// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include "NetWindow.h" NetPlay *NetClass_ptr = NULL; void NetPlay::IsGameFound(unsigned char * ptr, std::string m_selected) { m_critical.Enter(); m_selectedGame = m_selected; if (m_games.find(m_selected) != std::string::npos) { *ptr = 0x1F; } else *ptr = 0x1A; m_critical.Leave(); } void NetPlay::OnNetEvent(wxCommandEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case HOST_FULL: { AppendText(_(" Server is Full !\n*You have been Disconnected.\n\n")); m_isHosting = 2; } break; case HOST_ERROR: { if (m_isHosting == 0) { AppendText(_("ERROR : Network Error !\n*You have been Disconnected.\n\n")); m_isHosting = 2; } else { m_numClients--; AppendText( wxString::Format(wxT("ERROR : Network Error !\n" "*Player : %s has been dropped from the game.\n\n"), event.GetString().mb_str()) ); } } break; case HOST_DISCONNECTED: { // Event sent from Client's thread, it means that the thread // has been killed and so we tell the GUI thread. AppendText(_("*Connection to Host lost.\n*You have been Disconnected.\n\n")); m_isHosting = 2; } break; case HOST_PLAYERLEFT: { m_numClients--; } break; case HOST_NEWPLAYER: { m_numClients++; } break; case CLIENTS_READY: { m_clients_ready = true; if (m_ready || event.GetInt()) LoadGame(); } break; case CLIENTS_NOTREADY: { m_clients_ready = false; } break; case GUI_UPDATE: UpdateNetWindow(false); break; case ADD_TEXT: AppendText(event.GetString()); break; case ADD_INFO: UpdateNetWindow(true, event.GetString()); break; } } void ServerSide::IsEveryoneReady() { int nb_ready = 0; for (int i=0; i < m_numplayers ; i++) if (m_client[i].ready) nb_ready++; if (nb_ready == m_numplayers) Event->SendEvent(CLIENTS_READY); else Event->SendEvent(CLIENTS_NOTREADY); } // Actual Core function which is called on every frame int CSIDevice_GCController::GetNetInput(u8 numPAD, SPADStatus PadStatus, u32 *PADStatus) { if (NetClass_ptr != NULL) return NetClass_ptr->GetNetPads(numPAD, PadStatus, PADStatus) ? 1 : 0; else return 2; } void NetPlay::LoadGame() { // Two implementations, one "p2p" implementation which sends to peer // and receive from peer 2 players max. and another which uses server model // and always sends to the server which then send it back to all the clients // -> P2P model is faster, but is limited to 2 players // -> Server model is slower, but supports up to 4 players m_Logging->AppendText(_("** Everyone is ready... Loading Game ! **\n")); // Tell clients everyone is ready... if (m_isHosting == 1) { unsigned char value = 0x50; for (int i=0; i < m_numClients ; i++) m_sock_server->Write(i, (const char*)&value, 1); } // TODO : Throttle should be on by default, to avoid stuttering //soundStream->GetMixer()->SetThrottle(true); int line_p = 0; int line_n = 0; std::string tmp = m_games.substr(0, m_games.find(m_selectedGame)); for (int i=0; i < (int)tmp.size(); i++) if (tmp.c_str()[i] == '\n') line_n++; // Enable NetClass_ptr = this; m_timer.Start(); // Find corresponding game path for (int i=0; i < (int)m_paths.size(); i++) { if (m_paths.c_str()[i] == '\n') line_p++; if (line_n == line_p) { // Game path found, get its string int str_pos = line_p > 0 ? i+1 : i; int str_end = (int)m_paths.find('\n', str_pos); // Boot the selected game BootManager::BootCore(m_paths.substr(str_pos, str_end - str_pos)); break; } } } bool NetPlay::GetNetPads(u8 padnb, SPADStatus PadStatus, u32 *netValues) { // Store current pad status in netValues[] netValues[0] = (u32)((u8)PadStatus.stickY); netValues[0] |= (u32)((u8)PadStatus.stickX << 8); netValues[0] |= (u32)((u16)PadStatus.button << 16); netValues[0] |= 0x00800000; netValues[1] = (u8)PadStatus.triggerRight; netValues[1] |= (u32)((u8)PadStatus.triggerLeft << 8); netValues[1] |= (u32)((u8)PadStatus.substickY << 16); netValues[1] |= (u32)((u8)PadStatus.substickX << 24); // TODO : actually show this on the GUI :p // Update the timer and increment total frame number m_frame++; m_timer.Update(); // We make sure everyone's pad is enabled for (char i = 0; i < m_numClients; i++) SerialInterface::ChangeDevice(SI_GC_CONTROLLER, (int)i); // Better disable unused ports for (char i = m_numClients; i < 3; i++) SerialInterface::ChangeDevice(SI_DUMMY, (int)i); if (m_NetModel == 0 && m_numClients == 1) // Use P2P Model { if (padnb == 0) { #ifdef NET_DEBUG char sent[64]; sprintf(sent, "Sent Values: 0x%08x : 0x%08x \n", netValues[0], netValues[1]); m_Logging->AppendText(wxString::FromAscii(sent)); #endif unsigned char init_value = 0xA1; unsigned char recv_value = 0; unsigned char player = 0; if (m_isHosting == 1) { // Send pads values m_sock_server->Write(0, (const char*)&init_value, 1); m_sock_server->Write(0, (const char*)netValues, 8); player = 0; // Host is player 1 } else { // Send pads values m_sock_client->Write((const char*)&init_value, 1); m_sock_client->Write((const char*)netValues, 8); player = 1; // Client is player 2 } if (!m_data_received) { // Save pad values m_pads[player].nHi[m_loopframe] = netValues[0]; m_pads[player].nLow[m_loopframe] = netValues[1]; // Try to read from peer... if (m_isHosting == 1) m_data_received = m_sock_server->isNewPadData(0, m_data_received); else m_data_received = m_sock_client->isNewPadData(0, m_data_received); if (m_data_received) { // First Data has been received ! m_Logging->AppendText(_("** Data received from Peer. Starting Sync !")); // Set our practical frame delay if (recv_value == 0xA1) // init number { m_frameDelay = m_loopframe; m_loopframe = 0; m_Logging->AppendText(wxString::Format(wxT(" Frame Delay : %d **\n"), m_frameDelay)); } } else { m_loopframe++; return false; } } if (m_data_received) { // We have successfully received the data, now use it... // If we received data, we can update our pads on each frame, here's the behaviour : // we received our init number, so we should receive our pad values on each frames // with a frame delay of 'm_frameDelay' frames from the peer. So here, we just wait // for the pad status. note : if the peer can't keep up, sending the values // (i.e : framerate is too low) we have to wait for it thus slowing down emulation // Save current pad values, it will be used in 'm_frameDelay' frames :D int saveslot = (m_loopframe-1 < 0 ? m_frameDelay : m_loopframe-1); m_pads[player].nHi[saveslot] = netValues[0]; m_pads[player].nLow[saveslot] = netValues[1]; // Read the socket for pad values if (m_isHosting == 1) while (!m_sock_server->isNewPadData(netValues, 1)) { /* Wait Data */ } else while (!m_sock_client->isNewPadData(netValues, 1)) { } if (player == 0) { // Store received peer values m_pads[1].nHi[m_loopframe] = netValues[0]; m_pads[1].nLow[m_loopframe] = netValues[1]; // Apply synced pad values netValues[0] = m_pads[0].nHi[m_loopframe]; netValues[1] = m_pads[0].nLow[m_loopframe]; } } #ifdef NET_DEBUG char usedval[64]; sprintf(usedval, "Player 1 Values: 0x%08x : 0x%08x \n", netValues[0], netValues[1]); m_Logging->AppendText(wxString::FromAscii(usedval)); #endif return true; } else if (padnb == 1) { if (m_data_received) { netValues[0] = m_pads[1].nHi[m_loopframe]; netValues[1] = m_pads[1].nLow[m_loopframe]; // Reset the loop to avoid reading unused values if (m_loopframe == m_frameDelay) m_loopframe = 0; else m_loopframe++; } else return false; #ifdef NET_DEBUG char usedval[64]; sprintf(usedval, "Player 2 Values: 0x%08x : 0x%08x \n", netValues[0], netValues[1]); m_Logging->AppendText(wxString::FromAscii(usedval)); #endif return true; } } else { // TODO : :D return false; } return false; } void NetPlay::ChangeSelectedGame(std::string game) { wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_critical); if (m_isHosting == 0) { m_selectedGame = game; return; } if (game != m_selectedGame) { unsigned char value = 0x35; int game_size = game.size(); // Send command then Game String for (int i=0; i < m_numClients ; i++) { m_sock_server->Write(i, (const char*)&value, 1); // 0x35 -> Change game m_sock_server->Write(i, (const char*)&game_size, 4); //m_sock_server->Write(i, m_selectedGame.c_str(), game_size + 1); m_sock_server->Write(i, game.c_str(), game_size + 1); } m_selectedGame = game; UpdateNetWindow(false); m_Logging->AppendText(wxString::Format(wxT("*Game has been changed to : %s\n"), game.c_str())); } } void NetPlay::OnQuit(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { NetClass_ptr = NULL; // We Kill the threads if (m_isHosting == 0) m_sock_client->Delete(); else if (m_isHosting == 1) { m_sock_server->Delete(); // Stop listening, we're doing it here cause Doing it in the thread // Cause SFML to crash when built in release build, odd ? :( m_listensocket.Close(); } // Destroy the Frame Destroy(); } void NetPlay::OnDisconnect(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxCloseEvent close; OnQuit(close); } bool ClientSide::isNewPadData(u32 *netValues, bool current, bool isVersus) { // TODO : adapt it to more than 2 players wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_CriticalSection); if (current) { if (m_data_received) { if (isVersus) { netValues[0] = m_netvalues[0][0]; netValues[1] = m_netvalues[0][1]; } } else return false; } return m_data_received; } bool ServerSide::isNewPadData(u32 *netValues, bool current, char client) { wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_CriticalSection); if (current) { if (m_data_received) { netValues[0] = m_netvalues[client][0]; netValues[1] = m_netvalues[client][1]; } else return false; } return m_data_received; }