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#ifndef _RENDER_H_
#define _RENDER_H_
#include "VideoCommon.h"
#include "CommonTypes.h"
#include "FramebufferManager.h"
class RendererBase
virtual ~RendererBase() {}
static void FramebufferSize(int w, int h);
static void RenderToXFB(u32 xfbAddr, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight, const EFBRectangle& sourceRc);
virtual u32 AccessEFB(EFBAccessType type, int x, int y) = 0;
static void Swap(u32 xfbAddr, FieldType field, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight,const EFBRectangle& rc);
// virtual funcs used in Swap()
virtual void PrepareXFBCopy(const TargetRectangle &dst_rect) = 0;
virtual void Draw(const XFBSourceBase* xfbSource, const TargetRectangle& sourceRc,
const MathUtil::Rectangle<float>& drawRc, const EFBRectangle& rc) = 0;
virtual void EndFrame() = 0;
virtual void Present() = 0;
virtual bool CheckForResize() = 0;
virtual void GetBackBufferSize(int* w, int* h) = 0;
virtual void RecreateFramebufferManger() = 0;
virtual void BeginFrame() = 0;
// hmm
virtual bool SetScissorRect() = 0;
static bool SetScissorRect(EFBRectangle &rc);
static TargetRectangle ConvertEFBRectangle(const EFBRectangle& rc);
virtual void UpdateViewport() = 0;
virtual void ClearScreen(const EFBRectangle& rc, bool colorEnable, bool alphaEnable, bool zEnable, u32 color, u32 z) = 0;
virtual void ResetAPIState() = 0;
virtual void RestoreAPIState() = 0;
static int GetTargetWidth() { return s_target_width; }
static int GetTargetHeight() { return s_target_height; }
static int GetFullTargetWidth() { return s_Fulltarget_width; }
static int GetFullTargetHeight() { return s_Fulltarget_height; }
static float GetTargetScaleX() { return EFBxScale; }
static float GetTargetScaleY() { return EFByScale; }
static int GetFrameBufferWidth() { return s_backbuffer_width; }
static int GetFrameBufferHeight() { return s_backbuffer_height; }
static float GetXFBScaleX() { return xScale; }
static float GetXFBScaleY() { return yScale; }
virtual void SetColorMask() {}
virtual void SetBlendMode(bool forceUpdate) {}
virtual void SetSamplerState(int stage, int texindex) {}
virtual void SetDitherMode() {}
virtual void SetLineWidth() {}
virtual void SetInterlacingMode() {}
virtual void SetGenerationMode() = 0;
virtual void SetDepthMode() = 0;
virtual void SetLogicOpMode() = 0;
// TODO: are all of these needed?
static int s_target_width;
static int s_target_height;
static int s_Fulltarget_width;
static int s_Fulltarget_height;
static int s_backbuffer_width;
static int s_backbuffer_height;
static int s_fps;
static u32 s_blendMode;
static bool XFBWrited;
// these go with the settings in the GUI 1x,2x,3x,etc
static float EFBxScale;
static float EFByScale;
// these seem be the fractional value
// TODO: are these ones needed?
static float xScale;
static float yScale;
static int s_XFB_width;
static int s_XFB_height;
static volatile u32 s_swapRequested;