// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include "Globals.h" #include "MemcardManager.h" #include "wx/mstream.h" const u8 hdr[] = { 0x42,0x4D, 0x38,0x30,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x36,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x28,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00, //W 0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00, //H 0x01,0x00, 0x20,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x02,0x30,0x00,0x00, //data size 0x12,0x0B,0x00,0x00, 0x12,0x0B,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }; wxBitmap wxBitmapFromMemoryRGBA(const unsigned char* data, int width, int height) { int stride = (4*width); int bytes = (stride*height) + sizeof(hdr); bytes = (bytes+3)&(~3); u8 *pdata = new u8[bytes]; memset(pdata,0,bytes); memcpy(pdata,hdr,sizeof(hdr)); u8 *pixelData = pdata + sizeof(hdr); for (int y=0;yCopy->"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator); m_FixChecksum = new wxButton(this, ID_FIXCHECKSUM, wxT("<-Fix\nChecksum"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator); m_SaveImportLeft = new wxButton(this, ID_SAVEIMPORTLEFT, wxT("<-Import GCI"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator); m_SaveExportLeft = new wxButton(this, ID_SAVEEXPORTLEFT, wxT("<-Export GCI"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator); m_SaveImportRight = new wxButton(this, ID_SAVEIMPORTRIGHT, wxT("Import GCI->"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator); m_SaveExportRight = new wxButton(this, ID_SAVEEXPORTRIGHT, wxT("Export GCI->"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator); //Added to test GCS and SAV import, until ImportFile is fixed //rather than needing to import and then export m_ConvertToGci = new wxButton(this, ID_CONVERTTOGCI, wxT("Convert to GCI"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator); m_DeleteLeft = new wxButton(this, ID_DELETELEFT, wxT("<-Delete"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator); m_DeleteRight = new wxButton(this, ID_DELETERIGHT, wxT("Delete->"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator); // Sizers that double as wxStaticBoxes sMemcard1 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, wxT("Memory Card 1")); sMemcard2 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, wxT("Memory Card 2")); // Create the controls for both memcards // Loading invalid .raw files still crash the app, but eh, needed this for testing m_Memcard1Path = new wxFilePickerCtrl(this, ID_MEMCARD1PATH, wxEmptyString, wxT("Choose a memory card:"), wxT("Raw memcards (*.raw)|*.raw"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxFLP_USE_TEXTCTRL|wxFLP_FILE_MUST_EXIST|wxFLP_OPEN); m_Memcard2Path = new wxFilePickerCtrl(this, ID_MEMCARD2PATH, wxEmptyString, wxT("Choose a memory card:"), wxT("Raw memcards (*.raw)|*.raw"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxFLP_USE_TEXTCTRL|wxFLP_FILE_MUST_EXIST|wxFLP_OPEN); m_MemcardList[0] = new wxListCtrl(this, ID_MEMCARD1LIST, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(350,400), wxLC_REPORT | wxSUNKEN_BORDER | wxLC_ALIGN_LEFT | wxLC_SINGLE_SEL); m_MemcardList[1] = new wxListCtrl(this, ID_MEMCARD2LIST, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(350,400), wxLC_REPORT | wxSUNKEN_BORDER | wxLC_ALIGN_LEFT | wxLC_SINGLE_SEL); m_MemcardList[0]->AssignImageList(new wxImageList(96,32),wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL); m_MemcardList[1]->AssignImageList(new wxImageList(96,32),wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL); // mmmm sizer goodness wxBoxSizer* sButtons; sButtons = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sButtons->AddStretchSpacer(2); sButtons->Add(m_CopyToLeft, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->Add(m_CopyToRight, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->AddStretchSpacer(1); sButtons->Add(m_FixChecksum, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->AddStretchSpacer(1); sButtons->Add(m_SaveImportLeft, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->Add(m_SaveExportLeft, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->AddStretchSpacer(1); sButtons->Add(m_ConvertToGci, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->AddStretchSpacer(1); sButtons->Add(m_SaveImportRight, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->Add(m_SaveExportRight, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->AddStretchSpacer(1); sButtons->Add(m_DeleteLeft, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->Add(m_DeleteRight, 0, wxEXPAND, 5); sButtons->AddStretchSpacer(1); sMemcard1->Add(m_Memcard1Path, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5); sMemcard1->Add(m_MemcardList[0], 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5); sMemcard2->Add(m_Memcard2Path, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5); sMemcard2->Add(m_MemcardList[1], 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5); sMain = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sMain->Add(sMemcard1, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5); sMain->Add(sButtons, 0, wxEXPAND, 0); sMain->Add(sMemcard2, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5); this->SetSizer(sMain); sMain->SetSizeHints(this); Fit(); } void CMemcardManager::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED (event)) { Destroy(); } void CMemcardManager::OnPathChange(wxFileDirPickerEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_MEMCARD1PATH: ReloadMemcard(event.GetPath().mb_str(), 0); break; case ID_MEMCARD2PATH: ReloadMemcard(event.GetPath().mb_str(), 1); break; } } void CMemcardManager::CopyDeleteClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { int index0 = m_MemcardList[0]->GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); int index1 = m_MemcardList[1]->GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); int slot = 1; int index2 = index1; std::string fileName2(""); int freeblocks = 0; switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_COPYTOLEFT: if ((index1 != -1) && (memoryCard[0] != NULL)) { memoryCard[0]->CopyFrom(*memoryCard[1], index1); memoryCard[0]->Save(); ReloadMemcard(m_Memcard1Path->GetPath().mb_str(), 0); } break; case ID_COPYTORIGHT: if ((index0 != -1) && (memoryCard[1] != NULL)) { memoryCard[1]->CopyFrom(*memoryCard[0], index0); memoryCard[1]->Save(); ReloadMemcard(m_Memcard2Path->GetPath().mb_str(), 1); } break; case ID_FIXCHECKSUM: if (memoryCard[0] != NULL) { // Fix checksums and save the changes memoryCard[0]->FixChecksums() ? wxMessageBox(wxT("The checksum was successfully fixed"), wxT("Success"), wxOK) : wxMessageBox(wxT("The checksum could not be successfully fixed"), wxT("Error"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); memoryCard[0]->Save(); } break; case ID_CONVERTTOGCI: fileName2 = "convert"; case ID_SAVEIMPORTLEFT: slot = 0; case ID_SAVEIMPORTRIGHT: if (memoryCard[slot] != NULL || !fileName2.empty()) { wxString temp = wxFileSelector(_T("Select the GCI file to import"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString,wxString::Format ( _T("Gamecube save files(*.gci,*.gcs,*.sav)|*.gci;*.gcs;*.sav|" "Native GCI files (*.gci)|*.gci|" "MadCatz Gameshark files(*.gcs)|*.gcs|" "Datel MaxDrive/Pro files(*.sav)|*.sav"), wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr, wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr ), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); const char * fileName = temp.ToAscii(); if (!temp.empty() && !fileName2.empty()) { wxString temp2 = wxFileSelector(_T("Save GCI as.."), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _T(".gci"), wxString::Format ( _T("GCI File(*.gci)|*.gci"), wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr, wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr ), wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT|wxFD_SAVE); fileName2 = temp2.mb_str(); } if (temp.length() > 0) { switch(memoryCard[slot]->ImportGci(fileName, fileName2)) { case LENGTHFAIL: wxMessageBox(wxT("Imported file has invalid length"), wxT("Error"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); break; case GCSFAIL: wxMessageBox(wxT("Imported file has gsc extension\nbut" " does not have a correct header"), wxT("Error"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); break; case SAVFAIL: wxMessageBox(wxT("Imported file has sav extension\nbut" " does not have a correct header"), wxT("Error"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); break; case OPENFAIL: wxMessageBox(wxT("Imported file could not be opened\nor" " does not have a valid extension"), wxT("Error"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); break; case GCS: wxMessageBox(wxT("File converted to .gci"), wxT("Success"),wxOK); break; case OUTOFBLOCKS: freeblocks = BE16(memoryCard[slot]->bat.FreeBlocks); { wxString Foobar; Foobar.Printf(wxT("Only %d blocks available"), freeblocks); wxMessageBox(Foobar,wxT("Failure"),wxOK); } break; case OUTOFDIRENTRIES: wxMessageBox(wxT("No free dir index entries"), wxT("Failure"),wxOK); break; case NOMEMCARD: wxMessageBox(wxT("File is not recognized as a memcard"), wxT("Failure"),wxOK); break; default: memoryCard[slot]->Save(); slot == 1 ? ReloadMemcard(m_Memcard2Path->GetPath().mb_str(), 1) : ReloadMemcard(m_Memcard1Path->GetPath().mb_str(), 0); break; } } } break; case ID_SAVEEXPORTLEFT: slot=0; index2 = index0; case ID_SAVEEXPORTRIGHT: if (index2 != -1) { wxString temp = wxFileSelector(_T("Save GCI as.."), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _T(".gci"), wxString::Format ( _T("GCI File(*.gci)|*.gci"), wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr, wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr ), wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT|wxFD_SAVE); const char * fileName = temp.ToAscii(); if (temp.length() > 0) memoryCard[slot]->ExportGci(index2, fileName); } break; case ID_DELETELEFT: slot=0; index2 = index0; case ID_DELETERIGHT: if (index2 != -1) { memoryCard[slot]->RemoveFile(index2); memoryCard[slot]->Save(); slot == 1 ? ReloadMemcard(m_Memcard2Path->GetPath().mb_str(), 1) : ReloadMemcard(m_Memcard1Path->GetPath().mb_str(), 0); } break; } } void CMemcardManager::ReloadMemcard(const char *fileName, int card) { if (memoryCard[card]) delete memoryCard[card]; // TODO: add error checking and animate icons memoryCard[card] = new GCMemcard(fileName); m_MemcardList[card]->Hide(); m_MemcardList[card]->ClearAll(); m_MemcardList[card]->InsertColumn(COLUMN_BANNER, _T("Banner")); m_MemcardList[card]->InsertColumn(COLUMN_TITLE, _T("Title")); m_MemcardList[card]->InsertColumn(COLUMN_COMMENT, _T("Comment")); m_MemcardList[card]->InsertColumn(COLUMN_ICON, _T("Icon")); wxImageList *list = m_MemcardList[card]->GetImageList(wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL); list->RemoveAll(); int nFiles = memoryCard[card]->GetNumFiles(); int *images = new int[nFiles*2]; for (int i=0;iReadAnimRGBA8(i,animData,animDelay); if (!memoryCard[card]->ReadBannerRGBA8(i,pxdata)) { memset(pxdata,0,96*32*4); if (numFrames>0) // Just use the first one { u32 *icdata = animData; for (int y=0;y<32;y++) { for (int x=0;x<32;x++) { pxdata[y*96+x+32] = icdata[y*32+x] /* | 0xFF000000 */; } } } } wxBitmap map = wxBitmapFromMemoryRGBA((u8*)pxdata,96,32); images[i*2] = list->Add(map); if (numFrames>0) { memset(pxdata,0,96*32*4); int frames=3; if (numFramesAdd(icon); } } for (int i=0;iGetComment1(i,title)) title[0]=0; if (!memoryCard[card]->GetComment2(i,comment)) comment[0]=0; int index = m_MemcardList[card]->InsertItem(i, wxT("row")); m_MemcardList[card]->SetItem(index, COLUMN_BANNER, wxEmptyString); m_MemcardList[card]->SetItem(index, COLUMN_TITLE, wxString::FromAscii(title)); m_MemcardList[card]->SetItem(index, COLUMN_COMMENT, wxString::FromAscii(comment)); m_MemcardList[card]->SetItem(index, COLUMN_ICON, wxEmptyString); if (images[i]>=0) { m_MemcardList[card]->SetItemImage(index, images[i*2]); m_MemcardList[card]->SetItemColumnImage(index, COLUMN_ICON, images[i*2+1]); } } delete[] images; // Automatic column width and then show the list for (int i = 0; i < m_MemcardList[card]->GetColumnCount(); i++) { m_MemcardList[card]->SetColumnWidth(i, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE); } m_MemcardList[card]->Show(); }