//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Plainamp, Open source Winamp core // // Copyright © 2005 Sebastian Pipping // // --> http://www.hartwork.org // // This source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). // See GPL.txt for details. Any non-GPL usage is strictly forbidden. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "PlaylistControler.h" #include "Config.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Console.h" bool bPlaylistFollow; ConfBool cbPlaylistFollow( &bPlaylistFollow, TEXT( "PlaylistFollow" ), CONF_MODE_PUBLIC, true ); void PlaylistControler::MoveSelected( int iDistance ) { if( iDistance == -1 ) { if( ListView_GetItemState( _hView, 0, LVIS_SELECTED ) ) { // Cannot move upwards return; } } else if( iDistance == 1 ) { if( ListView_GetItemState( _hView, _database.GetMaxIndex(), LVIS_SELECTED ) ) { // Cannot move downwards return; } } else { // More distance maybe later return; } const int iFocus = ListView_GetNextItem( _hView, ( UINT )-1, LVIS_FOCUSED ); // Negative is to the top LRESULT iBefore = 0; LRESULT iAfter = -2; // Extra value to check after big for-loop for( ; ; ) { // Count LRESULT iAfter = ListView_GetNextItem( _hView, iBefore - 1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if( iAfter == -1 ) break; // No more selections selected LRESULT iFirst = iAfter; // Search end of selection block iBefore = iAfter + 1; for( ; ; ) { iAfter = ListView_GetNextItem( _hView, iBefore - 1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if( iAfter == iBefore ) { // Keep searching iBefore++; } else { // End found (iBefore is the first not selected) const int iSelSize = iBefore - iFirst; if( iDistance == -1 ) { // Updwards const int iOldIndex = iFirst - 1; const int iNewIndex = iOldIndex + iSelSize; TCHAR * szData = ( TCHAR * )_database.Get( iOldIndex ); _database.Erase( iOldIndex ); _database.Insert( iNewIndex, szData ); ListView_SetItemState( _hView, iOldIndex, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED ); ListView_SetItemState( _hView, iNewIndex, 0, LVIS_SELECTED ); ListView_RedrawItems( _hView, iOldIndex, iNewIndex ); } else { // Downwards const int iOldIndex = iFirst + iSelSize; const int iNewIndex = iFirst; TCHAR * szData = ( TCHAR * )_database.Get( iOldIndex ); _database.Erase( iOldIndex ); _database.Insert( iNewIndex, szData ); ListView_SetItemState( _hView, iOldIndex, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED ); ListView_SetItemState( _hView, iNewIndex, 0, LVIS_SELECTED ); ListView_RedrawItems( _hView, iNewIndex, iOldIndex ); } iBefore++; break; } } } if( iAfter != -2 ) return; // Nothing was selected so nothing was moved ListView_SetItemState( _hView, iFocus + iDistance, LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_FOCUSED ); Refresh(); } int PlaylistControler::GetCurIndex() { return _database.GetCurIndex(); } int PlaylistControler::GetMaxIndex() { return _database.GetMaxIndex(); } int PlaylistControler::GetSize() { return _database.GetSize(); } void PlaylistControler::SetCurIndex( int iIndex ) { const int iCurIndexBefore = _database.GetCurIndex(); _database.SetCurIndex( iIndex ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We disable the windows management /* if( bPlaylistFollow ) { ListView_SetItemState( _hView, ( UINT )-1, 0, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); ListView_SetItemState( _hView, iIndex, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } if( iCurIndexBefore != -1 ) ListView_RedrawItems( _hView, iCurIndexBefore, iCurIndexBefore ); ListView_RedrawItems( _hView, iIndex, iIndex ); */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // Returns on digit count change bool PlaylistControler::FixDigitsMore() { const int iCountAfter = _database.GetSize(); const int iDigitsBefore = _iDigits; while( iCountAfter > _iDigitMax ) { _iDigitMin *= 10; // 10 -> 100 _iDigitMax = _iDigitMax * 10 + 9; // 99 -> 999 _iDigits++; // 2 -> 3 } return ( ( _iDigits != iDigitsBefore ) || ( iCountAfter == 1 ) ); // Force update when first item is inserted } // Returns on digit count change bool PlaylistControler::FixDigitsLess() { const int iCountAfter = _database.GetSize(); const int iDigitsBefore = _iDigits; while( ( iCountAfter < _iDigitMin ) && ( _iDigits > 1 ) ) { _iDigitMin /= 10; // 999 -> 99 _iDigitMax /= 10; // 100 -> 10 _iDigits--; // 3 -> 2 } return ( _iDigits != iDigitsBefore ); } void PlaylistControler::Refresh() { AutosizeColumns(); const int iFirst = ListView_GetTopIndex( _hView ); const int iLast = iFirst + ListView_GetCountPerPage( _hView ); ListView_RedrawItems( _hView, iFirst, iLast ); } PlaylistControler::PlaylistControler( HWND hView, bool bEnableZeroPadding, int * piIndexSlave ) { _hView = hView; _bZeroPadding = bEnableZeroPadding; _iDigits = 1; _iDigitMin = 1; _iDigitMax = 9; _database.SetCurIndexSlave( piIndexSlave ); printf("PlaylistControler::PlaylistControler was called\n"); Refresh(); // TODO clear list view here??? } void PlaylistControler::PushBack( TCHAR * szText ) { const int iSize = _database.GetMaxIndex(); _database.PushBack( szText ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Disabled windows function //ListView_SetItemCount( _hView, _database.GetSize() ); //if( FixDigitsMore() ) Refresh(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } void PlaylistControler::Insert( int i, TCHAR * szText ) { const int iSize = _database.GetMaxIndex(); _database.Insert( i, szText ); ListView_SetItemCount( _hView, _database.GetSize() ); if( FixDigitsMore() ) Refresh(); } void PlaylistControler::RemoveAll() { _database.Clear(); // This is for the windows playlist, we don't use that //ListView_DeleteAllItems( _hView ); if( FixDigitsLess() ) Refresh(); } void PlaylistControler::RemoveSelected( bool bPositive ) { SendMessage( _hView, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0 ); if( bPositive ) { LRESULT iWalk = 0; for( ; ; ) { // MSDN: The specified item itself is excluded from the search. iWalk = ListView_GetNextItem( _hView, iWalk - 1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if( iWalk != -1 ) { _database.Erase( iWalk ); ListView_DeleteItem( _hView, iWalk ); } else { break; } } } else { LRESULT iBefore = 0; LRESULT iAfter = 0; for( ; ; ) { // MSDN: The specified item itself is excluded from the search. iAfter = ListView_GetNextItem( _hView, iBefore - 1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if( iAfter != -1 ) { // is the first selected // so we delete all before and restart // at the beginning const int iDelIndex = iBefore; for( int i = iBefore; i < iAfter; i++ ) { _database.Erase( iDelIndex ); ListView_DeleteItem( _hView, iDelIndex ); } iBefore++; // Exclude the one we found selected right before } else { if( iBefore == 0 ) { // All selected _database.Clear(); ListView_DeleteAllItems( _hView ); } else { const int iSize = _database.GetSize(); const int iDelIndex = iBefore; for( int i = iBefore; i < iSize; i++ ) { _database.Erase( iDelIndex ); ListView_DeleteItem( _hView, iDelIndex ); } } break; } } } bool bRefresh = FixDigitsLess(); SendMessage( _hView, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0 ); if( bRefresh ) Refresh(); } void PlaylistControler::SelectAll( bool bPositive ) { ListView_SetItemState( _hView, ( UINT )-1, bPositive ? LVIS_SELECTED : 0, LVIS_SELECTED ); } void PlaylistControler::SelectInvert() { SendMessage( _hView, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0 ); const int iOneTooMuch = _database.GetSize(); for( int i = 0; i < iOneTooMuch; i++ ) { ListView_SetItemState( _hView, i, ( ListView_GetItemState( _hView, i, LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) ? 0 : LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED ); } SendMessage( _hView, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0 ); } const TCHAR * PlaylistControler::Get( int i ) { Console::Append( TEXT("We are in PlaylistControler::Get()") ); return _database.Get( i ); } void PlaylistControler::Fill( LVITEM & request ) { if( ( request.mask & LVIF_TEXT ) == 0 ) return; if( request.iSubItem ) { // Text _sntprintf( request.pszText, request.cchTextMax, TEXT( "%s" ), _database.Get( request.iItem ) ); } else { // Number if( _bZeroPadding ) { TCHAR szFormat[ 6 ]; _stprintf( szFormat, TEXT( "%%0%dd" ), _iDigits ); _sntprintf( request.pszText, request.cchTextMax, szFormat, request.iItem + 1 ); } else { _sntprintf( request.pszText, request.cchTextMax, TEXT( "%d" ), request.iItem + 1 ); } } } void PlaylistControler::EnableZeroPadding( bool bActive ) { if( bActive == _bZeroPadding ) return; LVCOLUMN col; memset( &col, 0, sizeof( LVCOLUMN ) ); col.mask = LVCF_FMT; if( bActive ) { // TODO recalculation yes/no? /* int iSize = _database.GetSize(); if( iSize != 0 ) { int iDigits = 0; while( iSize > 0 ) { iSize /= 10; iDigits++; } _iDigits = iSize; _iDigitMin = 1; _iDigitMax = 9; while( iSize-- > 0 ) { _iDigitMin *= 10; _iDigitMax = _iDigitMax * 10 + 9; } } else { _iDigits = 1; _iDigitMin = 1; _iDigitMax = 9; } */ col.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; ListView_SetColumn( _hView, 0, &col ); Refresh(); } else { col.fmt = LVCFMT_RIGHT; ListView_SetColumn( _hView, 0, &col ); Refresh(); } _bZeroPadding = bActive; } void PlaylistControler::AutosizeColumns() { RECT r; if( !GetClientRect( _hView, &r ) ) return; if( _bZeroPadding ) { ListView_SetColumnWidth( _hView, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE ); const int iWidth = ListView_GetColumnWidth( _hView, 0 ); ListView_SetColumnWidth( _hView, 1, r.right - r.left - iWidth ); } else { HDC hdc = GetDC( _hView ); const HFONT hOldFont = ( HFONT )SelectObject( hdc, Font::Get() ); SIZE size; BOOL res = GetTextExtentPoint32( hdc, TEXT( "0" ), 1, &size ); SelectObject( hdc, hOldFont ); ReleaseDC( _hView, hdc ); const int iWidth = res ? ( int )( size.cx * ( _iDigits + 0.25f ) ) : 120; ListView_SetColumnWidth( _hView, 0, iWidth ); ListView_SetColumnWidth( _hView, 1, r.right - r.left - iWidth ); } } void PlaylistControler::Resize( HWND hParent ) { /* RECT rc; GetClientRect( hParent, &rc ); MoveWindow( _hView, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, TRUE ); */ AutosizeColumns(); }