// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #ifndef __ISOPROPERTIES_h__ #define __ISOPROPERTIES_h__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Filesystem.h" #include "IniFile.h" #undef ISOPROPERTIES_STYLE #define ISOPROPERTIES_STYLE wxCAPTION | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT | wxCLOSE_BOX class CISOProperties : public wxDialog { public: CISOProperties(const std::string fileName, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = 1, const wxString& title = wxT("Properties"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = ISOPROPERTIES_STYLE); virtual ~CISOProperties(); bool bRefreshList; private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); wxStaticBoxSizer *sbCoreOverrides; wxBoxSizer *sCoreOverrides; wxBoxSizer *sEmuState; wxStaticBoxSizer *sbPatches; wxBoxSizer *sPatches; wxBoxSizer *sPatchButtons; wxStaticBoxSizer *sbCheats; wxBoxSizer *sCheats; wxBoxSizer *sCheatButtons; wxStaticBoxSizer *sbISODetails; wxGridBagSizer *sISODetails; wxStaticBoxSizer *sbBannerDetails; wxGridBagSizer *sBannerDetails; wxStaticBoxSizer *sbTreectrl; wxButton *m_Close; wxNotebook *m_Notebook; wxPanel *m_GameConfig; wxPanel *m_Information; wxPanel *m_Filesystem; wxStaticText *OverrideText; wxCheckBox *UseDualCore; wxCheckBox *SkipIdle; wxCheckBox *OptimizeQuantizers; wxCheckBox *EnableProgressiveScan, *EnableWideScreen; // Wii wxStaticText *EmuStateText; wxArrayString arrayStringFor_EmuState; wxChoice *EmuState; wxArrayString arrayStringFor_Patches; wxCheckListBox *Patches; wxButton *EditPatch; wxButton *AddPatch; wxButton *RemovePatch; wxArrayString arrayStringFor_Cheats; wxCheckListBox *Cheats; wxButton *EditCheat; wxButton *AddCheat; wxButton *RemoveCheat; wxButton *EditConfig; wxStaticText *m_NameText; wxStaticText *m_GameIDText; wxStaticText *m_CountryText; wxStaticText *m_MakerIDText; wxStaticText *m_DateText; wxStaticText *m_FSTText; wxStaticText *m_VersionText; wxStaticText *m_LangText; wxStaticText *m_ShortText; wxStaticText *m_LongText; wxStaticText *m_MakerText; wxStaticText *m_CommentText; wxStaticText *m_BannerText; wxTextCtrl *m_Name; wxTextCtrl *m_GameID; wxTextCtrl *m_Country; wxTextCtrl *m_MakerID; wxTextCtrl *m_Date; wxTextCtrl *m_FST; wxTextCtrl *m_Version; wxArrayString arrayStringFor_Lang; wxChoice *m_Lang; wxTextCtrl *m_ShortName; wxTextCtrl *m_LongName; wxTextCtrl *m_Maker; wxTextCtrl *m_Comment; wxStaticBitmap *m_Banner; wxTreeCtrl *m_Treectrl; wxTreeItemId RootId; enum { ID_CLOSE = 1000, ID_TREECTRL, ID_NOTEBOOK, ID_GAMECONFIG, ID_INFORMATION, ID_FILESYSTEM, ID_OVERRIDE_TEXT, ID_USEDUALCORE, ID_IDLESKIP, ID_ENABLEPROGRESSIVESCAN, ID_ENABLEWIDESCREEN, ID_OPTIMIZEQUANTIZERS, ID_EMUSTATE_TEXT, ID_EMUSTATE, ID_PATCHES_LIST, ID_EDITPATCH, ID_ADDPATCH, ID_REMOVEPATCH, ID_CHEATS_LIST, ID_EDITCHEAT, ID_ADDCHEAT, ID_REMOVECHEAT, ID_EDITCONFIG, ID_NAME_TEXT, ID_GAMEID_TEXT, ID_COUNTRY_TEXT, ID_MAKERID_TEXT, ID_DATE_TEXT, ID_FST_TEXT, ID_VERSION_TEXT, ID_LANG_TEXT, ID_SHORTNAME_TEXT, ID_LONGNAME_TEXT, ID_MAKER_TEXT, ID_COMMENT_TEXT, ID_BANNER_TEXT, ID_NAME, ID_GAMEID, ID_COUNTRY, ID_MAKERID, ID_DATE, ID_FST, ID_VERSION, ID_LANG, ID_SHORTNAME, ID_LONGNAME, ID_MAKER, ID_COMMENT, ID_BANNER, IDM_EXTRACTDIR, IDM_EXTRACTFILE, IDM_BNRSAVEAS }; void CreateGUIControls(); void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); void OnCloseClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void RightClickOnBanner(wxMouseEvent& event); void OnBannerImageSave(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnRightClickOnTree(wxTreeEvent& event); void OnExtractFile(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnExtractDir(wxCommandEvent& event); void SetRefresh(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnEditConfig(wxCommandEvent& event); std::vector Our_Files; typedef std::vector::iterator fileIter; void CreateDirectoryTree(wxTreeItemId& parent,fileIter& begin, fileIter& end, fileIter& iterPos, char *directory); IniFile GameIni; std::string GameIniFile; void LoadGameConfig(); bool SaveGameConfig(); }; #endif