include(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/common_build_flags.cmake) # All projects need to reference the WIL headers include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include) # TODO: Might be worth trying to conditionally do this on SDK version, assuming there's a semi-easy way to detect that include_directories(BEFORE SYSTEM ./workarounds/wrl) # The build pipelines have limitations that local development environments do not, so turn a few knobs if (${FAST_BUILD}) replace_cxx_flag("/GR" "/GR-") # Disables RTTI add_definitions(-DCATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE -DWIL_FAST_BUILD) endif() add_subdirectory(app) add_subdirectory(cpplatest) add_subdirectory(noexcept) add_subdirectory(normal)