///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/xti.h // Purpose: runtime metadata information (extended class info) // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: Francesco Montorsi // Created: 27/07/03 // RCS-ID: $Id: xti.h 66646 2011-01-07 22:52:46Z SC $ // Copyright: (c) 1997 Julian Smart // (c) 2003 Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_XTIH__ #define _WX_XTIH__ // We want to support properties, event sources and events sinks through // explicit declarations, using templates and specialization to make the // effort as painless as possible. // // This means we have the following domains : // // - Type Information for categorizing built in types as well as custom types // this includes information about enums, their values and names // - Type safe value storage : a kind of wxVariant, called right now wxAny // which will be merged with wxVariant // - Property Information and Property Accessors providing access to a class' // values and exposed event delegates // - Information about event handlers // - extended Class Information for accessing all these // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/defs.h" #if wxUSE_EXTENDED_RTTI class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxAny; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxAnyList; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxObject; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxString; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxClassInfo; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHashTable; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxObject; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxPluginLibrary; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHashTable; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHashTable_Node; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxStringToAnyHashMap; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxPropertyInfoMap; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxPropertyAccessor; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxObjectAllocatorAndCreator; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxObjectAllocator; #define wx_dynamic_cast(t, x) dynamic_cast(x) #include "wx/xtitypes.h" #include "wx/xtihandler.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxClassInfo // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObjectFunctor { public: virtual ~wxObjectFunctor(); // Invoke the actual event handler: virtual void operator()(const wxObject *) = 0; }; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxPropertyInfo; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHandlerInfo; typedef wxObject *(*wxObjectConstructorFn)(void); typedef wxPropertyInfo *(*wxPropertyInfoFn)(void); typedef wxHandlerInfo *(*wxHandlerInfoFn)(void); typedef void (*wxVariantToObjectConverter)( const wxAny &data, wxObjectFunctor* fn ); typedef wxObject* (*wxVariantToObjectPtrConverter) ( const wxAny& data); typedef wxAny (*wxObjectToVariantConverter)( wxObject* ); WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxString wxAnyGetAsString( const wxAny& data); WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE const wxObject* wxAnyGetAsObjectPtr( const wxAny& data); class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObjectWriter; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObjectWriterCallback; typedef bool (*wxObjectStreamingCallback) ( const wxObject *, wxObjectWriter *, \ wxObjectWriterCallback *, const wxStringToAnyHashMap & ); class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxClassInfo { friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyInfo; friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxHandlerInfo; friend wxObject *wxCreateDynamicObject(const wxString& name); public: wxClassInfo(const wxClassInfo **_Parents, const wxChar *_UnitName, const wxChar *_ClassName, int size, wxObjectConstructorFn ctor, wxPropertyInfoFn _Props, wxHandlerInfoFn _Handlers, wxObjectAllocatorAndCreator* _Constructor, const wxChar ** _ConstructorProperties, const int _ConstructorPropertiesCount, wxVariantToObjectPtrConverter _PtrConverter1, wxVariantToObjectConverter _Converter2, wxObjectToVariantConverter _Converter3, wxObjectStreamingCallback _streamingCallback = NULL) : m_className(_ClassName), m_objectSize(size), m_objectConstructor(ctor), m_next(sm_first), m_firstPropertyFn(_Props), m_firstHandlerFn(_Handlers), m_firstProperty(NULL), m_firstHandler(NULL), m_firstInited(false), m_parents(_Parents), m_unitName(_UnitName), m_constructor(_Constructor), m_constructorProperties(_ConstructorProperties), m_constructorPropertiesCount(_ConstructorPropertiesCount), m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter(_PtrConverter1), m_variantToObjectConverter(_Converter2), m_objectToVariantConverter(_Converter3), m_streamingCallback(_streamingCallback) { sm_first = this; Register(); } wxClassInfo(const wxChar *_UnitName, const wxChar *_ClassName, const wxClassInfo **_Parents) : m_className(_ClassName), m_objectSize(0), m_objectConstructor(NULL), m_next(sm_first), m_firstPropertyFn(NULL), m_firstHandlerFn(NULL), m_firstProperty(NULL), m_firstHandler(NULL), m_firstInited(true), m_parents(_Parents), m_unitName(_UnitName), m_constructor(NULL), m_constructorProperties(NULL), m_constructorPropertiesCount(0), m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter(NULL), m_variantToObjectConverter(NULL), m_objectToVariantConverter(NULL), m_streamingCallback(NULL) { sm_first = this; Register(); } // ctor compatible with old RTTI system wxClassInfo(const wxChar *_ClassName, const wxClassInfo *_Parent1, const wxClassInfo *_Parent2, int size, wxObjectConstructorFn ctor) : m_className(_ClassName), m_objectSize(size), m_objectConstructor(ctor), m_next(sm_first), m_firstPropertyFn(NULL), m_firstHandlerFn(NULL), m_firstProperty(NULL), m_firstHandler(NULL), m_firstInited(true), m_parents(NULL), m_unitName(NULL), m_constructor(NULL), m_constructorProperties(NULL), m_constructorPropertiesCount(0), m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter(NULL), m_variantToObjectConverter(NULL), m_objectToVariantConverter(NULL), m_streamingCallback(NULL) { sm_first = this; m_parents[0] = _Parent1; m_parents[1] = _Parent2; m_parents[2] = NULL; Register(); } virtual ~wxClassInfo(); // allocates an instance of this class, this object does not have to be // initialized or fully constructed as this call will be followed by a call to Create virtual wxObject *AllocateObject() const { return m_objectConstructor ? (*m_objectConstructor)() : 0; } // 'old naming' for AllocateObject staying here for backward compatibility wxObject *CreateObject() const { return AllocateObject(); } // direct construction call for classes that cannot construct instances via alloc/create wxObject *ConstructObject(int ParamCount, wxAny *Params) const; bool NeedsDirectConstruction() const; const wxChar *GetClassName() const { return m_className; } const wxChar *GetBaseClassName1() const { return m_parents[0] ? m_parents[0]->GetClassName() : NULL; } const wxChar *GetBaseClassName2() const { return (m_parents[0] && m_parents[1]) ? m_parents[1]->GetClassName() : NULL; } const wxClassInfo *GetBaseClass1() const { return m_parents[0]; } const wxClassInfo *GetBaseClass2() const { return m_parents[0] ? m_parents[1] : NULL; } const wxChar *GetIncludeName() const { return m_unitName; } const wxClassInfo **GetParents() const { return m_parents; } int GetSize() const { return m_objectSize; } bool IsDynamic() const { return (NULL != m_objectConstructor); } wxObjectConstructorFn GetConstructor() const { return m_objectConstructor; } const wxClassInfo *GetNext() const { return m_next; } // statics: static void CleanUp(); static wxClassInfo *FindClass(const wxString& className); static const wxClassInfo *GetFirst() { return sm_first; } // Climb upwards through inheritance hierarchy. // Dual inheritance is catered for. bool IsKindOf(const wxClassInfo *info) const; wxDECLARE_CLASS_INFO_ITERATORS(); // if there is a callback registered with that class it will be called // before this object will be written to disk, it can veto streaming out // this object by returning false, if this class has not registered a // callback, the search will go up the inheritance tree if no callback has // been registered true will be returned by default bool BeforeWriteObject( const wxObject *obj, wxObjectWriter *streamer, wxObjectWriterCallback *writercallback, const wxStringToAnyHashMap &metadata) const; // gets the streaming callback from this class or any superclass wxObjectStreamingCallback GetStreamingCallback() const; // returns the first property wxPropertyInfo* GetFirstProperty() const { EnsureInfosInited(); return m_firstProperty; } // returns the first handler wxHandlerInfo* GetFirstHandler() const { EnsureInfosInited(); return m_firstHandler; } // Call the Create upon an instance of the class, in the end the object is fully // initialized virtual bool Create (wxObject *object, int ParamCount, wxAny *Params) const; // get number of parameters for constructor virtual int GetCreateParamCount() const { return m_constructorPropertiesCount; } // get n-th constructor parameter virtual const wxChar* GetCreateParamName(int n) const { return m_constructorProperties[n]; } // Runtime access to objects for simple properties (get/set) by property // name and variant data virtual void SetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName, const wxAny &value) const; virtual wxAny GetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName) const; // Runtime access to objects for collection properties by property name virtual wxAnyList GetPropertyCollection(wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName) const; virtual void AddToPropertyCollection(wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName, const wxAny& value) const; // we must be able to cast variants to wxObject pointers, templates seem // not to be suitable void CallOnAny( const wxAny &data, wxObjectFunctor* functor ) const; wxObject* AnyToObjectPtr( const wxAny &data) const; wxAny ObjectPtrToAny( wxObject *object ) const; // find property by name virtual const wxPropertyInfo *FindPropertyInfo (const wxChar *PropertyName) const; // find handler by name virtual const wxHandlerInfo *FindHandlerInfo (const wxChar *handlerName) const; // find property by name virtual wxPropertyInfo *FindPropertyInfoInThisClass (const wxChar *PropertyName) const; // find handler by name virtual wxHandlerInfo *FindHandlerInfoInThisClass (const wxChar *handlerName) const; // puts all the properties of this class and its superclasses in the map, // as long as there is not yet an entry with the same name (overriding mechanism) void GetProperties( wxPropertyInfoMap &map ) const; private: const wxChar *m_className; int m_objectSize; wxObjectConstructorFn m_objectConstructor; // class info object live in a linked list: // pointers to its head and the next element in it static wxClassInfo *sm_first; wxClassInfo *m_next; static wxHashTable *sm_classTable; wxPropertyInfoFn m_firstPropertyFn; wxHandlerInfoFn m_firstHandlerFn; mutable bool m_firstInited; protected: void EnsureInfosInited() const { if ( !m_firstInited) { if ( m_firstPropertyFn != NULL) m_firstProperty = (*m_firstPropertyFn)(); if ( m_firstHandlerFn != NULL) m_firstHandler = (*m_firstHandlerFn)(); m_firstInited = true; } } mutable wxPropertyInfo* m_firstProperty; mutable wxHandlerInfo* m_firstHandler; private: const wxClassInfo** m_parents; const wxChar* m_unitName; wxObjectAllocatorAndCreator* m_constructor; const wxChar ** m_constructorProperties; const int m_constructorPropertiesCount; wxVariantToObjectPtrConverter m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter; wxVariantToObjectConverter m_variantToObjectConverter; wxObjectToVariantConverter m_objectToVariantConverter; wxObjectStreamingCallback m_streamingCallback; const wxPropertyAccessor *FindAccessor (const wxChar *propertyName) const; protected: // registers the class void Register(); void Unregister(); DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxClassInfo) }; WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObject *wxCreateDynamicObject(const wxString& name); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDynamicClassInfo // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this object leads to having a pure runtime-instantiation class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDynamicClassInfo : public wxClassInfo { friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDynamicObject; public: wxDynamicClassInfo( const wxChar *_UnitName, const wxChar *_ClassName, const wxClassInfo* superClass ); virtual ~wxDynamicClassInfo(); // constructs a wxDynamicObject with an instance virtual wxObject *AllocateObject() const; // Call the Create method for a class virtual bool Create (wxObject *object, int ParamCount, wxAny *Params) const; // get number of parameters for constructor virtual int GetCreateParamCount() const; // get i-th constructor parameter virtual const wxChar* GetCreateParamName(int i) const; // Runtime access to objects by property name, and variant data virtual void SetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *PropertyName, const wxAny &Value) const; virtual wxAny GetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *PropertyName) const; // adds a property to this class at runtime void AddProperty( const wxChar *propertyName, const wxTypeInfo* typeInfo ); // removes an existing runtime-property void RemoveProperty( const wxChar *propertyName ); // renames an existing runtime-property void RenameProperty( const wxChar *oldPropertyName, const wxChar *newPropertyName ); // as a handler to this class at runtime void AddHandler( const wxChar *handlerName, wxObjectEventFunction address, const wxClassInfo* eventClassInfo ); // removes an existing runtime-handler void RemoveHandler( const wxChar *handlerName ); // renames an existing runtime-handler void RenameHandler( const wxChar *oldHandlerName, const wxChar *newHandlerName ); private: struct wxDynamicClassInfoInternal; wxDynamicClassInfoInternal* m_data; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDECLARE class macros // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define _DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) \ public: \ static wxClassInfo ms_classInfo; \ static const wxClassInfo* ms_classParents[]; \ static wxPropertyInfo* GetPropertiesStatic(); \ static wxHandlerInfo* GetHandlersStatic(); \ static wxClassInfo *GetClassInfoStatic() \ { return &name::ms_classInfo; } \ virtual wxClassInfo *GetClassInfo() const \ { return &name::ms_classInfo; } #define wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) \ static wxObjectAllocatorAndCreator* ms_constructor; \ static const wxChar * ms_constructorProperties[]; \ static const int ms_constructorPropertiesCount; \ _DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) #define wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_ASSIGN(name) \ wxDECLARE_NO_ASSIGN_CLASS(name); \ wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) #define wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_COPY(name) \ wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(name); \ wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) #define wxDECLARE_CLASS(name) \ wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) #define wxDECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS(name) _DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) #define wxCLASSINFO(name) (&name::ms_classInfo) #endif // wxUSE_EXTENDED_RTTI #endif // _WX_XTIH__