#include "Globals.h" #include #include #include "Config.h" #include "Statistics.h" #include "MemoryUtil.h" #include "Profiler.h" #include "Render.h" #include "ImageWrite.h" #include "BPMemory.h" #include "TextureMngr.h" #include "PixelShaderCache.h" #include "PixelShaderManager.h" #include "VertexShaderCache.h" #include "VertexShaderManager.h" #include "VertexShaderGen.h" #include "VertexLoader.h" #include "VertexManager.h" #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 0x4000 // internal state for loading vertices extern NativeVertexFormat *g_nativeVertexFmt; namespace VertexManager { static GLuint s_vboBuffers[0x40] = {0}; static int s_nCurVBOIndex = 0; // current free buffer static u8 *s_pBaseBufferPointer = NULL; static std::vector< std::pair > s_vStoredPrimitives; // every element, mode and count to be passed to glDrawArrays static const GLenum c_primitiveType[8] = { GL_QUADS, 0, //nothing GL_TRIANGLES, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, GL_LINES, GL_LINE_STRIP, GL_POINTS }; bool Init() { s_pBaseBufferPointer = (u8*)AllocateMemoryPages(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); s_pCurBufferPointer = s_pBaseBufferPointer; s_nCurVBOIndex = 0; glGenBuffers(ARRAYSIZE(s_vboBuffers), s_vboBuffers); for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_vboBuffers); ++i) { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s_vboBuffers[i]); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, GL_STREAM_DRAW); } glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); g_nativeVertexFmt = NULL; s_vStoredPrimitives.reserve(1000); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); return true; } void Shutdown() { FreeMemoryPages(s_pBaseBufferPointer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); s_pBaseBufferPointer = s_pCurBufferPointer = NULL; glDeleteBuffers(ARRAYSIZE(s_vboBuffers), s_vboBuffers); memset(s_vboBuffers, 0, sizeof(s_vboBuffers)); s_vStoredPrimitives.resize(0); s_nCurVBOIndex = 0; ResetBuffer(); } void ResetBuffer() { s_nCurVBOIndex = (s_nCurVBOIndex + 1) % ARRAYSIZE(s_vboBuffers); s_pCurBufferPointer = s_pBaseBufferPointer; s_vStoredPrimitives.resize(0); } int GetRemainingSize() { return MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - (int)(s_pCurBufferPointer - s_pBaseBufferPointer); } void AddVertices(int primitive, int numvertices) { _assert_(numvertices > 0); _assert_(g_nativeVertexFmt != NULL); ADDSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numPrims, numvertices); if (s_vStoredPrimitives.size() && s_vStoredPrimitives[s_vStoredPrimitives.size() - 1].first == c_primitiveType[primitive]) { // We can join primitives for free here. Not likely to help much, though, but whatever... if (c_primitiveType[primitive] == GL_TRIANGLES || c_primitiveType[primitive] == GL_LINES || c_primitiveType[primitive] == GL_POINTS || c_primitiveType[primitive] == GL_QUADS) { INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numPrimitiveJoins); // Easy join std::pair &last_pair = s_vStoredPrimitives[s_vStoredPrimitives.size() - 1]; last_pair.second += numvertices; return; } // Joining strips is a lot more work but would bring more gain. Not sure if it's worth it though. } s_vStoredPrimitives.push_back(std::pair(c_primitiveType[primitive], numvertices)); #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST) static const char *sprims[8] = {"quads", "nothing", "tris", "tstrip", "tfan", "lines", "lstrip", "points"}; PRIM_LOG("prim: %s, c=%d\n", sprims[primitive], numvertices); #endif } void Flush() { if (s_vStoredPrimitives.size() == 0) return; _assert_(s_pCurBufferPointer != s_pBaseBufferPointer); #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST) PRIM_LOG("frame%d:\ncomps=0x%x, numchan=%d, dualtex=%d, ztex=%d, cole=%d, alpe=%d, ze=%d\n", g_Config.iSaveTargetId, xfregs.numTexGens, xfregs.nNumChans, (int)xfregs.bEnableDualTexTransform, bpmem.ztex2.op, bpmem.blendmode.colorupdate, bpmem.blendmode.alphaupdate, bpmem.zmode.updateenable); for (int i = 0; i < xfregs.nNumChans; ++i) { LitChannel* ch = &xfregs.colChans[i].color; PRIM_LOG("colchan%d: matsrc=%d, light=0x%x, ambsrc=%d, diffunc=%d, attfunc=%d\n", i, ch->matsource, ch->GetFullLightMask(), ch->ambsource, ch->diffusefunc, ch->attnfunc); ch = &xfregs.colChans[i].alpha; PRIM_LOG("alpchan%d: matsrc=%d, light=0x%x, ambsrc=%d, diffunc=%d, attfunc=%d\n", i, ch->matsource, ch->GetFullLightMask(), ch->ambsource, ch->diffusefunc, ch->attnfunc); } for (int i = 0; i < xfregs.numTexGens; ++i) { TexMtxInfo tinfo = xfregs.texcoords[i].texmtxinfo; if (tinfo.texgentype != XF_TEXGEN_EMBOSS_MAP) tinfo.hex &= 0x7ff; if (tinfo.texgentype != XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR) tinfo.projection = 0; PRIM_LOG("txgen%d: proj=%d, input=%d, gentype=%d, srcrow=%d, embsrc=%d, emblght=%d, postmtx=%d, postnorm=%d\n", i, tinfo.projection, tinfo.inputform, tinfo.texgentype, tinfo.sourcerow, tinfo.embosssourceshift, tinfo.embosslightshift, xfregs.texcoords[i].postmtxinfo.index, xfregs.texcoords[i].postmtxinfo.normalize); } PRIM_LOG("pixel: tev=%d, ind=%d, texgen=%d, dstalpha=%d, alphafunc=0x%x\n", bpmem.genMode.numtevstages+1, bpmem.genMode.numindstages, bpmem.genMode.numtexgens, (u32)bpmem.dstalpha.enable, (bpmem.alphaFunc.hex>>16)&0xff); #endif DVSTARTPROFILE(); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s_vboBuffers[s_nCurVBOIndex]); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s_pCurBufferPointer - s_pBaseBufferPointer, s_pBaseBufferPointer, GL_STREAM_DRAW); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); // setup the pointers if(g_nativeVertexFmt) g_nativeVertexFmt->SetupVertexPointers(); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); // set the textures { DVSTARTSUBPROFILE("VertexManager::Flush:textures"); u32 usedtextures = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < (u32)bpmem.genMode.numtevstages + 1; ++i) { if (bpmem.tevorders[i/2].getEnable(i & 1)) usedtextures |= 1 << bpmem.tevorders[i/2].getTexMap(i & 1); } if (bpmem.genMode.numindstages > 0) { for (u32 i = 0; i < (u32)bpmem.genMode.numtevstages + 1; ++i) { if (bpmem.tevind[i].IsActive() && bpmem.tevind[i].bt < bpmem.genMode.numindstages) { usedtextures |= 1 << bpmem.tevindref.getTexMap(bpmem.tevind[i].bt); } } } u32 nonpow2tex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (usedtextures & (1 << i)) { glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i); FourTexUnits &tex = bpmem.tex[i >> 2]; TextureMngr::TCacheEntry* tentry = TextureMngr::Load(i, (tex.texImage3[i&3].image_base/* & 0x1FFFFF*/) << 5, tex.texImage0[i&3].width+1, tex.texImage0[i&3].height+1, tex.texImage0[i&3].format, tex.texTlut[i&3].tmem_offset<<9, tex.texTlut[i&3].tlut_format); if (tentry != NULL) { // texture loaded fine, set dims for pixel shader if (tentry->isNonPow2) { PixelShaderManager::SetTexDims(i, tentry->w, tentry->h, tentry->mode.wrap_s, tentry->mode.wrap_t); nonpow2tex |= 1 << i; if (tentry->mode.wrap_s > 0) nonpow2tex |= 1 << (8 + i); if (tentry->mode.wrap_t > 0) nonpow2tex |= 1 << (16 + i); TextureMngr::EnableTexRECT(i); } // if texture is power of two, set to ones (since don't need scaling) // (the above seems to have changed - we set the width and height here too. else { PixelShaderManager::SetTexDims(i, tentry->w, tentry->h, 0, 0); TextureMngr::EnableTex2D(i); } if (g_Config.iLog & CONF_PRIMLOG) { // save the textures char strfile[255]; sprintf(strfile, "frames/tex%.3d_%d.tga", g_Config.iSaveTargetId, i); SaveTexture(strfile, tentry->isNonPow2?GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB:GL_TEXTURE_2D, tentry->texture, tentry->w, tentry->h); } } else { ERROR_LOG("error loading tex\n"); TextureMngr::DisableStage(i); // disable since won't be used } } else { TextureMngr::DisableStage(i); // disable since won't be used } } PixelShaderManager::SetTexturesUsed(nonpow2tex); } FRAGMENTSHADER* ps = PixelShaderCache::GetShader(); VERTEXSHADER* vs = VertexShaderCache::GetShader(g_nativeVertexFmt->m_components); bool bRestoreBuffers = false; if (Renderer::GetZBufferTarget()) { if (bpmem.zmode.updateenable) { if (!bpmem.blendmode.colorupdate) { Renderer::SetRenderMode(bpmem.blendmode.alphaupdate ? Renderer::RM_ZBufferAlpha : Renderer::RM_ZBufferOnly); } } else { Renderer::SetRenderMode(Renderer::RM_Normal); // remove temporarily glDrawBuffer(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT); bRestoreBuffers = true; } } else { Renderer::SetRenderMode(Renderer::RM_Normal); } // set global constants VertexShaderManager::SetConstants(g_Config.bProjectionHax1, g_Config.bProjectionHax2); PixelShaderManager::SetConstants(); // finally bind // TODO - cache progid, check if same as before. Maybe GL does this internally, though. // This is the really annoying problem with GL - you never know whether it's worth caching stuff yourself. if (vs) glBindProgramARB(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, vs->glprogid); if (ps) glBindProgramARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, ps->glprogid); // Lego Star Wars crashes here. #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST) PRIM_LOG("\n"); #endif int offset = 0; for (std::vector< std::pair >::const_iterator it = s_vStoredPrimitives.begin(); it != s_vStoredPrimitives.end(); ++it) { INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numDrawCalls); glDrawArrays(it->first, offset, it->second); offset += it->second; } #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST) if (g_Config.iLog & CONF_PRIMLOG) { // save the shaders char strfile[255]; sprintf(strfile, "frames/ps%.3d.txt", g_Config.iSaveTargetId); std::ofstream fps(strfile); fps << ps->strprog.c_str(); sprintf(strfile, "frames/vs%.3d.txt", g_Config.iSaveTargetId); std::ofstream fvs(strfile); fvs << vs->strprog.c_str(); } if (g_Config.iLog & CONF_SAVETARGETS) { char str[128]; sprintf(str, "frames/targ%.3d.tga", g_Config.iSaveTargetId); Renderer::SaveRenderTarget(str, 0); } #endif g_Config.iSaveTargetId++; GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); if (bRestoreBuffers) { GLenum s_drawbuffers[2] = {GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT}; glDrawBuffers(2, s_drawbuffers); Renderer::SetColorMask(); } ResetBuffer(); } } // namespace