#! /usr/bin/env python """ check-includes.py <file...> Checks if the includes are sorted properly and following the "system headers before local headers" rule. Ignores what is in #if blocks to avoid false negatives. """ import re import sys def exclude_if_blocks(lines): '''Removes lines from #if ... #endif blocks.''' level = 0 for l in lines: if l.startswith('#if'): level += 1 elif l.startswith('#endif'): level -= 1 elif level == 0: yield l def filter_includes(lines): '''Removes lines that are not #include and keeps only the file part.''' for l in lines: if l.startswith('#include'): if 'NOLINT' not in l: yield l.split(' ')[1] class IncludeFileSorter(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def __lt__(self, other): '''Sorting function for include files. * System headers go before local headers (check the first character - if it's different, then the one starting with " is the 'larger'). * Then, iterate on all the path components: * If they are equal, try to continue to the next path component. * If not, return whether the path component are smaller/larger. * Paths with less components should go first, so after iterating, check whether one path still has some / in it. ''' a, b = self.path, other.path if a[0] != b[0]: return False if a[0] == '"' else True a, b = a[1:-1].lower(), b[1:-1].lower() while '/' in a and '/' in b: ca, a = a.split('/', 1) cb, b = b.split('/', 1) if ca != cb: return ca < cb if '/' in a: return False elif '/' in b: return True else: return a < b def __eq__(self, other): return self.path.lower() == other.path.lower() def sort_includes(includes): return sorted(includes, key=IncludeFileSorter) def show_differences(bad, good): bad = [' Current'] + bad good = [' Should be'] + good longest = max(len(i) for i in bad) padded = [i + ' ' * (longest + 4 - len(i)) for i in bad] return '\n'.join('%s%s' % t for t in zip(padded, good)) def check_file(path): print('Checking %s' % path) lines = (l.strip() for l in open(path).read().split('\n')) lines = exclude_if_blocks(lines) includes = list(filter_includes(lines)) sorted_includes = sort_includes(includes) if includes != sorted_includes: sys.stderr.write('%s: includes are incorrect\n' % path) sys.stderr.write(show_differences(includes, sorted_includes) + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': for path in sys.argv[1:]: check_file(path)