/* mz_strm.c -- Stream interface
   part of the minizip-ng project

   Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Nathan Moinvaziri

   This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib.
   See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license.

#include "mz.h"
#include "mz_strm.h"


#define MZ_STREAM_FIND_SIZE (1024)


int32_t mz_stream_open(void *stream, const char *path, int32_t mode) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->open == NULL)
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->open(strm, path, mode);

int32_t mz_stream_is_open(void *stream) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->is_open == NULL)
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->is_open(strm);

int32_t mz_stream_read(void *stream, void *buf, int32_t size) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->read == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    if (mz_stream_is_open(stream) != MZ_OK)
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->read(strm, buf, size);

static int32_t mz_stream_read_value(void *stream, uint64_t *value, int32_t len) {
    uint8_t buf[8];
    int32_t n = 0;
    int32_t i = 0;

    *value = 0;
    if (mz_stream_read(stream, buf, len) == len) {
        for (n = 0; n < len; n += 1, i += 8)
            *value += ((uint64_t)buf[n]) << i;
    } else if (mz_stream_error(stream))
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
        return MZ_END_OF_STREAM;

    return MZ_OK;

int32_t mz_stream_read_uint8(void *stream, uint8_t *value) {
    int32_t err = MZ_OK;
    uint64_t value64 = 0;

    *value = 0;
    err = mz_stream_read_value(stream, &value64, sizeof(uint8_t));
    if (err == MZ_OK)
        *value = (uint8_t)value64;
    return err;

int32_t mz_stream_read_uint16(void *stream, uint16_t *value) {
    int32_t err = MZ_OK;
    uint64_t value64 = 0;

    *value = 0;
    err = mz_stream_read_value(stream, &value64, sizeof(uint16_t));
    if (err == MZ_OK)
        *value = (uint16_t)value64;
    return err;

int32_t mz_stream_read_uint32(void *stream, uint32_t *value) {
    int32_t err = MZ_OK;
    uint64_t value64 = 0;

    *value = 0;
    err = mz_stream_read_value(stream, &value64, sizeof(uint32_t));
    if (err == MZ_OK)
        *value = (uint32_t)value64;
    return err;

int32_t mz_stream_read_int64(void *stream, int64_t *value) {
    return mz_stream_read_value(stream, (uint64_t *)value, sizeof(uint64_t));

int32_t mz_stream_read_uint64(void *stream, uint64_t *value) {
    return mz_stream_read_value(stream, value, sizeof(uint64_t));

int32_t mz_stream_write(void *stream, const void *buf, int32_t size) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (size == 0)
        return size;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->write == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    if (mz_stream_is_open(stream) != MZ_OK)
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->write(strm, buf, size);

static int32_t mz_stream_write_value(void *stream, uint64_t value, int32_t len) {
    uint8_t buf[8];
    int32_t n = 0;

    for (n = 0; n < len; n += 1) {
        buf[n] = (uint8_t)(value & 0xff);
        value >>= 8;

    if (value != 0) {
        /* Data overflow - hack for ZIP64 (X Roche) */
        for (n = 0; n < len; n += 1)
            buf[n] = 0xff;

    if (mz_stream_write(stream, buf, len) != len)
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;

    return MZ_OK;

int32_t mz_stream_write_uint8(void *stream, uint8_t value) {
    return mz_stream_write_value(stream, value, sizeof(uint8_t));

int32_t mz_stream_write_uint16(void *stream, uint16_t value) {
    return mz_stream_write_value(stream, value, sizeof(uint16_t));

int32_t mz_stream_write_uint32(void *stream, uint32_t value) {
    return mz_stream_write_value(stream, value, sizeof(uint32_t));

int32_t mz_stream_write_int64(void *stream, int64_t value) {
    return mz_stream_write_value(stream, (uint64_t)value, sizeof(uint64_t));

int32_t mz_stream_write_uint64(void *stream, uint64_t value) {
    return mz_stream_write_value(stream, value, sizeof(uint64_t));

int32_t mz_stream_copy(void *target, void *source, int32_t len) {
    return mz_stream_copy_stream(target, NULL, source, NULL, len);

int32_t mz_stream_copy_to_end(void *target, void *source) {
    return mz_stream_copy_stream_to_end(target, NULL, source, NULL);

int32_t mz_stream_copy_stream(void *target, mz_stream_write_cb write_cb, void *source,
    mz_stream_read_cb read_cb, int32_t len) {
    uint8_t buf[16384];
    int32_t bytes_to_copy = 0;
    int32_t read = 0;
    int32_t written = 0;

    if (write_cb == NULL)
        write_cb = mz_stream_write;
    if (read_cb == NULL)
        read_cb = mz_stream_read;

    while (len > 0) {
        bytes_to_copy = len;
        if (bytes_to_copy > (int32_t)sizeof(buf))
            bytes_to_copy = sizeof(buf);
        read = read_cb(source, buf, bytes_to_copy);
        if (read <= 0)
            return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
        written = write_cb(target, buf, read);
        if (written != read)
            return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
        len -= read;

    return MZ_OK;

int32_t mz_stream_copy_stream_to_end(void *target, mz_stream_write_cb write_cb, void *source,
    mz_stream_read_cb read_cb) {
    uint8_t buf[16384];
    int32_t read = 0;
    int32_t written = 0;

    if (write_cb == NULL)
        write_cb = mz_stream_write;
    if (read_cb == NULL)
        read_cb = mz_stream_read;

    read = read_cb(source, buf, sizeof(buf));
    while (read > 0) {
        written = write_cb(target, buf, read);
        if (written != read)
            return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
        read = read_cb(source, buf, sizeof(buf));

    if (read < 0)
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;

    return MZ_OK;

int64_t mz_stream_tell(void *stream) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->tell == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    if (mz_stream_is_open(stream) != MZ_OK)
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->tell(strm);

int32_t mz_stream_seek(void *stream, int64_t offset, int32_t origin) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->seek == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    if (mz_stream_is_open(stream) != MZ_OK)
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
    if (origin == MZ_SEEK_SET && offset < 0)
        return MZ_SEEK_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->seek(strm, offset, origin);

int32_t mz_stream_find(void *stream, const void *find, int32_t find_size, int64_t max_seek, int64_t *position) {
    uint8_t buf[MZ_STREAM_FIND_SIZE];
    int32_t buf_pos = 0;
    int32_t read_size = sizeof(buf);
    int32_t read = 0;
    int64_t read_pos = 0;
    int64_t start_pos = 0;
    int64_t disk_pos = 0;
    int32_t i = 0;
    uint8_t first = 1;
    int32_t err = MZ_OK;

    if (stream == NULL || find == NULL || position == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    if (find_size < 0 || find_size >= (int32_t)sizeof(buf))
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;

    *position = -1;

    start_pos = mz_stream_tell(stream);

    while (read_pos < max_seek) {
        if (read_size > (int32_t)(max_seek - read_pos - buf_pos) && (max_seek - read_pos - buf_pos) < (int64_t)sizeof(buf))
            read_size = (int32_t)(max_seek - read_pos - buf_pos);

        read = mz_stream_read(stream, buf + buf_pos, read_size);
        if ((read <= 0) || (read + buf_pos < find_size))

        for (i = 0; i <= read + buf_pos - find_size; i += 1) {
            if (memcmp(&buf[i], find, find_size) != 0)

            disk_pos = mz_stream_tell(stream);

            /* Seek to position on disk where the data was found */
            err = mz_stream_seek(stream, disk_pos - ((int64_t)read + buf_pos - i), MZ_SEEK_SET);
            if (err != MZ_OK)
                return MZ_EXIST_ERROR;

            *position = start_pos + read_pos + i;
            return MZ_OK;

        if (first) {
            read -= find_size;
            read_size -= find_size;
            buf_pos = find_size;
            first = 0;

        memmove(buf, buf + read, find_size);
        read_pos += read;

    return MZ_EXIST_ERROR;

int32_t mz_stream_find_reverse(void *stream, const void *find, int32_t find_size, int64_t max_seek, int64_t *position) {
    uint8_t buf[MZ_STREAM_FIND_SIZE];
    int32_t buf_pos = 0;
    int32_t read_size = MZ_STREAM_FIND_SIZE;
    int64_t read_pos = 0;
    int32_t read = 0;
    int64_t start_pos = 0;
    int64_t disk_pos = 0;
    uint8_t first = 1;
    int32_t i = 0;
    int32_t err = MZ_OK;

    if (stream == NULL || find == NULL || position == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    if (find_size < 0 || find_size >= (int32_t)sizeof(buf))
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;

    *position = -1;

    start_pos = mz_stream_tell(stream);

    while (read_pos < max_seek) {
        if (read_size > (int32_t)(max_seek - read_pos) && (max_seek - read_pos) < (int64_t)sizeof(buf))
            read_size = (int32_t)(max_seek - read_pos);

        if (mz_stream_seek(stream, start_pos - (read_pos + read_size), MZ_SEEK_SET) != MZ_OK)
        read = mz_stream_read(stream, buf, read_size);
        if ((read <= 0) || (read + buf_pos < find_size))
        if (read + buf_pos < MZ_STREAM_FIND_SIZE)
            memmove(buf + MZ_STREAM_FIND_SIZE - (read + buf_pos), buf, read);

        for (i = find_size; i <= (read + buf_pos); i += 1) {
            if (memcmp(&buf[MZ_STREAM_FIND_SIZE - i], find, find_size) != 0)

            disk_pos = mz_stream_tell(stream);

            /* Seek to position on disk where the data was found */
            err = mz_stream_seek(stream, disk_pos + buf_pos - i, MZ_SEEK_SET);
            if (err != MZ_OK)
                return MZ_EXIST_ERROR;

            *position = start_pos - (read_pos - buf_pos + i);
            return MZ_OK;

        if (first) {
            read -= find_size;
            read_size -= find_size;
            buf_pos = find_size;
            first = 0;

        if (read == 0)

        memmove(buf + read_size, buf, find_size);
        read_pos += read;

    return MZ_EXIST_ERROR;

int32_t mz_stream_close(void *stream) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->close == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    if (mz_stream_is_open(stream) != MZ_OK)
        return MZ_STREAM_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->close(strm);

int32_t mz_stream_error(void *stream) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->error == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->error(strm);

int32_t mz_stream_set_base(void *stream, void *base) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    strm->base = (mz_stream *)base;
    return MZ_OK;

void* mz_stream_get_interface(void *stream) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL)
        return NULL;
    return (void *)strm->vtbl;

int32_t mz_stream_get_prop_int64(void *stream, int32_t prop, int64_t *value) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->get_prop_int64 == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->get_prop_int64(stream, prop, value);

int32_t mz_stream_set_prop_int64(void *stream, int32_t prop, int64_t value) {
    mz_stream *strm = (mz_stream *)stream;
    if (strm == NULL || strm->vtbl == NULL || strm->vtbl->set_prop_int64 == NULL)
        return MZ_PARAM_ERROR;
    return strm->vtbl->set_prop_int64(stream, prop, value);

void *mz_stream_create(void **stream, mz_stream_vtbl *vtbl) {
    if (stream == NULL)
        return NULL;
    if (vtbl == NULL || vtbl->create == NULL)
        return NULL;
    return vtbl->create(stream);

void mz_stream_delete(void **stream) {
    mz_stream *strm = NULL;
    if (stream == NULL)
    strm = (mz_stream *)*stream;
    if (strm != NULL && strm->vtbl != NULL && strm->vtbl->destroy != NULL)
    *stream = NULL;


typedef struct mz_stream_raw_s {
    mz_stream   stream;
    int64_t     total_in;
    int64_t     total_out;
    int64_t     max_total_in;
} mz_stream_raw;


int32_t mz_stream_raw_open(void *stream, const char *path, int32_t mode) {

    return MZ_OK;

int32_t mz_stream_raw_is_open(void *stream) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = (mz_stream_raw *)stream;
    return mz_stream_is_open(raw->stream.base);

int32_t mz_stream_raw_read(void *stream, void *buf, int32_t size) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = (mz_stream_raw *)stream;
    int32_t bytes_to_read = size;
    int32_t read = 0;

    if (raw->max_total_in > 0) {
        if ((int64_t)bytes_to_read > (raw->max_total_in - raw->total_in))
            bytes_to_read = (int32_t)(raw->max_total_in - raw->total_in);

    read = mz_stream_read(raw->stream.base, buf, bytes_to_read);

    if (read > 0) {
        raw->total_in += read;
        raw->total_out += read;

    return read;

int32_t mz_stream_raw_write(void *stream, const void *buf, int32_t size) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = (mz_stream_raw *)stream;
    int32_t written = 0;

    written = mz_stream_write(raw->stream.base, buf, size);

    if (written > 0) {
        raw->total_out += written;
        raw->total_in += written;

    return written;

int64_t mz_stream_raw_tell(void *stream) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = (mz_stream_raw *)stream;
    return mz_stream_tell(raw->stream.base);

int32_t mz_stream_raw_seek(void *stream, int64_t offset, int32_t origin) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = (mz_stream_raw *)stream;
    return mz_stream_seek(raw->stream.base, offset, origin);

int32_t mz_stream_raw_close(void *stream) {
    return MZ_OK;

int32_t mz_stream_raw_error(void *stream) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = (mz_stream_raw *)stream;
    return mz_stream_error(raw->stream.base);

int32_t mz_stream_raw_get_prop_int64(void *stream, int32_t prop, int64_t *value) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = (mz_stream_raw *)stream;
    switch (prop) {
        *value = raw->total_in;
        return MZ_OK;
        *value = raw->total_out;
        return MZ_OK;
    return MZ_EXIST_ERROR;

int32_t mz_stream_raw_set_prop_int64(void *stream, int32_t prop, int64_t value) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = (mz_stream_raw *)stream;
    switch (prop) {
        raw->max_total_in = value;
        return MZ_OK;
    return MZ_EXIST_ERROR;


static mz_stream_vtbl mz_stream_raw_vtbl = {


void *mz_stream_raw_create(void **stream) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = NULL;

    raw = (mz_stream_raw *)MZ_ALLOC(sizeof(mz_stream_raw));
    if (raw != NULL) {
        memset(raw, 0, sizeof(mz_stream_raw));
        raw->stream.vtbl = &mz_stream_raw_vtbl;
    if (stream != NULL)
        *stream = raw;

    return raw;

void mz_stream_raw_delete(void **stream) {
    mz_stream_raw *raw = NULL;
    if (stream == NULL)
    raw = (mz_stream_raw *)*stream;
    if (raw != NULL)
    *stream = NULL;