// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include #include #include "../../../Core/InputCommon/Src/SDL.h" // Core #include "../../../Core/InputCommon/Src/XInput.h" #include "Common.h" // Common #include "StringUtil.h" // for ArrayToString() #include "IniFile.h" #include "pluginspecs_wiimote.h" #include "EmuDefinitions.h" // Local #include "main.h" #include "wiimote_hid.h" #include "EmuSubroutines.h" #include "EmuMain.h" #include "Encryption.h" // for extension encryption #include "Config.h" // for g_Config extern SWiimoteInitialize g_WiimoteInitialize; namespace WiiMoteEmu { /* Homebrew encryption for 16 byte zero keys. */ void CryptBuffer(u8* _buffer, u8 _size) { for (int i=0; i<_size; i++) { _buffer[i] = ((_buffer[i] - 0x17) ^ 0x17) & 0xFF; } } void WriteCrypted16(u8* _baseBlock, u16 _address, u16 _value) { u16 cryptedValue = _value; CryptBuffer((u8*)&cryptedValue, sizeof(u16)); *(u16*)(_baseBlock + _address) = cryptedValue; } /* Calculate Extenstion Regisister Calibration Checksum */ // This function is not currently used, it's just here to show how the values // in EmuDefinitions.h are calculated. void GetCalibrationChecksum() { u8 sum = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < sizeof(nunchuck_calibration) - 2; i++) sum += nunchuck_calibration[i]; INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "0x%02x 0x%02x", (sum + 0x55), (sum + 0xaa)); } // Calculate checksum for the nunchuck calibration. The last two bytes. void ExtensionChecksum(u8 * Calibration) { u8 sum = 0; //u8 Byte15, Byte16; for (u32 i = 0; i < sizeof(Calibration) - 2; i++) { sum += Calibration[i]; //INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Plus 0x%02x", Calibration[i]); } // Byte15 = sum + 0x55; // Byte 15 // Byte16 = sum + 0xaa; // Byte 16 } /* Bit shift conversions */ u32 convert24bit(const u8* src) { return (src[0] << 16) | (src[1] << 8) | src[2]; } u16 convert16bit(const u8* src) { return (src[0] << 8) | src[1]; } /* Load pre-recorded movements */ void LoadRecordedMovements() { INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "LoadRecordedMovements()"); IniFile file; file.Load(FULL_CONFIG_DIR "WiimoteMovement.ini"); for(int i = 0; i < RECORDING_ROWS; i++) { //INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Recording%i ", i + 1); // Temporary storage int iTmp; std::string STmp; // First clear the list VRecording.at(i).Recording.clear(); // Get row name std::string SaveName = StringFromFormat("Recording%i", i + 1); // Get movement std::string TmpMovement; file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "Movement", &TmpMovement, ""); // Get IR std::string TmpIR; file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "IR", &TmpIR, ""); // Get time std::string TmpTime; file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "Time", &TmpTime, ""); // Get IR bytes int TmpIRBytes; file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "IRBytes", &TmpIRBytes, 0); VRecording.at(i).IRBytes = TmpIRBytes; SRecording Tmp; for (int j = 0, k = 0, l = 0; (u32)j < TmpMovement.length(); j+=13) { // Skip blank savings if (TmpMovement.length() < 3) continue; // Avoid going to far, this can only happen with modified ini files, but we check for it anyway if (TmpMovement.length() < (u32)j + 12) continue; // Skip old style recordings if (TmpMovement.substr(j, 1) != "-" && TmpMovement.substr(j, 1) != "+") continue; std::string StrX = TmpMovement.substr(j, 4); std::string StrY = TmpMovement.substr(j + 4, 4); std::string StrZ = TmpMovement.substr(j + 8, 4); Tmp.x = atoi(StrX.c_str()); Tmp.y = atoi(StrY.c_str()); Tmp.z = atoi(StrZ.c_str()); // Go to next set of IR values // If there is no IR data saving we fill the array with // zeroes. This should only be able to occur from manual ini // editing but we check for it anyway for(int ii = 0; ii < TmpIRBytes; ii++) { if(TmpIR.length() < (u32)(k + i + TmpIRBytes)) continue; // Safety check std::string TmpStr = TmpIR.substr(k + ii*2, 2); u32 TmpU32; AsciiToHex(TmpStr.c_str(), TmpU32); Tmp.IR[ii] = (u8)TmpU32; } if (TmpIRBytes == 10) k += (10*2 + 1); else k += (12*2 + 1); // Go to next set of time values double Time = (double)atoi(TmpTime.substr(l, 5).c_str()); Tmp.Time = (double)(Time/1000); l += 6; // Save the values VRecording.at(i).Recording.push_back(Tmp); // Log results /*INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Time:%f", Tmp.Time); std::string TmpIRLog = ArrayToString(Tmp.IR, TmpIRBytes, 0, 30); INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "IR: %s", TmpIRLog.c_str()); INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "");*/ } // Get HotKey file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeySwitch", &iTmp, 3); VRecording.at(i).HotKeySwitch = iTmp; file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeyWiimote", &iTmp, 10); VRecording.at(i).HotKeyWiimote = iTmp; file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeyNunchuck", &iTmp, 10); VRecording.at(i).HotKeyNunchuck = iTmp; file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeyIR", &iTmp, 10); VRecording.at(i).HotKeyIR = iTmp; // Get Recording speed int TmpPlaybackSpeed; file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "PlaybackSpeed", &TmpPlaybackSpeed, -1); VRecording.at(i).PlaybackSpeed = TmpPlaybackSpeed; // Logging /*std::string TmpIRLog; if(TmpIRBytes > 0 && VRecording.size() > i) TmpIRLog = ArrayToString(VRecording.at(i).Recording.at(0).IR, TmpIRBytes, 0, 30); else TmpIRLog = ""; INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Size:%i HotKey:%i PlSpeed:%i IR:%s X:%i Y:%i Z:%i", VRecording.at(i).Recording.size(), VRecording.at(i).HotKeyWiimote, VRecording.at(i).PlaybackSpeed, TmpIRLog.c_str(), VRecording.at(i).Recording.at(0).x, VRecording.at(i).Recording.at(0).y, VRecording.at(i).Recording.at(0).z );*/ } } #if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 MousePosition MousePos; #endif /* Calibrate the mouse position to the emulation window. g_WiimoteInitialize.hWnd is the rendering window handle. */ void GetMousePos(float& x, float& y) { #ifdef _WIN32 POINT point; // Get the cursor position for the entire screen GetCursorPos(&point); // Get the cursor position relative to the upper left corner of the rendering window ScreenToClient(g_WiimoteInitialize.hWnd, &point); // Get the size of the rendering window. (In my case Rect.top and Rect.left was zero.) RECT Rect; GetClientRect(g_WiimoteInitialize.hWnd, &Rect); // Width and height is the size of the rendering window float WinWidth = (float)(Rect.right - Rect.left); float WinHeight = (float)(Rect.bottom - Rect.top); float XOffset = 0, YOffset = 0; float PictureWidth = WinWidth, PictureHeight = WinHeight; #else #if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 float WinWidth = (float)MousePos.WinWidth; float WinHeight = (float)MousePos.WinHeight; float XOffset = 0, YOffset = 0; float PictureWidth = WinWidth, PictureHeight = WinHeight; #endif #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || (defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11) /* Calculate the actual picture size and location */ // Output: PictureWidth, PictureHeight, XOffset, YOffset if (g_Config.bKeepAR43 || g_Config.bKeepAR169) { // The rendering window aspect ratio as a proportion of the 4:3 or 16:9 ratio float Ratio = WinWidth / WinHeight / (g_Config.bKeepAR43 ? (4.0f / 3.0f) : (16.0f / 9.0f)); // Check if height or width is the limiting factor. If ratio > 1 the picture is to wide and have to limit the width. if (Ratio > 1) { // Calculate the new width and height for glViewport, this is not the actual size of either the picture or the screen PictureWidth = WinWidth / Ratio; // Calculate the new X offset // Move the left of the picture to the middle of the screen XOffset = XOffset + WinWidth / 2.0f; // Then remove half the picture height to move it to the horizontal center XOffset = XOffset - PictureWidth / 2.0f; } // The window is to high, we have to limit the height else { // Calculate the new width and height for glViewport, this is not the actual size of either the picture or the screen // Invert the ratio to make it > 1 Ratio = 1.0f / Ratio; PictureHeight = WinHeight / Ratio; // Calculate the new Y offset // Move the top of the picture to the middle of the screen YOffset = YOffset + WinHeight / 2.0f; // Then remove half the picture height to move it to the vertical center YOffset = YOffset - PictureHeight / 2.0f; } /* INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Screen Width:%4.0f Height:%4.0f Ratio:%1.2f", WinWidth, WinHeight, Ratio); INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Picture Width:%4.1f Height:%4.1f YOffset:%4.0f XOffset:%4.0f", PictureWidth, PictureHeight, YOffset, XOffset); */ } // Crop the picture from 4:3 to 5:4 or from 16:9 to 16:10. // Output: PictureWidth, PictureHeight, XOffset, YOffset if ((g_Config.bKeepAR43 || g_Config.bKeepAR169) && g_Config.bCrop) { float Ratio = g_Config.bKeepAR43 ? ((4.0f / 3.0f) / (5.0f / 4.0f)) : (((16.0f / 9.0f) / (16.0f / 10.0f))); // The width and height we will add (calculate this before PictureWidth and PictureHeight is adjusted) float IncreasedWidth = (Ratio - 1.0f) * PictureWidth; float IncreasedHeight = (Ratio - 1.0f) * PictureHeight; // The new width and height PictureWidth = PictureWidth * Ratio; PictureHeight = PictureHeight * Ratio; // Adjust the X and Y offset XOffset = float(XOffset - (IncreasedWidth / 2.0)); YOffset = float(YOffset - (IncreasedHeight / 2.0)); /* INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Crop Ratio:%1.2f IncrWidth:%3.0f IncrHeight:%3.0f", Ratio, IncreasedWidth, IncreasedHeight); INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Picture Width:%4.1f Height:%4.1f YOffset:%4.0f XOffset:%4.0f", PictureWidth, PictureHeight, YOffset, XOffset); */ } #endif // Return the mouse position as a fraction of one, inside the picture, with (0.0, 0.0) being the upper left corner of the picture #ifdef _WIN32 x = ((float)point.x - XOffset) / PictureWidth; y = ((float)point.y - YOffset) / PictureHeight; /* INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "GetCursorPos: %i %i", point.x, point.y); INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "GetClientRect: %i %i %i %i", Rect.left, Rect.right, Rect.top, Rect.bottom); INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Position X:%1.2f Y:%1.2f", x, y); */ #else #if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 x = ((float)MousePos.x - XOffset) / PictureWidth; y = ((float)MousePos.y - YOffset) / PictureHeight; #endif #endif } /* This is not needed if we call FreeLibrary() when we stop a game, but if it's not called we need to reset these variables. */ void Shutdown() { INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "ShutDown"); ResetVariables(); // Close joypads Close_Devices(); // Finally close SDL if (SDL_WasInit(0)) SDL_Quit(); g_SearchDeviceDone = false; } // Start emulation void Initialize() { INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Initialize"); // Reset variables ResetVariables(); /* Populate joyinfo for all attached devices and do g_Config.Load() if the configuration window is not already open, if it's already open we continue with the settings we have */ if(!g_SearchDeviceDone) { g_Config.Load(); Search_Devices(joyinfo, NumPads, NumGoodPads); g_SearchDeviceDone = true; } InitCalibration(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WIIMOTES; i++) { // Write default Eeprom data to g_Eeprom[], this may be overwritten by // WiiMoteReal::Initialize() after this function. memset(g_Eeprom[i], 0, WIIMOTE_EEPROM_SIZE); memcpy(g_Eeprom[i], EepromData_0, sizeof(EepromData_0)); memcpy(g_Eeprom[i] + 0x16D0, EepromData_16D0, sizeof(EepromData_16D0)); // Copy extension id and calibration to its register, g_Config.Load() is needed before this UpdateExtRegisterBlocks(i); } // The emulated Wiimote is initialized g_EmulatedWiiMoteInitialized = true; // Load pre-recorded movements LoadRecordedMovements(); /* The Nuncheck extension ID for homebrew applications that use the zero key. This writes 0x0000 in encrypted form (0xfefe) to 0xfe in the extension register. */ //WriteCrypted16(g_RegExt, 0xfe, 0x0000); // Fully inserted Nunchuk // I forgot what these were for? Is this the zero key encrypted 0xa420? // g_RegExt[0xfd] = 0x1e; // g_RegExt[0xfc] = 0x9a; } // Set initial valuesm this done both in Init and Shutdown void ResetVariables() { g_EmulatedWiiMoteInitialized = false; g_ID = 0; g_Encryption = false; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WIIMOTES; i++) { g_ReportingAuto[i] = false; g_ReportingMode[i] = 0; g_ReportingChannel[i] = 0; WiiMapping[i].Motion.TiltWM.Shake = 0; WiiMapping[i].Motion.TiltWM.Roll = 0; WiiMapping[i].Motion.TiltWM.Pitch = 0; WiiMapping[i].Motion.TiltNC.Shake = 0; WiiMapping[i].Motion.TiltNC.Roll = 0; WiiMapping[i].Motion.TiltNC.Pitch = 0; } // Set default recording values #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { g_RecordingPlaying[i] = -1; g_RecordingCounter[i] = 0; g_RecordingPoint[i] = 0; g_RecordingStart[i] = 0; g_RecordingCurrentTime[i] = 0; } #endif } // Initiate the accelerometer neutral values void InitCalibration() { g_wm.cal_zero.x = EepromData_0[22]; g_wm.cal_zero.y = EepromData_0[23]; g_wm.cal_zero.z = EepromData_0[24]; g_wm.cal_g.x = EepromData_0[26] - EepromData_0[22]; g_wm.cal_g.y = EepromData_0[27] - EepromData_0[23]; g_wm.cal_g.z = EepromData_0[28] - EepromData_0[24]; g_nu.cal_zero.x = nunchuck_calibration[0x00]; g_nu.cal_zero.y = nunchuck_calibration[0x01]; g_nu.cal_zero.z = nunchuck_calibration[0x02]; g_nu.cal_g.x = nunchuck_calibration[0x04] - nunchuck_calibration[0x00]; g_nu.cal_g.y = nunchuck_calibration[0x05] - nunchuck_calibration[0x01]; g_nu.cal_g.z = nunchuck_calibration[0x06] - nunchuck_calibration[0x02]; g_nu.jx.max = nunchuck_calibration[0x08]; g_nu.jx.min = nunchuck_calibration[0x09]; g_nu.jx.center = nunchuck_calibration[0x0a]; g_nu.jy.max = nunchuck_calibration[0x0b]; g_nu.jy.min = nunchuck_calibration[0x0c]; g_nu.jy.center = nunchuck_calibration[0x0d]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Lx.max = classic_calibration[0x00]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Lx.min = classic_calibration[0x01]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Lx.center = classic_calibration[0x02]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Ly.max = classic_calibration[0x03]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Ly.min = classic_calibration[0x04]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Ly.center = classic_calibration[0x05]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Rx.max = classic_calibration[0x06]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Rx.min = classic_calibration[0x07]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Rx.center = classic_calibration[0x08]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Ry.max = classic_calibration[0x09]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Ry.min = classic_calibration[0x0a]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Ry.center = classic_calibration[0x0b]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Tl.neutral = classic_calibration[0x0c]; g_ClassicContCalibration.Tr.neutral = classic_calibration[0x0d]; // TODO get the correct values here g_GH3Calibration.Lx.max = classic_calibration[0x00]; g_GH3Calibration.Lx.min = classic_calibration[0x01]; g_GH3Calibration.Lx.center = classic_calibration[0x02]; g_GH3Calibration.Ly.max = classic_calibration[0x03]; g_GH3Calibration.Ly.min = classic_calibration[0x04]; g_GH3Calibration.Ly.center = classic_calibration[0x05]; } // Update the extension calibration values with our default values void UpdateExtRegisterBlocks(int Slot) { // Copy extension id and calibration to its register if(WiiMapping[Slot].iExtensionConnected == EXT_NUNCHUCK) { memcpy(g_RegExt[Slot] + 0x20, nunchuck_calibration, sizeof(nunchuck_calibration)); memcpy(g_RegExt[Slot] + 0x30, nunchuck_calibration, sizeof(nunchuck_calibration)); memcpy(g_RegExt[Slot] + 0xfa, nunchuck_id, sizeof(nunchuck_id)); } else if(WiiMapping[Slot].iExtensionConnected == EXT_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER) { memcpy(g_RegExt[Slot] + 0x20, classic_calibration, sizeof(classic_calibration)); memcpy(g_RegExt[Slot] + 0x30, classic_calibration, sizeof(classic_calibration)); memcpy(g_RegExt[Slot] + 0xfa, classic_id, sizeof(classic_id)); } else if(WiiMapping[Slot].iExtensionConnected == EXT_GUITARHERO) { // TODO get the correct values here memcpy(g_RegExt[Slot] + 0x20, classic_calibration, sizeof(classic_calibration)); memcpy(g_RegExt[Slot] + 0x30, classic_calibration, sizeof(classic_calibration)); memcpy(g_RegExt[Slot] + 0xfa, gh3glp_id, sizeof(gh3glp_id)); } INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "UpdateExtRegisterBlocks()"); } void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { // TODO: Shorten the list p.DoArray(&g_Eeprom[0][0], WIIMOTE_EEPROM_SIZE * MAX_WIIMOTES); p.DoArray(&g_RegExt[0][0], WIIMOTE_REG_EXT_SIZE * MAX_WIIMOTES); p.DoArray(&g_RegMotionPlus[0][0], WIIMOTE_REG_EXT_SIZE * MAX_WIIMOTES); p.DoArray(&g_RegSpeaker[0][0], WIIMOTE_REG_SPEAKER_SIZE * MAX_WIIMOTES); p.DoArray(&g_RegIr[0][0], WIIMOTE_REG_IR_SIZE * MAX_WIIMOTES); //p.DoArray(g_RegExtTmp, WIIMOTE_REG_EXT_SIZE); p.Do(g_Encryption); //p.Do(NumPads); //p.Do(NumGoodPads); //p.Do(joyinfo); //p.DoArray(PadState, 4); //p.DoArray(PadMapping, 4); //p.Do(g_Wiimote_kbd); //p.Do(g_NunchuckExt); //p.Do(g_ClassicContExt); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WIIMOTES; i++) { p.Do(g_ReportingAuto[i]); p.Do(g_ReportingMode[i]); p.Do(g_ReportingChannel[i]); //p.Do(g_IRClock[i]); p.Do(g_IR[i]); p.Do(g_Leds[i]); p.Do(g_Speaker[i]); //p.Do(g_SpeakerMute[i]); p.Do(g_ExtKey[i]); } return; } /* This function produce Wiimote Input, i.e. reports from the Wiimote in response to Output from the Wii. */ void InterruptChannel(int _number, u16 _channelID, const void* _pData, u32 _Size) { /* Debugging. We have not yet decided how much of 'data' we will use, it's not determined by sizeof(data). We have to determine it by looking at the data cases. */ //InterruptDebugging(true, (const void*)_pData); g_ID = _number; hid_packet* hidp = (hid_packet*)_pData; INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Emu InterruptChannel (page: %i, type: 0x%02x, param: 0x%02x)", _number, hidp->type, hidp->param); switch(hidp->type) { case HID_TYPE_DATA: { switch(hidp->param) { case HID_PARAM_OUTPUT: { wm_report* sr = (wm_report*)hidp->data; HidOutputReport(_channelID, sr); /* This is the 0x22 answer to all Inputs.*/ // There are no 0x22 replys to these report from the real // wiimote from what I could see Report 0x10 that seems to // be only used for rumble, and we don't need to answer // that // The rumble report still needs more investigation } break; default: PanicAlert("HidInput: HID_TYPE_DATA - param 0x%02x", hidp->type, hidp->param); break; } } break; default: PanicAlert("HidInput: Unknown type 0x%02x and param 0x%02x", hidp->type, hidp->param); break; } } void ControlChannel(int _number, u16 _channelID, const void* _pData, u32 _Size) { g_ID = _number; hid_packet* hidp = (hid_packet*)_pData; INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Emu ControlChannel (page: %i, type: 0x%02x, param: 0x%02x)", _number, hidp->type, hidp->param); switch(hidp->type) { case HID_TYPE_HANDSHAKE: PanicAlert("HID_TYPE_HANDSHAKE - %s", (hidp->param == HID_PARAM_INPUT) ? "INPUT" : "OUPUT"); break; case HID_TYPE_SET_REPORT: if (hidp->param == HID_PARAM_INPUT) { PanicAlert("HID_TYPE_SET_REPORT - INPUT"); } else { // AyuanX: My experiment shows Control Channel is never used // In case it happens, we will send back a handshake which means report failed/rejected // (TO_BE_VERIFIED) // u8 handshake = HID_HANDSHAKE_SUCCESS; g_WiimoteInitialize.pWiimoteInput(g_ID, _channelID, &handshake, 1); PanicAlert("HID_TYPE_DATA - OUTPUT: Ambiguous Control Channel Report!"); } break; case HID_TYPE_DATA: PanicAlert("HID_TYPE_DATA - %s", (hidp->param == HID_PARAM_INPUT) ? "INPUT" : "OUTPUT"); break; default: PanicAlert("HidControlChannel: Unknown type %x and param %x", hidp->type, hidp->param); break; } } /* This is called from Wiimote_Update(). See SystemTimers.cpp for a documentation. I'm not sure exactly how often this function is called but I think it's tied to the frame rate of the game rather than a certain amount of times per second. */ void Update(int _number) { if (g_ReportingAuto[_number] == false) return; g_ID = _number; // Read input or not if (WiiMapping[g_ID].Source == 1) { ReadLinuxKeyboard(); // Check if the pad state should be updated if (NumGoodPads > 0 && joyinfo.size() > (u32)WiiMapping[g_ID].ID) UpdatePadState(WiiMapping[g_ID]); } switch(g_ReportingMode[g_ID]) { case 0: break; case WM_REPORT_CORE: SendReportCore(g_ReportingChannel[g_ID]); break; case WM_REPORT_CORE_ACCEL: SendReportCoreAccel(g_ReportingChannel[g_ID]); break; case WM_REPORT_CORE_ACCEL_IR12: SendReportCoreAccelIr12(g_ReportingChannel[g_ID]); break; case WM_REPORT_CORE_ACCEL_EXT16: SendReportCoreAccelExt16(g_ReportingChannel[g_ID]); break; case WM_REPORT_CORE_ACCEL_IR10_EXT6: SendReportCoreAccelIr10Ext(g_ReportingChannel[g_ID]); break; } } void ReadLinuxKeyboard() { #if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 XEvent E; KeySym key; // keyboard input int num_events; for (num_events = XPending(WMdisplay); num_events > 0; num_events--) { XNextEvent(WMdisplay, &E); switch (E.type) { case KeyPress: { key = XLookupKeysym((XKeyEvent*)&E, 0); if ((key >= XK_F1 && key <= XK_F9) || key == XK_Shift_L || key == XK_Shift_R || key == XK_Control_L || key == XK_Control_R) { XPutBackEvent(WMdisplay, &E); break; } for (int i = 0; i < LAST_CONSTANT; i++) { if (((int) key) == WiiMapping[g_ID].Button[i]) KeyStatus[i] = true; } break; } case KeyRelease: { key = XLookupKeysym((XKeyEvent*)&E, 0); if ((key >= XK_F1 && key <= XK_F9) || key == XK_Shift_L || key == XK_Shift_R || key == XK_Control_L || key == XK_Control_R) { XPutBackEvent(WMdisplay, &E); break; } for (int i = 0; i < LAST_CONSTANT; i++) { if (((int) key) == WiiMapping[g_ID].Button[i]) KeyStatus[i] = false; } break; } case ButtonPress: { int button = ((XButtonEvent*)&E)->button; if (button == 1) KeyStatus[EWM_A] = true; else if (button == 3) KeyStatus[EWM_B] = true; else XPutBackEvent(WMdisplay, &E); break; } case ButtonRelease: { int button = ((XButtonEvent*)&E)->button; if (button == 1) KeyStatus[EWM_A] = false; else if (button == 3) KeyStatus[EWM_B] = false; else XPutBackEvent(WMdisplay, &E); break; } case MotionNotify: { MousePos.x = E.xmotion.x; MousePos.y = E.xmotion.y; XWindowAttributes WinAttribs; XGetWindowAttributes (E.xmotion.display, E.xmotion.window, &WinAttribs); MousePos.WinWidth = WinAttribs.width; MousePos.WinHeight = WinAttribs.height; break; } case ConfigureNotify: case ClientMessage: XPutBackEvent(WMdisplay, &E); break; default: break; } } #endif } } // end of namespace