/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/notebook.h // Purpose: wxNotebook interface // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 01.02.01 // Copyright: (c) 1996-2000 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_NOTEBOOK_H_BASE_ #define _WX_NOTEBOOK_H_BASE_ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/defs.h" #if wxUSE_NOTEBOOK #include "wx/bookctrl.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxNotebook hit results, use wxBK_HITTEST so other book controls can share them // if wxUSE_NOTEBOOK is disabled enum { wxNB_HITTEST_NOWHERE = wxBK_HITTEST_NOWHERE, wxNB_HITTEST_ONICON = wxBK_HITTEST_ONICON, wxNB_HITTEST_ONLABEL = wxBK_HITTEST_ONLABEL, wxNB_HITTEST_ONITEM = wxBK_HITTEST_ONITEM, wxNB_HITTEST_ONPAGE = wxBK_HITTEST_ONPAGE }; // wxNotebook flags // use common book wxBK_* flags for describing alignment #define wxNB_DEFAULT wxBK_DEFAULT #define wxNB_TOP wxBK_TOP #define wxNB_BOTTOM wxBK_BOTTOM #define wxNB_LEFT wxBK_LEFT #define wxNB_RIGHT wxBK_RIGHT #define wxNB_FIXEDWIDTH 0x0100 #define wxNB_MULTILINE 0x0200 #define wxNB_NOPAGETHEME 0x0400 #define wxNB_FLAT 0x0800 typedef wxWindow wxNotebookPage; // so far, any window can be a page extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE(const char) wxNotebookNameStr[]; #if wxUSE_EXTENDED_RTTI // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XTI accessor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxNotebookPageInfo : public wxObject { public: wxNotebookPageInfo() { m_page = NULL; m_imageId = -1; m_selected = false; } virtual ~wxNotebookPageInfo() { } bool Create(wxNotebookPage *page, const wxString& text, bool selected, int imageId) { m_page = page; m_text = text; m_selected = selected; m_imageId = imageId; return true; } wxNotebookPage* GetPage() const { return m_page; } wxString GetText() const { return m_text; } bool GetSelected() const { return m_selected; } int GetImageId() const { return m_imageId; } private: wxNotebookPage *m_page; wxString m_text; bool m_selected; int m_imageId; wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxNotebookPageInfo); }; WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_LIST(wxNotebookPageInfo, wxNotebookPageInfoList ); #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxNotebookBase: define wxNotebook interface // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxNotebookBase : public wxBookCtrlBase { public: // ctors // ----- wxNotebookBase() { } // wxNotebook-specific additions to wxBookCtrlBase interface // --------------------------------------------------------- // get the number of rows for a control with wxNB_MULTILINE style (not all // versions support it - they will always return 1 then) virtual int GetRowCount() const { return 1; } // set the padding between tabs (in pixels) virtual void SetPadding(const wxSize& padding) = 0; // set the size of the tabs for wxNB_FIXEDWIDTH controls virtual void SetTabSize(const wxSize& sz) = 0; // implement some base class functions virtual wxSize CalcSizeFromPage(const wxSize& sizePage) const wxOVERRIDE; // On platforms that support it, get the theme page background colour, else invalid colour virtual wxColour GetThemeBackgroundColour() const { return wxNullColour; } // send wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING/ED events // returns false if the change to nPage is vetoed by the program bool SendPageChangingEvent(int nPage); // sends the event about page change from old to new (or GetSelection() if // new is wxNOT_FOUND) void SendPageChangedEvent(int nPageOld, int nPageNew = wxNOT_FOUND); // wxBookCtrlBase overrides this method to return false but we do need // focus because we have tabs virtual bool AcceptsFocus() const wxOVERRIDE { return wxControl::AcceptsFocus(); } #if wxUSE_EXTENDED_RTTI // XTI accessors virtual void AddPageInfo( wxNotebookPageInfo* info ); virtual const wxNotebookPageInfoList& GetPageInfos() const; #endif protected: #if wxUSE_EXTENDED_RTTI wxNotebookPageInfoList m_pageInfos; #endif wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxNotebookBase); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // notebook event class and related stuff // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxNotebookEvent is obsolete and defined for compatibility only (notice that // we use #define and not typedef to also keep compatibility with the existing // code which forward declares it) #define wxNotebookEvent wxBookCtrlEvent typedef wxBookCtrlEventFunction wxNotebookEventFunction; #define wxNotebookEventHandler(func) wxBookCtrlEventHandler(func) wxDECLARE_EXPORTED_EVENT( WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE, wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, wxBookCtrlEvent ); wxDECLARE_EXPORTED_EVENT( WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE, wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, wxBookCtrlEvent ); #define EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(winid, fn) \ wx__DECLARE_EVT1(wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, winid, wxBookCtrlEventHandler(fn)) #define EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING(winid, fn) \ wx__DECLARE_EVT1(wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, winid, wxBookCtrlEventHandler(fn)) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxNotebook class itself // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) #include "wx/univ/notebook.h" #elif defined(__WXMSW__) #include "wx/msw/notebook.h" #elif defined(__WXMOTIF__) #include "wx/generic/notebook.h" #elif defined(__WXGTK20__) #include "wx/gtk/notebook.h" #elif defined(__WXGTK__) #include "wx/gtk1/notebook.h" #elif defined(__WXMAC__) #include "wx/osx/notebook.h" #elif defined(__WXQT__) #include "wx/qt/notebook.h" #endif // old wxEVT_COMMAND_* constants #define wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED #define wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING #endif // wxUSE_NOTEBOOK #endif // _WX_NOTEBOOK_H_BASE_