// Copyright 2009 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.

#include "Common/SysConf.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "Common/CommonPaths.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/File.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/Swap.h"
#include "Core/Movie.h"

SysConf::SysConf(const Common::FromWhichRoot root_type)

  if (!m_IsValid)


void SysConf::Clear()

bool SysConf::LoadFromFile(const std::string& filename)
  if (m_IsValid)
  m_IsValid = false;

  // Basic check
  if (!File::Exists(filename))
    return true;

  u64 size = File::GetSize(filename);
  if (size != SYSCONF_SIZE)
    if (AskYesNoT("Your SYSCONF file is the wrong size.\nIt should be 0x%04x (but is 0x%04" PRIx64
                  ")\nDo you want to generate a new one?",
                  SYSCONF_SIZE, size))
      return true;
    return false;

  File::IOFile f(filename, "rb");
  if (f.IsOpen())
    if (LoadFromFileInternal(std::move(f)))
      m_Filename = filename;
      m_IsValid = true;
      return true;

  return false;

// Apply Wii settings from normal SYSCONF on Movie recording/playback
void SysConf::ApplySettingsFromMovie()
  if (!Movie::IsMovieActive())

  SetData("IPL.LNG", Movie::GetLanguage());
  SetData("IPL.E60", Movie::IsPAL60());
  SetData("IPL.PGS", Movie::IsProgressive());

bool SysConf::LoadFromFileInternal(File::IOFile&& file)
  // Fill in infos
  SSysConfHeader s_Header;
  file.ReadArray(s_Header.version, 4);
  file.ReadArray(&s_Header.numEntries, 1);
  s_Header.numEntries = Common::swap16(s_Header.numEntries) + 1;

  for (u16 index = 0; index < s_Header.numEntries; index++)
    SSysConfEntry tmpEntry;
    file.ReadArray(&tmpEntry.offset, 1);
    tmpEntry.offset = Common::swap16(tmpEntry.offset);

  // Last offset is an invalid entry. We ignore it throughout this class
  for (auto i = m_Entries.begin(); i < m_Entries.end() - 1; ++i)
    SSysConfEntry& curEntry = *i;
    file.Seek(curEntry.offset, SEEK_SET);

    u8 description = 0;
    file.ReadArray(&description, 1);
    // Data type
    curEntry.type = (SysconfType)((description & 0xe0) >> 5);
    // Length of name in bytes - 1
    curEntry.nameLength = (description & 0x1f) + 1;
    // Name
    file.ReadArray(curEntry.name, curEntry.nameLength);
    curEntry.name[curEntry.nameLength] = '\0';
    // Get length of data
    curEntry.dataLength = 0;
    switch (curEntry.type)
    case Type_BigArray:
      file.ReadArray(&curEntry.dataLength, 1);
      curEntry.dataLength = Common::swap16(curEntry.dataLength);

    case Type_SmallArray:
      u8 dlength = 0;
      file.ReadBytes(&dlength, 1);
      curEntry.dataLength = dlength;

    case Type_Byte:
    case Type_Bool:
      curEntry.dataLength = 1;

    case Type_Short:
      curEntry.dataLength = 2;

    case Type_Long:
      curEntry.dataLength = 4;

    case Type_LongLong:
      curEntry.dataLength = 8;

      PanicAlertT("Unknown entry type %i in SYSCONF (%s@%x)!", curEntry.type, curEntry.name,
      return false;
    // Fill in the actual data
    if (curEntry.dataLength)
      file.ReadArray(curEntry.data.data(), curEntry.dataLength);

  return file.IsGood();

// Returns the size of the item in file
static unsigned int create_item(SSysConfEntry& item, SysconfType type, const std::string& name,
                                const int data_length, unsigned int offset)
  item.offset = offset;
  item.type = type;
  item.nameLength = (u8)(name.length());
  strncpy(item.name, name.c_str(), 32);
  item.dataLength = data_length;
  switch (type)
  case Type_BigArray:
    // size of description + name length + size of dataLength + data length + null
    return 1 + item.nameLength + 2 + item.dataLength + 1;
  case Type_SmallArray:
    // size of description + name length + size of dataLength + data length + null
    return 1 + item.nameLength + 1 + item.dataLength + 1;
  case Type_Byte:
  case Type_Bool:
  case Type_Short:
  case Type_Long:
    // size of description + name length + data length
    return 1 + item.nameLength + item.dataLength;
    return 0;

void SysConf::GenerateSysConf()
  SSysConfHeader s_Header;
  strncpy(s_Header.version, "SCv0", 4);
  s_Header.numEntries = Common::swap16(28 - 1);

  std::vector<SSysConfEntry> items(27);

  // version length + size of numEntries + 28 * size of offset
  unsigned int current_offset = 4 + 2 + 28 * 2;

  // BT.DINF
  current_offset += create_item(items[0], Type_BigArray, "BT.DINF", 0x460, current_offset);
  items[0].data[0] = 4;
  for (u8 i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    const u8 bt_addr[6] = {i, 0x00, 0x79, 0x19, 0x02, 0x11};
    memcpy(&items[0].data[1 + 70 * i], bt_addr, sizeof(bt_addr));
    memcpy(&items[0].data[7 + 70 * i], "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01", 19);

  // BT.SENS
  current_offset += create_item(items[1], Type_Long, "BT.SENS", 4, current_offset);
  items[1].data[3] = 0x03;

  // IPL.NIK
  current_offset += create_item(items[2], Type_SmallArray, "IPL.NIK", 0x15, current_offset);
  const u8 console_nick[14] = {0, 'd', 0, 'o', 0, 'l', 0, 'p', 0, 'h', 0, 'i', 0, 'n'};
  memcpy(items[2].data.data(), console_nick, 14);

  // IPL.AR
  current_offset += create_item(items[3], Type_Byte, "IPL.AR", 1, current_offset);
  items[3].data[0] = 0x01;

  // BT.BAR
  current_offset += create_item(items[4], Type_Byte, "BT.BAR", 1, current_offset);
  items[4].data[0] = 0x01;

  // IPL.SSV
  current_offset += create_item(items[5], Type_Byte, "IPL.SSV", 1, current_offset);

  // IPL.LNG
  current_offset += create_item(items[6], Type_Byte, "IPL.LNG", 1, current_offset);
  items[6].data[0] = 0x01;

  current_offset += create_item(items[7], Type_BigArray, "IPL.SADR", 0x1007, current_offset);
  items[7].data[0] = 0x6c;  //(Switzerland) TODO should this default be changed?

  // IPL.CB
  current_offset += create_item(items[8], Type_Long, "IPL.CB", 4, current_offset);
  items[8].data[0] = 0x0f;
  items[8].data[1] = 0x11;
  items[8].data[2] = 0x14;
  items[8].data[3] = 0xa6;

  // BT.SPKV
  current_offset += create_item(items[9], Type_Byte, "BT.SPKV", 1, current_offset);
  items[9].data[0] = 0x58;

  // IPL.PC
  current_offset += create_item(items[10], Type_SmallArray, "IPL.PC", 0x49, current_offset);
  items[10].data[1] = 0x04;
  items[10].data[2] = 0x14;

  current_offset += create_item(items[11], Type_Long, "NET.CTPC", 4, current_offset);

  // WWW.RST
  current_offset += create_item(items[12], Type_Bool, "WWW.RST", 1, current_offset);

  // BT.CDIF
  current_offset += create_item(items[13], Type_BigArray, "BT.CDIF", 0x204, current_offset);

  // IPL.INC
  current_offset += create_item(items[14], Type_Long, "IPL.INC", 4, current_offset);
  items[14].data[3] = 0x08;

  // IPL.FRC
  current_offset += create_item(items[15], Type_Long, "IPL.FRC", 4, current_offset);
  items[15].data[3] = 0x28;

  // IPL.CD
  current_offset += create_item(items[16], Type_Bool, "IPL.CD", 1, current_offset);
  items[16].data[0] = 0x01;

  // IPL.CD2
  current_offset += create_item(items[17], Type_Bool, "IPL.CD2", 1, current_offset);
  items[17].data[0] = 0x01;

  // IPL.UPT
  current_offset += create_item(items[18], Type_Byte, "IPL.UPT", 1, current_offset);
  items[18].data[0] = 0x02;

  // IPL.PGS
  current_offset += create_item(items[19], Type_Byte, "IPL.PGS", 1, current_offset);

  // IPL.E60
  current_offset += create_item(items[20], Type_Byte, "IPL.E60", 1, current_offset);
  items[20].data[0] = 0x01;

  // IPL.DH
  current_offset += create_item(items[21], Type_Byte, "IPL.DH", 1, current_offset);

  current_offset += create_item(items[22], Type_Long, "NET.WCFG", 4, current_offset);
  items[22].data[3] = 0x01;

  // IPL.IDL
  current_offset += create_item(items[23], Type_SmallArray, "IPL.IDL", 1, current_offset);
  items[23].data[0] = 0x00;

  current_offset += create_item(items[24], Type_Bool, "IPL.EULA", 1, current_offset);
  items[24].data[0] = 0x01;

  // BT.MOT
  current_offset += create_item(items[25], Type_Byte, "BT.MOT", 1, current_offset);
  items[25].data[0] = 0x01;

  current_offset += create_item(items[26], Type_Bool, "MPLS.MOVIE", 1, current_offset);
  items[26].data[0] = 0x01;

  File::IOFile g(m_FilenameDefault, "wb");

  // Write the header and item offsets
  g.WriteBytes(&s_Header.version, sizeof(s_Header.version));
  g.WriteBytes(&s_Header.numEntries, sizeof(u16));
  for (const auto& item : items)
    const u16 tmp_offset = Common::swap16(item.offset);
    g.WriteBytes(&tmp_offset, 2);
  const u16 end_data_offset = Common::swap16(current_offset);
  g.WriteBytes(&end_data_offset, 2);

  // Write the items
  const u8 null_byte = 0;
  for (const auto& item : items)
    u8 description = (item.type << 5) | (item.nameLength - 1);
    g.WriteBytes(&description, sizeof(description));
    g.WriteBytes(&item.name, item.nameLength);
    switch (item.type)
    case Type_BigArray:
      const u16 tmpDataLength = Common::swap16(item.dataLength);
      g.WriteBytes(&tmpDataLength, 2);
      g.WriteBytes(item.data.data(), item.dataLength);
      g.WriteBytes(&null_byte, 1);

    case Type_SmallArray:
      g.WriteBytes(&item.dataLength, 1);
      g.WriteBytes(item.data.data(), item.dataLength);
      g.WriteBytes(&null_byte, 1);

      g.WriteBytes(item.data.data(), item.dataLength);

  // Pad file to the correct size
  const u64 cur_size = g.GetSize();
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != 16380 - cur_size; ++i)
    g.WriteBytes(&null_byte, 1);

  // Write the footer
  g.WriteBytes("SCed", 4);

  m_Entries = std::move(items);
  m_Filename = m_FilenameDefault;
  m_IsValid = true;

bool SysConf::SaveToFile(const std::string& filename)
  File::IOFile f(filename, "r+b");

  for (auto i = m_Entries.begin(); i < m_Entries.end() - 1; ++i)
    // Seek to after the name of this entry
    f.Seek(i->offset + i->nameLength + 1, SEEK_SET);

    // We may have to write array length value...
    if (i->type == Type_BigArray)
      const u16 tmpDataLength = Common::swap16(i->dataLength);
      f.WriteArray(&tmpDataLength, 1);
    else if (i->type == Type_SmallArray)
      const u8 len = (u8)(i->dataLength);
      f.WriteArray(&len, 1);

    // Now write the actual data
    f.WriteBytes(i->data.data(), i->dataLength);

  return f.IsGood();

bool SysConf::Save()
  if (!m_IsValid)
    return false;

  return SaveToFile(m_Filename);

void SysConf::UpdateLocation(const Common::FromWhichRoot root_type)
  // if the old Wii User dir had a sysconf file save any settings that have been changed to it
  if (m_IsValid)

  // Clear the old filename and set the default filename to the new user path
  // So that it can be generated if the file does not exist in the new location
  // In the future the SYSCONF should probably just be synced with the other settings.
  m_FilenameDefault = Common::RootUserPath(root_type) + DIR_SEP WII_SYSCONF_DIR DIR_SEP WII_SYSCONF;

bool SysConf::Reload()
  std::string& filename = m_Filename.empty() ? m_FilenameDefault : m_Filename;

  return m_IsValid;