// Same as IMPLEMENT_APP(), but for console applications.
#define IMPLEMENT_APP_CONSOLE(appname) \
// this macro can be used multiple times and just allows you to use wxGetApp()
// function
#define DECLARE_APP(appname) extern appname& wxGetApp();
// declare the stuff defined by IMPLEMENT_APP() macro, it's not really needed
// anywhere else but at the very least it suppresses icc warnings about
// defining extern symbols without prior declaration, and it shouldn't do any
// harm
extern wxAppConsole *wxCreateApp();
extern wxAppInitializer wxTheAppInitializer;
#endif // _WX_APP_H_BASE_