
328 lines
13 KiB

// Project description
// -------------------
// Name: nJoy
// Description: A Dolphin Compatible Input Plugin
// Author: Falcon4ever (
// Site:
// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project.
// Licensetype: GNU General Public License (GPL)
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// Include
// ---------
#include "ConfigBox.h"
#include "../nJoy.h"
#include "LogManager.h"
#include "Images/controller.xpm"
extern bool g_EmulatorRunning;
// Set PAD status
// --------------
void PADConfigDialognJoy::PadShowStatus()
// Return if it's not detected. The ID should never be less than zero here, it can only be that
// because of a manual ini file change, but we make that check anway.
if(PadMapping[notebookpage].ID < 0 || PadMapping[notebookpage].ID >= SDL_NumJoysticks())
m_TStatusIn[notebookpage]->SetLabel(wxT("Not connected")); m_TStatusOut[notebookpage]->SetLabel(wxT("Not connected"));
m_TStatusInC[notebookpage]->SetLabel(wxT("Not connected")); m_TStatusOutC[notebookpage]->SetLabel(wxT("Not connected"));
m_TStatusTriggers[notebookpage]->SetLabel(wxT("Not connected"));
// Get physical device status
int ID = PadMapping[notebookpage].ID;
int TriggerType = PadMapping[notebookpage].triggertype;
// Get original values
int main_x = PadState[notebookpage].axis[InputCommon::CTL_MAIN_X];
int main_y = PadState[notebookpage].axis[InputCommon::CTL_MAIN_Y];
int sub_x = PadState[notebookpage].axis[InputCommon::CTL_SUB_X];
int sub_y = PadState[notebookpage].axis[InputCommon::CTL_SUB_Y];
// Get adjusted values
int main_x_after = main_x, main_y_after = main_y;
if(PadMapping[notebookpage].bSquareToCircle) InputCommon::Square2Circle(main_x_after, main_y_after, notebookpage, PadMapping[notebookpage].SDiagonal);
// Adjust radius
if(PadMapping[notebookpage].bRadiusOnOff) InputCommon::RadiusAdjustment(main_x_after, main_y_after, notebookpage, PadMapping[notebookpage].SRadius);
// C-stick
int sub_x_after = sub_x, sub_y_after = sub_y;
if(PadMapping[notebookpage].bSquareToCircleC) InputCommon::Square2Circle(sub_x_after, sub_y_after, notebookpage, PadMapping[notebookpage].SDiagonalC);
if(PadMapping[notebookpage].bRadiusOnOffC) InputCommon::RadiusAdjustment(sub_x_after, sub_y_after, notebookpage, PadMapping[notebookpage].SRadiusC);
// Convert values
float f_x = main_x / 32767.0;
float f_y = main_y / 32767.0;
float f_x_aft = main_x_after / 32767.0;
float f_y_aft = main_y_after / 32767.0;
// C-stick
float f_x_c = sub_x / 32767.0;
float f_y_c = sub_y / 32767.0;
float f_x_aft_c = sub_x_after / 32767.0;
float f_y_aft_c = sub_y_after / 32767.0;
// Print values
m_TStatusIn[notebookpage]->SetLabel(wxString::Format(wxT("x:%1.2f y:%1.2f"), f_x, f_y));
m_TStatusOut[notebookpage]->SetLabel(wxString::Format(wxT("x:%1.2f y:%1.2f"), f_x_aft, f_y_aft));
m_TStatusInC[notebookpage]->SetLabel(wxString::Format(wxT("x:%1.2f y:%1.2f"), f_x_c, f_y_c));
m_TStatusOutC[notebookpage]->SetLabel(wxString::Format(wxT("x:%1.2f y:%1.2f"), f_x_aft_c, f_y_aft_c));
// Adjust the values for the plot
// Border adjustment
int BoxW_ = BoxW - 2; int BoxH_ = BoxH - 2;
main_x = (BoxW_ / 2) + (main_x * BoxW_ / (32767 * 2));
main_y = (BoxH_ / 2) + (main_y * BoxH_ / (32767 * 2));
int main_x_out = (BoxW_ / 2) + (main_x_after * BoxW_ / (32767 * 2));
int main_y_out = (BoxH_ / 2) + (main_y_after * BoxH_ / (32767 * 2));
// Adjust the dot
m_bmpDot[notebookpage]->SetPosition(wxPoint(main_x, main_y));
m_bmpDotOut[notebookpage]->SetPosition(wxPoint(main_x_out, main_y_out));
// C-stick
sub_x = (BoxW_ / 2) + (sub_x * BoxW_ / (32767 * 2));
sub_y = (BoxH_ / 2) + (sub_y * BoxH_ / (32767 * 2));
int sub_x_out = (BoxW_ / 2) + (sub_x_after * BoxW_ / (32767 * 2));
int sub_y_out = (BoxH_ / 2) + (sub_y_after * BoxH_ / (32767 * 2));
m_bmpDotC[notebookpage]->SetPosition(wxPoint(sub_x, sub_y));
m_bmpDotOutC[notebookpage]->SetPosition(wxPoint(sub_x_out, sub_y_out));
///////////////////// Analog stick
// Triggers
// -----------------
int TriggerValue = 255;
if (PadState[notebookpage].halfpress) TriggerValue = 100;
// Get the selected keys
long Left, Right;
// Get the trigger values
int TriggerLeft = PadState[notebookpage].axis[InputCommon::CTL_L_SHOULDER];
int TriggerRight = PadState[notebookpage].axis[InputCommon::CTL_R_SHOULDER];
// Convert the triggers values
if (PadMapping[notebookpage].triggertype == InputCommon::CTL_TRIGGER_SDL)
TriggerLeft = InputCommon::Pad_Convert(TriggerLeft);
TriggerRight = InputCommon::Pad_Convert(TriggerRight);
// If we don't have any axis selected for the shoulder buttons
if(Left < 1000) TriggerLeft = 0;
if(Right < 1000) TriggerRight = 0;
// Get the digital values
if(Left < 1000 && PadState[notebookpage].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_L_SHOULDER]) TriggerLeft = TriggerValue;
if(Right < 1000 && PadState[notebookpage].buttons[InputCommon::CTL_R_SHOULDER]) TriggerRight = TriggerValue;
wxT("Left:%03i Right:%03i"),
TriggerLeft, TriggerRight
///////////////////// Triggers
// Update the advanced tab
// -----------------
void PADConfigDialognJoy::Update()
if (!IsPolling()) return;
// Check that Dolphin is in focus, otherwise don't update the pad status
/* If the emulator is running and unpaused GetJoyState() is run a little more often than needed,
but I allow that since it can confuse the user if the input status in the configuration window
is not update when the emulator is paused. */
if (g_Config.bCheckFocus || IsFocus()) // && !g_EmulatorRunning)
for (int i = 0; (u32)i < joyinfo.size(); i++)
InputCommon::GetJoyState(PadState[notebookpage], PadMapping[notebookpage]);
// Show the current status in a window in the wxPanel
notebookpage, m_Joyname[notebookpage]->GetSelection(),
PadMapping, PadState, joyinfo
// Search for devices
void PADConfigDialognJoy::UpdateSlow()
if (!LiveUpdates) return;
// Don't run this the first time
int OldNumDIDevices;
if (NumDIDevices == -1)
OldNumDIDevices = InputCommon::SearchDIDevices();
// Search for connected devices and update dialog
OldNumDIDevices = NumDIDevices;
NumDIDevices = InputCommon::SearchDIDevices();
// Update if a pad has been connected/disconnected. Todo: Add a better check that also takes into consideration the pad id
// and other things to better ensure that nothing has changed
//DEBUG_LOG(PAD, "Found %i devices", NumDIDevices);
//DEBUG_LOG(PAD, "UpdateSlow: %i %i", OldNumPads, NumPads);
if (OldNumDIDevices != NumDIDevices)
WARN_LOG(PAD, "\n---- %s ----", (NumDIDevices > OldNumDIDevices) ? "Pad connected" : "Pad disconnected");
LocalSearchDevicesReset(joyinfo, NumPads);
// Enable controls again, if disabled
// Populate the advanced tab
// -----------------
void PADConfigDialognJoy::CreateAdvancedControls(int i)
// Main-stick
m_TStatusIn[i] = new wxStaticText(m_Controller[i], IDT_STATUS_IN, wxT("In"));
m_TStatusOut[i] = new wxStaticText(m_Controller[i], IDT_STATUS_OUT, wxT("Out"));
m_gStatusIn[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("Main-stick (In) (Out)"));
// C-stick
m_TStatusInC[i] = new wxStaticText(m_Controller[i], IDT_STATUS_IN, wxT("In"));
m_TStatusOutC[i] = new wxStaticText(m_Controller[i], IDT_STATUS_OUT, wxT("Out"));
m_gStatusInC[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("C-stick (In) (Out)"));
// Main-stick In-Out
m_pInStatus[i] = new wxPanel(m_Controller[i], ID_INSTATUS1 + i, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
m_bmpSquare[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pInStatus[i], ID_STATUSBMP1 + i, CreateBitmap(),
//wxPoint(4, 15), wxSize(70,70));
//wxPoint(4, 20), wxDefaultSize);
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
m_bmpDot[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pInStatus[i], ID_STATUSDOTBMP1 + i, CreateBitmapDot(),
wxPoint(BoxW / 2, BoxH / 2), wxDefaultSize);
m_pOutStatus[i] = new wxPanel(m_Controller[i], ID_INSTATUS1 + i, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
m_bmpSquareOut[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pOutStatus[i], ID_STATUSBMP1 + i, CreateBitmap(),
//wxPoint(4, 15), wxSize(70,70));
//wxPoint(4, 20), wxDefaultSize);
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
// Yes the diagonals for the original GC controller are this narrow (i.e. around 80% of the full radius),
// it's not a perfect octagon. Some third party GC controllers has a diagonal at 90% however,
// i.e. at around 63,63 rather than 55,55.
m_bmpAreaOut[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pOutStatus[i], wxID_ANY, CreateBitmapArea(100,55),
wxPoint(1, 1), wxDefaultSize);
m_bmpDotOut[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pOutStatus[i], ID_STATUSDOTBMP1 + i, CreateBitmapDot(),
wxPoint(BoxW / 2, BoxH / 2), wxDefaultSize);
// C-stick In-Out
m_pInStatusC[i] = new wxPanel(m_Controller[i], ID_INSTATUS1 + i, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
m_bmpSquareC[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pInStatusC[i], wxID_ANY, CreateBitmap(),
//wxPoint(4, 15), wxSize(70,70));
//wxPoint(4, 20), wxDefaultSize);
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
m_bmpDotC[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pInStatusC[i], wxID_ANY, CreateBitmapDot(),
wxPoint(BoxW / 2, BoxH / 2), wxDefaultSize);
m_pOutStatusC[i] = new wxPanel(m_Controller[i], ID_INSTATUS1 + i, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
m_bmpSquareOutC[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pOutStatusC[i], wxID_ANY, CreateBitmap(),
//wxPoint(4, 15), wxSize(70,70));
//wxPoint(4, 20), wxDefaultSize);
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
m_bmpAreaOutC[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pOutStatusC[i], wxID_ANY, CreateBitmapArea(85,46),
wxPoint(1, 1), wxDefaultSize);
m_bmpDotOutC[i] = new wxStaticBitmap(m_pOutStatusC[i], wxID_ANY, CreateBitmapDot(),
wxPoint(BoxW / 2, BoxH / 2), wxDefaultSize);
wxBitmap PADConfigDialognJoy::CreateBitmap() // Create box
BoxW = 70, BoxH = 70;
wxBitmap bitmap(BoxW, BoxH);
wxMemoryDC dc;
// Set outline and fill colors
//wxBrush LightBlueBrush(_T("#0383f0"));
//wxPen LightBluePen(_T("#80c5fd"));
//wxPen LightGrayPen(_T("#909090"));
wxPen LightBluePen(_T("#7f9db9")); // Windows XP color
dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, BoxW, BoxH);
return bitmap;
// Create dot
wxBitmap PADConfigDialognJoy::CreateBitmapDot()
int w = 2, h = 2;
wxBitmap bitmap(w, h);
wxMemoryDC dc;
// Set outline and fill colors
//wxBrush RedBrush(_T("#0383f0"));
//wxPen RedPen(_T("#80c5fd"));
//wxPen LightGrayPen(_T("#909090"));
dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, w, h);
return bitmap;
wxBitmap PADConfigDialognJoy::CreateBitmapArea(int Max, int Diagonal)
wxBitmap bitmap(BoxW - 2, BoxH - 2);
wxMemoryDC dc;
// Set outline and fill colors
wxBrush LightGrayBrush(_T("#dddddd"));
wxPen LightGrayPen(_T("#bfbfbf"));
// Clear bitmap
// Create offset for polygon
float Adj = (float)(BoxW-2) / 256.0;
float iAdj = 127.0 * Adj;
// The polygon corners
wxPoint Points[8];
Points[0].x = (int)(0.0 * Adj + iAdj); Points[0].y = (int)(Max * Adj + iAdj);
Points[1].x = (int)(Diagonal * Adj + iAdj); Points[1].y = (int)(Diagonal * Adj + iAdj);
Points[2].x = (int)(Max * Adj + iAdj); Points[2].y = (int)(0.0 * Adj + iAdj);
Points[3].x = (int)(Diagonal * Adj + iAdj); Points[3].y = (int)(-Diagonal * Adj + iAdj);
Points[4].x = (int)(0.0 * Adj + iAdj); Points[4].y = (int)(-Max * Adj + iAdj);
Points[5].x = (int)(-Diagonal * Adj + iAdj); Points[5].y = (int)(-Diagonal * Adj + iAdj);
Points[6].x = (int)(-Max * Adj + iAdj); Points[6].y = (int)(0.0 * Adj + iAdj);
Points[7].x = (int)(-Diagonal * Adj + iAdj); Points[7].y = (int)(Diagonal * Adj + iAdj);
// Draw polygon
dc.DrawPolygon(8, Points);
return bitmap;