///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/fswatcher.h // Purpose: wxFileSystemWatcherBase // Author: Bartosz Bekier // Created: 2009-05-23 // RCS-ID: $Id: fswatcher.h 70796 2012-03-04 00:29:31Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 2009 Bartosz Bekier // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_FSWATCHER_BASE_H_ #define _WX_FSWATCHER_BASE_H_ #include "wx/defs.h" #if wxUSE_FSWATCHER #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/event.h" #include "wx/evtloop.h" #include "wx/filename.h" #include "wx/dir.h" #include "wx/hashmap.h" #define wxTRACE_FSWATCHER "fswatcher" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileSystemWatcherEventType & wxFileSystemWatcherEvent // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Possible types of file system events. * This is a subset that will work fine an all platforms (actually, we will * see how it works on Mac). * * We got 2 types of error events: * - warning: these are not fatal and further events can still be generated * - error: indicates fatal error and causes that no more events will happen */ enum { wxFSW_EVENT_CREATE = 0x01, wxFSW_EVENT_DELETE = 0x02, wxFSW_EVENT_RENAME = 0x04, wxFSW_EVENT_MODIFY = 0x08, wxFSW_EVENT_ACCESS = 0x10, // error events wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING = 0x20, wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR = 0x40, wxFSW_EVENT_ALL = wxFSW_EVENT_CREATE | wxFSW_EVENT_DELETE | wxFSW_EVENT_RENAME | wxFSW_EVENT_MODIFY | wxFSW_EVENT_ACCESS | wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING | wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR }; // Type of the path watched, used only internally for now. enum wxFSWPathType { wxFSWPath_None, // Invalid value for an initialized watch. wxFSWPath_File, // Plain file. wxFSWPath_Dir, // Watch a directory and the files in it. wxFSWPath_Tree // Watch a directory and all its children recursively. }; /** * Event containing information about file system change. */ class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxFileSystemWatcherEvent; wxDECLARE_EXPORTED_EVENT(WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE, wxEVT_FSWATCHER, wxFileSystemWatcherEvent); class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxFileSystemWatcherEvent: public wxEvent { public: wxFileSystemWatcherEvent(int changeType, int watchid = wxID_ANY) : wxEvent(watchid, wxEVT_FSWATCHER), m_changeType(changeType) { } wxFileSystemWatcherEvent(int changeType, const wxString& errorMsg, int watchid = wxID_ANY) : wxEvent(watchid, wxEVT_FSWATCHER), m_changeType(changeType), m_errorMsg(errorMsg) { } wxFileSystemWatcherEvent(int changeType, const wxFileName& path, const wxFileName& newPath, int watchid = wxID_ANY) : wxEvent(watchid, wxEVT_FSWATCHER), m_changeType(changeType), m_path(path), m_newPath(newPath) { } /** * Returns the path at which the event occurred. */ const wxFileName& GetPath() const { return m_path; } /** * Sets the path at which the event occurred */ void SetPath(const wxFileName& path) { m_path = path; } /** * In case of rename(move?) events, returns the new path related to the * event. The "new" means newer in the sense of time. In case of other * events it returns the same path as GetPath(). */ const wxFileName& GetNewPath() const { return m_newPath; } /** * Sets the new path related to the event. See above. */ void SetNewPath(const wxFileName& path) { m_newPath = path; } /** * Returns the type of file system event that occurred. */ int GetChangeType() const { return m_changeType; } virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { wxFileSystemWatcherEvent* evt = new wxFileSystemWatcherEvent(*this); evt->m_errorMsg = m_errorMsg.Clone(); evt->m_path = wxFileName(m_path.GetFullPath().Clone()); evt->m_newPath = wxFileName(m_newPath.GetFullPath().Clone()); return evt; } virtual wxEventCategory GetEventCategory() const { // TODO this has to be merged with "similiar" categories and changed return wxEVT_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN; } /** * Returns if this error is an error event */ bool IsError() const { return (m_changeType & (wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR | wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING)) != 0; } wxString GetErrorDescription() const { return m_errorMsg; } /** * Returns a wxString describing an event useful for debugging or testing */ wxString ToString() const; protected: int m_changeType; wxFileName m_path; wxFileName m_newPath; wxString m_errorMsg; }; typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxFileSystemWatcherEventFunction) (wxFileSystemWatcherEvent&); #define wxFileSystemWatcherEventHandler(func) \ wxEVENT_HANDLER_CAST(wxFileSystemWatcherEventFunction, func) #define EVT_FSWATCHER(winid, func) \ wx__DECLARE_EVT1(wxEVT_FSWATCHER, winid, wxFileSystemWatcherEventHandler(func)) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileSystemWatcherBase: interface for wxFileSystemWatcher // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple container to store information about one watched path. class wxFSWatchInfo { public: wxFSWatchInfo() : m_events(-1), m_type(wxFSWPath_None) { } wxFSWatchInfo(const wxString& path, int events, wxFSWPathType type) : m_path(path), m_events(events), m_type(type) { } const wxString& GetPath() const { return m_path; } int GetFlags() const { return m_events; } wxFSWPathType GetType() const { return m_type; } protected: wxString m_path; int m_events; wxFSWPathType m_type; }; WX_DECLARE_STRING_HASH_MAP(wxFSWatchInfo, wxFSWatchInfoMap); /** * Encapsulation of platform-specific file system event mechanism */ class wxFSWatcherImpl; /** * Main entry point for clients interested in file system events. * Defines interface that can be used to receive that kind of events. */ class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxFileSystemWatcherBase: public wxEvtHandler { public: wxFileSystemWatcherBase(); virtual ~wxFileSystemWatcherBase(); /** * Adds path to currently watched files. Any events concerning this * particular path will be sent to handler. Optionally a filter can be * specified to receive only events of particular type. * * Please note that when adding a dir, immediate children will be watched * as well. */ virtual bool Add(const wxFileName& path, int events = wxFSW_EVENT_ALL); /** * Like above, but recursively adds every file/dir in the tree rooted in * path. Additionally a file mask can be specified to include only files * of particular type. */ virtual bool AddTree(const wxFileName& path, int events = wxFSW_EVENT_ALL, const wxString& filter = wxEmptyString); /** * Removes path from the list of watched paths. */ virtual bool Remove(const wxFileName& path); /** * Same as above, but also removes every file belonging to the tree rooted * at path. */ virtual bool RemoveTree(const wxFileName& path); /** * Clears the list of currently watched paths. */ virtual bool RemoveAll(); /** * Returns the number of watched paths */ int GetWatchedPathsCount() const; /** * Retrevies all watched paths and places them in wxArrayString. Returns * the number of paths. * * TODO think about API here: we need to return more information (like is * the path watched recursively) */ int GetWatchedPaths(wxArrayString* paths) const; wxEvtHandler* GetOwner() const { return m_owner; } void SetOwner(wxEvtHandler* handler) { if (!handler) m_owner = this; else m_owner = handler; } protected: static wxString GetCanonicalPath(const wxFileName& path) { wxFileName path_copy = wxFileName(path); if ( !path_copy.Normalize() ) { wxFAIL_MSG(wxString::Format("Unable to normalize path '%s'", path.GetFullPath())); return wxEmptyString; } return path_copy.GetFullPath(); } // Delegates the real work of adding the path to wxFSWatcherImpl::Add() and // updates m_watches if the new path was successfully added. bool DoAdd(const wxFileName& path, int events, wxFSWPathType type); wxFSWatchInfoMap m_watches; // path=>wxFSWatchInfo map wxFSWatcherImpl* m_service; // file system events service wxEvtHandler* m_owner; // handler for file system events friend class wxFSWatcherImpl; }; // include the platform specific file defining wxFileSystemWatcher // inheriting from wxFileSystemWatcherBase #ifdef wxHAS_INOTIFY #include "wx/unix/fswatcher_inotify.h" #define wxFileSystemWatcher wxInotifyFileSystemWatcher #elif defined(wxHAS_KQUEUE) #include "wx/unix/fswatcher_kqueue.h" #define wxFileSystemWatcher wxKqueueFileSystemWatcher #elif defined(__WINDOWS__) #include "wx/msw/fswatcher.h" #define wxFileSystemWatcher wxMSWFileSystemWatcher #else #include "wx/generic/fswatcher.h" #define wxFileSystemWatcher wxPollingFileSystemWatcher #endif #endif // wxUSE_FSWATCHER #endif /* _WX_FSWATCHER_BASE_H_ */