// DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE // Version 2, December 2004 // Copyright (C) 2013 mudlord // Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified // copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long // as the name is changed. // DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE // TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION // 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. #define FXAA_REDUCE_MIN (1.0/ 128.0) #define FXAA_REDUCE_MUL (1.0 / 8.0) #define FXAA_SPAN_MAX 8.0 float4 applyFXAA(float2 fragCoord) { float4 color; float2 inverseVP = GetInvResolution(); float3 rgbNW = SampleLocation((fragCoord + float2(-1.0, -1.0)) * inverseVP).xyz; float3 rgbNE = SampleLocation((fragCoord + float2(1.0, -1.0)) * inverseVP).xyz; float3 rgbSW = SampleLocation((fragCoord + float2(-1.0, 1.0)) * inverseVP).xyz; float3 rgbSE = SampleLocation((fragCoord + float2(1.0, 1.0)) * inverseVP).xyz; float3 rgbM = SampleLocation(fragCoord * inverseVP).xyz; float3 luma = float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114); float lumaNW = dot(rgbNW, luma); float lumaNE = dot(rgbNE, luma); float lumaSW = dot(rgbSW, luma); float lumaSE = dot(rgbSE, luma); float lumaM = dot(rgbM, luma); float lumaMin = min(lumaM, min(min(lumaNW, lumaNE), min(lumaSW, lumaSE))); float lumaMax = max(lumaM, max(max(lumaNW, lumaNE), max(lumaSW, lumaSE))); float2 dir; dir.x = -((lumaNW + lumaNE) - (lumaSW + lumaSE)); dir.y = ((lumaNW + lumaSW) - (lumaNE + lumaSE)); float dirReduce = max((lumaNW + lumaNE + lumaSW + lumaSE) * (0.25 * FXAA_REDUCE_MUL), FXAA_REDUCE_MIN); float rcpDirMin = 1.0 / (min(abs(dir.x), abs(dir.y)) + dirReduce); dir = min(float2(FXAA_SPAN_MAX, FXAA_SPAN_MAX), max(float2(-FXAA_SPAN_MAX, -FXAA_SPAN_MAX), dir * rcpDirMin)) * inverseVP; float3 rgbA = 0.5 * ( SampleLocation(fragCoord * inverseVP + dir * (1.0 / 3.0 - 0.5)).xyz + SampleLocation(fragCoord * inverseVP + dir * (2.0 / 3.0 - 0.5)).xyz); float3 rgbB = rgbA * 0.5 + 0.25 * ( SampleLocation(fragCoord * inverseVP + dir * -0.5).xyz + SampleLocation(fragCoord * inverseVP + dir * 0.5).xyz); float lumaB = dot(rgbB, luma); if ((lumaB < lumaMin) || (lumaB > lumaMax)) color = float4(rgbA, 1.0); else color = float4(rgbB, 1.0); return color; } void main() { SetOutput(applyFXAA(GetCoordinates() * GetResolution())); }