// Copyright 2019 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "MacUpdater/ViewController.h" #include "UpdaterCommon/Platform.h" #include "UpdaterCommon/UI.h" #include "UpdaterCommon/UpdaterCommon.h" #include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <functional> // When we call from the main thread, we are not allowed to use // dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue() as it will cause crashes) To prevent this check if we're // already on the main thread first void run_on_main(std::function<void()> fnc) { if (![NSThread isMainThread]) { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ fnc(); }); } else { fnc(); } } NSWindow* GetWindow() { return [[[NSApplication sharedApplication] windows] objectAtIndex:0]; } ViewController* GetView() { return (ViewController*)GetWindow().contentViewController; } void UI::Error(const std::string& text) { run_on_main([&] { NSAlert* alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease]; [alert setMessageText:@"Fatal error"]; [alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithCString:text.c_str() encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSAlertStyleCritical]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:GetWindow() completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse) { [NSApp performSelector:@selector(terminate:) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0]; }]; }); } void UI::SetVisible(bool visible) { run_on_main([&] { if (visible) { [NSApp unhide:nil]; [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; } else { [NSApp hide:nil]; } }); } void UI::SetDescription(const std::string& text) { run_on_main([&] { [GetView() SetDescription:[NSString stringWithCString:text.c_str() encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; }); } void UI::SetTotalMarquee(bool marquee) { run_on_main([marquee] { [GetView() SetTotalMarquee:marquee]; }); } void UI::SetCurrentMarquee(bool marquee) { run_on_main([&] { [GetView() SetCurrentMarquee:marquee]; }); } void UI::ResetTotalProgress() { run_on_main([] { SetTotalProgress(0, 1); }); } void UI::ResetCurrentProgress() { run_on_main([] { SetCurrentProgress(0, 1); }); } void UI::SetCurrentProgress(int current, int total) { run_on_main([&] { [GetView() SetCurrentProgress:(double)current total:(double)total]; }); } void UI::SetTotalProgress(int current, int total) { run_on_main([&] { [GetView() SetTotalProgress:(double)current total:(double)total]; }); } void UI::Sleep(int seconds) { [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:static_cast<float>(seconds)]; } void UI::WaitForPID(u32 pid) { for (int res = kill(pid, 0); res == 0 || (res < 0 && errno == EPERM); res = kill(pid, 0)) { UI::Sleep(1); } } void UI::LaunchApplication(std::string path) { [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:[NSString stringWithCString:path.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]]; } void UI::Stop() { run_on_main([] { [NSApp performSelector:@selector(terminate:) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0]; }); } // Stub. Only needed on Windows void UI::Init() { } // test-updater.py only works on Windows. bool UI::IsTestMode() { return false; } bool Platform::VersionCheck(const std::vector<TodoList::UpdateOp>& to_update, const std::string& install_base_path, const std::string& temp_dir) { const auto op_it = std::find_if(to_update.cbegin(), to_update.cend(), [&](const auto& op) { return op.filename == "Dolphin.app/Contents/Info.plist"; }); if (op_it == to_update.cend()) return true; const auto op = *op_it; std::string plist_path = temp_dir + "/" + HexEncode(op.new_hash.data(), op.new_hash.size()); NSData* data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithCString:plist_path.c_str()]]; if (!data) { LogToFile("Failed to read %s, skipping platform version check.\n", plist_path.c_str()); return true; } NSError* error = nil; NSDictionary* info_dict = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData:data options:NSPropertyListImmutable format:nil error:&error]; if (error) { LogToFile("Failed to parse %s, skipping platform version check.\n", plist_path.c_str()); return true; } NSString* min_version_str = info_dict[@"LSMinimumSystemVersion"]; if (!min_version_str) { LogToFile("LSMinimumSystemVersion key missing, skipping platform version check.\n"); return true; } NSArray* components = [min_version_str componentsSeparatedByString:@"."]; NSOperatingSystemVersion next_version{ [components[0] integerValue], [components[1] integerValue], [components[2] integerValue]}; LogToFile("Platform version check: next_version=%ld.%ld.%ld\n", (long)next_version.majorVersion, (long)next_version.minorVersion, (long)next_version.patchVersion); if (![[NSProcessInfo processInfo] isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion:next_version]) { UI::Error("Please update macOS in order to update Dolphin."); return false; } return true; }