[OnFrame] [ActionReplay] All Shines 00E60AE1 18000000 045708E8 FFFFFFFF 045708EC FFFFFFFF 045708F0 FFFFFFFF Open all levels and nozzles 00E60AE0 18000000 04570958 FFFFFFFF 0457095C FFFFFFFF 8 red coins(press L & B) 00E61642 18000000 0A3FBBF4 00000240 025709DE 00000008 Infinite hover time 00E61520 18000000 042640BC 60000000 Infinite water 00E6151F 18000000 04263F58 38002710 042635B0 60000000 Infinite health 00E60ADF 18000000 424057F4 00040009 +99 lives 00E60ADE 18000000 00570967 00000063 +Test Level 00B86425 08000000 043E9710 00000C01 +Low Gravity 00B809F5 08000000 4240E12C 05003E00 Jesus Mode A.K.A. Walk on Water D-Pad Up/Down = On/Off 00B813BC 08000000 04002F00 3C608041 04002F04 8063E12C 04002F08 80C3FFCC 04002F0C 2C060000 04002F10 4D820020 04002F14 C2660008 04002F18 EE852824 04002F1C EE93A02A 04002F20 FC019840 04002F24 4C800020 04002F28 FC20A090 04002F2C 38C00008 04002F30 90C30248 04002F34 4E800020 0A404454 00000008 04189854 4BE796AC 0A404454 00000004 04189854 4E800020 +Do Not Have To Move Before Triple Jump 00B819B3 08000000 4240E10C 06B00000 Spin Jump Gravity - Really Slow Fall 00B86E48 08000000 4240E10C 058E3D00 Spin Jump Gravity - Almost No Fall 00B8369D 08000000 4240E10C 058E0000 Spin Jump Gravity - Fall Really Fast 00B86350 08000000 4240E10C 058E4200 Spin Jump Gravity - Normal Speed 00B80454 08000000 4240E10C 058E3EB3 +Insane heat waves Crazy colors everywhere! 00B80485 08000000 043AA070 41200000 Double vision heat wave (narrow) 00B856EB 08000000 043AA070 3F600000 Double vision heat wave (wide) 00B85C4A 08000000 043AA070 3F400000 Use only one of following two. Vanish point visual distortion 00B842EC 08000000 043AB304 3E000000 Hard to select file, activators will work if you add them.. Camera is far out 00B82579 08000000 043AB304 3F000000 X textures 00B80A69 08000000 043DB210 41200000 Y textures 00B80605 08000000 043DB224 41200000 Z textures 00B86358 08000000 043DB238 41200000 Strangely distorted people 00B82C96 08000000 0440CC24 3F900000 Mute game 00B87829 08000000 04417248 00000000 Magnify camera 00B87EB7 08000000 04417690 3F900000 Warped camera view 00B851AB 08000000 044176A8 3E000000 Poorly Shaded Mario 00B87DA5 08000000 044176FC 00000000 Nozzle Modifier Press the buttons below to switch to another nozzle. You must have your nozzle set to squirt for it to work. You will never use another nozzle box again!! Just kidding.B+D-Pad Up:Rocket NozzleB+D-Pad Left:Turbo NozzleB+D-Pad Right:Hover NozzleB+D-Pad Down:Jump Nozzle 00B83682 08000000 0A404454 00000208 04269F50 3BE00001 0A404454 00000204 04269F50 3BE00002 0A404454 00000201 04269F50 3BE00005 0A404454 00000202 04269F50 3BE00004 Always Green Yoshi 00B80C27 08000000 405F3A90 04AE4C00