// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Filesystem.h" #include "VolumeCreator.h" #include "FileUtil.h" #include "DiscScrubber.h" namespace DiscIO { namespace DiscScrubber { #define SCRUBBER_VERSION 1 #define CLUSTER_SIZE 0x8000 static u8* m_Sector1; static u8* m_FreeTable; static u64 m_FileSize; static std::string m_Filename; static IVolume* m_Disc = NULL; struct SPartitionHeader { u8* Ticket[0x2a4]; u32 TMDSize; u64 TMDOffset; u32 CertChainSize; u64 CertChainOffset; // H3Size is always 0x18000 u64 H3Offset; u64 DataOffset; u64 DataSize; // TMD would be here u64 DOLOffset; u64 DOLSize; u64 FSTOffset; u64 FSTSize; u32 ApploaderSize; u32 ApploaderTrailerSize; }; struct SPartition { u32 GroupNumber; u32 Number; u64 Offset; u32 Type; SPartitionHeader Header; }; struct SPartitionGroup { u32 numPartitions; u64 PartitionsOffset; std::vector PartitionsVec; }; static SPartitionGroup PartitionGroup[4]; void MarkAsUsed(u64 _Offset, u64 _Size); void MarkAsUsedE(u64 _PartitionDataOffset, u64 _Offset, u64 _Size); bool MarkAsScrubbed(const char* filename); void ReadFromDisc(u64 _Offset, u64 _Length, u32& _Buffer); void ReadFromDisc(u64 _Offset, u64 _Length, u64& _Buffer); void ReadFromVolume(u64 _Offset, u64 _Length, u32& _Buffer); void ReadFromVolume(u64 _Offset, u64 _Length, u64& _Buffer); bool ParseDisc(); bool ParsePartitionData(SPartition& _rPartition); u32 GetDOLSize(u64 _DOLOffset); // Check for simplistic flag stored in an unencrypted pad space (offset 0x80) u32 IsScrubbed(const char* filename) { FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) return false; u32 ScrubbedFlag = SCRUBBER_VERSION; fseek(f, 0x80, SEEK_SET); fread(&ScrubbedFlag, sizeof(ScrubbedFlag), 1, f); fclose(f); return ScrubbedFlag; } bool Scrub(const char* filename, CompressCB callback, void* arg) { bool success = true; m_Filename = std::string(filename); u32 version = IsScrubbed(filename); if (version && version < SCRUBBER_VERSION) { if (!PanicYesNo("%s was scrubbed with an older version of DiscScrubber, would you like to re-scrub?", filename)) return success; } else if (version) { callback("DiscScrubber: This disc is already scrubbed", 0, arg); NOTICE_LOG(DISCIO, "%s is already scrubbed, skipping...", filename); return success; } m_Disc = CreateVolumeFromFilename(filename); m_FileSize = m_Disc->GetSize(); u32 numClusters = (u32)(m_FileSize / CLUSTER_SIZE); // Warn if not DVD5 or DVD9 size if (numClusters != 0x23048 && numClusters != 0x46090) WARN_LOG(DISCIO, "%s is not a standard sized wii disc! (%x blocks)", filename, numClusters); // Table of free blocks m_FreeTable = new u8[numClusters]; std::fill(m_FreeTable, m_FreeTable + numClusters, 1); // Fill the dummy all 1 block m_Sector1 = new u8[CLUSTER_SIZE]; std::fill(m_Sector1, m_Sector1 + CLUSTER_SIZE, 0xFF); // Fill out table of free blocks callback("DiscScrubber: Parsing...", 0, arg); success = ParseDisc(); // Done with it; need it closed for the next part delete m_Disc; m_Disc = NULL; // Open file FILE* pFile = fopen(filename, "r+b"); if (!pFile) { ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "DiscScrubber failed to open %s", filename); success = false; } // Let's not touch the file if we've failed up to here :p if (!success) goto cleanup; // Modify file, obeying the table of free blocks NOTICE_LOG(DISCIO, "Removing garbage data...go get some coffee :)"); for (u32 i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { u64 CurrentOffset = (u64)i * CLUSTER_SIZE; if (m_FreeTable[i]) { DEBUG_LOG(DISCIO, "Freeing 0x%016llx", CurrentOffset); // Area is unused so fill with 1s fseek(pFile, CurrentOffset, SEEK_SET); success |= fwrite(m_Sector1, CLUSTER_SIZE, 1, pFile) == CLUSTER_SIZE; if (!success) { PanicAlert("DiscScrubber failure"); break; } } else { DEBUG_LOG(DISCIO, "Used 0x%016llx", CurrentOffset); } // Update progress dialog if (i % (numClusters / 1000) == 0) { char temp[512]; sprintf(temp, "DiscScrubber: %x/%x (%s)", i, numClusters, m_FreeTable[i] ? "Free" : "Used"); callback(temp, (float)i / (float)numClusters, arg); } } NOTICE_LOG(DISCIO, "Done removing garbage data"); if (success) if (!MarkAsScrubbed(filename)) ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Really weird - failed to mark scrubbed disk as scrubbed :s"); cleanup: if (pFile) fclose(pFile); delete[] m_Sector1; delete[] m_FreeTable; return success; } void MarkAsUsed(u64 _Offset, u64 _Size) { u64 CurrentOffset = _Offset; u64 EndOffset = CurrentOffset + _Size; DEBUG_LOG(DISCIO, "Marking 0x%016llx - 0x%016llx as used", _Offset, EndOffset); while ((CurrentOffset < EndOffset) && (CurrentOffset < m_FileSize)) { m_FreeTable[CurrentOffset / CLUSTER_SIZE] = 0; CurrentOffset += CLUSTER_SIZE; } } // Compensate for 0x400(SHA-1) per 0x8000(cluster) void MarkAsUsedE(u64 _PartitionDataOffset, u64 _Offset, u64 _Size) { u64 Offset; u64 Size; Offset = _Offset / 0x7c00; Offset = Offset * CLUSTER_SIZE; Offset += _PartitionDataOffset; Size = _Size / 0x7c00; Size = (Size + 1) * CLUSTER_SIZE; // Add on the offset in the first block for the case where data straddles blocks Size += _Offset % 0x7c00; MarkAsUsed(Offset, Size); } bool MarkAsScrubbed(const char* filename) { FILE* f = fopen(filename, "r+b"); if (!f) return false; u8 ScrubbedFlag[1] = {SCRUBBER_VERSION}; fseek(f, 0x80, SEEK_SET); bool success = fwrite(ScrubbedFlag, 1, 1, f) == 1; fclose(f); return success; } // Helper functions for RAW reading the BE discs void ReadFromDisc(u64 _Offset, u64 _Length, u32& _Buffer) { m_Disc->RAWRead(_Offset, _Length, (u8*)&_Buffer); _Buffer = Common::swap32(_Buffer); } void ReadFromDisc(u64 _Offset, u64 _Length, u64& _Buffer) { m_Disc->RAWRead(_Offset, _Length, (u8*)&_Buffer); _Buffer = Common::swap32((u32)_Buffer); _Buffer <<= 2; } // Helper functions for reading the BE volume void ReadFromVolume(u64 _Offset, u64 _Length, u32& _Buffer) { m_Disc->Read(_Offset, _Length, (u8*)&_Buffer); _Buffer = Common::swap32(_Buffer); } void ReadFromVolume(u64 _Offset, u64 _Length, u64& _Buffer) { m_Disc->Read(_Offset, _Length, (u8*)&_Buffer); _Buffer = Common::swap32((u32)_Buffer); _Buffer <<= 2; } bool ParseDisc() { // Mark the header as used - it's mostly 0s anyways MarkAsUsed(0, 0x50000); for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { ReadFromDisc(0x40000 + (x * 8) + 0, 4, PartitionGroup[x].numPartitions); ReadFromDisc(0x40000 + (x * 8) + 4, 4, PartitionGroup[x].PartitionsOffset); // Read all partitions for (u32 i = 0; i < PartitionGroup[x].numPartitions; i++) { SPartition Partition; Partition.GroupNumber = x; Partition.Number = i; ReadFromDisc(PartitionGroup[x].PartitionsOffset + (i * 8) + 0, 4, Partition.Offset); ReadFromDisc(PartitionGroup[x].PartitionsOffset + (i * 8) + 4, 4, Partition.Type); ReadFromDisc(Partition.Offset + 0x2a4, 4, Partition.Header.TMDSize); ReadFromDisc(Partition.Offset + 0x2a8, 4, Partition.Header.TMDOffset); ReadFromDisc(Partition.Offset + 0x2ac, 4, Partition.Header.CertChainSize); ReadFromDisc(Partition.Offset + 0x2b0, 4, Partition.Header.CertChainOffset); ReadFromDisc(Partition.Offset + 0x2b4, 4, Partition.Header.H3Offset); ReadFromDisc(Partition.Offset + 0x2b8, 4, Partition.Header.DataOffset); ReadFromDisc(Partition.Offset + 0x2bc, 4, Partition.Header.DataSize); PartitionGroup[x].PartitionsVec.push_back(Partition); } for (size_t i = 0; i < PartitionGroup[x].PartitionsVec.size(); i++) { SPartition& rPartition = PartitionGroup[x].PartitionsVec.at(i); const SPartitionHeader& rHeader = PartitionGroup[x].PartitionsVec.at(i).Header; MarkAsUsed(rPartition.Offset, 0x2c0); MarkAsUsed(rPartition.Offset + rHeader.TMDOffset, rHeader.TMDSize); MarkAsUsed(rPartition.Offset + rHeader.CertChainOffset, rHeader.CertChainSize); MarkAsUsed(rPartition.Offset + rHeader.H3Offset, 0x18000); // This would mark the whole (encrypted) data area // we need to parse FST and other crap to find what's free within it! //MarkAsUsed(rPartition.Offset + rHeader.DataOffset, rHeader.DataSize); // Parse Data! This is where the big gain is if (!ParsePartitionData(rPartition)) return false; } } return true; } // Operations dealing with encrypted space are done here - the volume is swapped to allow this bool ParsePartitionData(SPartition& _rPartition) { bool ParsedOK = true; // Switch out the main volume temporarily IVolume *OldVolume = m_Disc; // Ready some stuff m_Disc = CreateVolumeFromFilename(m_Filename.c_str(), _rPartition.GroupNumber, _rPartition.Number); IFileSystem *FileSystem = CreateFileSystem(m_Disc); if (!FileSystem) { ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Failed to create filesystem for group %d partition %u", _rPartition.GroupNumber, _rPartition.Number) ParsedOK = false; } else { std::vector Files; size_t numFiles = FileSystem->GetFileList(Files); // Mark things as used which are not in the filesystem // Header, Header Information, Apploader ReadFromVolume(0x2440 + 0x14, 4, _rPartition.Header.ApploaderSize); ReadFromVolume(0x2440 + 0x18, 4, _rPartition.Header.ApploaderTrailerSize); MarkAsUsedE(_rPartition.Offset + _rPartition.Header.DataOffset , 0 , 0x2440 + _rPartition.Header.ApploaderSize + _rPartition.Header.ApploaderTrailerSize); // DOL ReadFromVolume(0x420, 4, _rPartition.Header.DOLOffset); _rPartition.Header.DOLSize = GetDOLSize(_rPartition.Header.DOLOffset); MarkAsUsedE(_rPartition.Offset + _rPartition.Header.DataOffset , _rPartition.Header.DOLOffset , _rPartition.Header.DOLSize); // FST ReadFromVolume(0x424, 4, _rPartition.Header.FSTOffset); ReadFromVolume(0x428, 4, _rPartition.Header.FSTSize); MarkAsUsedE(_rPartition.Offset + _rPartition.Header.DataOffset , _rPartition.Header.FSTOffset , _rPartition.Header.FSTSize); // Go through the filesystem and mark entries as used for (size_t currentFile = 0; currentFile < numFiles; currentFile++) { DEBUG_LOG(DISCIO, "%s", currentFile ? (*Files.at(currentFile)).m_FullPath : "/"); // Just 1byte for directory? - it will end up reserving a cluster this way if ((*Files.at(currentFile)).m_NameOffset & 0x1000000) MarkAsUsedE(_rPartition.Offset + _rPartition.Header.DataOffset , (*Files.at(currentFile)).m_Offset, 1); else MarkAsUsedE(_rPartition.Offset + _rPartition.Header.DataOffset , (*Files.at(currentFile)).m_Offset, (*Files.at(currentFile)).m_FileSize); } } delete FileSystem; // Swap back delete m_Disc; m_Disc = OldVolume; return ParsedOK; } u32 GetDOLSize(u64 _DOLOffset) { u32 offset = 0, size = 0, max = 0; // Iterate through the 7 code segments for (u8 i = 0; i < 7; i++) { ReadFromVolume(_DOLOffset + 0x00 + i * 4, 4, offset); ReadFromVolume(_DOLOffset + 0x90 + i * 4, 4, size); if (offset + size > max) max = offset + size; } // Iterate through the 11 data segments for (u8 i = 0; i < 11; i++) { ReadFromVolume(_DOLOffset + 0x1c + i * 4, 4, offset); ReadFromVolume(_DOLOffset + 0xac + i * 4, 4, size); if (offset + size > max) max = offset + size; } return max; } } // namespace DiscScrubber } // namespace DiscIO