
330 lines
8.4 KiB

#ifndef _CONFIG_DIAG_H_
#define _CONFIG_DIAG_H_
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "VideoConfig.h"
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/textctrl.h>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/stattext.h>
#include <wx/combobox.h>
#include <wx/checkbox.h>
#include <wx/notebook.h>
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include <wx/spinctrl.h>
#include <wx/fontmap.h>
enum tmp_MemberClass {
enum tmp_TypeClass {
template <typename U>
class BoolSettingCB : public wxCheckBox
BoolSettingCB(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& label, const wxString& tooltip, bool &setting, bool reverse = false, long style = 0);
// overload constructor
BoolSettingCB(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& label, const wxString& tooltip, bool &setting, bool &def_setting, bool &state, bool reverse = false, long style = 0);
void UpdateValue(wxCommandEvent& ev)
m_setting = (ev.GetInt() != 0) ^ m_reverse;
void UpdateValue_variant(wxCommandEvent& ev)
bool style = (this->GetWindowStyle() == (wxCHK_3STATE|wxCHK_ALLOW_3RD_STATE_FOR_USER));
if (style)
// changing state value should be done here, never outside this block
UpdateUIState(ev.GetInt() != wxCHK_UNDETERMINED);
m_setting = (ev.GetInt() == wxCHK_CHECKED);
if (m_state)
// if state = false and Checkbox ctrl allow 3RD STATE, then data = default_data
m_setting = (style && !*m_state) ? *d_setting : m_setting;
m_setting = m_setting ^ m_reverse;
if (!style && m_state) // this guarantees bidirectional access to default value
if (!*m_state) *d_setting = m_setting;
// manual updating with an optional value if 'enter_updating' is passed and state is true
void UpdateUIState(bool state, bool enter_updating = false, bool value = false)
if (m_state && this->GetWindowStyle() == (wxCHK_3STATE|wxCHK_ALLOW_3RD_STATE_FOR_USER))
*m_state = state;
if (!*m_state)
m_setting = *d_setting ^ m_reverse;
if (enter_updating && *m_state)
m_setting = value ^ m_reverse;
void ChangeRefDataMember(tmp_MemberClass type, void *newRef)
switch (type)
case Def_Data:
d_setting = (bool*)newRef;
case State:
m_state = (bool*)newRef;
// This method returns what kind of support has the Object (2State or 3State).
// NOTE: this doesn't return a run-time Control-state, since a 3State Control
// can to switch to 2State and vice-versa, while a 2State Object only can't.
tmp_TypeClass getTypeClass()
return type;
bool &m_setting;
bool *d_setting;
bool *m_state;
const bool m_reverse;
const tmp_TypeClass type;
template <typename W>
class BoolSettingRB : public wxRadioButton
BoolSettingRB(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& label, const wxString& tooltip, bool &setting, bool reverse = false, long style = 0);
void UpdateValue(wxCommandEvent& ev)
m_setting = (ev.GetInt() != 0) ^ m_reverse;
bool &m_setting;
const bool m_reverse;
typedef BoolSettingCB<wxCheckBox> SettingCheckBox;
typedef BoolSettingRB<wxRadioButton> SettingRadioButton;
template <typename T>
class IntegerSetting : public wxSpinCtrl
IntegerSetting(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& label, T& setting, int minVal, int maxVal, long style = 0);
void UpdateValue(wxCommandEvent& ev)
m_setting = ev.GetInt();
T& m_setting;
typedef IntegerSetting<u32> U32Setting;
class SettingChoice : public wxChoice
SettingChoice(wxWindow* parent, int &setting, const wxString& tooltip, int num = 0, const wxString choices[] = NULL, long style = 0);
// overload constructor
SettingChoice(wxWindow* parent, int &setting, int &def_setting, bool &state, int &cur_index, const wxString& tooltip, int num = 0, const wxString choices[] = NULL, long style = 0);
void UpdateValue(wxCommandEvent& ev);
void UpdateValue_variant(wxCommandEvent& ev);
// manual updating with an optional value if 'enter_updating' is passed and state is true
void UpdateUIState(bool state, bool enter_updating = false, int value = 0)
if (m_state && m_index != 0)
*m_state = state;
if (!*m_state)
m_setting = *d_setting;
if (enter_updating && *m_state)
m_setting = value;
void ChangeRefDataMember(tmp_MemberClass type, void *newRef)
switch (type)
case Def_Data:
d_setting = (int*)newRef;
case State:
m_state = (bool*)newRef;
// This method returns what kind of support has the Object (2State or 3State).
// NOTE: this doesn't return a run-time Control-state, since a 3State Control
// can to switch to 2State and vice-versa, while a 2State Object only can't.
tmp_TypeClass getTypeClass()
return type;
int &m_setting;
int *d_setting;
int &m_index;
bool *m_state;
const tmp_TypeClass type;
class CGameListCtrl;
class VideoConfigDiag : public wxDialog
VideoConfigDiag(wxWindow* parent, const std::string &title, const std::string& ininame);
void Event_Backend(wxCommandEvent &ev) { ev.Skip(); } // TODO: Query list of supported AA modes
void Event_Adapter(wxCommandEvent &ev) { ev.Skip(); } // TODO
void Event_StcSafe(wxCommandEvent &ev) { cur_vconfig.iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples = 0; ev.Skip(); }
void Event_StcNormal(wxCommandEvent &ev) { cur_vconfig.iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples = 512; ev.Skip(); }
void Event_StcFast(wxCommandEvent &ev) { cur_vconfig.iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples = 128; ev.Skip(); }
void Event_PPShader(wxCommandEvent &ev)
const int sel = ev.GetInt();
if (sel)
cur_vconfig.sPostProcessingShader = ev.GetString().mb_str();
void Event_ClickClose(wxCommandEvent&);
void Event_ClickDefault(wxCommandEvent&);
void Event_Close(wxCloseEvent&);
void Event_OnProfileChange(wxCommandEvent& ev);
// Enables/disables UI elements depending on current config - if appropriate also updates g_Config
void OnUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& ev);
// Refresh UI values from current config (used when reloading config)
void SetUIValuesFromConfig();
// Redraw the aspect about some UI controls when a profile is selected
void ChangeStyle();
// Don't mess with keeping two comboboxes in sync, use only one CB instead..
SettingChoice* profile_cb; // "General" tab
wxStaticText* profile_text; // "Advanced" tab
SettingChoice* choice_adapter;
SettingChoice* choice_aspect;
SettingCheckBox* widescreen_hack;
SettingCheckBox* vsync;
SettingChoice* anisotropic_filtering;
wxStaticText* text_aamode;
SettingChoice* choice_aamode;
SettingCheckBox* native_mips;
SettingCheckBox* efb_scaled_copy;
SettingCheckBox* pixel_lighting;
SettingCheckBox* pixel_depth;
SettingCheckBox* force_filtering;
SettingCheckBox* _3d_vision;
SettingChoice* choice_efbscale;
SettingCheckBox* efbaccess_enable;
SettingCheckBox* emulate_efb_format_changes;
SettingCheckBox* efbcopy_enable;
SettingRadioButton* efbcopy_texture;
SettingRadioButton* efbcopy_ram;
SettingCheckBox* cache_efb_copies;
SettingCheckBox* stc_enable;
wxRadioButton* stc_safe;
wxRadioButton* stc_normal;
wxRadioButton* stc_fast;
SettingCheckBox* wireframe;
SettingCheckBox* disable_lighting;
SettingCheckBox* disable_textures;
SettingCheckBox* disable_fog;
SettingCheckBox* disable_dst_alpha;
SettingCheckBox* show_fps;
SettingCheckBox* overlay_stats;
SettingCheckBox* overlay_proj_stats;
SettingCheckBox* texfmt_overlay;
SettingCheckBox* efb_copy_regions;
SettingCheckBox* show_shader_errors;
SettingCheckBox* show_input_display;
SettingCheckBox* enable_xfb;
SettingRadioButton* virtual_xfb;
SettingRadioButton* real_xfb;
SettingCheckBox* dump_textures;
SettingCheckBox* hires_textures;
SettingCheckBox* dump_efb;
SettingCheckBox* dump_frames;
SettingCheckBox* free_look;
SettingCheckBox* frame_dumps_via_ffv1;
SettingCheckBox* crop;
SettingCheckBox* opencl;
SettingCheckBox* dlcache;
SettingCheckBox* hotkeys;
SettingCheckBox* ompdecoder;
wxChoice* choice_ppshader;
wxButton* btn_default;
// TODO: Add options for
wxPoint CenterCoords;
VideoConfig cur_vconfig;
VideoConfig def_vconfig;
std::string ininame;
int cur_profile;
int prev_profile;
const CGameListCtrl *GameListCtrl;