// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ // CFrame is the main parent window. Inside CFrame there is an m_Panel that is // the parent for the rendering window (when we render to the main window). In // Windows the rendering window is created by giving CreateWindow() // m_Panel->GetHandle() as parent window and creating a new child window to // m_Panel. The new child window handle that is returned by CreateWindow() can // be accessed from Core::GetWindowHandle(). #include "Common.h" // Common #include "FileUtil.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Setup.h" #include "Globals.h" // Local #include "Frame.h" #include "ConfigMain.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "MemcardManager.h" #include "CheatsWindow.h" #include "AboutDolphin.h" #include "GameListCtrl.h" #include "BootManager.h" #include "ConsoleListener.h" #include "ConfigManager.h" // Core #include "Core.h" #include "HW/DVDInterface.h" #include "IPC_HLE/WII_IPC_HLE_Device_usb.h" #include "State.h" #include "VolumeHandler.h" #include // wxWidgets #if defined HAVE_X11 && HAVE_X11 #include #endif // Resources extern "C" { #include "../resources/Dolphin.c" // Dolphin icon #include "../resources/toolbar_browse.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_file_open.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_fullscreen.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_help.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_pause.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_play.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_plugin_dsp.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_plugin_gfx.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_plugin_options.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_plugin_pad.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_refresh.c" #include "../resources/toolbar_stop.c" #include "../resources/Boomy.h" // Theme packages #include "../resources/Vista.h" #include "../resources/X-Plastik.h" #include "../resources/KDE.h" }; // Windows functions. Setting the cursor with wxSetCursor() did not work in // this instance. Probably because it's somehow reset from the WndProc() in // the child window #ifdef _WIN32 // Declare a blank icon and one that will be the normal cursor HCURSOR hCursor = NULL, hCursorBlank = NULL; // Create the default cursor void CreateCursor() { hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); } void MSWSetCursor(bool Show) { if(Show) SetCursor(hCursor); else { SetCursor(hCursorBlank); //wxSetCursor(wxCursor(wxNullCursor)); } } // I could not use FindItemByHWND() instead of this, it crashed on that occation I used it */ HWND MSWGetParent_(HWND Parent) { return GetParent(Parent); } #endif // --------------- // The CPanel class to receive MSWWindowProc messages from the video plugin. extern CFrame* main_frame; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CPanel, wxPanel) END_EVENT_TABLE() CPanel::CPanel( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id ) : wxPanel(parent, id) { } #ifdef _WIN32 WXLRESULT CPanel::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { switch (nMsg) { case WM_USER: switch(wParam) { // Pause case WM_USER_PAUSE: main_frame->DoPause(); break; // Stop case WM_USER_STOP: main_frame->DoStop(); break; case WM_USER_CREATE: main_frame->DoFullscreen(SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bFullscreen); break; case WM_USER_SETCURSOR: if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bHideCursor && main_frame->RendererHasFocus() && Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN) MSWSetCursor(!SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bHideCursor); else MSWSetCursor(true); break; case WIIMOTE_DISCONNECT: if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bWii) { if (main_frame->bNoWiimoteMsg) main_frame->bNoWiimoteMsg = false; else { int wiimote_idx = lParam; int wiimote_num = wiimote_idx + 1; //Auto reconnect if option is turned on. //TODO: Make this only auto reconnect wiimotes that have the option activated. SConfig::GetInstance().LoadSettingsWii();//Make sure we are using the newest settings. if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_WiiAutoReconnect[wiimote_idx]) { GetUsbPointer()->AccessWiiMote(wiimote_idx | 0x100)->Activate(true); NOTICE_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Wiimote %i has been auto-reconnected...", wiimote_num); } else { // The Wiimote has been disconnected, we offer reconnect here. wxMessageDialog *dlg = new wxMessageDialog( this, wxString::Format(wxT("Wiimote %i has been disconnected by system.\n") wxT("Maybe this game doesn't support multi-wiimote,\n") wxT("or maybe it is due to idle time out or other reason.\n\n") wxT("Do you want to reconnect immediately?"), wiimote_num), wxT("Reconnect Wiimote Confirm"), wxYES_NO | wxSTAY_ON_TOP | wxICON_INFORMATION, //wxICON_QUESTION, wxDefaultPosition); if (dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) GetUsbPointer()->AccessWiiMote(wiimote_idx | 0x100)->Activate(true); dlg->Destroy(); } } } } break; default: // By default let wxWidgets do what it normally does with this event return wxPanel::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } #endif CRenderFrame::CRenderFrame(wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxFrame(parent, id, title, pos, size, style) { } #ifdef _WIN32 WXLRESULT CRenderFrame::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { switch (nMsg) { case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch (wParam) { case SC_SCREENSAVE: case SC_MONITORPOWER: if (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN) break; default: return wxFrame::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam); } break; default: // By default let wxWidgets do what it normally does with this event return wxFrame::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } #endif // event tables // Notice that wxID_HELP will be processed for the 'About' menu and the toolbar // help button. const wxEventType wxEVT_HOST_COMMAND = wxNewEventType(); BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CFrame, CRenderFrame) // Menu bar EVT_MENU(wxID_OPEN, CFrame::OnOpen) EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, CFrame::OnQuit) EVT_MENU(IDM_HELPWEBSITE, CFrame::OnHelp) EVT_MENU(IDM_HELPGOOGLECODE, CFrame::OnHelp) EVT_MENU(IDM_HELPABOUT, CFrame::OnHelp) EVT_MENU(wxID_REFRESH, CFrame::OnRefresh) EVT_MENU(IDM_PLAY, CFrame::OnPlay) EVT_MENU(IDM_STOP, CFrame::OnStop) EVT_MENU(IDM_RESET, CFrame::OnReset) EVT_MENU(IDM_RECORD, CFrame::OnRecord) EVT_MENU(IDM_PLAYRECORD, CFrame::OnPlayRecording) EVT_MENU(IDM_FRAMESTEP, CFrame::OnFrameStep) EVT_MENU(IDM_LUA, CFrame::OnOpenLuaWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_SCREENSHOT, CFrame::OnScreenshot) EVT_MENU(IDM_CONFIG_MAIN, CFrame::OnConfigMain) EVT_MENU(IDM_CONFIG_GFX_PLUGIN, CFrame::OnPluginGFX) EVT_MENU(IDM_CONFIG_DSP_PLUGIN, CFrame::OnPluginDSP) EVT_MENU(IDM_CONFIG_PAD_PLUGIN, CFrame::OnPluginPAD) EVT_MENU(IDM_CONFIG_WIIMOTE_PLUGIN, CFrame::OnPluginWiimote) EVT_MENU(IDM_SAVE_PERSPECTIVE, CFrame::OnToolBar) EVT_AUITOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN(IDM_SAVE_PERSPECTIVE, CFrame::OnDropDownToolbarItem) EVT_MENU(IDM_EDIT_PERSPECTIVES, CFrame::OnToolBar) EVT_AUITOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN(IDM_EDIT_PERSPECTIVES, CFrame::OnDropDownSettingsToolbar) // Drop down EVT_MENU(IDM_PERSPECTIVES_ADD_PANE, CFrame::OnToolBar) EVT_MENU_RANGE(IDM_PERSPECTIVES_0, IDM_PERSPECTIVES_100, CFrame::OnSelectPerspective) EVT_MENU(IDM_ADD_PERSPECTIVE, CFrame::OnDropDownToolbarSelect) EVT_MENU(IDM_TAB_SPLIT, CFrame::OnDropDownToolbarSelect) EVT_MENU(IDM_NO_DOCKING, CFrame::OnDropDownToolbarSelect) // Drop down float EVT_MENU(IDM_FLOAT_LOGWINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_FLOAT_CONSOLEWINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_FLOAT_CODEWINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_FLOAT_REGISTERWINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_FLOAT_BREAKPOINTWINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_FLOAT_MEMORYWINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_FLOAT_JITWINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_FLOAT_SOUNDWINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_FLOAT_VIDEOWINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_NETPLAY, CFrame::OnNetPlay) EVT_MENU(IDM_BROWSE, CFrame::OnBrowse) EVT_MENU(IDM_MEMCARD, CFrame::OnMemcard) EVT_MENU(IDM_IMPORTSAVE, CFrame::OnImportSave) EVT_MENU(IDM_CHEATS, CFrame::OnShow_CheatsWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_CHANGEDISC, CFrame::OnChangeDisc) EVT_MENU(IDM_LOAD_WII_MENU, CFrame::OnLoadWiiMenu) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN, CFrame::OnToggleFullscreen) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOGGLE_DUALCORE, CFrame::OnToggleDualCore) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOGGLE_SKIPIDLE, CFrame::OnToggleSkipIdle) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOGGLE_TOOLBAR, CFrame::OnToggleToolbar) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOGGLE_STATUSBAR, CFrame::OnToggleStatusbar) EVT_MENU(IDM_LOGWINDOW, CFrame::OnToggleLogWindow) EVT_MENU(IDM_CONSOLEWINDOW, CFrame::OnToggleConsole) EVT_MENU(IDM_PURGECACHE, CFrame::GameListChanged) EVT_MENU(IDM_LOADLASTSTATE, CFrame::OnLoadLastState) EVT_MENU(IDM_UNDOLOADSTATE, CFrame::OnUndoLoadState) EVT_MENU(IDM_UNDOSAVESTATE, CFrame::OnUndoSaveState) EVT_MENU(IDM_LOADSTATEFILE, CFrame::OnLoadStateFromFile) EVT_MENU(IDM_SAVESTATEFILE, CFrame::OnSaveStateToFile) EVT_MENU_RANGE(IDM_LOADSLOT1, IDM_LOADSLOT8, CFrame::OnLoadState) EVT_MENU_RANGE(IDM_SAVESLOT1, IDM_SAVESLOT8, CFrame::OnSaveState) EVT_MENU_RANGE(IDM_FRAMESKIP0, IDM_FRAMESKIP9, CFrame::OnFrameSkip) EVT_MENU_RANGE(IDM_DRIVE1, IDM_DRIVE24, CFrame::OnBootDrive) EVT_MENU_RANGE(IDM_CONNECT_WIIMOTE1, IDM_CONNECT_WIIMOTE4, CFrame::OnConnectWiimote) EVT_MENU_RANGE(IDM_LISTWAD, IDM_LISTDRIVES, CFrame::GameListChanged) // Other EVT_ACTIVATE(CFrame::OnActive) EVT_CLOSE(CFrame::OnClose) EVT_SIZE(CFrame::OnResize) EVT_MOVE(CFrame::OnMove) EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED(LIST_CTRL, CFrame::OnGameListCtrl_ItemActivated) EVT_HOST_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CFrame::OnHostMessage) #if wxUSE_TIMER EVT_TIMER(wxID_ANY, CFrame::OnTimer) #endif EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE(CFrame::OnPaneClose) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE(wxID_ANY, CFrame::OnNotebookPageClose) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_ALLOW_DND(wxID_ANY, CFrame::OnAllowNotebookDnD) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(wxID_ANY, CFrame::OnNotebookPageChanged) EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP(wxID_ANY, CFrame::OnTab) // Post events to child panels EVT_MENU(wxID_ANY, CFrame::PostEvent) EVT_TEXT(wxID_ANY, CFrame::PostEvent) //EVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT_ALL(CFrame::PostMenuEvent) //EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_ANY, CFrame::PostUpdateUIEvent) END_EVENT_TABLE() // --------------- // Creation and close, quit functions CFrame::CFrame(wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, bool _UseDebugger, bool ShowLogWindow, long style) : CRenderFrame(parent, id, title, pos, size, style) , g_pCodeWindow(NULL) , m_MenuBar(NULL) , bRenderToMain(false), bNoWiimoteMsg(false) , m_ToolBar(NULL), m_ToolBarDebug(NULL), m_ToolBarAui(NULL) , bFloatLogWindow(false), bFloatConsoleWindow(false) , m_pStatusBar(NULL), m_GameListCtrl(NULL), m_Panel(NULL) , m_RenderFrame(NULL), m_RenderParent(NULL) , m_LogWindow(NULL) , UseDebugger(_UseDebugger), m_bEdit(false), m_bTabSplit(false), m_bNoDocking(false) , m_bControlsCreated(false), m_bGameLoading(false), m_StopDlg(NULL) #if wxUSE_TIMER , m_timer(this) #endif { if (ShowLogWindow) SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceLogWindow = true; // Give it a console early to show potential messages from this onward ConsoleListener *Console = LogManager::GetInstance()->getConsoleListener(); if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceConsole) Console->Open(); if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceLogWindow) m_LogWindow = new CLogWindow(this, IDM_LOGWINDOW); // Start debugging mazimized if (UseDebugger) this->Maximize(true); // Debugger class if (UseDebugger) { g_pCodeWindow = new CCodeWindow(SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter, this, IDM_CODEWINDOW); g_pCodeWindow->Hide(); g_pCodeWindow->Load(); } // Create timer #if wxUSE_TIMER int TimesPerSecond = 10; // We don't need more than this m_timer.Start( floor((double)(1000 / TimesPerSecond)) ); #endif // Create toolbar bitmaps InitBitmaps(); // Give it an icon wxIcon IconTemp; IconTemp.CopyFromBitmap(wxGetBitmapFromMemory(dolphin_ico32x32)); SetIcon(IconTemp); // Give it a status bar m_pStatusBar = CreateStatusBar(1, wxST_SIZEGRIP, ID_STATUSBAR); if (!SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceStatusbar) m_pStatusBar->Hide(); // Give it a menu bar CreateMenu(); // --------------- // Main panel // This panel is the parent for rendering and it holds the gamelistctrl m_Panel = new CPanel(this, IDM_MPANEL); m_GameListCtrl = new CGameListCtrl(m_Panel, LIST_CTRL, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxLC_REPORT | wxSUNKEN_BORDER | wxLC_ALIGN_LEFT); sizerPanel = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizerPanel->Add(m_GameListCtrl, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL); m_Panel->SetSizer(sizerPanel); // --------------- // Manager // wxAUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE does not exist in the wxWidgets 2.8.9 that comes with Ubuntu 9.04 // Could just check for wxWidgets version if it becomes a problem. m_Mgr = new wxAuiManager(this, wxAUI_MGR_DEFAULT | wxAUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE); NOTEBOOK_STYLE = wxAUI_NB_TOP | wxAUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT | wxAUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE | wxAUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS | wxAUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON | wxNO_BORDER; TOOLBAR_STYLE = wxAUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxAUI_TB_TEXT /*wxAUI_TB_OVERFLOW overflow visible*/; aNormalFile = wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_NORMAL_FILE, wxART_OTHER, wxSize(16,16)); if (g_pCodeWindow) { m_Mgr->AddPane(m_Panel, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("Pane 0")).Caption(wxT("Pane 0")).Show()); } else { m_Mgr->AddPane(m_Panel, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("Pane 0")).Caption(wxT("Pane 0")).Hide()); m_Mgr->AddPane(CreateEmptyNotebook(), wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("Pane 1")).Caption(wxT("Logging")).Hide()); } // Setup perspectives if (g_pCodeWindow) { m_Mgr->GetPane(wxT("Pane 0")).CenterPane().PaneBorder(false); AuiFullscreen = m_Mgr->SavePerspective(); m_Mgr->GetPane(wxT("Pane 0")).CenterPane().PaneBorder(true); } else { IniFile ini; int winpos; ini.Load(File::GetUserPath(F_LOGGERCONFIG_IDX)); ini.Get("LogWindow", "pos", &winpos, 2); m_Mgr->GetPane(wxT("Pane 0")).Show().PaneBorder(false).CaptionVisible(false).Layer(0).Center(); m_Mgr->GetPane(wxT("Pane 1")).Hide().PaneBorder(false).CaptionVisible(true).Layer(0) .FloatingSize(wxSize(600, 350)).CloseButton(false).Direction(winpos); AuiFullscreen = m_Mgr->SavePerspective(); } // Create toolbar RecreateToolbar(); if (!SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceToolbar) DoToggleToolbar(false); // Create list of available plugins for the configuration window CPluginManager::GetInstance().ScanForPlugins(); // Setup perspectives if (g_pCodeWindow) { // Load perspective SaveLocal(); DoLoadPerspective(); } else { SetSimplePaneSize(); if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceLogWindow) DoToggleWindow(IDM_LOGWINDOW, true); if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceConsole) DoToggleWindow(IDM_CONSOLEWINDOW, true); } // Show window Show(); // Commit m_Mgr->Update(); // Create cursors #ifdef _WIN32 CreateCursor(); #endif // ------------------------- // Connect event handlers m_Mgr->Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_AUI_RENDER, // Resize wxAuiManagerEventHandler(CFrame::OnManagerResize), (wxObject*)0, this); wxTheApp->Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxMouseEventHandler(CFrame::OnDoubleClick), (wxObject*)0, this); // ---------- // Update controls m_bControlsCreated = true; UpdateGUI(); //if we are ever going back to optional iso caching: //m_GameListCtrl->Update(SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bEnableIsoCache); if (m_GameListCtrl) m_GameListCtrl->Update(); // If we are rerecording create the status bar now instead of later when a game starts #ifdef RERECORDING ModifyStatusBar(); // It's to early for the OnHostMessage(), we will update the status when Ctrl or Space is pressed //Core::WriteStatus(); #endif } // Destructor CFrame::~CFrame() { m_bControlsCreated = false; drives.clear(); /* The statbar sample has this so I add this to, but I guess timer will be deleted after this anyway */ #if wxUSE_TIMER if (m_timer.IsRunning()) m_timer.Stop(); #endif ClosePages(); delete m_Mgr; } bool CFrame::RendererIsFullscreen() { if (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN || Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_PAUSE) { return m_RenderFrame->IsFullScreen(); } return false; } void CFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED (event)) { Close(true); } #if defined HAVE_X11 && HAVE_X11 void CFrame::X11_SendClientEvent(const char *message, int data1, int data2, int data3, int data4) { XEvent event; Display *dpy = (Display *)Core::GetWindowHandle(); Window win = *(Window *)Core::GetXWindow(); // Init X event structure for client message event.xclient.type = ClientMessage; event.xclient.format = 32; event.xclient.data.l[0] = XInternAtom(dpy, message, False); event.xclient.data.l[1] = data1; event.xclient.data.l[2] = data2; event.xclient.data.l[3] = data3; event.xclient.data.l[4] = data4; // Send the event if (!XSendEvent(dpy, win, False, False, &event)) ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Failed to send message %s to the emulator window.\n", message); } void X11_SendKeyEvent(int key) { XEvent event; Display *dpy = (Display *)Core::GetWindowHandle(); Window win = *(Window *)Core::GetXWindow(); // Init X event structure for key press event event.xkey.type = KeyPress; // WARNING: This works for ASCII keys. If in the future other keys are needed // convert with InputCommon::wxCharCodeWXToX from X11InputBase.cpp. event.xkey.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, key); // Send the event if (!XSendEvent(dpy, win, False, False, &event)) ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Failed to send key press event to the emulator window.\n"); } #endif // -------- // Events void CFrame::OnActive(wxActivateEvent& event) { if (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN || Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_PAUSE) { if (event.GetActive() && event.GetEventObject() == m_RenderFrame) { #ifdef _WIN32 ::SetFocus((HWND)m_RenderParent->GetHandle()); #else m_RenderParent->SetFocus(); #endif if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bHideCursor && Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN) m_RenderParent->SetCursor(wxCURSOR_BLANK); } else { if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bHideCursor) m_RenderParent->SetCursor(wxCURSOR_ARROW); } } event.Skip(); } void CFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) { //Stop Dolphin from saving the minimized Xpos and Ypos if(main_frame->IsIconized()) main_frame->Iconize(false); // Don't forget the skip or the window won't be destroyed event.Skip(); // Save GUI settings if (g_pCodeWindow) Save(); // Uninit m_Mgr->UnInit(); if (Core::GetState() != Core::CORE_UNINITIALIZED) { DoStop(); UpdateGUI(); } } // Post events // Warning: This may cause an endless loop if the event is propagated back to its parent void CFrame::PostEvent(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (g_pCodeWindow && event.GetId() >= IDM_INTERPRETER && event.GetId() <= IDM_ADDRBOX //&& event.GetId() != IDM_JITUNLIMITED ) { event.StopPropagation(); g_pCodeWindow->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(event); } else event.Skip(); } void CFrame::PostMenuEvent(wxMenuEvent& event) { if (g_pCodeWindow) g_pCodeWindow->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(event); } void CFrame::PostUpdateUIEvent(wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { if (g_pCodeWindow) g_pCodeWindow->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(event); } void CFrame::OnMove(wxMoveEvent& event) { event.Skip(); if (!IsMaximized() && !(SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bRenderToMain && RendererIsFullscreen())) { SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.iPosX = GetPosition().x; SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.iPosY = GetPosition().y; } } void CFrame::OnResize(wxSizeEvent& event) { event.Skip(); if (!IsMaximized() && !(SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bRenderToMain && RendererIsFullscreen())) { SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.iWidth = GetSize().GetWidth(); SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.iHeight = GetSize().GetHeight(); } } // Host messages #ifdef _WIN32 WXLRESULT CFrame::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { switch (nMsg) { case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch (wParam & 0xFFF0) { case SC_SCREENSAVE: case SC_MONITORPOWER: break; default: return wxFrame::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam); } break; default: return wxFrame::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } #endif #if wxUSE_TIMER void CFrame::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // Process events. Primarily to update the statusbar text. if (wxGetApp().Pending()) wxGetApp().ProcessPendingEvents(); } #endif void CFrame::OnHostMessage(wxCommandEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case IDM_UPDATEGUI: UpdateGUI(); break; case IDM_UPDATESTATUSBAR: if (m_pStatusBar != NULL) { m_pStatusBar->SetStatusText(event.GetString(), event.GetInt()); } break; case IDM_UPDATETITLE: if (!SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bRenderToMain && m_RenderFrame) m_RenderFrame->SetTitle(event.GetString()); break; case WM_USER_CREATE: DoFullscreen(SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bFullscreen); if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bHideCursor) m_RenderParent->SetCursor(wxCURSOR_BLANK); break; #if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 case WM_USER_STOP: DoStop(); break; #endif } } void CFrame::OnCustomHostMessage(int Id) { wxWindow *Win; switch(Id) { // Destroy windows case AUDIO_DESTROY: Win = GetWxWindow(wxT("Sound")); if (Win) { DoRemovePage(Win, false); CPluginManager::GetInstance().OpenDebug( GetHandle(), SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.m_strDSPPlugin.c_str(), PLUGIN_TYPE_DSP, false ); //Win->Reparent(NULL); //g_pCodeWindow->OnToggleDLLWindow(false, 0); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_SOUNDWINDOW)->Check(false); NOTICE_LOG(CONSOLE, "%s", Core::StopMessage(true, "Sound debugging window closed").c_str()); } break; case VIDEO_DESTROY: break; } } void CFrame::OnSizeRequest(int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height) { m_RenderParent->GetSize(&width, &height); m_RenderParent->GetPosition(&x, &y); } bool CFrame::RendererHasFocus() { #ifdef _WIN32 // Why doesn't the "else" method below work in windows when called from // Host_RendererHasFocus()? if (m_RenderParent) if (m_RenderParent->GetParent()->GetHWND() == GetForegroundWindow()) return true; return false; #else return m_RenderParent && (m_RenderParent == wxWindow::FindFocus()); #endif } void CFrame::OnGameListCtrl_ItemActivated(wxListEvent& WXUNUSED (event)) { // Show all platforms and regions if... // 1. All platforms are set to hide // 2. All Regions are set to hide // Otherwise call BootGame to either... // 1. Boot the selected iso // 2. Boot the default or last loaded iso. // 3. Call BrowseForDirectory if the gamelist is empty if (!m_GameListCtrl->GetGameNames().size() && !((SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListGC && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWii && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWad) && (SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListJap && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUsa && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListPal && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListFrance && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListItaly && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListKorea && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListTaiwan && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUnknown))) { SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListGC = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWii = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWad = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListJap = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUsa = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListPal = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListFrance = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListItaly = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListKorea = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListTaiwan = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUnknown= true; GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTGC)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTWII)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTWAD)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTJAP)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTUSA)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTPAL)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTFRANCE)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTITALY)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTKOREA)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LISTTAIWAN)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_UNK)->Check(true); m_GameListCtrl->Update(); } else // Game started by double click BootGame(std::string("")); } bool IsHotkey(wxKeyEvent &event, int Id) { return (event.GetKeyCode() == SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.iHotkey[Id] && event.GetModifiers() == SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.iHotkeyModifier[Id]); } void CFrame::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { if(Core::GetState() != Core::CORE_UNINITIALIZED) { // Toggle fullscreen if (IsHotkey(event, HK_FULLSCREEN)) DoFullscreen(!RendererIsFullscreen()); // Pause and Unpause else if (IsHotkey(event, HK_PLAY_PAUSE)) DoPause(); // Stop else if (IsHotkey(event, HK_STOP)) DoStop(); // state save and state load hotkeys else if (event.GetKeyCode() >= WXK_F1 && event.GetKeyCode() <= WXK_F8) { int slot_number = event.GetKeyCode() - WXK_F1 + 1; if (event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_NONE) State_Load(slot_number); else if (event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_SHIFT) State_Save(slot_number); else event.Skip(); } else if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_F11 && event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_NONE) State_LoadLastSaved(); else if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_F12) { if (event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_NONE) State_UndoSaveState(); else if (event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_SHIFT) State_UndoLoadState(); else event.Skip(); } // screenshot hotkeys else if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_F9 && event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_NONE) Core::ScreenShot(); else event.Skip(); // Send the OSD hotkeys to the video plugin if (event.GetKeyCode() >= '3' && event.GetKeyCode() <= '7' && event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_NONE) { #ifdef _WIN32 PostMessage((HWND)Core::GetWindowHandle(), WM_USER, WM_USER_KEYDOWN, event.GetKeyCode()); #elif defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 X11_SendKeyEvent(event.GetKeyCode()); #endif } #ifdef _WIN32 // Send the freelook hotkeys to the video plugin if ((event.GetKeyCode() == '0', '9', 'W', 'S', 'A', 'D', 'R') && event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_SHIFT) PostMessage((HWND)Core::GetWindowHandle(), WM_USER, WM_USER_KEYDOWN, event.GetKeyCode()); #endif // Send the keyboard status to the Input plugin CPluginManager::GetInstance().GetPad(0)->PAD_Input(event.GetKeyCode(), 1); // 1 = Down } else event.Skip(); } void CFrame::OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent& event) { event.Skip(); if(Core::GetState() != Core::CORE_UNINITIALIZED) CPluginManager::GetInstance().GetPad(0)->PAD_Input(event.GetKeyCode(), 0); // 0 = Up } // --------------- // Detect double click void CFrame::OnDoubleClick(wxMouseEvent& event) { // Don't block the mouse click event.Skip(); // Don't use this in Wii mode since we use the mouse as input to the game there if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bWii) return; // Only detect double clicks in the rendering window, and only use this when a game is running if (! (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN && event.GetEventObject() == m_RenderParent)) return; DoFullscreen(!RendererIsFullscreen()); } // -------- // Functions wxFrame * CFrame::CreateParentFrame(wxWindowID Id, const wxString& Title, wxWindow * Child) { wxFrame * Frame = new wxFrame(this, Id, Title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); Child->Reparent(Frame); Child->Show(); wxBoxSizer * m_MainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); m_MainSizer->Add(Child, 1, wxEXPAND); Frame->Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, wxCloseEventHandler(CFrame::OnFloatingPageClosed), (wxObject*)0, this); if (Id == IDM_CONSOLEWINDOW_PARENT) { Frame->Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_SIZE, wxSizeEventHandler(CFrame::OnFloatingPageSize), (wxObject*)0, this); } // Main sizer Frame->SetSizer( m_MainSizer ); // Minimum frame size Frame->SetMinSize(wxSize(200, -1)); Frame->Show(); return Frame; } wxPanel* CFrame::CreateEmptyPanel(wxWindowID Id) { wxPanel* Panel = new wxPanel(this, Id); return Panel; } wxAuiNotebook* CFrame::CreateEmptyNotebook() { wxAuiNotebook* NB = new wxAuiNotebook(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, NOTEBOOK_STYLE); return NB; } void CFrame::DoFullscreen(bool bF) { // Only switch this to fullscreen if we're rendering to main AND if we're running a game // plus if a modal dialog is open, this will still process the keyboard events, and may cause // the main window to become unresponsive, so we have to avoid that. if ((Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN) || (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_PAUSE)) { #if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 X11_SendClientEvent("TOGGLE_DISPLAYMODE", bF); #elif defined(_WIN32) PostMessage((HWND)Core::GetWindowHandle(), WM_USER, TOGGLE_DISPLAYMODE, bF); #endif m_RenderFrame->ShowFullScreen(bF); if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bRenderToMain) { if (bF) { // Save the current mode before going to fullscreen AuiCurrent = m_Mgr->SavePerspective(); m_Mgr->LoadPerspective(AuiFullscreen, true); } else { // Restore saved perspective m_Mgr->LoadPerspective(AuiCurrent, true); } } else m_RenderFrame->Raise(); } } // Debugging, show loose windows void CFrame::ListChildren() { ConsoleListener* Console = LogManager::GetInstance()->getConsoleListener(); wxAuiNotebook * NB = NULL; Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (u32 i = 0; i < this->GetChildren().size(); i++) { wxWindow * Win = this->GetChildren().Item(i)->GetData(); Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, StringFromFormat( "%i: %s (%s) :: %s", i, (const char*)Win->GetName().mb_str(), (const char*)Win->GetLabel().mb_str(), (const char*)Win->GetParent()->GetName().mb_str()).c_str()); //if (Win->GetName().IsSameAs(wxT("control"))) if (Win->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxAuiNotebook))) { NB = (wxAuiNotebook*)Win; Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, StringFromFormat(" :: NB", (const char*)NB->GetName().mb_str()).c_str()); } else { NB = NULL; } Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, StringFromFormat("\n").c_str()); Win = this->GetChildren().Item(i)->GetData(); for (u32 j = 0; j < Win->GetChildren().size(); j++) { Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, StringFromFormat( " %i.%i: %s (%s) :: %s", i, j, (const char*)Win->GetName().mb_str(), (const char*)Win->GetLabel().mb_str(), (const char*)Win->GetParent()->GetName().mb_str()).c_str()); if (NB) { if (j < NB->GetPageCount()) Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, StringFromFormat(" :: %s", (const char*)NB->GetPage(j)->GetName().mb_str()).c_str()); } Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, StringFromFormat("\n").c_str()); /* Win = this->GetChildren().Item(j)->GetData(); for (int k = 0; k < Win->GetChildren().size(); k++) { Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, StringFromFormat( " %i.%i.%i: %s (%s) :: %s\n", i, j, k, Win->GetName().mb_str(), Win->GetLabel().mb_str(), Win->GetParent()->GetName().mb_str()).c_str()); } */ } } Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (u32 i = 0; i < m_Mgr->GetAllPanes().GetCount(); i++) { if (!m_Mgr->GetAllPanes().Item(i).window->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxAuiNotebook))) continue; wxAuiNotebook * _NB = (wxAuiNotebook*)m_Mgr->GetAllPanes().Item(i).window; Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, StringFromFormat("%i: %s\n", i, (const char *)m_Mgr->GetAllPanes().Item(i).name.mb_str()).c_str()); for (u32 j = 0; j < _NB->GetPageCount(); j++) { Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, StringFromFormat("%i.%i: %s\n", i, j, (const char *)_NB->GetPageText(j).mb_str()).c_str()); } } Console->Log(LogTypes::LNOTICE, "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } void CFrame::ListTopWindows() { wxWindowList::const_iterator i; int j = 0; const wxWindowList::const_iterator end = wxTopLevelWindows.end(); for (i = wxTopLevelWindows.begin(); i != end; ++i) { wxTopLevelWindow * const Win = wx_static_cast(wxTopLevelWindow *, *i); NOTICE_LOG(CONSOLE, "%i: %i %s", j, Win, (const char *)Win->GetTitle().mb_str()); /* if ( win->ShouldPreventAppExit() ) { // there remains at least one important TLW, don't exit return false; } */ j++; } NOTICE_LOG(CONSOLE, "\n"); }