// Copyright (C) 2010 Dolphin Project.

// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.

// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/


// windows crap
#define NOMINMAX

#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

#include "GCPadStatus.h"
#include "pluginspecs_wiimote.h"

#include "ControllerInterface/ControllerInterface.h"
#include "IniFile.h"

#define sign(x) ((x)?(x)<0?-1:1:0)


const char * const named_directions[] = 

class ControllerEmu

	class ControlGroup

		class Control
			Control( ControllerInterface::ControlReference* const _ref, const char * const _name )
				: control_ref(_ref), name(_name){}

			virtual ~Control();
			ControllerInterface::ControlReference*		const control_ref;
			const char * const		name;


		class Input : public Control

			Input( const char * const _name )
				: Control( new ControllerInterface::InputReference, _name ) {}


		class Output : public Control

			Output( const char * const _name )
				: Control( new ControllerInterface::OutputReference, _name ) {}


		class Setting

			Setting(const char* const _name, const ControlState def_value
				, const unsigned int _low = 0, const unsigned int _high = 100 )
				: name(_name)
				, value(def_value)
				, default_value(def_value)
				, low(_low)
				, high(_high){}

			const char* const	name;
			ControlState		value;
			const ControlState	default_value;
			const unsigned int	low, high;

		ControlGroup( const char* const _name, const unsigned int _type = GROUP_TYPE_OTHER ) : name(_name), type(_type) {}
		virtual ~ControlGroup();
		virtual void LoadConfig(IniFile::Section *sec, const std::string& defdev = "", const std::string& base = "" );
		virtual void SaveConfig(IniFile::Section *sec, const std::string& defdev = "", const std::string& base = "" );

		const char* const			name;
		const unsigned int			type;

		std::vector< Control* >		controls;
		std::vector< Setting* >		settings;


	class AnalogStick : public ControlGroup

		template <typename C>
		void GetState( C* const x, C* const y, const unsigned int base, const unsigned int range )
			// this is all a mess

			ControlState yy = controls[0]->control_ref->State() - controls[1]->control_ref->State();
			ControlState xx = controls[3]->control_ref->State() - controls[2]->control_ref->State();

			ControlState deadzone = settings[0]->value;
			ControlState square = settings[1]->value;
			ControlState m = controls[4]->control_ref->State();

			// modifier code
			if ( m )
				yy = (fabsf(yy)>deadzone) * sign(yy) * (m + deadzone/2);
				xx = (fabsf(xx)>deadzone) * sign(xx) * (m + deadzone/2);

			// deadzone / square stick code
			if ( deadzone || square )
				// this section might be all wrong, but its working good enough, i think

				ControlState ang = atan2( yy, xx ); 
				ControlState ang_sin = sin(ang);
				ControlState ang_cos = cos(ang);

				// the amt a full square stick would have at current angle
				ControlState square_full = std::min( ang_sin ? 1/fabsf(ang_sin) : 2, ang_cos ? 1/fabsf(ang_cos) : 2 );

				// the amt a full stick would have that was ( user setting squareness) at current angle
				// i think this is more like a pointed circle rather than a rounded square like it should be
				ControlState stick_full = ( 1 + ( square_full - 1 ) * square );

				ControlState dist = sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy);

				// dead zone code
				dist = std::max( 0.0f, dist - deadzone * stick_full );
				dist /= ( 1 - deadzone );

				// square stick code
				ControlState amt = dist / stick_full;
				dist -= ((square_full - 1) * amt * square);

				yy = std::max( -1.0f, std::min( 1.0f, ang_sin * dist ) );
				xx = std::max( -1.0f, std::min( 1.0f, ang_cos * dist ) );

			*y = C( yy * range + base );
			*x = C( xx * range + base );

		AnalogStick( const char* const _name );


	class Buttons : public ControlGroup
		Buttons( const char* const _name );

		template <typename C>
		void GetState( C* const buttons, const C* bitmasks )
			std::vector<Control*>::iterator i = controls.begin(),
				e = controls.end();
			for ( ; i!=e; ++i, ++bitmasks )
				if ( (*i)->control_ref->State() > settings[0]->value ) // threshold
					*buttons |= *bitmasks;


	class MixedTriggers : public ControlGroup

		template <typename C, typename S>
		void GetState( C* const digital, const C* bitmasks, S* analog, const unsigned int range )
			const unsigned int trig_count = ((unsigned int) (controls.size() / 2));
			for ( unsigned int i=0; i<trig_count; ++i,++bitmasks,++analog )
				if ( controls[i]->control_ref->State() > settings[0]->value ) //threshold
					*analog = range;
					*digital |= *bitmasks;
					*analog = S(controls[i+trig_count]->control_ref->State() * range);

		MixedTriggers( const char* const _name );


	class Triggers : public ControlGroup

		template <typename S>
		void GetState( S* analog, const unsigned int range )
			const unsigned int trig_count = ((unsigned int) (controls.size()));
			const ControlState deadzone = settings[0]->value;
			for ( unsigned int i=0; i<trig_count; ++i,++analog )
				*analog = S( std::max(controls[i]->control_ref->State() - deadzone, 0.0f) / (1 - deadzone) * range );

		Triggers( const char* const _name );


	class Force : public ControlGroup
		Force( const char* const _name );

		template <typename C, typename R>
		void GetState(C* axis, const u8 base, const R range)
			const float deadzone = settings[0]->value;
			for (unsigned int i=0; i<6; i+=2)
				float tmpf = 0;
				const float state = controls[i+1]->control_ref->State() - controls[i]->control_ref->State();
				if (fabsf(state) > deadzone)
					tmpf = ((state - (deadzone * sign(state))) / (1 - deadzone));
					tmpf = 0;

				float &ax = m_swing[i >> 1];

				if (fabs(tmpf) > fabsf(ax))
					if (tmpf > ax)
						ax = std::min(ax + 0.15f, tmpf);
					else if (tmpf < ax)
						ax = std::max(ax - 0.15f, tmpf);
					ax = tmpf;

				*axis++	= (C)(ax * range + base);
		float	m_swing[3];

	class Tilt : public ControlGroup
		Tilt( const char* const _name );

		template <typename C, typename R>
		void GetState(C* const x, C* const y, const unsigned int base, const R range, const bool step = true)
			// this is all a mess

			ControlState yy = controls[0]->control_ref->State() - controls[1]->control_ref->State();
			ControlState xx = controls[3]->control_ref->State() - controls[2]->control_ref->State();

			ControlState deadzone = settings[0]->value;
			ControlState circle = settings[1]->value;
			ControlState m = controls[4]->control_ref->State();

			// modifier code
			if ( m )
				yy = (fabsf(yy)>deadzone) * sign(yy) * (m + deadzone/2);
				xx = (fabsf(xx)>deadzone) * sign(xx) * (m + deadzone/2);

			// deadzone / circle stick code
			if ( deadzone || circle )
				// this section might be all wrong, but its working good enough, i think

				ControlState ang = atan2( yy, xx ); 
				ControlState ang_sin = sin(ang);
				ControlState ang_cos = cos(ang);

				// the amt a full square stick would have at current angle
				ControlState square_full = std::min( ang_sin ? 1/fabsf(ang_sin) : 2, ang_cos ? 1/fabsf(ang_cos) : 2 );

				// the amt a full stick would have that was ( user setting circular ) at current angle
				// i think this is more like a pointed circle rather than a rounded square like it should be
				ControlState stick_full = (square_full * (1 - circle)) + (circle);

				ControlState dist = sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy);

				// dead zone code
				dist = std::max( 0.0f, dist - deadzone * stick_full );
				dist /= (1 - deadzone);

				// circle stick code
				ControlState amt = dist / stick_full;
				dist += (square_full - 1) * amt * circle;

				yy = std::max( -1.0f, std::min( 1.0f, ang_sin * dist ) );
				xx = std::max( -1.0f, std::min( 1.0f, ang_cos * dist ) );

			// this is kinda silly here
			// gui being open will make this happen 2x as fast, o well
			// silly
			if (step)
				if (xx > m_tilt[0])
					m_tilt[0] = std::min(m_tilt[0] + 0.1f, xx);
				else if (xx < m_tilt[0])
					m_tilt[0] = std::max(m_tilt[0] - 0.1f, xx);

				if (yy > m_tilt[1])
					m_tilt[1] = std::min(m_tilt[1] + 0.1f, yy);
				else if (yy < m_tilt[1])
					m_tilt[1] = std::max(m_tilt[1] - 0.1f, yy);

			*y = C( m_tilt[1] * range + base );
			*x = C( m_tilt[0] * range + base );
		float	m_tilt[2];

	class Cursor : public ControlGroup
		Cursor( const char* const _name, const SWiimoteInitialize* const _wiimote_initialize );

		template <typename C>
		void GetState( C* const x, C* const y, C* const z, const bool adjusted = false )
			const float zz = controls[4]->control_ref->State() - controls[5]->control_ref->State();

			// silly being here
			if (zz > m_z)
				m_z = std::min(m_z + 0.1f, zz);
			else if (zz < m_z)
				m_z = std::max(m_z - 0.1f, zz);

			*z = m_z;
			// hide
			if (controls[6]->control_ref->State() > 0.5f)
				*x = 10000; *y = 0;
				float yy = controls[0]->control_ref->State() - controls[1]->control_ref->State();
				float xx = controls[3]->control_ref->State() - controls[2]->control_ref->State();

				// adjust cursor according to settings
				if (adjusted)
					xx *= ( settings[1]->value * 2 );
					yy *= ( settings[2]->value * 2 );
					yy += ( settings[0]->value - 0.5f );

				*x = xx;
				*y = yy;

		const SWiimoteInitialize* const wiimote_initialize;

		float	m_z;

	class Extension : public ControlGroup
		Extension( const char* const _name )
			: ControlGroup( _name, GROUP_TYPE_EXTENSION )
			, switch_extension(0)
			, active_extension(0) {}

		void GetState( u8* const data, const bool focus = true );

		std::vector<ControllerEmu*>		attachments;

		int	switch_extension;
		int	active_extension;

	virtual ~ControllerEmu();

	virtual std::string GetName() const = 0;

	virtual void LoadDefaults(const ControllerInterface& ciface);

	virtual void LoadConfig(IniFile::Section *sec, const std::string& base = "");
	virtual void SaveConfig(IniFile::Section *sec, const std::string& base = "");
	void UpdateDefaultDevice();

	void UpdateReferences( ControllerInterface& devi );

	std::vector< ControlGroup* >		groups;

	ControllerInterface::DeviceQualifier	default_device;

