<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the Qt VS Tools.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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/// Qt/MSBuild global definitions
// -->
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">

  // Build dependencies
  // -->

  // Qt/MSBuild global properties
  // -->
  <Import Project="..\version.targets" Condition="Exists('..\version.targets')"/>
    <QtDebug Condition="'$(QtDebug)' == ''">false</QtDebug>
    <QtLogFilePath Condition="'$(QtLogFilePath)' == ''"
    <QtMaxProcs Condition="'$(QtMaxProcs)' == ''"

  /// TARGET QtGetDefaultClCompile
  // Get default C++ properties
  // -->
  <Target Name="QtGetDefaultClCompile">
      <ClCompile Include="DefaultClCompile"/>

  /// TARGET QtClean
  // Clean-up from previous build
  // -->
  <Target Name="QtClean">
    <Message Importance="High" Condition="'$(QtDebug)' == 'true'" Text="## Qt Clean"/>
    <Delete Files="$(QtLogFilePath)"/>

  /// TARGET QtVersion
  // Print debug message with Qt/MSBuild version
  // -->
  <Target Name="QtVersion">
    <Message Importance="High" Condition="'$(QtDebug)' == 'true'"
      Text="Qt/MSBuild v$(QtMsBuildVersion) ($(MSBuildThisFileDirectory))"/>

  /// TARGET QtPrepare
  // Prepare Qt build: read and parse work log file
  // -->
  <Target Name="QtPrepare"
    Condition="'$(QtSkipWork)' != 'true'"

    <Message Importance="High" Condition="'$(QtDebug)' == 'true'" Text="#### QtPrepare"/>

    <ReadLinesFromFile File="$(QtLogFilePath)">
      <Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="QtLogData"/>
    <ItemGroup Condition="'@(QtLogData)' != ''">

  /// TARGET QtWorkPrepare
  // Analyze work request and decide if the Qt tool needs to be called or if the output from the
  // previous call is still valid.
  // -->
  <Target Name="QtWorkPrepare" DependsOnTargets="$(QtDependsOn);$(QtBuildTargets)"
    Condition="'$(QtSkipWork)' != 'true'"
    Outputs="@(QtWork->'####### Don't skip this target #######')">

    <Message Importance="High" Condition="'$(QtDebug)' == 'true' AND '@(QtWork)' != ''"
      Text="## QtWorkPrepare %(QtWork.Identity)" />

    // Calculate hash for the requested work item, based on its associated tool and options
    // -->
    <GetItemHash Condition="'@(QtWork)' != ''"
      Item="@(QtWork)" Keys="Identity;WorkType;ToolPath;Options">
      <Output TaskParameter="Hash" PropertyName="work_hash" />

    // Try to find entry in Qt work log for the requested work item; get logged hash
    // -->
    <PropertyGroup Condition="'@(QtWork)' != ''">
        Condition="'$(dependencies_changed)' == 'true' AND '$(input_changed)' != 'true'"

    <FindInList Condition="'@(QtWork)' != '' AND '$(input_changed)' != 'true'"
      CaseSensitive="false" List="@(QtWorkLog)" ItemSpecToFind="$(work_key)">
      <Output TaskParameter="ItemFound" ItemName="log_entry"/>

    <PropertyGroup Condition="'@(QtWork)' != ''">
      <log_hash Condition="'@(log_entry)' != ''">@(log_entry->'%(Hash)')</log_hash>

    // Skip work item if:
    //  * work is not needed:
    //      - input was not modified
    //      - AND project was not modified OR command line did not change (i.e. hashes are the same)
    //  * OR we're in a design-time build
    // -->
        Condition="'$(input_changed)' == 'true'
               OR ('$(project_changed)' == 'true' AND '$(log_hash)' != '$(work_hash)')"
        Condition="'$(do_work)' != 'true' OR '$(DesignTimeBuild)' == 'true'"

    // Skip work item
    // -->
    <ItemGroup Condition="'@(QtWork)' != '' AND '$(skip_work)' == 'true'">
      <QtWorkResult Include="@(QtWork)">
      <QtWork Remove="@(QtWork)" />

    // Generate new work log entry and ensure path to output exists
    // -->
    <ItemGroup Condition="'@(QtWork)' != '' AND '$(skip_work)' != 'true'">
      <QtWorkLog Remove="$(work_key)"/>
      <QtWorkLog Include="$(work_key)">

    <MakeDir Condition="'@(QtWork)' != '' AND '$(skip_work)' != 'true'"

    // Clean-up
    // -->
      <log_entry Remove="@(log_entry)"/>

  /// TARGET QtWork
  // Run Qt tools and add dynamic C++ sources to build
  // -->
  <Target Name="QtWork"
    Condition="'$(QtSkipWork)' != 'true'"

    <Message Importance="High" Condition="'$(QtDebug)' == 'true'"
      Text="## Qt Build $(QtBuildTargets.Replace(';',' ').Trim())" />

    // Run work locally in parallel processes
    // -->
      Condition="'$(ApplicationType)' != 'Linux' AND '@(QtWork)' != ''
        AND '%(QtWork.ParallelBuild)' == 'true'
        AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'"
      QtWork="@(QtWork)" QtMaxProcs="$(QtMaxProcs)" QtDebug="$(QtDebug)">
      <Output TaskParameter="Result" ItemName="QtWorkResult" />

    // Run work locally in a single process
    // -->
      Condition="'$(ApplicationType)' != 'Linux' AND '@(QtWork)' != ''
        AND '%(QtWork.ParallelBuild)' != 'true'
        AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'"
      QtWork="@(QtWork)" QtMaxProcs="1" QtDebug="$(QtDebug)">
      <Output TaskParameter="Result" ItemName="QtWorkResult" />

    // Run work in build host
    // -->
    <!-- // Translate local paths to host paths -->
      Condition="'$(ApplicationType)' == 'Linux'
        AND '@(QtWork)' != '' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'"
      Items="@(QtWork)" Metadata="ResourceFiles">
      <Output TaskParameter="Result" ItemName="ResourceFiles"/>
      Condition="'$(ApplicationType)' == 'Linux'
        AND '@(QtWork)' != '' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'">
      <LocalPath Include="%(QtWork.Identity)">
        Condition="'%(ResourceFiles.Identity)' != ''"
      <LocalPath Include="%(QtWork.Identity)">
      Condition="'$(ApplicationType)' == 'Linux'
        AND '@(QtWork)' != '' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'"
      Items="@(LocalPath)" Names="InputPath;OutputPath">
      <Output TaskParameter="Result" ItemName="HostPath"/>
      <InputPath Include="@(HostPath->WithMetadataValue('Name', 'InputPath'))" />
      <OutputPath Include="@(HostPath->WithMetadataValue('Name', 'OutputPath'))" />

    <!-- // Run command -->
      Condition="'$(ApplicationType)' == 'Linux'
        AND '%(Identity)' != '' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'"
      Message="@(QtWork->'%(WorkType) %(Identity)')"
      Command="@(QtWork->'%(ToolPath) %(Options)')"

    <!-- // Generate result item -->
      Condition="'$(ApplicationType)' == 'Linux'
        AND '@(QtWork)' != '' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'">
      <QtWorkResult Include="@(QtWork)">

    // Save tracking log of files read during build; used by VS to check the up-to-date status
    // -->
    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'">
      <read_log Include="^%(QtWorkResult.FullPath);%(QtWorkResult.AdditionalDependencies)"
        Condition="'%(QtWorkResult.ExitCode)' == '0' AND '%(QtWorkResult.DisableLog)' != 'true'">
        <Path Condition="$([System.String]::Copy('%(Identity)').StartsWith('^'))">%(Identity)</Path>
        <Path Condition="!$([System.String]::Copy('%(Identity)').StartsWith('^'))"

      Condition="'@(read_log)' != ''"

    // Save tracking log of files written during build; used by VS to check the up-to-date status
    // -->
    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'">
      <write_log Include="^%(QtWorkResult.FullPath);%(QtWorkResult.OutputFile)"
        Condition="'%(QtWorkResult.ExitCode)' == '0' AND '%(QtWorkResult.DisableLog)' != 'true'">
        <Path Condition="$([System.String]::Copy('%(Identity)').StartsWith('^'))">%(Identity)</Path>
        <Path Condition="!$([System.String]::Copy('%(Identity)').StartsWith('^'))"

    <WriteLinesToFile Condition="'@(write_log)' != ''"
     Overwrite="true" Encoding="Unicode"/>

    // Log output files; this is used by VS to determine what files to delete on "Clean"
    // -->
    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'">
      <clean_log Include="%(QtWorkResult.OutputFile)"
        Condition="'%(QtWorkResult.ExitCode)' == '0'">
        <Source>@(QtWorkResult, '|')</Source>

    <WriteLinesToFile Condition="'@(clean_log)' != ''"

    // Log calls to Qt tools; used in QtWorkPrepare to detect changes to the options of Qt tools
    // -->
    <WriteLinesToFile Condition="'@(QtWorkLog)' != '' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'"
      Overwrite="true" Encoding="Unicode"/>

    // Generate build error if a Qt tool did not terminate correctly
    // -->
      Condition="'%(QtWorkResult.ExitCode)' != ''
        AND '%(QtWorkResult.ExitCode)' != '0'
        AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'"
      File="%(QtWorkResult.Identity)" Code="%(QtWorkResult.ExitCode)"
      Text="%(QtWorkResult.WorkType) (%(QtWorkResult.ToolPath))"/>

    // Add dynamic C++ sources to build
    // -->
        Condition="'%(QtWorkResult.ExitCode)' == '0' AND '%(QtWorkResult.ClCompile)' != ''"
    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(ApplicationType)' == 'Linux'">
      <QtWork_ClCompile Condition="'%(QtWork_ClCompile.ObjectFileName)' == ''">

    <!-- // Copy default C++ compiler properties -->
    <Expand Condition="'@(QtWork_ClCompile)' != ''"
      BaseItem="@(ClCompile->WithMetadataValue('Identity', 'DefaultClCompile'))">
      <Output TaskParameter="Result" ItemName="QtWork_ClCompile_Expanded"/>

    <!-- // Force pre-compiled header include -->
    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(ApplicationType)' != 'Linux'">
        <ForcedIncludeFiles Condition="'%(PrecompiledHeader)' == 'Use'"

    <!-- // Add C++ source items and clean-up temp items -->
      <ClCompile Include="@(QtWork_ClCompile_Expanded)"/>
      <QtWork_ClCompile_Expanded Remove="@(QtWork_ClCompile_Expanded)"/>
      <QtWork_ClCompile Remove="@(QtWork_ClCompile)"/>

    <!--// If sources were manually selected (e.g. by the 'Compile' option in the context menu for
        // project items), add generated C++ sources to the list of selected files -->
    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(SelectedFiles)' != ''">
    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(SelectedClCompile)' != ''">
    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(SelectedClCompile)' != ''">
      <SelectedFiles Include="$(SelectedClCompile)"/>

    // Update C++ sources with generated information
    // -->
      <ClCompile_Updated Include="@(ClCompile)">
      <ClCompile Remove="@(ClCompile)"/>
      <ClCompile Include="@(ClCompile_Updated)"/>
      <ClCompile_Updated Remove="@(ClCompile_Updated)"/>

    // Clean-up
    // -->
      <QtWork       Remove="@(QtWork)"/>
      <QtWorkResult Remove="@(QtWorkResult)"/>
      <QtWorkLog    Remove="@(QtWorkLog)"/>
      <read_log     Remove="@(read_log)"/>
      <write_log    Remove="@(write_log)"/>
      <clean_log    Remove="@(clean_log)"/>

  /// TARGET Qt
  // Root Qt target
  // -->
  <Target Name="Qt" DependsOnTargets="QtPrepare;QtWork" BeforeTargets="FixupCLCompileOptions">
      <ClCompile Remove="DefaultClCompile" />

  /// TARGET QtOuterBuild
  // Run targets in $(QtOuterBuildDependsOn) and then recursively invoke build
  // -->
  <Target Name="QtOuterBuild" DependsOnTargets="$(QtOuterBuildDependsOn)">
    <!--// Invoke inner build: recursive build in second MSBuild instance -->

    Condition="'$(QtInnerBuild)' == '' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'">
    <!--// Outer build: invoke inner build -->

    Condition="'$(QtInnerBuild)' != '$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'">
    <!--// Dependent project inner build: skip build -->
