#include "MainBase.h" #include "VideoState.h" #include "VideoConfig.h" #include "RenderBase.h" #include "FramebufferManagerBase.h" #include "TextureCacheBase.h" #include "CommandProcessor.h" #include "PixelEngine.h" #include "Atomic.h" #include "Fifo.h" #include "OnScreenDisplay.h" bool s_PluginInitialized = false; volatile u32 s_swapRequested = false; u32 s_efbAccessRequested = false; volatile u32 s_FifoShuttingDown = false; static volatile struct { u32 xfbAddr; FieldType field; u32 fbWidth; u32 fbHeight; } s_beginFieldArgs; static volatile EFBAccessType s_AccessEFBType; static struct { EFBAccessType type; u32 x; u32 y; u32 Data; } s_accessEFBArgs; static u32 s_AccessEFBResult = 0; void EmuStateChange(PLUGIN_EMUSTATE newState) { Fifo_RunLoop((newState == PLUGIN_EMUSTATE_PLAY) ? true : false); } // Enter and exit the video loop void Video_EnterLoop() { Fifo_EnterLoop(g_VideoInitialize); } void Video_ExitLoop() { Fifo_ExitLoop(); s_FifoShuttingDown = true; } void Video_SetRendering(bool bEnabled) { Fifo_SetRendering(bEnabled); } // Run from the graphics thread (from Fifo.cpp) void VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequest() { if(g_ActiveConfig.bUseXFB) { if (Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_swapRequested)) { EFBRectangle rc; g_renderer->Swap(s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr, s_beginFieldArgs.field, s_beginFieldArgs.fbWidth, s_beginFieldArgs.fbHeight,rc); Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_swapRequested, FALSE); } } } // Run from the graphics thread (from Fifo.cpp) void VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequestAt(u32 xfbAddr, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight) { if (g_ActiveConfig.bUseXFB) { if(Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_swapRequested)) { u32 aLower = xfbAddr; u32 aUpper = xfbAddr + 2 * fbWidth * fbHeight; u32 bLower = s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr; u32 bUpper = s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr + 2 * s_beginFieldArgs.fbWidth * s_beginFieldArgs.fbHeight; if (addrRangesOverlap(aLower, aUpper, bLower, bUpper)) VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequest(); } } } // Run from the CPU thread (from VideoInterface.cpp) void Video_BeginField(u32 xfbAddr, FieldType field, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight) { if (s_PluginInitialized && g_ActiveConfig.bUseXFB) { if (!g_VideoInitialize.bOnThread) VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequest(); s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr = xfbAddr; s_beginFieldArgs.field = field; s_beginFieldArgs.fbWidth = fbWidth; s_beginFieldArgs.fbHeight = fbHeight; } } // Run from the CPU thread (from VideoInterface.cpp) void Video_EndField() { if (s_PluginInitialized) { Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_swapRequested, TRUE); } } void Video_AddMessage(const char* pstr, u32 milliseconds) { OSD::AddMessage(pstr, milliseconds); } // Screenshot void Video_Screenshot(const char *_szFilename) { Renderer::SetScreenshot(_szFilename); } void VideoFifo_CheckEFBAccess() { if (Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_efbAccessRequested)) { s_AccessEFBResult = g_renderer->AccessEFB(s_accessEFBArgs.type, s_accessEFBArgs.x, s_accessEFBArgs.y, s_accessEFBArgs.Data); Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_efbAccessRequested, FALSE); } } u32 Video_AccessEFB(EFBAccessType type, u32 x, u32 y, u32 InputData) { if (s_PluginInitialized) { s_accessEFBArgs.type = type; s_accessEFBArgs.x = x; s_accessEFBArgs.y = y; s_accessEFBArgs.Data = InputData; Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_efbAccessRequested, TRUE); if (g_VideoInitialize.bOnThread) { while (Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_efbAccessRequested) && !s_FifoShuttingDown) //Common::SleepCurrentThread(1); Common::YieldCPU(); } else VideoFifo_CheckEFBAccess(); return s_AccessEFBResult; } return 0; } void VideoFifo_CheckAsyncRequest() { VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequest(); VideoFifo_CheckEFBAccess(); } void Video_CommandProcessorRead16(u16& _rReturnValue, const u32 _Address) { CommandProcessor::Read16(_rReturnValue, _Address); } void Video_CommandProcessorWrite16(const u16 _Data, const u32 _Address) { CommandProcessor::Write16(_Data, _Address); } void Video_PixelEngineRead16(u16& _rReturnValue, const u32 _Address) { PixelEngine::Read16(_rReturnValue, _Address); } void Video_PixelEngineWrite16(const u16 _Data, const u32 _Address) { PixelEngine::Write16(_Data, _Address); } void Video_PixelEngineWrite32(const u32 _Data, const u32 _Address) { PixelEngine::Write32(_Data, _Address); } void Video_GatherPipeBursted(void) { CommandProcessor::GatherPipeBursted(); } void Video_WaitForFrameFinish(void) { CommandProcessor::WaitForFrameFinish(); } bool Video_IsFifoBusy(void) { return CommandProcessor::isFifoBusy; } void Video_AbortFrame(void) { CommandProcessor::AbortFrame(); }