// Copyright 2014 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <sstream> #include <string> #include "Common/CommonPaths.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/FileSearch.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/IniFile.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "VideoCommon/PostProcessing.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h" static const char s_default_shader[] = "void main() { SetOutput(Sample()); }\n"; PostProcessingShaderImplementation::PostProcessingShaderImplementation() { m_timer.Start(); } PostProcessingShaderImplementation::~PostProcessingShaderImplementation() { m_timer.Stop(); } static std::vector<std::string> GetShaders(const std::string& sub_dir = "") { std::vector<std::string> paths = Common::DoFileSearch({File::GetUserPath(D_SHADERS_IDX) + sub_dir, File::GetSysDirectory() + SHADERS_DIR DIR_SEP + sub_dir}, {".glsl"}); std::vector<std::string> result; for (std::string path : paths) { std::string name; SplitPath(path, nullptr, &name, nullptr); result.push_back(name); } return result; } std::vector<std::string> PostProcessingShaderImplementation::GetShaderList(APIType api_type) { // Currently there is no differentiation between API types and shader languages. // This could change in the future, hence the api_type parameter, but ideally, // shaders should be compatible across backends. if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan) return GetShaders(); return {}; } std::vector<std::string> PostProcessingShaderImplementation::GetAnaglyphShaderList(APIType api_type) { if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan) return GetShaders(ANAGLYPH_DIR DIR_SEP); return {}; } std::string PostProcessingShaderConfiguration::LoadShader(std::string shader) { // Load the shader from the configuration if there isn't one sent to us. if (shader == "") shader = g_ActiveConfig.sPostProcessingShader; m_current_shader = shader; const std::string sub_dir = (g_Config.iStereoMode == STEREO_ANAGLYPH) ? ANAGLYPH_DIR DIR_SEP : ""; // loading shader code std::string code; std::string path = File::GetUserPath(D_SHADERS_IDX) + sub_dir + shader + ".glsl"; if (shader == "") { code = s_default_shader; } else { if (!File::Exists(path)) { // Fallback to shared user dir path = File::GetSysDirectory() + SHADERS_DIR DIR_SEP + sub_dir + shader + ".glsl"; } if (!File::ReadFileToString(path, code)) { ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Post-processing shader not found: %s", path.c_str()); code = s_default_shader; } } LoadOptions(code); LoadOptionsConfiguration(); return code; } void PostProcessingShaderConfiguration::LoadOptions(const std::string& code) { const std::string config_start_delimiter = "[configuration]"; const std::string config_end_delimiter = "[/configuration]"; size_t configuration_start = code.find(config_start_delimiter); size_t configuration_end = code.find(config_end_delimiter); m_options.clear(); m_any_options_dirty = true; if (configuration_start == std::string::npos || configuration_end == std::string::npos) { // Issue loading configuration or there isn't one. return; } std::string configuration_string = code.substr(configuration_start + config_start_delimiter.size(), configuration_end - configuration_start - config_start_delimiter.size()); std::istringstream in(configuration_string); struct GLSLStringOption { std::string m_type; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> m_options; }; std::vector<GLSLStringOption> option_strings; GLSLStringOption* current_strings = nullptr; while (!in.eof()) { std::string line; if (std::getline(in, line)) { #ifndef _WIN32 // Check for CRLF eol and convert it to LF if (!line.empty() && line.at(line.size() - 1) == '\r') { line.erase(line.size() - 1); } #endif if (line.size() > 0) { if (line[0] == '[') { size_t endpos = line.find("]"); if (endpos != std::string::npos) { // New section! std::string sub = line.substr(1, endpos - 1); option_strings.push_back({sub}); current_strings = &option_strings.back(); } } else { if (current_strings) { std::string key, value; IniFile::ParseLine(line, &key, &value); if (!(key == "" && value == "")) current_strings->m_options.emplace_back(key, value); } } } } } for (const auto& it : option_strings) { ConfigurationOption option; option.m_dirty = true; if (it.m_type == "OptionBool") option.m_type = ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_BOOL; else if (it.m_type == "OptionRangeFloat") option.m_type = ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_FLOAT; else if (it.m_type == "OptionRangeInteger") option.m_type = ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_INTEGER; for (const auto& string_option : it.m_options) { if (string_option.first == "GUIName") { option.m_gui_name = string_option.second; } else if (string_option.first == "OptionName") { option.m_option_name = string_option.second; } else if (string_option.first == "DependentOption") { option.m_dependent_option = string_option.second; } else if (string_option.first == "MinValue" || string_option.first == "MaxValue" || string_option.first == "DefaultValue" || string_option.first == "StepAmount") { std::vector<s32>* output_integer = nullptr; std::vector<float>* output_float = nullptr; if (string_option.first == "MinValue") { output_integer = &option.m_integer_min_values; output_float = &option.m_float_min_values; } else if (string_option.first == "MaxValue") { output_integer = &option.m_integer_max_values; output_float = &option.m_float_max_values; } else if (string_option.first == "DefaultValue") { output_integer = &option.m_integer_values; output_float = &option.m_float_values; } else if (string_option.first == "StepAmount") { output_integer = &option.m_integer_step_values; output_float = &option.m_float_step_values; } if (option.m_type == ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_BOOL) { TryParse(string_option.second, &option.m_bool_value); } else if (option.m_type == ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_INTEGER) { TryParseVector(string_option.second, output_integer); if (output_integer->size() > 4) output_integer->erase(output_integer->begin() + 4, output_integer->end()); } else if (option.m_type == ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_FLOAT) { TryParseVector(string_option.second, output_float); if (output_float->size() > 4) output_float->erase(output_float->begin() + 4, output_float->end()); } } } m_options[option.m_option_name] = option; } } void PostProcessingShaderConfiguration::LoadOptionsConfiguration() { IniFile ini; ini.Load(File::GetUserPath(F_DOLPHINCONFIG_IDX)); std::string section = m_current_shader + "-options"; for (auto& it : m_options) { switch (it.second.m_type) { case ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_BOOL: ini.GetOrCreateSection(section)->Get(it.second.m_option_name, &it.second.m_bool_value, it.second.m_bool_value); break; case ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_INTEGER: { std::string value; ini.GetOrCreateSection(section)->Get(it.second.m_option_name, &value); if (value != "") TryParseVector(value, &it.second.m_integer_values); } break; case ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_FLOAT: { std::string value; ini.GetOrCreateSection(section)->Get(it.second.m_option_name, &value); if (value != "") TryParseVector(value, &it.second.m_float_values); } break; } } } void PostProcessingShaderConfiguration::SaveOptionsConfiguration() { IniFile ini; ini.Load(File::GetUserPath(F_DOLPHINCONFIG_IDX)); std::string section = m_current_shader + "-options"; for (auto& it : m_options) { switch (it.second.m_type) { case ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_BOOL: { ini.GetOrCreateSection(section)->Set(it.second.m_option_name, it.second.m_bool_value); } break; case ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_INTEGER: { std::string value = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < it.second.m_integer_values.size(); ++i) value += StringFromFormat("%d%s", it.second.m_integer_values[i], i == (it.second.m_integer_values.size() - 1) ? "" : ", "); ini.GetOrCreateSection(section)->Set(it.second.m_option_name, value); } break; case ConfigurationOption::OptionType::OPTION_FLOAT: { std::ostringstream value; value.imbue(std::locale("C")); for (size_t i = 0; i < it.second.m_float_values.size(); ++i) { value << it.second.m_float_values[i]; if (i != (it.second.m_float_values.size() - 1)) value << ", "; } ini.GetOrCreateSection(section)->Set(it.second.m_option_name, value.str()); } break; } } ini.Save(File::GetUserPath(F_DOLPHINCONFIG_IDX)); } void PostProcessingShaderConfiguration::ReloadShader() { m_current_shader = ""; } void PostProcessingShaderConfiguration::SetOptionf(const std::string& option, int index, float value) { auto it = m_options.find(option); it->second.m_float_values[index] = value; it->second.m_dirty = true; m_any_options_dirty = true; } void PostProcessingShaderConfiguration::SetOptioni(const std::string& option, int index, s32 value) { auto it = m_options.find(option); it->second.m_integer_values[index] = value; it->second.m_dirty = true; m_any_options_dirty = true; } void PostProcessingShaderConfiguration::SetOptionb(const std::string& option, bool value) { auto it = m_options.find(option); it->second.m_bool_value = value; it->second.m_dirty = true; m_any_options_dirty = true; }