// Name:        wx/univ/theme.h
// Purpose:     wxTheme class manages all configurable aspects of the
//              application including the look (wxRenderer), feel
//              (wxInputHandler) and the colours (wxColourScheme)
// Author:      Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created:     06.08.00
// RCS-ID:      $Id: theme.h 42455 2006-10-26 15:33:10Z VS $
// Copyright:   (c) 2000 SciTech Software, Inc. (www.scitechsoft.com)
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

#ifndef _WX_UNIV_THEME_H_
#define _WX_UNIV_THEME_H_

#include "wx/string.h"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTheme
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class WXDLLEXPORT wxArtProvider;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxColourScheme;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxInputConsumer;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxInputHandler;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxRenderer;
struct WXDLLEXPORT wxThemeInfo;

class WXDLLEXPORT wxTheme
    // static methods
    // --------------

    // create the default theme
    static bool CreateDefault();

    // create the theme by name (will return NULL if not found)
    static wxTheme *Create(const wxString& name);

    // change the current scheme
    static wxTheme *Set(wxTheme *theme);

    // get the current theme (never NULL)
    static wxTheme *Get() { return ms_theme; }

    // the theme methods
    // -----------------

    // get the renderer implementing all the control-drawing operations in
    // this theme
    virtual wxRenderer *GetRenderer() = 0;

    // get the art provider to be used together with this theme
    virtual wxArtProvider *GetArtProvider() = 0;

    // get the input handler of the given type, forward to the standard one
    virtual wxInputHandler *GetInputHandler(const wxString& handlerType,
                                            wxInputConsumer *consumer) = 0;

    // get the colour scheme for the control with this name
    virtual wxColourScheme *GetColourScheme() = 0;

    // implementation only from now on
    // -------------------------------

    virtual ~wxTheme();

    // the list of descriptions of all known themes
    static wxThemeInfo *ms_allThemes;

    // the current theme
    static wxTheme *ms_theme;
    friend struct WXDLLEXPORT wxThemeInfo;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDelegateTheme: it is impossible to inherit from any of standard
// themes as their declarations are in private code, but you can use this
// class to override only some of their functions - all the other ones
// will be left to the original theme
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class wxDelegateTheme : public wxTheme
    wxDelegateTheme(const wxChar *theme);
    virtual ~wxDelegateTheme();

    virtual wxRenderer *GetRenderer();
    virtual wxArtProvider *GetArtProvider();
    virtual wxInputHandler *GetInputHandler(const wxString& control,
                                            wxInputConsumer *consumer);
    virtual wxColourScheme *GetColourScheme();

    // gets or creates theme and sets m_theme to point to it,
    // returns true on success
    bool GetOrCreateTheme();

    wxString    m_themeName;
    wxTheme    *m_theme;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// dynamic theme creation helpers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct WXDLLEXPORT wxThemeInfo
    typedef wxTheme *(*Constructor)();

    // theme name and (user readable) description
    wxString name, desc;

    // the function to create a theme object
    Constructor ctor;

    // next node in the linked list or NULL
    wxThemeInfo *next;

    // constructor for the struct itself
    wxThemeInfo(Constructor ctor, const wxChar *name, const wxChar *desc);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// macros
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// to use a standard theme insert this macro into one of the application files:
// without it, an over optimizing linker may discard the object module
// containing the theme implementation entirely
#define WX_USE_THEME(themename)                                             \
    /* this indirection makes it possible to pass macro as the argument */  \

#define WX_USE_THEME_IMPL(themename)                                        \
    extern WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(bool) wxThemeUse##themename;                    \
    static struct wxThemeUserFor##themename                                 \
    {                                                                       \
        wxThemeUserFor##themename() { wxThemeUse##themename = true; }       \
    } wxThemeDoUse##themename

// to declare a new theme, this macro must be used in the class declaration
#define WX_DECLARE_THEME(themename)                                         \
    private:                                                                \
        static wxThemeInfo ms_info##themename;                              \
    public:                                                                 \
        const wxThemeInfo *GetThemeInfo() const                             \
            { return &ms_info##themename; }

// and this one must be inserted in the source file
#define WX_IMPLEMENT_THEME(classname, themename, themedesc)                 \
    WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(bool) wxThemeUse##themename = true;                    \
    wxTheme *wxCtorFor##themename() { return new classname; }               \
    wxThemeInfo classname::ms_info##themename(wxCtorFor##themename,         \
                                              wxT( #themename ), themedesc)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// determine default theme
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #undef  wxUSE_THEME_WIN32
    #define wxUSE_THEME_WIN32  1
    #undef  wxUSE_THEME_GTK
    #define wxUSE_THEME_GTK    1
    #undef  wxUSE_THEME_MONO
    #define wxUSE_THEME_MONO   1
    #undef  wxUSE_THEME_METAL
    #define wxUSE_THEME_METAL  1
#endif // wxUSE_ALL_THEMES

// determine the default theme to use:
#if defined(__WXGTK__) && wxUSE_THEME_GTK
    #define wxUNIV_DEFAULT_THEME gtk
#elif defined(__WXDFB__) && wxUSE_THEME_MONO
    // use mono theme for DirectFB port because it cannot correctly
    // render neither win32 nor gtk themes yet:
    #define wxUNIV_DEFAULT_THEME mono

// if no theme was picked, get any theme compiled in (sorted by
// quality/completeness of the theme):
    #if wxUSE_THEME_WIN32
        #define wxUNIV_DEFAULT_THEME win32
    #elif wxUSE_THEME_GTK
        #define wxUNIV_DEFAULT_THEME gtk
    #elif wxUSE_THEME_MONO
        #define wxUNIV_DEFAULT_THEME mono
    // If nothing matches, no themes are compiled and the app must provide
    // some theme itself
    // (note that wxUSE_THEME_METAL depends on win32 theme, so we don't have to
    // try it)

#endif // _WX_UNIV_THEME_H_