///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/osx/dataview.h // Purpose: wxDataViewCtrl native implementation header for OSX // Author: // Copyright: (c) 2009 // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_DATAVIEWCTRL_OSX_H_ #define _WX_DATAVIEWCTRL_OSX_H_ #ifdef __WXMAC_CLASSIC__ # error "Native wxDataViewCtrl for classic environment not defined. Please use generic control." #endif // -------------------------------------------------------- // Class declarations to mask native types // -------------------------------------------------------- class wxDataViewColumnNativeData; // class storing environment dependent data for the native implementation class wxDataViewWidgetImpl; // class used as a common interface for carbon and cocoa implementation // --------------------------------------------------------- // wxDataViewColumn // --------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV wxDataViewColumn: public wxDataViewColumnBase { public: // constructors / destructor wxDataViewColumn(const wxString& title, wxDataViewRenderer* renderer, unsigned int model_column, int width = wxDVC_DEFAULT_WIDTH, wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER, int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE); wxDataViewColumn(const wxBitmap& bitmap, wxDataViewRenderer* renderer, unsigned int model_column, int width = wxDVC_DEFAULT_WIDTH, wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER, int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE); virtual ~wxDataViewColumn(); // implement wxHeaderColumnBase pure virtual methods virtual wxAlignment GetAlignment() const { return m_alignment; } virtual int GetFlags() const { return m_flags; } virtual int GetMaxWidth() const { return m_maxWidth; } virtual int GetMinWidth() const { return m_minWidth; } virtual wxString GetTitle() const { return m_title; } virtual int GetWidth() const; virtual bool IsSortOrderAscending() const { return m_ascending; } virtual bool IsSortKey() const; virtual bool IsHidden() const; virtual void SetAlignment (wxAlignment align); virtual void SetBitmap (wxBitmap const& bitmap); virtual void SetFlags (int flags) { SetIndividualFlags(flags); } virtual void SetHidden (bool hidden); virtual void SetMaxWidth (int maxWidth); virtual void SetMinWidth (int minWidth); virtual void SetReorderable(bool reorderable); virtual void SetResizeable (bool resizable); virtual void SetSortable (bool sortable); virtual void SetSortOrder (bool ascending); virtual void SetTitle (wxString const& title); virtual void SetWidth (int width); // implementation only wxDataViewColumnNativeData* GetNativeData() const { return m_NativeDataPtr; } void SetNativeData(wxDataViewColumnNativeData* newNativeDataPtr); // class takes ownership of pointer int GetWidthVariable() const { return m_width; } void SetWidthVariable(int NewWidth) { m_width = NewWidth; } void SetSortOrderVariable(bool NewOrder) { m_ascending = NewOrder; } private: // common part of all ctors void InitCommon(int width, wxAlignment align, int flags) { m_ascending = true; m_flags = flags & ~wxDATAVIEW_COL_HIDDEN; // TODO m_maxWidth = 30000; m_minWidth = 0; m_alignment = align; SetWidth(width); } bool m_ascending; // sorting order int m_flags; // flags for the column int m_maxWidth; // maximum width for the column int m_minWidth; // minimum width for the column int m_width; // column width wxAlignment m_alignment; // column header alignment wxDataViewColumnNativeData* m_NativeDataPtr; // storing environment dependent data for the native implementation wxString m_title; // column title }; // // type definitions related to wxDataViewColumn // WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(wxDataViewColumn*,wxDataViewColumnPtrArrayType); // --------------------------------------------------------- // wxDataViewCtrl // --------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV wxDataViewCtrl: public wxDataViewCtrlBase { public: // Constructors / destructor: wxDataViewCtrl() { Init(); } wxDataViewCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxDataViewCtrlNameStr ) { Init(); Create(parent, winid, pos, size, style, validator, name); } ~wxDataViewCtrl(); bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxDataViewCtrlNameStr); virtual wxWindow* GetMainWindow() // not used for the native implementation { return this; } // inherited methods from wxDataViewCtrlBase: virtual bool AssociateModel(wxDataViewModel* model); virtual bool AppendColumn (wxDataViewColumn* columnPtr); virtual bool ClearColumns (); virtual bool DeleteColumn (wxDataViewColumn* columnPtr); virtual wxDataViewColumn* GetColumn (unsigned int pos) const; virtual unsigned int GetColumnCount () const; virtual int GetColumnPosition(const wxDataViewColumn* columnPtr) const; virtual wxDataViewColumn* GetSortingColumn () const; virtual bool InsertColumn (unsigned int pos, wxDataViewColumn *col); virtual bool PrependColumn (wxDataViewColumn* columnPtr); virtual void Collapse( const wxDataViewItem& item); virtual void EnsureVisible(const wxDataViewItem& item, const wxDataViewColumn* columnPtr=NULL); virtual void Expand(const wxDataViewItem& item); virtual bool IsExpanded(const wxDataViewItem & item) const; virtual unsigned int GetCount() const; virtual wxRect GetItemRect(const wxDataViewItem& item, const wxDataViewColumn* columnPtr = NULL) const; virtual int GetSelectedItemsCount() const; virtual int GetSelections(wxDataViewItemArray& sel) const; virtual void HitTest(const wxPoint& point, wxDataViewItem& item, wxDataViewColumn*& columnPtr) const; virtual bool IsSelected(const wxDataViewItem& item) const; virtual void SelectAll(); virtual void Select(const wxDataViewItem& item); virtual void SetSelections(const wxDataViewItemArray& sel); virtual void Unselect(const wxDataViewItem& item); virtual void UnselectAll(); // // implementation // // returns a pointer to the native implementation wxDataViewWidgetImpl* GetDataViewPeer() const; // adds all children of the passed parent to the control; if 'parentItem' is invalid the root(s) is/are added: void AddChildren(wxDataViewItem const& parentItem); // finishes editing of custom items; if no custom item is currently edited the method does nothing void FinishCustomItemEditing(); virtual void EditItem(const wxDataViewItem& item, const wxDataViewColumn *column); // returns the n-th pointer to a column; // this method is different from GetColumn(unsigned int pos) because here 'n' is not a position in the control but the n-th // position in the internal list/array of column pointers wxDataViewColumn* GetColumnPtr(size_t n) const { return m_ColumnPtrs[n]; } // returns the current being rendered item of the customized renderer (this item is only valid during editing) wxDataViewItem const& GetCustomRendererItem() const { return m_CustomRendererItem; } // returns a pointer to a customized renderer (this pointer is only valid during editing) wxDataViewCustomRenderer* GetCustomRendererPtr() const { return m_CustomRendererPtr; } // checks if currently a delete process is running bool IsDeleting() const { return m_Deleting; } // with CG, we need to get the context from an kEventControlDraw event // unfortunately, the DataBrowser callbacks don't provide the context // and we need it, so we need to set/remove it before and after draw // events so we can access it in the callbacks. void MacSetDrawingContext(void* context) { m_cgContext = context; } void* MacGetDrawingContext() const { return m_cgContext; } // sets the currently being edited item of the custom renderer void SetCustomRendererItem(wxDataViewItem const& NewItem) { m_CustomRendererItem = NewItem; } // sets the custom renderer void SetCustomRendererPtr(wxDataViewCustomRenderer* NewCustomRendererPtr) { m_CustomRendererPtr = NewCustomRendererPtr; } // sets the flag indicating a deletion process: void SetDeleting(bool deleting) { m_Deleting = deleting; } virtual wxDataViewColumn *GetCurrentColumn() const; virtual wxVisualAttributes GetDefaultAttributes() const { return GetClassDefaultAttributes(GetWindowVariant()); } static wxVisualAttributes GetClassDefaultAttributes(wxWindowVariant variant = wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL); protected: // inherited methods from wxDataViewCtrlBase virtual void DoSetExpanderColumn(); virtual void DoSetIndent(); virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const; // event handling void OnSize(wxSizeEvent &event); void OnMouse(wxMouseEvent &event); private: // initializing of local variables: void Init(); virtual wxDataViewItem DoGetCurrentItem() const; virtual void DoSetCurrentItem(const wxDataViewItem& item); // // variables // bool m_Deleting; // flag indicating if a delete process is running; this flag is necessary because the notifier indicating an item deletion in the model may be called // after the actual deletion of the item; then, native callback functions/delegates may try to update data of variables that are already deleted; // if this flag is set all native variable update requests will be ignored void* m_cgContext; // pointer to core graphics context wxDataViewCustomRenderer* m_CustomRendererPtr; // pointer to a valid custom renderer while editing; this class does NOT own the pointer wxDataViewItem m_CustomRendererItem; // currently edited item by the customrenderer; it is invalid while not editing a custom item wxDataViewColumnPtrArrayType m_ColumnPtrs; // all column pointers are stored in an array wxDataViewModelNotifier* m_ModelNotifier; // stores the model notifier for the control (does not own the notifier) // wxWidget internal stuff: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxDataViewCtrl) DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxDataViewCtrl) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif // _WX_DATAVIEWCTRL_OSX_H_