# Ignore image thumbnail files created by windows Thumbs.db # Ignore Finder view option files created by OS X .DS_Store # Ignore autogenerated source files Source/Core/Common/scmrev.h # Ignore files output by build /[Bb]uild*/ /[Bb]inary/ /obj/ # Android cmake builds to here then copies to Source/Android. /libs/ # Ignore various files created by visual studio/msbuild *.ipch *.opensdf *.sdf *.suo *.vcxproj.user *.obj *.tlog # Ignore build info file created by QtCreator CMakeLists.txt.user # Ignore files created by posix people *~ # Ignore transifex configuration directory .tx # Ignore kdevelop files/dirs *.kdev4 # Ignore IDEA/Clion files/dirs /.idea/