// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/Common.h" #include "Common/DebugInterface.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "Common/SymbolDB.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "DolphinWX/WxUtils.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/CodeView.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/DebuggerUIUtil.h" DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_CODEVIEW_CHANGE); enum { IDM_GOTOINMEMVIEW = 12000, IDM_COPYADDRESS, IDM_COPYHEX, IDM_COPYCODE, IDM_INSERTBLR, IDM_INSERTNOP, IDM_RUNTOHERE, IDM_JITRESULTS, IDM_FOLLOWBRANCH, IDM_RENAMESYMBOL, IDM_PATCHALERT, IDM_COPYFUNCTION, IDM_ADDFUNCTION, }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CCodeView, wxControl) EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(CCodeView::OnErase) EVT_PAINT(CCodeView::OnPaint) EVT_LEFT_DOWN(CCodeView::OnMouseDown) EVT_LEFT_UP(CCodeView::OnMouseUpL) EVT_MOTION(CCodeView::OnMouseMove) EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(CCodeView::OnMouseDown) EVT_RIGHT_UP(CCodeView::OnMouseUpR) EVT_MENU(-1, CCodeView::OnPopupMenu) EVT_SIZE(CCodeView::OnResize) END_EVENT_TABLE() CCodeView::CCodeView(DebugInterface* debuginterface, SymbolDB *symboldb, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID Id) : wxControl(parent, Id), debugger(debuginterface), symbol_db(symboldb), plain(false), curAddress(debuginterface->GetPC()), align(debuginterface->GetInstructionSize(0)), rowHeight(13), selection(0), oldSelection(0), selecting(false), lx(-1), ly(-1) { } int CCodeView::YToAddress(int y) { wxRect rc = GetClientRect(); int ydiff = y - rc.height / 2 - rowHeight / 2; ydiff = (int)(floorf((float)ydiff / (float)rowHeight)) + 1; return curAddress + ydiff * align; } void CCodeView::OnMouseDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { int x = event.m_x; int y = event.m_y; if (x > 16) { oldSelection = selection; selection = YToAddress(y); // SetCapture(wnd); bool oldselecting = selecting; selecting = true; if (!oldselecting || (selection != oldSelection)) Refresh(); } else { ToggleBreakpoint(YToAddress(y)); } event.Skip(true); } void CCodeView::ToggleBreakpoint(u32 address) { debugger->ToggleBreakpoint(address); Refresh(); Host_UpdateBreakPointView(); } void CCodeView::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event) { wxRect rc = GetClientRect(); if (event.m_leftDown && event.m_x > 16) { if (event.m_y < 0) { curAddress -= align; Refresh(); } else if (event.m_y > rc.height) { curAddress += align; Refresh(); } else { OnMouseDown(event); } } event.Skip(true); } void CCodeView::RaiseEvent() { wxCommandEvent ev(wxEVT_CODEVIEW_CHANGE, GetId()); ev.SetEventObject(this); ev.SetInt(selection); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(ev); } void CCodeView::OnMouseUpL(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (event.m_x > 16) { curAddress = YToAddress(event.m_y); selecting = false; Refresh(); } RaiseEvent(); event.Skip(true); } u32 CCodeView::AddrToBranch(u32 addr) { char disasm[256]; debugger->Disassemble(addr, disasm, 256); const char *mojs = strstr(disasm, "->0x"); if (mojs) { u32 dest; sscanf(mojs+4,"%08x", &dest); return dest; } return 0; } void CCodeView::InsertBlrNop(int Blr) { // Check if this address has been modified int find = -1; for (u32 i = 0; i < BlrList.size(); i++) { if (BlrList.at(i).Address == selection) { find = i; break; } } // Save the old value if (find >= 0) { debugger->WriteExtraMemory(0, BlrList.at(find).OldValue, selection); BlrList.erase(BlrList.begin() + find); } else { BlrStruct Temp; Temp.Address = selection; Temp.OldValue = debugger->ReadMemory(selection); BlrList.push_back(Temp); if (Blr == 0) debugger->InsertBLR(selection, 0x4e800020); else debugger->InsertBLR(selection, 0x60000000); } Refresh(); } void CCodeView::OnPopupMenu(wxCommandEvent& event) { #if wxUSE_CLIPBOARD wxTheClipboard->Open(); #endif switch (event.GetId()) { case IDM_GOTOINMEMVIEW: // CMemoryDlg::Goto(selection); break; #if wxUSE_CLIPBOARD case IDM_COPYADDRESS: wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(wxString::Format(_T("%08x"), selection))); break; case IDM_COPYCODE: { char disasm[256]; debugger->Disassemble(selection, disasm, 256); wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(StrToWxStr(disasm))); } break; case IDM_COPYHEX: { char temp[24]; sprintf(temp, "%08x", debugger->ReadInstruction(selection)); wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(StrToWxStr(temp))); } break; case IDM_COPYFUNCTION: { Symbol *symbol = symbol_db->GetSymbolFromAddr(selection); if (symbol) { std::string text; text = text + symbol->name + "\r\n"; // we got a function u32 start = symbol->address; u32 end = start + symbol->size; for (u32 addr = start; addr != end; addr += 4) { char disasm[256]; debugger->Disassemble(addr, disasm, 256); text = text + StringFromFormat("%08x: ", addr) + disasm + "\r\n"; } wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(StrToWxStr(text))); } } break; #endif case IDM_RUNTOHERE: debugger->SetBreakpoint(selection); debugger->RunToBreakpoint(); Refresh(); break; // Insert blr or restore old value case IDM_INSERTBLR: InsertBlrNop(0); Refresh(); break; case IDM_INSERTNOP: InsertBlrNop(1); Refresh(); break; case IDM_JITRESULTS: debugger->ShowJitResults(selection); break; case IDM_FOLLOWBRANCH: { u32 dest = AddrToBranch(selection); if (dest) { Center(dest); RaiseEvent(); } } break; case IDM_ADDFUNCTION: symbol_db->AddFunction(selection); Host_NotifyMapLoaded(); break; case IDM_RENAMESYMBOL: { Symbol *symbol = symbol_db->GetSymbolFromAddr(selection); if (symbol) { wxTextEntryDialog input_symbol(this, StrToWxStr("Rename symbol:"), wxGetTextFromUserPromptStr, StrToWxStr(symbol->name)); if (input_symbol.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { symbol->name = WxStrToStr(input_symbol.GetValue()); Refresh(); // Redraw to show the renamed symbol } Host_NotifyMapLoaded(); } } break; case IDM_PATCHALERT: break; } #if wxUSE_CLIPBOARD wxTheClipboard->Close(); #endif event.Skip(true); } void CCodeView::OnMouseUpR(wxMouseEvent& event) { bool isSymbol = symbol_db->GetSymbolFromAddr(selection) != nullptr; // popup menu wxMenu* menu = new wxMenu; //menu->Append(IDM_GOTOINMEMVIEW, "&Goto in mem view"); menu->Append(IDM_FOLLOWBRANCH, StrToWxStr("&Follow branch"))->Enable(AddrToBranch(selection) ? true : false); menu->AppendSeparator(); #if wxUSE_CLIPBOARD menu->Append(IDM_COPYADDRESS, StrToWxStr("Copy &address")); menu->Append(IDM_COPYFUNCTION, StrToWxStr("Copy &function"))->Enable(isSymbol); menu->Append(IDM_COPYCODE, StrToWxStr("Copy &code line")); menu->Append(IDM_COPYHEX, StrToWxStr("Copy &hex")); menu->AppendSeparator(); #endif menu->Append(IDM_RENAMESYMBOL, StrToWxStr("Rename &symbol"))->Enable(isSymbol); menu->AppendSeparator(); menu->Append(IDM_RUNTOHERE, _("&Run To Here")); menu->Append(IDM_ADDFUNCTION, _("&Add function")); menu->Append(IDM_JITRESULTS, StrToWxStr("PPC vs X86")); menu->Append(IDM_INSERTBLR, StrToWxStr("Insert &blr")); menu->Append(IDM_INSERTNOP, StrToWxStr("Insert &nop")); menu->Append(IDM_PATCHALERT, StrToWxStr("Patch alert")); PopupMenu(menu); event.Skip(true); } void CCodeView::OnErase(wxEraseEvent& event) {} void CCodeView::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event) { // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // General settings // ------------------------- wxPaintDC dc(this); wxRect rc = GetClientRect(); dc.SetFont(DebuggerFont); wxCoord w,h; dc.GetTextExtent(_T("0WJyq"),&w,&h); if (h > rowHeight) rowHeight = h; dc.GetTextExtent(_T("W"),&w,&h); int charWidth = w; struct branch { int src, dst, srcAddr; }; branch branches[256]; int numBranches = 0; // TODO: Add any drawing code here... int width = rc.width; int numRows = (rc.height / rowHeight) / 2 + 2; // ------------ // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Colors and brushes // ------------------------- dc.SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT); // the text background const wxChar* bgColor = _T("#ffffff"); wxPen nullPen(bgColor); wxPen currentPen(_T("#000000")); wxPen selPen(_T("#808080")); // gray nullPen.SetStyle(wxTRANSPARENT); currentPen.SetStyle(wxSOLID); wxBrush currentBrush(_T("#FFEfE8")); // light gray wxBrush pcBrush(_T("#70FF70")); // green wxBrush bpBrush(_T("#FF3311")); // red wxBrush bgBrush(bgColor); wxBrush nullBrush(bgColor); nullBrush.SetStyle(wxTRANSPARENT); dc.SetPen(nullPen); dc.SetBrush(bgBrush); dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 16, rc.height); dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, rc.width, 5); // ------------ // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Walk through all visible rows // ------------------------- for (int i = -numRows; i <= numRows; i++) { unsigned int address = curAddress + i * align; int rowY1 = rc.height / 2 + rowHeight * i - rowHeight / 2; int rowY2 = rc.height / 2 + rowHeight * i + rowHeight / 2; wxString temp = wxString::Format(_T("%08x"), address); u32 col = debugger->GetColor(address); wxBrush rowBrush(wxColor(col >> 16, col >> 8, col)); dc.SetBrush(nullBrush); dc.SetPen(nullPen); dc.DrawRectangle(0, rowY1, 16, rowY2 - rowY1 + 2); if (selecting && (address == selection)) dc.SetPen(selPen); else dc.SetPen(i == 0 ? currentPen : nullPen); if (address == debugger->GetPC()) dc.SetBrush(pcBrush); else dc.SetBrush(rowBrush); dc.DrawRectangle(16, rowY1, width, rowY2 - rowY1 + 1); dc.SetBrush(currentBrush); if (!plain) { dc.SetTextForeground(_T("#600000")); // the address text is dark red dc.DrawText(temp, 17, rowY1); dc.SetTextForeground(_T("#000000")); } // If running if (debugger->IsAlive()) { char dis[256]; debugger->Disassemble(address, dis, 256); char* dis2 = strchr(dis, '\t'); char desc[256] = ""; // If we have a code if (dis2) { *dis2 = 0; dis2++; // look for hex strings to decode branches const char* mojs = strstr(dis2, "0x8"); if (mojs) { for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < 22; j++) { if (mojs[k + 2] == "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"[j]) found = true; } if (!found) { mojs = nullptr; break; } } } if (mojs) { int offs; sscanf(mojs + 2, "%08x", &offs); branches[numBranches].src = rowY1 + rowHeight / 2; branches[numBranches].srcAddr = address / align; branches[numBranches++].dst = (int)(rowY1 + ((s64)(u32)offs - (s64)(u32)address) * rowHeight / align + rowHeight / 2); sprintf(desc, "-->%s", debugger->GetDescription(offs).c_str()); dc.SetTextForeground(_T("#600060")); // the -> arrow illustrations are purple } else { dc.SetTextForeground(_T("#000000")); } dc.DrawText(StrToWxStr(dis2), 17 + 17*charWidth, rowY1); // ------------ } // Show blr as its' own color if (strcmp(dis, "blr")) dc.SetTextForeground(_T("#007000")); // dark green else dc.SetTextForeground(_T("#8000FF")); // purple dc.DrawText(StrToWxStr(dis), 17 + (plain ? 1*charWidth : 9*charWidth), rowY1); if (desc[0] == 0) { strcpy(desc, debugger->GetDescription(address).c_str()); } if (!plain) { dc.SetTextForeground(_T("#0000FF")); // blue //char temp[256]; //UnDecorateSymbolName(desc,temp,255,UNDNAME_COMPLETE); if (strlen(desc)) { dc.DrawText(StrToWxStr(desc), 17 + 35 * charWidth, rowY1); } } // Show red breakpoint dot if (debugger->IsBreakpoint(address)) { dc.SetBrush(bpBrush); dc.DrawRectangle(2, rowY1 + 1, 11, 11); } } } // end of for // ------------ // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Colors and brushes // ------------------------- dc.SetPen(currentPen); for (int i = 0; i < numBranches; i++) { int x = 17 + 49 * charWidth + (branches[i].srcAddr % 9) * 8; _MoveTo(x-2, branches[i].src); if (branches[i].dst < rc.height + 400 && branches[i].dst > -400) { _LineTo(dc, x+2, branches[i].src); _LineTo(dc, x+2, branches[i].dst); _LineTo(dc, x-4, branches[i].dst); _MoveTo(x, branches[i].dst - 4); _LineTo(dc, x-4, branches[i].dst); _LineTo(dc, x+1, branches[i].dst+5); } //else //{ // This can be re-enabled when there is a scrollbar or // something on the codeview (the lines are too long) //_LineTo(dc, x+4, branches[i].src); //_MoveTo(x+2, branches[i].dst-4); //_LineTo(dc, x+6, branches[i].dst); //_LineTo(dc, x+1, branches[i].dst+5); //} //_LineTo(dc, x, branches[i].dst+4); //_LineTo(dc, x-2, branches[i].dst); } // ------------ } void CCodeView::_LineTo(wxPaintDC &dc, int x, int y) { dc.DrawLine(lx, ly, x, y); lx = x; ly = y; } void CCodeView::OnResize(wxSizeEvent& event) { Refresh(); event.Skip(); }