// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include "Common.h" #include "Atomic.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "LogManager.h" #include "debugger/debugger.h" #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX #include "DlgSettings.h" GFXConfigDialogDX *m_ConfigFrame = NULL; #endif // HAVE_WX #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX #include "Debugger/Debugger.h" #endif // HAVE_WX #include "main.h" #include "VideoConfig.h" #include "Fifo.h" #include "OpcodeDecoding.h" #include "TextureCache.h" #include "BPStructs.h" #include "VertexManager.h" #include "VertexLoaderManager.h" #include "VertexShaderManager.h" #include "PixelShaderManager.h" #include "VertexShaderCache.h" #include "PixelShaderCache.h" #include "CommandProcessor.h" #include "PixelEngine.h" #include "OnScreenDisplay.h" #include "DlgSettings.h" #include "D3DTexture.h" #include "D3DUtil.h" #include "EmuWindow.h" #include "VideoState.h" #include "XFBConvert.h" #include "render.h" #include "DLCache.h" HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; SVideoInitialize g_VideoInitialize; PLUGIN_GLOBALS* globals = NULL; static bool s_PluginInitialized = false; volatile u32 s_swapRequested = FALSE; static u32 s_efbAccessRequested = FALSE; static volatile u32 s_FifoShuttingDown = FALSE; static volatile struct { u32 xfbAddr; FieldType field; u32 fbWidth; u32 fbHeight; } s_beginFieldArgs; static volatile EFBAccessType s_AccessEFBType; bool IsD3D() { return true; } // This is used for the functions right below here which use wxwidgets #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE void wxSetInstance(HINSTANCE hInst); #endif void *DllDebugger(void *_hParent, bool Show) { #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX return new GFXDebuggerDX9((wxWindow *)_hParent); #else return NULL; #endif } #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX class wxDLLApp : public wxApp { bool OnInit() { return true; } }; IMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN(wxDLLApp) WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE void wxSetInstance(HINSTANCE hInst); #endif BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX wxSetInstance((HINSTANCE)hinstDLL); wxInitialize(); #endif } break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX wxUninitialize(); #endif break; } g_hInstance = hinstDLL; return TRUE; } unsigned int Callback_PeekMessages() { MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) return FALSE; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return TRUE; } void UpdateFPSDisplay(const char *text) { TCHAR temp[512]; swprintf_s(temp, 512, _T("SVN R%s: DX9: %hs"), svn_rev_str, text); SetWindowText(EmuWindow::GetWnd(), temp); } void GetDllInfo(PLUGIN_INFO* _PluginInfo) { _PluginInfo->Version = 0x0100; _PluginInfo->Type = PLUGIN_TYPE_VIDEO; #ifdef DEBUGFAST sprintf_s(_PluginInfo->Name, 100, "Dolphin Direct3D9 (DebugFast)"); #elif defined _DEBUG sprintf_s(_PluginInfo->Name, 100, "Dolphin Direct3D9 (Debug)"); #else sprintf_s(_PluginInfo->Name, 100, "Dolphin Direct3D9"); #endif } void SetDllGlobals(PLUGIN_GLOBALS* _pPluginGlobals) { globals = _pPluginGlobals; LogManager::SetInstance((LogManager*)globals->logManager); } void DllAbout(HWND _hParent) { //DialogBox(g_hInstance,(LPCTSTR)IDD_ABOUT,_hParent,(DLGPROC)AboutProc); } void DllConfig(void *_hParent) { // If not initialized, only init D3D so we can enumerate resolutions. if (!s_PluginInitialized) D3D::Init(); g_Config.Load((std::string(File::GetUserPath(D_CONFIG_IDX)) + "gfx_dx9.ini").c_str()); g_Config.GameIniLoad(globals->game_ini); UpdateActiveConfig(); #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX m_ConfigFrame = new GFXConfigDialogDX((wxWindow *)_hParent); m_ConfigFrame->CreateGUIControls(); m_ConfigFrame->ShowModal(); m_ConfigFrame->Destroy(); #endif if (!s_PluginInitialized) D3D::Shutdown(); } void Initialize(void *init) { frameCount = 0; SVideoInitialize *_pVideoInitialize = (SVideoInitialize*)init; // Create a shortcut to _pVideoInitialize that can also update it g_VideoInitialize = *(_pVideoInitialize); InitXFBConvTables(); g_Config.Load((std::string(File::GetUserPath(D_CONFIG_IDX)) + "gfx_dx9.ini").c_str()); g_Config.GameIniLoad(globals->game_ini); UpdateProjectionHack(g_Config.iPhackvalue); // DX9 projection hack could be disabled by commenting out this line UpdateActiveConfig(); g_VideoInitialize.pWindowHandle = (void*)EmuWindow::Create((HWND)g_VideoInitialize.pWindowHandle, g_hInstance, _T("Loading - Please wait.")); if (g_VideoInitialize.pWindowHandle == NULL) { ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "An error has occurred while trying to create the window."); return; } else if (FAILED(D3D::Init())) { MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), _T("Unable to initialize Direct3D. Please make sure that you have the latest version of DirectX 9.0c correctly installed."), _T("Fatal Error"), MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK); return; } g_VideoInitialize.pPeekMessages = &Callback_PeekMessages; g_VideoInitialize.pUpdateFPSDisplay = &UpdateFPSDisplay; _pVideoInitialize->pPeekMessages = g_VideoInitialize.pPeekMessages; _pVideoInitialize->pUpdateFPSDisplay = g_VideoInitialize.pUpdateFPSDisplay; // Now the window handle is written _pVideoInitialize->pWindowHandle = g_VideoInitialize.pWindowHandle; OSD::AddMessage("Dolphin Direct3D9 Video Plugin.", 5000); s_PluginInitialized = true; } void Video_Prepare() { // Better be safe... s_efbAccessRequested = FALSE; s_FifoShuttingDown = FALSE; s_swapRequested = FALSE; // internal interfaces Renderer::Init(); TextureCache::Init(); g_vertex_manager = new DX9::VertexManager; // VideoCommon BPInit(); Fifo_Init(); VertexLoaderManager::Init(); OpcodeDecoder_Init(); VertexShaderManager::Init(); PixelShaderManager::Init(); CommandProcessor::Init(); PixelEngine::Init(); DLCache::Init(); // Notify the core that the video plugin is ready g_VideoInitialize.pCoreMessage(WM_USER_CREATE); } void Shutdown() { s_PluginInitialized = false; s_efbAccessRequested = FALSE; s_FifoShuttingDown = FALSE; s_swapRequested = FALSE; // VideoCommon DLCache::Shutdown(); Fifo_Shutdown(); CommandProcessor::Shutdown(); PixelShaderManager::Shutdown(); VertexShaderManager::Shutdown(); OpcodeDecoder_Shutdown(); VertexLoaderManager::Shutdown(); // internal interfaces PixelShaderCache::Shutdown(); VertexShaderCache::Shutdown(); delete g_vertex_manager; TextureCache::Shutdown(); Renderer::Shutdown(); D3D::Shutdown(); EmuWindow::Close(); } void DoState(unsigned char **ptr, int mode) { // Clear texture cache because it might have written to RAM CommandProcessor::FifoCriticalEnter(); TextureCache::Invalidate(false); CommandProcessor::FifoCriticalLeave(); // No need to clear shader caches PointerWrap p(ptr, mode); VideoCommon_DoState(p); } void EmuStateChange(PLUGIN_EMUSTATE newState) { Fifo_RunLoop((newState == PLUGIN_EMUSTATE_PLAY) ? true : false); } // Enter and exit the video loop void Video_EnterLoop() { Fifo_EnterLoop(g_VideoInitialize); } void Video_ExitLoop() { Fifo_ExitLoop(); s_FifoShuttingDown = TRUE; } void Video_SetRendering(bool bEnabled) { Fifo_SetRendering(bEnabled); } // Run from the graphics thread (from Fifo.cpp) void VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequest() { if(g_ActiveConfig.bUseXFB) { if (Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_swapRequested)) { EFBRectangle rc; Renderer::Swap(s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr, s_beginFieldArgs.field, s_beginFieldArgs.fbWidth, s_beginFieldArgs.fbHeight,rc); Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_swapRequested, FALSE); } } } static inline bool addrRangesOverlap(u32 aLower, u32 aUpper, u32 bLower, u32 bUpper) { return !((aLower >= bUpper) || (bLower >= aUpper)); } // Run from the graphics thread (from Fifo.cpp) void VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequestAt(u32 xfbAddr, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight) { if (g_ActiveConfig.bUseXFB) { if(Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_swapRequested)) { u32 aLower = xfbAddr; u32 aUpper = xfbAddr + 2 * fbWidth * fbHeight; u32 bLower = s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr; u32 bUpper = s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr + 2 * s_beginFieldArgs.fbWidth * s_beginFieldArgs.fbHeight; if (addrRangesOverlap(aLower, aUpper, bLower, bUpper)) VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequest(); } } } // Run from the CPU thread (from VideoInterface.cpp) void Video_BeginField(u32 xfbAddr, FieldType field, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight) { if (s_PluginInitialized && g_ActiveConfig.bUseXFB) { if (g_VideoInitialize.bOnThread) { while (Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_swapRequested) && !s_FifoShuttingDown) //Common::SleepCurrentThread(1); Common::YieldCPU(); } else VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequest(); s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr = xfbAddr; s_beginFieldArgs.field = field; s_beginFieldArgs.fbWidth = fbWidth; s_beginFieldArgs.fbHeight = fbHeight; Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_swapRequested, TRUE); } } // Run from the CPU thread (from VideoInterface.cpp) void Video_EndField() { } void Video_AddMessage(const char* pstr, u32 milliseconds) { OSD::AddMessage(pstr, milliseconds); } // Screenshot void Video_Screenshot(const char *_szFilename) { Renderer::SetScreenshot(_szFilename); } static struct { EFBAccessType type; u32 x; u32 y; u32 Data; } s_accessEFBArgs; static u32 s_AccessEFBResult = 0; void VideoFifo_CheckEFBAccess() { if (Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_efbAccessRequested)) { s_AccessEFBResult = Renderer::AccessEFB(s_accessEFBArgs.type, s_accessEFBArgs.x, s_accessEFBArgs.y); Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_efbAccessRequested, FALSE); } } u32 Video_AccessEFB(EFBAccessType type, u32 x, u32 y, u32 InputData) { if (s_PluginInitialized) { s_accessEFBArgs.type = type; s_accessEFBArgs.x = x; s_accessEFBArgs.y = y; s_accessEFBArgs.Data = InputData; Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_efbAccessRequested, TRUE); if (g_VideoInitialize.bOnThread) { while (Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_efbAccessRequested) && !s_FifoShuttingDown) //Common::SleepCurrentThread(1); Common::YieldCPU(); } else VideoFifo_CheckEFBAccess(); return s_AccessEFBResult; } return 0; } void VideoFifo_CheckAsyncRequest() { VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequest(); VideoFifo_CheckEFBAccess(); } void Video_CommandProcessorRead16(u16& _rReturnValue, const u32 _Address) { CommandProcessor::Read16(_rReturnValue, _Address); } void Video_CommandProcessorWrite16(const u16 _Data, const u32 _Address) { CommandProcessor::Write16(_Data, _Address); } void Video_PixelEngineRead16(u16& _rReturnValue, const u32 _Address) { PixelEngine::Read16(_rReturnValue, _Address); } void Video_PixelEngineWrite16(const u16 _Data, const u32 _Address) { PixelEngine::Write16(_Data, _Address); } void Video_PixelEngineWrite32(const u32 _Data, const u32 _Address) { PixelEngine::Write32(_Data, _Address); } void Video_GatherPipeBursted(void) { CommandProcessor::GatherPipeBursted(); } void Video_WaitForFrameFinish(void) { CommandProcessor::WaitForFrameFinish(); } bool Video_IsFifoBusy(void) { return CommandProcessor::isFifoBusy; } void Video_AbortFrame(void) { CommandProcessor::AbortFrame(); }