// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include #include "Common.h" #include "IniFile.h" #include "StringUtil.h" #include "Config.h" #include "EmuDefinitions.h" // for PadMapping #include "main.h" // Ini Control Names // Do not change the order unless you change the related arrays static const char* wmControlNames[] = { "WmA", "WmB", "Wm1", "Wm2", "WmP", "WmM", "WmH", "WmL", "WmR", "WmU", "WmD", "WmShake", "WmPitchL", "WmPitchR", }; static const char* ncControlNames[] = { "NcZ", "NcC", "NcL", "NcR", "NcU", "NcD", "NcShake", }; static const char* ccControlNames[] = { "CcA", "CcB", "CcX", "CcY", "CcP", "CcM", "CcH", "CcTl", "CcZl", "CcZr", "CcTr", "CcDl", "CcDu", "CcDr", "CcDd", "CcLl", "CcLu", "CcLr", "CcLd", "CcRl", "CcRu", "CcRr", "CcRd", }; static const char* gh3ControlNames[] = { "GH3Green", "GH3Red", "GH3Yellow", "GH3Blue", "GH3Orange", "GH3Plus", "GH3Minus", "GH3Whammy", "GH3Al", "GH3Au", "GH3Ar", "GH3Ad", "GH3StrumUp", "GH3StrumDown", }; // Default controls static int wmDefaultControls[] = { 65, // WmA 66, // WmB 49, // Wm1 50, // Wm2 80, // WmP 77, // WmM 72, // WmH #ifdef _WIN32 VK_LEFT, // Regular directional keys VK_RIGHT, VK_UP, VK_DOWN, #elif defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 XK_Left, XK_Right, XK_Up, XK_Down, #else 0,0,0,0, #endif 83, // WmShake (S) 51, // WmPitchL (3) 52, // WmPitchR (4) }; static int nCDefaultControls[] = { 90, // NcZ Z 67, // NcC C #ifdef _WIN32 VK_NUMPAD4, // NcL VK_NUMPAD6, // NcR VK_NUMPAD8, // NcU VK_NUMPAD5, // NcD #elif defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 XK_KP_Left, // Numlock must be off XK_KP_Right, XK_KP_Up, XK_KP_Down, #else 0,0,0,0, #endif 68, // NcShake D }; static int ccDefaultControls[] = { 90, // CcA (C) 67, // CcB (Z) 0x58, // CcX (X) 0x59, // CcY (Y) 0x4f, // CcP O instead of P 0x4e, // CcM N instead of M 0x55, // CcH U instead of H 0x37, // CcTl 7 0x38, // CcZl 8 0x39, // CcZr 9 0x30, // CcTr 0 #ifdef _WIN32 // TODO: ugly that wm/nc use lrud and cc/gh3 use lurd VK_NUMPAD4, //CcDl VK_NUMPAD8, // CcDu VK_NUMPAD6, // CcDr VK_NUMPAD5, // CcDd #elif defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 XK_KP_Left, // Numlock must be off XK_KP_Up, XK_KP_Right, XK_KP_Down, #else 0,0,0,0, #endif 0x4a, // CcLl J 0x49, // CcLu I 0x4c, // CcLr L 0x4b, // CcLd K 0x44, // CcRl D 0x52, // CcRu R 0x47, // CcRr G 0x46, // CcRd F }; static int GH3DefaultControls[] = { 0, // GH3Green 0, // GH3Red 0, // GH3Yellow 0, // GH3Blue 0, // GH3Orange 0, // GH3Plus 0, // GH3Minus 0, // GH3Whammy 0, // GH3Al 0, // GH3Au 0, // GH3Ar 0, // GH3Ad 13, // GH3StrumUp 161, // GH3StrumDown }; Config g_Config; Config::Config() { // Set all default values to zero memset(this, 0, sizeof(Config)); } void Config::Load(bool ChangePad) { std::string temp; IniFile iniFile; iniFile.Load(FULL_CONFIG_DIR "Wiimote.ini"); // General iniFile.Get("Settings", "SidewaysDPad", &bSidewaysDPad, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "ExtensionConnected", &iExtensionConnected, EXT_NONE); iniFile.Get("Settings", "MotionPlusConnected", &bMotionPlusConnected, false); // Real Wiimote iniFile.Get("Real", "Connect", &bConnectRealWiimote, true); iniFile.Get("Real", "Use", &bUseRealWiimote, true); iniFile.Get("Real", "UpdateStatus", &bUpdateRealWiimote, true); iniFile.Get("Real", "AccNeutralX", &iAccNeutralX, 0); iniFile.Get("Real", "AccNeutralY", &iAccNeutralY, 0); iniFile.Get("Real", "AccNeutralZ", &iAccNeutralZ, 0); iniFile.Get("Real", "AccNunNeutralX", &iAccNunNeutralX, 0); iniFile.Get("Real", "AccNunNeutralY", &iAccNunNeutralY, 0); iniFile.Get("Real", "AccNunNeutralZ", &iAccNunNeutralZ, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { // Slot specific settings char SectionName[32]; sprintf(SectionName, "Wiimote%i", i + 1); iniFile.Get(SectionName, "NoTriggerFilter", &bNoTriggerFilter, false); iniFile.Get(SectionName, "TriggerType", &Trigger.Type, Trigger.TRIGGER_OFF); iniFile.Get(SectionName, "TriggerRollRange", &Trigger.Range.Roll, 50); iniFile.Get(SectionName, "TriggerPitchRange", &Trigger.Range.Pitch, false); // Wiimote for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++) iniFile.Get(SectionName, wmControlNames[x], &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Wm.keyForControls[x], wmDefaultControls[x]); // Nunchuck iniFile.Get(SectionName, "NunchuckStick", &Nunchuck.Type, Nunchuck.KEYBOARD); for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) iniFile.Get(SectionName, ncControlNames[x], &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Nc.keyForControls[x], nCDefaultControls[x]); // Classic Controller iniFile.Get(SectionName, "CcLeftStick", &ClassicController.LType, ClassicController.KEYBOARD); iniFile.Get(SectionName, "CcRightStick", &ClassicController.RType, ClassicController.KEYBOARD); iniFile.Get(SectionName, "CcTriggers", &ClassicController.TType, ClassicController.KEYBOARD); for (int x = 0; x < 23; x++) iniFile.Get(SectionName, ccControlNames[x], &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Cc.keyForControls[x], ccDefaultControls[x]); iniFile.Get(SectionName, "GH3Analog", &GH3Controller.AType, GH3Controller.ANALOG1); for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++) iniFile.Get(SectionName, gh3ControlNames[x], &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].GH3c.keyForControls[x], GH3DefaultControls[x]); // Don't update this when we are loading settings from the ConfigBox if(!ChangePad) { // This pad Id could possibly be higher than the number of pads that are connected, // but we check later, when needed, that that is not the case iniFile.Get(SectionName, "DeviceID", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].ID, 0); iniFile.Get(SectionName, "Enabled", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].enabled, true); } // Joypad specific settings // Current joypad device ID: PadMapping[i].ID // Current joypad name: joyinfo[PadMapping[i].ID].Name // Prevent a crash from illegal access to joyinfo that will only have values for // the current amount of connected PadMapping if((u32)WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].ID >= WiiMoteEmu::joyinfo.size()) continue; // Create a section name std::string joySectionName = WiiMoteEmu::joyinfo[WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].ID].Name; iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "left_x", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Lx, 0); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "left_y", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Ly, 1); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "right_x", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Rx, 2); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "right_y", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Ry, 3); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "l_trigger", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Tl, 1004); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "r_trigger", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Tr, 1005); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "DeadZoneL", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].DeadZoneL, 0); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "DeadZoneR", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].DeadZoneR, 0); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "TriggerType", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].triggertype, 0); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "Diagonal", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].SDiagonal, "100%"); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "Circle2Square", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].bCircle2Square, false); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "RollInvert", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].bRollInvert, false); iniFile.Get(joySectionName.c_str(), "PitchInvert", &WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].bPitchInvert, false); } // Load the IR cursor settings if it's avaliable for the GameId, if not load the default settings iniFile.Load(FULL_CONFIG_DIR "IR Pointer.ini"); char TmpSection[32]; sprintf(TmpSection, "%s", g_ISOId ? Hex2Ascii(g_ISOId).c_str() : "Default"); iniFile.Get(TmpSection, "IRLeft", &iIRLeft, LEFT); iniFile.Get(TmpSection, "IRTop", &iIRTop, TOP); iniFile.Get(TmpSection, "IRWidth", &iIRWidth, RIGHT - LEFT); iniFile.Get(TmpSection, "IRHeight", &iIRHeight, BOTTOM - TOP); // Load a few screen settings to. If these are added to the DirectX plugin it's probably // better to place them in the main Dolphin.ini file iniFile.Load(FULL_CONFIG_DIR "gfx_opengl.ini"); iniFile.Get("Settings", "KeepAR_4_3", &bKeepAR43, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "KeepAR_16_9", &bKeepAR169, false); iniFile.Get("Settings", "Crop", &bCrop, false); //DEBUG_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Load()"); } void Config::Save(int Slot) { IniFile iniFile; iniFile.Load(FULL_CONFIG_DIR "Wiimote.ini"); iniFile.Set("Settings", "SidewaysDPad", bSidewaysDPad); iniFile.Set("Settings", "ExtensionConnected", iExtensionConnected); iniFile.Set("Settings", "MotionPlusConnected", bMotionPlusConnected); iniFile.Set("Real", "Connect", bConnectRealWiimote); iniFile.Set("Real", "Use", bUseRealWiimote); iniFile.Set("Real", "UpdateStatus", bUpdateRealWiimote); iniFile.Set("Real", "AccNeutralX", iAccNeutralX); iniFile.Set("Real", "AccNeutralY", iAccNeutralY); iniFile.Set("Real", "AccNeutralZ", iAccNeutralZ); iniFile.Set("Real", "AccNunNeutralX", iAccNunNeutralX); iniFile.Set("Real", "AccNunNeutralY", iAccNunNeutralY); iniFile.Set("Real", "AccNunNeutralZ", iAccNunNeutralZ); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { // Slot specific settings char SectionName[32]; sprintf(SectionName, "Wiimote%i", i + 1); iniFile.Set(SectionName, "Enabled", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].enabled); iniFile.Set(SectionName, "NoTriggerFilter", bNoTriggerFilter); iniFile.Set(SectionName, "TriggerType", Trigger.Type); iniFile.Set(SectionName, "TriggerRollRange", Trigger.Range.Roll); iniFile.Set(SectionName, "TriggerPitchRange", Trigger.Range.Pitch); // Wiimote for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++) iniFile.Set(SectionName, wmControlNames[x], WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Wm.keyForControls[x]); // Nunchuck iniFile.Set(SectionName, "NunchuckStick", Nunchuck.Type); for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) iniFile.Set(SectionName, ncControlNames[x], WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Nc.keyForControls[x]); // Classic Controller iniFile.Set(SectionName, "CcLeftStick", ClassicController.LType); iniFile.Set(SectionName, "CcRightStick", ClassicController.RType); iniFile.Set(SectionName, "CcTriggers", ClassicController.TType); for (int x = 0; x < 23; x++) iniFile.Set(SectionName, ccControlNames[x], WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Cc.keyForControls[x]); // GH3 iniFile.Set(SectionName, "GH3Analog", GH3Controller.AType); for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++) iniFile.Set(SectionName, gh3ControlNames[x], WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].GH3c.keyForControls[x]); // Save the physical device ID number iniFile.Set(SectionName, "DeviceID", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].ID); // Joypad specific settings // Current joypad device ID: PadMapping[i].ID // Current joypad name: joyinfo[PadMapping[i].ID].Name // Save joypad specific settings. Check for "PadMapping[i].ID < SDL_NumJoysticks()" to // avoid reading a joyinfo that does't exist if((u32)WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].ID >= WiiMoteEmu::joyinfo.size()) continue; // Create a new section name after the joypad name std::string joySectionName = WiiMoteEmu::joyinfo[WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].ID].Name; iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "left_x", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Lx); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "left_y", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Ly); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "right_x", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Rx); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "right_y", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Ry); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "l_trigger", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Tl); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "r_trigger", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].Axis.Tr); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "DeadZoneL", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].DeadZoneL); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "DeadZoneR", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].DeadZoneR); //iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "controllertype", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].controllertype); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "TriggerType", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].triggertype); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "Diagonal", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].SDiagonal); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "Circle2Square", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].bCircle2Square); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "RollInvert", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].bRollInvert); iniFile.Set(joySectionName.c_str(), "PitchInvert", WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[i].bPitchInvert); } iniFile.Save(FULL_CONFIG_DIR "Wiimote.ini"); // Save the IR cursor settings if it's avaliable for the GameId, if not save the default settings iniFile.Load(FULL_CONFIG_DIR "IR Pointer.ini"); char TmpSection[32]; sprintf(TmpSection, "%s", g_ISOId ? Hex2Ascii(g_ISOId).c_str() : "Default"); iniFile.Set(TmpSection, "IRLeft", iIRLeft); iniFile.Set(TmpSection, "IRTop", iIRTop); iniFile.Set(TmpSection, "IRWidth", iIRWidth); iniFile.Set(TmpSection, "IRHeight", iIRHeight); iniFile.Save(FULL_CONFIG_DIR "IR Pointer.ini"); //DEBUG_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Save()"); }