///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/msw/sockmsw.cpp // Purpose: MSW-specific socket code // Authors: Guilhem Lavaux, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia // Created: April 1997 // Copyright: (C) 1999-1997, Guilhem Lavaux // (C) 1999-2000, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia // (C) 2008 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_SOCKETS /* including rasasync.h (included from windows.h itself included from * wx/setup.h and/or winsock.h results in this warning for * RPCNOTIFICATION_ROUTINE */ #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(disable:4115) /* named type definition in parentheses */ #endif #include "wx/private/socket.h" #include "wx/msw/private.h" // for wxGetInstance() #include "wx/private/fd.h" #include "wx/apptrait.h" #include "wx/thread.h" #include "wx/dynlib.h" #include "wx/link.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(default:4115) /* named type definition in parentheses */ #endif #include "wx/msw/private/hiddenwin.h" #define CLASSNAME TEXT("_wxSocket_Internal_Window_Class") /* Maximum number of different wxSocket objects at a given time. * This value can be modified at will, but it CANNOT be greater * than (0x7FFF - WM_USER + 1) */ #define MAXSOCKETS 1024 #if (MAXSOCKETS > (0x7FFF - WM_USER + 1)) #error "MAXSOCKETS is too big!" #endif typedef int (PASCAL *WSAAsyncSelect_t)(SOCKET,HWND,u_int,long); LRESULT CALLBACK wxSocket_Internal_WinProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); /* Global variables */ static HWND hWin; wxCRIT_SECT_DECLARE_MEMBER(gs_critical); static wxSocketImplMSW *socketList[MAXSOCKETS]; static int firstAvailable; static WSAAsyncSelect_t gs_WSAAsyncSelect = NULL; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MSW implementation of wxSocketManager // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxSocketMSWManager : public wxSocketManager { public: virtual bool OnInit(); virtual void OnExit(); virtual wxSocketImpl *CreateSocket(wxSocketBase& wxsocket) { return new wxSocketImplMSW(wxsocket); } virtual void Install_Callback(wxSocketImpl *socket, wxSocketNotify event = wxSOCKET_LOST); virtual void Uninstall_Callback(wxSocketImpl *socket, wxSocketNotify event = wxSOCKET_LOST); private: static wxDynamicLibrary gs_wsock32dll; }; wxDynamicLibrary wxSocketMSWManager::gs_wsock32dll; bool wxSocketMSWManager::OnInit() { LPCTSTR pclassname = NULL; int i; /* Create internal window for event notifications */ hWin = wxCreateHiddenWindow(&pclassname, CLASSNAME, wxSocket_Internal_WinProc); if (!hWin) return false; /* Initialize socket list */ for (i = 0; i < MAXSOCKETS; i++) { socketList[i] = NULL; } firstAvailable = 0; // we don't link with wsock32.dll statically to avoid // dependencies on it for all the application using wx even if they don't use // sockets #define WINSOCK_DLL_NAME wxT("wsock32.dll") gs_wsock32dll.Load(WINSOCK_DLL_NAME, wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET); if ( !gs_wsock32dll.IsLoaded() ) return false; wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, WSAAsyncSelect, gs_wsock32dll); if ( !gs_WSAAsyncSelect ) return false; // finally initialize WinSock WSADATA wsaData; return WSAStartup((1 << 8) | 1, &wsaData) == 0; } void wxSocketMSWManager::OnExit() { /* Destroy internal window */ DestroyWindow(hWin); UnregisterClass(CLASSNAME, wxGetInstance()); WSACleanup(); gs_wsock32dll.Unload(); } /* Per-socket GUI initialization / cleanup */ wxSocketImplMSW::wxSocketImplMSW(wxSocketBase& wxsocket) : wxSocketImpl(wxsocket) { /* Allocate a new message number for this socket */ wxCRIT_SECT_LOCKER(lock, gs_critical); int i = firstAvailable; while (socketList[i] != NULL) { i = (i + 1) % MAXSOCKETS; if (i == firstAvailable) /* abort! */ { m_msgnumber = 0; // invalid return; } } socketList[i] = this; firstAvailable = (i + 1) % MAXSOCKETS; m_msgnumber = (i + WM_USER); } wxSocketImplMSW::~wxSocketImplMSW() { /* Remove the socket from the list */ wxCRIT_SECT_LOCKER(lock, gs_critical); if ( m_msgnumber ) { // we need to remove any pending messages for this socket to avoid having // them sent to a new socket which could reuse the same message number as // soon as we destroy this one MSG msg; while ( ::PeekMessage(&msg, hWin, m_msgnumber, m_msgnumber, PM_REMOVE) ) ; socketList[m_msgnumber - WM_USER] = NULL; } //else: the socket has never been created successfully } /* Windows proc for asynchronous event handling */ LRESULT CALLBACK wxSocket_Internal_WinProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if ( uMsg < WM_USER || uMsg > (WM_USER + MAXSOCKETS - 1)) return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); wxSocketImplMSW *socket; wxSocketNotify event = (wxSocketNotify)-1; { wxCRIT_SECT_LOCKER(lock, gs_critical); socket = socketList[(uMsg - WM_USER)]; if ( !socket ) return 0; // the socket may be already closed but we could still receive // notifications for it sent (asynchronously) before it got closed if ( socket->m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET ) return 0; wxASSERT_MSG( socket->m_fd == (SOCKET)wParam, "mismatch between message and socket?" ); switch ( WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lParam) ) { case FD_READ: // We may get a FD_READ notification even when there is no data // to read on the socket, in particular this happens on socket // creation when we seem to always get FD_CONNECT, FD_WRITE and // FD_READ notifications all at once (but it doesn't happen // only then). Ignore such dummy notifications. { fd_set fds; timeval tv = { 0, 0 }; wxFD_ZERO(&fds); wxFD_SET(socket->m_fd, &fds); if ( select(socket->m_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) != 1 ) return 0; } event = wxSOCKET_INPUT; break; case FD_WRITE: event = wxSOCKET_OUTPUT; break; case FD_ACCEPT: event = wxSOCKET_CONNECTION; break; case FD_CONNECT: event = WSAGETSELECTERROR(lParam) ? wxSOCKET_LOST : wxSOCKET_CONNECTION; break; case FD_CLOSE: event = wxSOCKET_LOST; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( "unexpected socket notification" ); return 0; } } // unlock gs_critical socket->NotifyOnStateChange(event); return 0; } /* * Enable all event notifications; we need to be notified of all * events for internal processing, but we will only notify users * when an appropriate callback function has been installed. */ void wxSocketMSWManager::Install_Callback(wxSocketImpl *socket_, wxSocketNotify WXUNUSED(event)) { wxSocketImplMSW * const socket = static_cast(socket_); if (socket->m_fd != INVALID_SOCKET) { /* We could probably just subscribe to all events regardless * of the socket type, but MS recommends to do it this way. */ long lEvent = socket->m_server? FD_ACCEPT : (FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE); gs_WSAAsyncSelect(socket->m_fd, hWin, socket->m_msgnumber, lEvent); } } /* * Disable event notifications (used when shutting down the socket) */ void wxSocketMSWManager::Uninstall_Callback(wxSocketImpl *socket_, wxSocketNotify WXUNUSED(event)) { wxSocketImplMSW * const socket = static_cast(socket_); if (socket->m_fd != INVALID_SOCKET) { gs_WSAAsyncSelect(socket->m_fd, hWin, socket->m_msgnumber, 0); } } // set the wxBase variable to point to our wxSocketManager implementation // // see comments in wx/apptrait.h for the explanation of why do we do it // like this static struct ManagerSetter { ManagerSetter() { static wxSocketMSWManager s_manager; wxAppTraits::SetDefaultSocketManager(&s_manager); } } gs_managerSetter; // see the relative linker macro in socket.cpp wxFORCE_LINK_THIS_MODULE( mswsocket ); // ============================================================================ // wxSocketImpl implementation // ============================================================================ void wxSocketImplMSW::DoClose() { wxSocketManager::Get()->Uninstall_Callback(this); closesocket(m_fd); } wxSocketError wxSocketImplMSW::GetLastError() const { switch ( WSAGetLastError() ) { case 0: return wxSOCKET_NOERROR; case WSAENOTSOCK: return wxSOCKET_INVSOCK; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: return wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK; default: return wxSOCKET_IOERR; } } #endif // wxUSE_SOCKETS