// Copyright 2017 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "DolphinQt2/HotkeyScheduler.h" #include #include #include #include "AudioCommon/AudioCommon.h" #include "Common/Thread.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/HotkeyManager.h" #include "Core/IOS/IOS.h" #include "Core/IOS/USB/Bluetooth/BTBase.h" #include "Core/State.h" #include "DolphinQt2/MainWindow.h" #include "DolphinQt2/Settings.h" #include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/ControllerInterface.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h" constexpr const char* DUBOIS_ALGORITHM_SHADER = "dubois"; HotkeyScheduler::HotkeyScheduler() : m_stop_requested(false) { HotkeyManagerEmu::Initialize(); HotkeyManagerEmu::LoadConfig(); HotkeyManagerEmu::Enable(true); } HotkeyScheduler::~HotkeyScheduler() { Stop(); } void HotkeyScheduler::Start() { m_stop_requested.Set(false); m_thread = std::thread(&HotkeyScheduler::Run, this); } void HotkeyScheduler::Stop() { m_stop_requested.Set(true); if (m_thread.joinable()) m_thread.join(); } static bool IsHotkey(int id, bool held = false) { return HotkeyManagerEmu::IsPressed(id, held); } static void HandleFrameskipHotkeys() { constexpr int MAX_FRAME_SKIP_DELAY = 60; constexpr int FRAME_STEP_DELAY = 30; static int frame_step_count = 0; static int frame_step_delay = 1; static int frame_step_delay_count = 0; static bool frame_step_hold = false; if (IsHotkey(HK_FRAME_ADVANCE_INCREASE_SPEED)) { frame_step_delay = std::min(frame_step_delay + 1, MAX_FRAME_SKIP_DELAY); return; } if (IsHotkey(HK_FRAME_ADVANCE_DECREASE_SPEED)) { frame_step_delay = std::max(frame_step_delay - 1, 0); return; } if (IsHotkey(HK_FRAME_ADVANCE_RESET_SPEED)) { frame_step_delay = 1; return; } if (IsHotkey(HK_FRAME_ADVANCE, true)) { if (frame_step_delay_count < frame_step_delay && frame_step_hold) frame_step_delay_count++; // TODO GUI Update (Depends on an unimplemented feature) // if ((frame_step_count == 0 || frame_step_count == FRAME_STEP_DELAY) && !frame_step_hold) if (frame_step_count < FRAME_STEP_DELAY) { ++frame_step_count; if (frame_step_hold) frame_step_hold = false; } if (frame_step_count == FRAME_STEP_DELAY && frame_step_hold && frame_step_delay_count >= frame_step_delay) { frame_step_hold = false; frame_step_delay_count = 0; } return; } if (frame_step_count > 0) { // Reset frame advance frame_step_count = 0; frame_step_hold = false; frame_step_delay_count = 0; } } void HotkeyScheduler::Run() { while (!m_stop_requested.IsSet()) { Common::SleepCurrentThread(1000 / 60); if (!HotkeyManagerEmu::IsEnabled()) continue; if (Core::GetState() == Core::State::Uninitialized || Core::GetState() == Core::State::Paused) g_controller_interface.UpdateInput(); if (Core::GetState() != Core::State::Stopping) { HotkeyManagerEmu::GetStatus(); if (!Core::IsRunningAndStarted()) continue; // Fullscreen if (IsHotkey(HK_FULLSCREEN)) emit FullScreenHotkey(); // Pause and Unpause if (IsHotkey(HK_PLAY_PAUSE)) emit PauseHotkey(); // Stop if (IsHotkey(HK_STOP)) emit StopHotkey(); // Frameskipping HandleFrameskipHotkeys(); // Screenshot if (IsHotkey(HK_SCREENSHOT)) emit ScreenShotHotkey(); // Exit if (IsHotkey(HK_EXIT)) emit ExitHotkey(); // Volume if (IsHotkey(HK_VOLUME_DOWN)) AudioCommon::DecreaseVolume(3); if (IsHotkey(HK_VOLUME_UP)) AudioCommon::IncreaseVolume(3); if (IsHotkey(HK_VOLUME_TOGGLE_MUTE)) AudioCommon::ToggleMuteVolume(); auto& settings = Settings::Instance(); // Wiimote if (settings.IsBluetoothPassthroughEnabled()) { const auto ios = IOS::HLE::GetIOS(); auto device = ios ? ios->GetDeviceByName("/dev/usb/oh1/57e/305") : nullptr; if (device != nullptr) std::static_pointer_cast(device)->UpdateSyncButtonState( IsHotkey(HK_TRIGGER_SYNC_BUTTON, true)); } // TODO Debugging shortcuts (Separate PR) if (settings.IsWiiGameRunning()) { int wiimote_id = -1; if (IsHotkey(HK_WIIMOTE1_CONNECT)) wiimote_id = 0; if (IsHotkey(HK_WIIMOTE2_CONNECT)) wiimote_id = 1; if (IsHotkey(HK_WIIMOTE3_CONNECT)) wiimote_id = 2; if (IsHotkey(HK_WIIMOTE4_CONNECT)) wiimote_id = 3; if (IsHotkey(HK_BALANCEBOARD_CONNECT)) wiimote_id = 4; // TODO Implement Wiimote connecting / disconnecting (Separate PR) // if (wiimote_id > -1) } // Graphics if (IsHotkey(HK_INCREASE_IR)) ++g_Config.iEFBScale; if (IsHotkey(HK_DECREASE_IR)) g_Config.iEFBScale = std::max(g_Config.iEFBScale - 1, static_cast(SCALE_AUTO)); if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_CROP)) g_Config.bCrop = !g_Config.bCrop; if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_AR)) g_Config.iAspectRatio = (g_Config.iAspectRatio + 1) & 3; if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_EFBCOPIES)) g_Config.bSkipEFBCopyToRam = !g_Config.bSkipEFBCopyToRam; if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_FOG)) g_Config.bDisableFog = !g_Config.bDisableFog; if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_DUMPTEXTURES)) g_Config.bDumpTextures = !g_Config.bDumpTextures; if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_TEXTURES)) g_Config.bHiresTextures = !g_Config.bHiresTextures; Core::SetIsThrottlerTempDisabled(IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_THROTTLE, true)); if (IsHotkey(HK_DECREASE_EMULATION_SPEED)) { auto speed = settings.GetEmulationSpeed() - 0.1; speed = (speed <= 0 || (speed >= 0.95 && speed <= 1.05)) ? 1.0 : speed; settings.SetEmulationSpeed(speed); } if (IsHotkey(HK_INCREASE_EMULATION_SPEED)) { auto speed = settings.GetEmulationSpeed() + 0.1; speed = (speed >= 0.95 && speed <= 1.05) ? 1.0 : speed; settings.SetEmulationSpeed(speed); } // Slot Saving / Loading if (IsHotkey(HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_SELECTED)) emit StateSaveSlotHotkey(); if (IsHotkey(HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_SELECTED)) emit StateLoadSlotHotkey(); // Stereoscopy if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_STEREO_SBS) || IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_STEREO_TAB)) { if (g_Config.iStereoMode != STEREO_SBS) { // Disable post-processing shader, as stereoscopy itself is currently a shader if (g_Config.sPostProcessingShader == DUBOIS_ALGORITHM_SHADER) g_Config.sPostProcessingShader = ""; g_Config.iStereoMode = IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_STEREO_SBS) ? STEREO_SBS : STEREO_TAB; } else { g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_OFF; } } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_STEREO_ANAGLYPH)) { if (g_Config.iStereoMode != STEREO_ANAGLYPH) { g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_ANAGLYPH; g_Config.sPostProcessingShader = DUBOIS_ALGORITHM_SHADER; } else { g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_OFF; g_Config.sPostProcessingShader = ""; } } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_STEREO_3DVISION)) { if (g_Config.iStereoMode != STEREO_3DVISION) { if (g_Config.sPostProcessingShader == DUBOIS_ALGORITHM_SHADER) g_Config.sPostProcessingShader = ""; g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_3DVISION; } else { g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_OFF; } } } if (IsHotkey(HK_DECREASE_DEPTH, true)) g_Config.iStereoDepth = std::max(g_Config.iStereoDepth - 1, 0); if (IsHotkey(HK_INCREASE_DEPTH, true)) g_Config.iStereoDepth = std::min(g_Config.iStereoDepth + 1, 100); if (IsHotkey(HK_DECREASE_CONVERGENCE, true)) g_Config.iStereoConvergence = std::max(g_Config.iStereoConvergence - 5, 0); if (IsHotkey(HK_INCREASE_CONVERGENCE, true)) g_Config.iStereoConvergence = std::min(g_Config.iStereoConvergence + 5, 500); // Freelook static float fl_speed = 1.0; if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_DECREASE_SPEED, true)) fl_speed /= 1.1f; if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_INCREASE_SPEED, true)) fl_speed *= 1.1f; if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_RESET_SPEED, true)) fl_speed = 1.0; if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_UP, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(0.0, 0.0, -fl_speed); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_DOWN, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(0.0, 0.0, fl_speed); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_LEFT, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(fl_speed, 0.0); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_RIGHT, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(-fl_speed, 0.0); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_ZOOM_IN, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(0.0, fl_speed); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_ZOOM_OUT, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(0.0, -fl_speed); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_RESET, true)) VertexShaderManager::ResetView(); // Savestates for (u32 i = 0; i < State::NUM_STATES; i++) { if (IsHotkey(HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_1 + i)) State::Load(i + 1); if (IsHotkey(HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_1 + i)) State::Save(i + 1); if (IsHotkey(HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_1 + i)) State::LoadLastSaved(i + 1); if (IsHotkey(HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_1 + i)) emit SetStateSlotHotkey(i + 1); } if (IsHotkey(HK_SAVE_FIRST_STATE)) State::SaveFirstSaved(); if (IsHotkey(HK_UNDO_LOAD_STATE)) State::UndoLoadState(); if (IsHotkey(HK_UNDO_SAVE_STATE)) State::UndoSaveState(); } }